The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 595: The price of "missing"-scandal!

Approaching noon.

The crew of "Xian 3".

"Liying, what happened to you today?" Liu Shishi asked.

Zhao Liying plays "Sorbus" in "The Fairy 3", who is the only monster with a kind heart, good at detoxification, and capable of breeding five poison beads in the world.

In Mai Xiaoyu's words, this character is the female number four. But there are not many scenes for this role. Long before Zhao Liying returned to Yanjing to join the crew of "Call for Love", her role in "Xiang 3" was finished.

However, she never left the group. Even after returning to Beijing to film the film, she immediately returned to the crew of "Xian 3".

She knows her biggest shortcoming.

He was born in a non-major class, lacked experience and had no systematic learning, so he worked hard.

I worked very hard when I was trained in the company, and did not slack off after joining the group for shooting. In addition to actively asking for advice, he will stay on the scene every time he is filming, thinking about and improving his acting skills by watching other people's filming and expressing ways.

But today, the crew is filming, and Zhao Liying, who is on the scene, doesn't think about this. Holding the phone and looking down, and typing on the phone from time to time, the performance is very different from the past.

This aroused Liu Shishi's curiosity.

Liu Shishi is the second female, with a much heavier role and has not yet finished.

Her role today is in the afternoon, not in the morning. However, like Zhao Liying, she stayed at the shooting scene and watched and improved.

Twenty minutes ago, she turned her head unintentionally, and for the first time saw Zhao Liying lower her head to play with her mobile phone, not thinking about filming.

She hadn't thought so much at the time, but now it was the fourth time she turned her head and saw Zhao Liying still holding her mobile phone with a strange expression, and finally couldn't help asking.

"What happened?"

"Huh?" Zhao Liying was taken aback, raised her head, looked at herself when she found Liu Shi, quickly put away her mobile phone, and Mengmeng smiled, "It's okay."

"Then how do you feel that you are absent-minded."

Zhao Liying looked around, got to Liu Shishi's ear, and lowered her voice: "Remember that Sister Tangtang returned to Beijing to film a movie some time ago? It almost happened."

"Where do you see the gossip news, it's impossible."

"It's not gossip news, it's true. Even the recording of "See you Monday" in Longxing Studio broke out, and it's spread on the Internet now. If you don't believe it, watch it yourself."

Liu Shishi didn't believe it at first, because after Tang Yan returned to the crew from Yanjing, she was in a good mood. But when she heard the words "Longxing Studio" and "See you Monday", she couldn't tolerate her disbelief.

Longxing Studio, broke the news quickly and ruthlessly, especially on Monday, one earthquake at a time.

This is the impression of the outside world about Longxing, so Liu Shishi also took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet and directly logged into Longxing's official Weibo. At a glance, he saw the Weibo of "See you on Monday" this morning, as well as the massive comments under Weibo.

Through revelations and comments, Liu Shishi took a sigh of relief when he learned of the danger Tang Yan was facing at the time.

"It's so hanging, fortunately there is always Mai."

"That's right, Mr. Mai's words are so powerful."

Liu Shishi remembered the time when Mai Xiaoyu came out for her, and nodded in sympathy: "Brother Maizi is very good, and very powerful."

"I know he is great, but he is particularly bad when he breaks down..."

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I'm wondering why Sister Tangtang didn't say when she came back."

"There is nothing to say about this kind of thing, right."

"Yes. Then when they finish filming, do you want to tell Sister Tangtang?"

While checking the Internet, Liu Shishi said, "Of course I have to tell her that things are making such a big mess."

After a while, rest in between.

Hu Xun, Huo Jianhua, Tang Yan, and Yang Mi, all dressed up and dressed in costumes, came over talking and laughing, and came to Liang Mengxin's side.

After taking a break, eating at noon, eating at night, or returning to the hotel, cute entertainers often get together to chat, laugh, talk and play.

The other actors and staff in the crew have long been accustomed to the small circle formed by six people. Before Feng Shaofeng's scene was released from the group, the number of their small circle was seven.

"What are you talking about?" Yang Mi asked broadly, "Hey, why are you all looking at Sister Tangtang?"

Hu Xu, Huo Jianhua, and Tang Yan had all found out, and the two Mengxin looked at Tang Yan intently.

Tang Yan first checked herself, and didn't realize what was on her body, and then asked: "What do you guys think of me doing? I didn't perform well just now, where is the problem?"

If the acting is not good, and where there is a problem, it will be director Li Hui who speaks.

The two Mengxin looked at each other, and Zhao Liying asked carefully: "Sister Tangtang, you went back to the company some time ago, what happened?"

Tang Yan immediately remembered the two kisses between herself and Mai Xiaoyu that morning, and quickly shook her head to deny: "No."

