The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 593: A big pot of "feces and urine"

"Senior, let me tell you, you must not be polite."

"It's like being in my own home..."

"...My wife made this fried noodles, but Quanyan really couldn't find a few in Kyoto."

"How about it, is it really authentic, awesome..."


At night, watching Wang Baoqiang sitting at the dining table, sucking the scent of fried noodles, Mai Xiaoyu felt relieved.

Haiqing entered the group for three days. After the shots of tonight are finished, and the day after tomorrow, we will make up a few shots of Deng Chao. After completing the live radio, "Love Call Transfer" can be officially announced.

Wang Baoqiang only joined the group yesterday and played the current husband of the actor "Xu Lang"'s ex-wife in the play.

This call is a bit awkward, but Wang Baoqiang's performance is eye-catching.

Watching him speak his unique Mandarin and recommending fried noodles to "Xu Lang" seriously, it always gives people an indescribable sense of joy.


Who said Wang Baoqiang was stupid?

He just looks silly and silly... well, there is also a lot of stupidity in his bones of a rural baby who is deeply branded, but he is not a fool!

But the audience just likes him for being stupid, such as that stupid but stubborn "Xu Sanduo", who has attracted a lot of fans for him, not a girl fan is pretty pretty.

"Soldier Assault" has reached a phenomenal level. He has been invited to be a guest on TV shows, interviews, and interviews. His acting career has also been broken up by the media and clearly presented to the public.

"Dangsi counterattack" is a hot topic that has been passed down for a long time, both at home and abroad.

In ancient China, the scholars were named on the gold list as a consort, and the Western warriors slayed the dragon to save the princess. Even the fairy tales contained many elements of "dang silk counterattack".

Therefore, there are very few people who dislike Wang Baoqiang's background, and most people prefer him because of this.


Strong self-confidence!

This is the most obvious feeling Mai Xiaoyu has after seeing Wang Baoqiang.

"Crack! This one is over!"

With the sound of Zhang Xiaoquan's voice, Hai Qing and Wang Baoqiang's scenes came to an end, and the crew's scenes tonight also came to an end.

knock off!

Deng Chao, Hai Qing, and Wang Baoqiang surrounded Zhang Xiaoquan and watched the replay through the monitor to see their performance.

The staff perform their duties, tidy up the room, tidy up props, and tidy up equipment.

This house is rented, and the crew temporarily changed the set and the set is due tonight.

It's time to return it to the landlord, and everything is cleaned up, right?

In the busyness of the staff, Deng Chao and the three of them watched the replay they just filmed and felt pretty good. Director Zhang Xiaoquan also nodded. The three greeted him and walked to Mai Xiaoyu who was sitting in the corner of the room.

The room is just that big, don't look at the two or three actors on the camera, there are a lot of staff beside it. Mai Xiaoyu has to make room, and it disturbs the crew's normal shooting, isn't it?

Indoor plays are like this, just like bed scenes. Watching the protagonist and heroine lingering affection on the bed on the screen, there may be audiences who admire the actor and actress, and wonder whether the actor or actress has a physical reaction.

But the fact is that beside the two lingering on the bed, cameramen, lighting engineers, radio operators, etc. and their assistants are holding various equipment at close range.

Where are so many physiological reactions in this situation?

On the contrary, it is a hot kiss scene by COSCO lens, which may have a physiological reaction.

"Boss, you are getting lazier and lazier now. You would still check the results after shooting before." Deng Chao walked to Mai Xiaoyu and sat down with a smile.

Mai Xiaoyubai glanced at him: "You said that I am the boss. Isn't it okay if I'm lazy?"

I used to look at it because I was not at ease.

If I don't watch it now, I'm naturally relieved.

Don't worry about the actors, and don't worry about the director Zhang Xiaoquan.

Hai Qing and Wang Baoqiang also sat next to him, looking at him with a slightly worried look.

Two or three days have passed since Longxing Studio broke out that the cute boss is a "Chaoyang Crowd", and the situation has changed further.

Many media are reprinting Longxing’s revelations, only reprinting it without commenting on it.

There was almost no reaction in the entertainment circle. Whether it was Mai Xiaoyu’s friends or enemies, Mengren’s former partners or competitors, they were all noncommittal.

On the contrary, the Internet, which is almost an "outside the law", caused an uproar.

"Report the dog!"

"The cute boss is brain-dead!"

"Someone provokes you, you go to report them, and you will be full!"

