The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 594: There is a recording, there is the truth

meet on Monday!

The sign of Longxing Studio broke the news, but all the news that broke out on "See you Monday" are definitely extremely exciting news.

Like the time when Maizi, the author of "Hua Nan" and "Naruto" was beaten last year, in the "See You Monday" report, they not only got autographs from prisoners in prison, but also broke the recordings of conversations between Mengren film and television bosses and Maizi. .

Even the recordings of conversations are available, so there is no one in this skill.

This time, "See you on Monday", Long Xing also broke out a recording, which is no less explosive than the previous recording!

"You went on to say, who you were reporting just now, don't worry about retaliation, our police will protect you."

"I revealed that she is Tang Yan and she has a share tonight."

"You call Zhou Ping, right? Tang Yan treats you as a friend, but you treat her as a stepping stone to a higher position. Ignorant woman, I really think that the big tree next to me will shelter you from the wind and rain. Are you rich? But I won't care about you, because you are destined to have no future."

"Xie Weixin, right? You are actually quite sad. Skating not only emptied your body, but also your IQ. Can you still not see it now? Tonight is a conspiracy against Tang Yan from beginning to end.

Someone bought Zhou Ping and used your pharmacy to lure Tangyan into the set. The man wished that Tang Yan would be finished soon, not only wanted her to be infected with drugs and addictions, but also wanted her to be caught and exposed and ruined. And you, naturally become cannon fodder for the funeral. "

"Who tells you that I am a lawyer? Listen well, I am the owner of Moeren film and television, and Tang Yan is an artist of my company! It is me to call the police tonight and inform Wang Ju that there are people here for skating. Come on, you slander again Let's try one by one and see if I don't sue you to jail!"


Someone bought a female artist named Zhou Ping and used the opportunity of Xie Weixin and others to gather a crowd to take drugs to ruin Tang Yan.

The boss of Mengren Film and Television didn't know where to get the news. In order to protect the artists under his banner, he took the initiative to call the police to prove his innocence. In order to protect his personal privacy, the police replaced him with "Crowds in the Sun", but it was exposed by Longxing Studio.

In order to make up for the trouble caused by the boss of Mengren film and television, Longxing Studio decided to tell the truth together, and at the same time warn everyone to stay away from drugs and products and cherish life.

It is said that there are pictures and the truth.

Long Xing broke the news this time without pictures, only recordings, but recordings also have the truth!

This is the revised truth, taking out Mai Xiaoyu's name and the content involving the police.

Anyone can hear that the recording has been edited, but what about it. With Longxing’s revelation and existing recordings, as well as the "ethics" of the boss of Mengren film and television, the people who are accustomed to eat are just one word-letter!

Tang Yan's fans were filled with indignation. They were the first to explode their hair. They verbally criticized Tang Yan and criticized Zhou Ping and behind the scenes.

"Fuck, that actor named Zhou Ping is too insidious!"

"You still use her as a friend because of Tangtang. The girl herself must stay away from poisonous girlfriends!"

"Malgobi, who wants to harm our family Tangtang!"

"Zhou Ping get out of the entertainment circle!"


Soy sauce parties have also expressed their opinions on the Internet.

"'Your circle is really chaotic' is really not a casual talk. You can tell from the moment that the person who bought Zhou Ping is also in the entertainment industry, and she is jealous of Tang Yan."

"It's also possible that Tang Yan blocked someone's way, or someone else's role was robbed."

"Then you can't do that, it's too wicked."

"The entertainment industry is really messy, why don't you feel that there are not many good people?"

"Who said that, I think cute people are good. Their bosses are very good. When my brother Hua was slandered last year, he relied on cute people to help him clear his grievances."

"Really, Huo Jianhua's incident last year was really dangerous. At that time, I scolded him on the Internet, and he became a fan of him."

"No wonder the cute boss will call the police. It's really hard to tell if he doesn't call the police."


Knowing the public will not miss this opportunity, jumped out one after another, calling on the relevant departments to increase efforts to rectify the entertainment industry.

If you want to become a well-known master, you must flaunt your correctness in matters that are hotly discussed by the public. In particular, the established facts must be shining and hot. Anyway, don’t worry about getting slapped. Otherwise, how can you improve your reputation and credibility so that you can get fans?

"The hidden information behind this incident is beyond many people's imagination and beyond my expectations. There has long been a saying of'the real chaos in your circle'. Over the past few years, I found that not only did the chaos have not improved, but on the contrary, there were more and more chaos. The chaotic trend..."

"In the past two years, the relevant departments have been rectifying the entertainment industry, demanding the rectification or cancellation of vulgar programs that are one-sided pursuit of ratings. Some people did not understand before, have you seen it now? What is the chaos in the entertainment industry? I just want to ask. , The person who bought Zhou Ping, touch your chest, do you have a conscience!"

"Some people say that Xie Weixin and others are sad, but I think I should use blame to describe them. Some people may think that I am ugly, but I still want to say. Cherish life, stay away from drugs and products, flies will not bite. If Xie Weixin and others If there is no contamination, how could anyone calculate it..."


One morning, Longxing's "See you on Monday" has spread all over the Internet.

Netizens reposted it everywhere; major portals reposted it one after another; the public scolded and discussed in reality on the Internet; more and more public-knowledgers participated; more and more people lamented the chaos of the entertainment industry.

The speed of spread and the wide range of influence is obviously abnormal.

Hai Qing, who was sitting in front of Tang Haofei's computer browsing the news, and Tang Haofei next to her, both smelled the breath of the navy.

If one thing wants to spread rapidly, the navy is the best and most convenient way.

This is not uncommon, as old drivers from all walks of life at home and abroad know it.

After a cursory glance, Hai Qing breathed a sigh of relief after a general understanding: "It turns out that he eats Dinglong Xing and let Long Xing clarify the truth for him."

Tang Haofi asked: "Listen to what you mean, you already know the hidden situation?"

"Well, he told me after joining the group."

"He? Cute President Mai? It seems that your relationship is good."

"He and my master are good friends. When I was not filming, my master asked him to help me."

"That's true, the company decided to sign you after seeing your performance in "Pink Girl". It turns out that the company did not misunderstand the wrong person."

"Mr. Tang, are you complimenting me or yourself?"

"Mr Kwa Mai, isn't "Pink Girl" also a cute TV series." Tang Haofei said with a smile, "Do you still think cute people will misunderstand now?"

Hai Qing thought for a while: "No, but no, but I still recommend contacting Mengren first, because Mai always has other arrangements."

"There are still arrangements?"

"Yes." Hai Qing nodded, and said with deep experience: "He has never been willing to suffer. This time, Long Xing did not reveal the messenger. I think things are not over yet."

Is this not enough?

Tang Haofei dialed Mai Xiaoyu's cell phone in doubt, and when he finished the call, he sighed, "I really made you right..."


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