"Sister Tangtang, you are on the news." Liu Shishi handed the phone over.

On the news?

Tang Yan took the phone hesitantly, saw Longxing's "See you Monday" on the screen, and smiled: "This matter, nothing, it's all resolved."

"you have seen?"

"I didn't see it. The boss called me last night and asked me to prepare."

The actors are very hard in filming.

Especially in costume dramas, I have to get up at four or five in the morning, put on makeup and change costumes. Even if you are a big name, everything is the priority, but after you put on your makeup and change into a costume, you have to wait for others?

It's nothing more than taking advantage of other people's make-up and changing costumes to take the opportunity to catch up.

So everyone doesn't have time to pay attention to the news. If there is any important news that concerns you, your agent or assistant usually informs you.

Long Xing broke the news last week that "the people in the sun" was Mai Xiaoyu's foreshadowing; and today's "See you on Monday" is the beginning of Mai Xiaoyu's counterattack. Naturally, she must inform Tang Yan in advance to make her mentally prepared... Prepare to deal with reporters.

For such a big event, the entertainment reporters still can't swarm like sharks smelling blood, how can they do it without any preparation?

She, the client, didn't respond much, and the others were different.

Yang Mi jumped up, shouting "Let me take a look," and took the mobile phone from Zhao Liying; Hu Xu and Huo Jianhua took the mobile phone of Liu Shishi in Tang Yan's hand, and looked at them with their heads together.

After reading it, Yang Mi reacted the most.

She first said excitedly: "Wow, uncle is so cool!"

Then imitated Mai Xiaoyu's voice: "Come on, try to slander us again, and see if I don't sue you to jail!"

Finally, he said with regret: "Oh, how come I haven't caught up with such a wonderful scene."

Tang Yan: "..."

Huo Jianhua said bitterly: "Despicable! There are so many villains in the entertainment industry!"

He has the deepest feelings. Last year he encountered villain calculations and almost broke his reputation.

"It's no wonder that Mai always reports." Hu Xu put his arms around Huo Jianhua's shoulders to show comfort, and smiled and turned to look at Tang Yan, "It's okay, we have a boss."

Zhao Liying put her chin on and looked serious: "Why do I sound a bit like'close the door and let the boss go'?"

Hu Hu: "..."

Huo Jianhua; "..."

Yang Mi: "..."

Tang Yan: "..."

Liu Shishi: "..."

The five people looked at Zhao Liying in amazement, Zhao Liying finally reacted, knowing that she had said the wrong thing, and subconsciously covered her mouth.


Everyone was amused by Zhao Liying's behavior.

Yang Mi deliberately scared her: "You are miserable, I will call the uncle later and tell him you call him a dog."

"Sister Mi Mi——" Zhao Liying pulled Yang Mi to act like a baby, "I am the jacaranda who loves the master'Tang Xuejian' the most."

Yang Mi plays the first female "Tang Xuejian" in "Xiang 3", and Zhao Liying plays "Sorane".

Yang Mi hugged her, lowered her voice and continued to tease her: "Come on, you are a'love concubine'."

"What kind of concubine?"

Hu Xu asked curiously, and Huo Jianhua also looked at Yang Mi.

"that is……"

"Don't say it!"

Zhao Liying was anxious, blushing, rushed to Yang Mi, covering her mouth.

But that night, Mai Xiaoyu called her "love concubine" to let her wait in bed, but Yang Mi was not the only one present.

"Ai Fei——" Tang Yan whispered, dragging a long ending.

Now Zhao Liying pounced on Tang Yan again.

But the relationship between her and Tang Yan is not as familiar as Yang Mi, and she dare to do everything. She didn't dare to cover Tang Yan's mouth, so she had to pretend to be cute, looking at Tang Yan pitifully, begging with her eyes.

Liu Shishi spoke again: "Liying?"

"You want to force me to death!"

Zhao Liying collapsed.

Her voice was a bit loud and attracted a lot of attention.

Director Li Hui, who was watching the replay of the shooting, turned his head to look after hearing it.

Seeing the six artists of Moeren chatting and chatting, I couldn't help but sigh in secret: Moeren's internal atmosphere is really good. It's a weird company...also, there is a weird boss, and it's not surprising that the company is weird.

Li Hui is an old driver in the entertainment industry. He knows what happened these days, including see you on Monday in Longxing this morning.

Last night, before Mai Xiaoyu contacted Tang Yan, he contacted him first and asked him to help Tang Yan block the reporter.

Don't block it for too long, just drag it until the crew ends tonight.

One day is enough to force many people out, and enough for reporters to dig out many things.

In fact, after Long Xing broke the news this morning, he received a call from a reporter and wanted to visit the crew, but he refused mercilessly.

Tanni’s class?