"Despicable! What is the name of the cute boss, I will scold him to death!"

"Sister Xin has worked so hard for so many years, and it was all ruined by him!"


The people who eat melon don't care so much, they don't have to have some kind of taboos and worries like the media or the entertainment industry.

You can say what you want, and you can swear as you want. Anyway, no one knows through the Internet. Behind each ID is a person or a ghost.

Is Xie Weixin and other loyal fans of the seven?

Is it a soy sauce party that can't be seen?

Is it the anger of the injured party?

Or was it a navy sunspot who somebody got?

no one knows.

However, the navy must have.

Because the navy marshal Mao, who has been cooperating with Mengren, specifically called Mai Xiaoyu two days ago and asked him if he needed to "send" navy.

I don't know Mr. Mao, but the cute entertainers who rushed to announce the announcement in other places also called Mai Xiaoyu one after another.

On the contrary, Luo Xing, Liu Junhao and others did not say anything, and did not contact Mai Xiaoyu.

It's not that they don't care, but they are waiting for Mai Xiaoyu's call.

If necessary, Mai Xiaoyu will definitely contact them and use the power of capital to influence the media mouthpiece and reduce relevant reports.

This time, there was a lot of noise on the Internet, and there were many voices scolding Mengren and Mengren bosses.

Whether it is a first-line TV star like Xie Weixin, or an artist like Zhou Ping, who has always been at the bottom of the entertainment circle, they have made tremendous efforts.

As a result, your phone calls are all over.

People didn't recruit you and didn't provoke you, are you full of food and report others?

You say it's wrong to take drugs?

It's your shit, who doesn't know the chaos in the entertainment industry, and you need to be the "discipline inspection committee" of the entertainment industry?

Check if your **** is clean first!

This is a weird and **** age.

Even people like Qin Hui, who have been characterised for thousands of years, have a brick family called ** to reverse his case, pull Yue Fei from the anti-golden hero's position, and be accused of obstructing national integration and unification. He Xie Weixin and others It's just drug use, who is it?

There are even more brain-dead fans of second-tier idol singers who openly declared on the Internet that their idols are particularly stylish even if they take drugs, and they are the most handsome!

There are many swearing voices, and supportive voices...very few.

In fact, most people can still distinguish between right and wrong, but this matter has nothing to do with them, nor does it involve their favorite celebrities, so they are too lazy to call such things. This has led to the brutal beating of Mengren Film and Television and its boss on the Internet.

There are even people who want to implicate the artists of Moeren, but when they scold them, their fans quit!

Seeing this situation, those people can only regain their energy and focus their artillery on Mengren and Mengren’s bosses. There are signs that they will not stop stinking. The signs of the navy are extremely obvious.

"Boss, do I really need to forward the official Weibo of Weibo?"

Deng Chao asked this question again, very seriously.

He also knows that the seriousness of this incident must be reversed, and the best way is to jointly forward the Weibo of Moeren's official Weibo by the artists under Moeren.

Openly support Mengren's move to resist drug addicts, and use the influence of everyone to form a force in public opinion and change the course of things. Just like after the debut of Mengren’s debut female work "I Believe", under the design of Mengren big3, it led the entertainment circle to condemn the cyber navy and cyber violence.

Mengren is now much stronger than before. Among the artists, except for Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, and Tong Liya, these three Xiao Mengxin, all of them are popular idols of Dahong Xiaohong.

If they unite, the momentum will be great, and it is easy to influence young people, and young people are the main force of the Internet army.

This is the power of idol stars.

"Yes, yes, I also have a lot of fans now, they are very supportive of me, and they can help!" Wang Baoqiang nodded vigorously, "I can also find a few of them and ask them to forward it together."

From Wang Baoqiang's tone, Mai Xiaoyu felt his eagerness to feed back the company's support, and smiled: "You can bring me more of your millet this year."

"Boss, that's all right, I'll turn around and pull a cart for you."

Wang Baoqiang took it seriously and nodded vigorously.

Movies such as "A World Without Thieves" and "Crafts" and other TV series, although the box office and ratings are good, they only let the audience remember him, and many people can't even call his name.

It wasn't until this year's "Soldiers Assault" that he tasted the taste of becoming popular and becoming a star.

This taste...very refreshing.

"You should feed the chickens and return a cart." With a smile, he patted Wang Baoqiang on the shoulder, and Mai Xiaoyu turned to Deng Chao again: "You don't want to participate in this matter, I have my own arrangements."

"Then you have to do it as soon as possible, the sooner you can solve it, the better." Hai Qing reminded.

"Don't worry, no one can take advantage of me in vain."

Out of courtesy, Mai Xiaoyu looked at Hai Qing while speaking, but Hai Qing misread his eyes and remembered what happened the night when he came to Yanjing two days ago.

In fact, she was thinking about things, and Mai Xiaoyu's words were directed at Ning Shirong.

The three become tigers, and everyone speaks of gold.

Now there are loud voices denouncing Mengren and his boss on the Internet, but the name of Mengren’s boss has never been revealed.

Long Xing broke the news without revealing it.

The online saliva did not disclose.

Even if there is an Internet campaign asking for the name of Moeren’s boss, no one will answer the main fans.

Is it weird?

Mai Xiaoyu didn't find it strange. He could tell at a glance that this was done deliberately by Ning Shirong to avoid reminiscent of the grievances between the two families.

Because there are too many forces involved this time, too many ants still kill elephants. Even if Ning Shirong is not afraid, he doesn't want to provoke him. How would he make him wish for "shit urine" long ago.


The new week is here.

on Monday.

After Haiqing participated in a certain business event and received the company's notification to return to Millennium Entertainment, Mai Xiaoyu made a shot.

What a big pot of "shit urine"!

At ten o'clock in the morning, Haiqing took a nanny car to the company.

"Sister Qing is good."

"Sister Qing is early."

"Sister Qing!"

She is now a sister of Millennium Entertainment, with a very high status. After returning to the company, people kept taking the initiative to greet her.

She smiled and nodded in response. She kept walking until she came to the door of the general manager's office before stopping.

"Sister Qing, you are here."

"Janzi, is Mr. Tang there?"

"Here, I'm waiting for you. Mr. Tang has ordered, you come in directly, you don't need to report, you go in quickly."

President Tang, Haofei Tang, a smart middle-aged man in his forties.

When Haiqing knocked on the door and came in, he was sitting at his desk, looking at the computer while combing his wig.

"Mr. Tang!"

"Come back, sit down, Xiaojuan is going to make two cups of coffee."

Without his instructions, the secretary Xiaojuan had already gone, and soon brought two cups of coffee and put them on the coffee table.

Hai Qing sat on the sofa and asked, "Ms. Tang, what's the matter with me in such a hurry?"

Tang Hao Fei walked over, combing the wig in his hand, and asked, "How is the script on Mengren's side?"

Haiqing knew what the script he was asking about was the TV script that Moe Ren planned to co-produce with Millennium.

After Mai Xiaoyu had perfect revenge on her that day, he proposed that the two companies jointly invest in a TV series.

On the same day, she contacted Tang Haofei, reported the news back, and asked if Tang Haofei agreed.

Of course I agree!

That's a cute drama!

And the heroine is Hai Qing, the sister of their company!

The sophistication of Mengren's film and television dramas, as well as his strong star-making ability, are well-known in the circle. Why else would he specifically ask Haiqing to give charcoal in the snow?

"It's only a few days now, and I must still be creating it."

"Help me see if it's right."

Tang Haofei put on his wig, Hai Qing helped him tidy it up, and it was perfect.

He took a sip of coffee and asked, "Did Mr. Mai talk to you about the content of the script?"

"No, Mr. Azheng should be creating, and he doesn't know the content."

"That's it. I'm going to let the propaganda department contact the media to release the news about our company and Mengren's co-production of the TV series first, and you will need to cooperate with the promotion at that time."

"So fast?"

"Why, do you think Mengren will go back?"

"This won't be. Although it's just a verbal agreement, based on what I know about Mr. Mai, he is not that kind of person."

"You believe him, I believe you, what's the problem?"

"I am worried that Mengren will misunderstand our company."

It's not impossible.

The two companies only reached an agreement verbally. The contract has not been signed yet, and at the end of the year, each is busy. Tang Haofi just called Liu Xiaoli. The two parties agreed to wait until the script came out before agreeing on the specific details of the cooperation.

In this case, Millennials suddenly contacted the media to publicize the It is easy for the cute people to misunderstand that they are forcing a "fait accommodating fact".

Tang Haofi smiled and shook his head: "At other times, they may have misunderstood, but now, they should not."


"Did you not watch this morning's news?"

Haiqing really didn't watch it.

She only came back last night, slept until dawn, and then rushed to the company, no time to follow today's news.

"What news?"

"Longxing's'See you Monday'..."


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