How can there be any reason for contacting the same-day exploratory team on the same day?

I really think I'm an idiot!

Not only did he block reporters who wanted to interview Tang Yan under various banners, he also asked the deputy director to send additional staff around the crew so that reporters could interrupt the shooting of the crew.

Look further away, no problem!

It’s okay to shoot from a distance!

But you are not allowed to enter the crew to interview Tang Yan!

Otherwise, don't blame the staff for being rude.

After thinking about it, he suddenly took out his cell phone and dialed his cousin Luo Xing's phone: "How about I signed a cute person?"

"Aren't you having a good time working together?"

"Cooperating for a long time was conquered by Mr. Mai's personal charm."

"Don't mess around, he doesn't have a bad mouth...and don't hit the attention of his artists."

"Am I the kind of person who doesn't know how to measure?"

"Then why do you suddenly have this idea?"

"The atmosphere of cute people is very good, I have never seen it in the circle, I like it very much..."

The cute atmosphere is indeed very good, which is rare in the entertainment industry.

Stars such as Hu Xu and Huo Jianhua, who are firmly established on top TV cafes, can also chat with Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying and teach them their experience. They have no celebrity status at all, which is really rare.

These types are not only due to their own quality, but also due to the teaching of Mai Xiaoyu.

His boss doesn't have any pretensions to his own people. How can the artists who are signed in by him and who are popular with himself?

No, a few people teased Zhao Liying, and then turned the topic to Tang Yan.

Huo Jianhua asked: "Does Mai always say how we need to cooperate?"

Tang Yan shook her head: "He told you not to participate for the time being, and feel relieved to film."

Yang Mi's eyes lit up: "For the time being? Does uncle have any bad tricks?"

Zhao Liying nodded her head vigorously and spoke intentionally, but she was afraid that she would say the wrong thing and be teased again, so she secretly said in her heart: It is very possible that Mr. Mai is terrible when it breaks.

Liu Shishi asked again; "Sister Tangtang, we don't need to participate for the time being, then you, there will definitely be many reporters who want to interview you."

Tang Yan replied: "He said on the phone, after the crew ends tonight, I can be interviewed by reporters."

Hu Xu asked: "Did the boss tell you how to answer the reporter?"

Artists are also particular about answering questions from reporters. Poor answers may cause problems for themselves.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't tell Tang Yan how to answer, because it was her agent's business, and Tang Yan's agent had contacted her last night, and she was on her way to the crew in the afternoon.

With the development of Mengren to the present level, Mai Xiaoyu has long since been fighting alone, and he also has a lot of resources in his hands.

In this counterattack, he didn't use the energy of those capital bosses. One is that there is no need to use a sledgehammer to kill chickens, and the other is to avoid arousing Qingtian's vigilance.

Several people were talking, and Zhao Liying, who had not dared to speak for a long time, said again, and when he spoke, he was shocked.

"Sister Tangtang, are you really dating Mr. Mai?"

Brush and brush——

Eight eyes shot at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's expression remained unchanged, but her heartbeat suddenly accelerated: "Ai Fei, what are you talking about nonsense?"

"It was not what I said, it was said on the Internet." Zhao Liying raised her mobile phone, "Some people say that I saw you and Mr. Mai holding hands. Now many people are spreading your scandals..."


Mai Xiaoyu has a thousand I missed one point-the power of netizens.

Although the public has always been considered a secondary majority, thanks to the Internet, this group will burst out from time to time.

The power of the public is divided into two aspects, one is the power of public opinion, and the other is the power of the brain.

When these two forces are combined, they tend to be incredibly powerful.

For example, the scandal between Mai Xiaoyu and Tang Yan was the first netizen to post on the Internet, saying that on the night Xie Weixin and others were arrested, he saw a pair of young men and women walking out of Xie Weixin's house holding hands.

The young man is suspected to be a cute boss.

Yes, the poster intended to discuss the low-key and mysterious bosses who never show up. As a result, the netizens' brains are open, and they are stunned to analyze the scandals between Mai Xiaoyu and Tang Yan.

Not to mention, the analysis is all right!

According to the recording in Long Xing's "See You Monday", it can be accurately judged that the Mengren boss and Tang Yan are both at the scene.

According to the content posted by netizens, the onlookers outside never saw Tang Yan. Instead, when the police arrived, only a couple of young men and women went in and came out soon after.

Even if the woman wears a hat and a scarf and can't see her looks, who else can she be if she is not Tang Yan?

In the same way, it must be the cute boss who came out with her.

So here comes the point. When the two came out--

hand in hand!

Dare to say that there is no rape, love... love affair?

Or underground love!

Then, netizens continued to open their minds, and more so-called "evidence" of underground love came out one by one from the huge brain capacity of netizens...


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