The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 596: One-character note: cry

Because of his omission, Mai Xiaoyu encountered the first scandal in his life.

Well, the scandal with Tang Yan.

Holding hands is only the most direct evidence, and there are many circumstantial evidences, all of which spring from the super brain capacity of netizens.

If there is no romance, why are the two still together at nine or ten in the evening?

If there is no love affair, as the owner of a medium-to-low-scale film and television company, there are too many ways to protect his own artists, why do you have to personally stand up?

If there is no love affair, Tang Yan was just a freshman in the drama when she signed the contract. Apart from being more beautiful, she had no advantage at that time. Why did Mengren sign her?


This analysis, who dare to say that there is no reason at all?

The people who eat melons have seen it, can they not consider the following questions?

What are lone men and widows doing together so late?

After the two came out hand in hand, it was even later, where did they go?

Will something wonderful and unthinkable happen?


With concerted efforts, netizens use the Internet to combine the power of brain and public opinion, and they have achieved amazing results.

When Zhao Liying saw it, it was already the entertainment news that had been processed and reported by the online media.

The scandals of celebrities and celebrities have always been the favorite of the media, and they are also deeply loved by the people who eat melons. Otherwise, the publicity work of many crews would not be hyped by the scandals of the male and female protagonists.

The media collected various speculations and inferences from netizens, and processed them with added oil and vinegar, and the credibility was even higher.

Not to mention Zhao Liying, who can sometimes speak but brains, even after Hu Xu, Huo Jianhua, Yang Mi, and Liu Shishi looked at them, they couldn't help but believe a little bit, looking at Tang Yan with different expressions.

Tang Yan turned red after seeing it, as if confirming netizens’ speculation and media reports.

Huo Jianhua was the most direct and stretched out his right hand: "Tang Yan, congratulations."

Tang Yan blushed even more.

She hopes that the media report will come true, but the problem is that the netizens guessed the beginning, but did not guess the end... Her proactive confession only received a sweet kiss, but it was rejected by Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu likes her, but doesn't love her. He loves Liu Tao.

"Why do you have any congratulations!" Tang Yan knocked out Huo Jianhua's hand in embarrassment.

Huo Jianhua was stunned for a moment, and said: "That's right, you are just dating now. Congratulations, it should be when you get married."

"Married?" Zhao Liying asked in surprise.

"Ai Fei!" Tang Yan lowered her voice and gave Zhao Liying a glance.

Zhao Liying shut her mouth immediately.

Only then did she realize that her reaction was too intense and the voice was too loud.

Like other people, their voices are relatively small.

After all, this is the crew, and there are staff not far away. In case it is heard, the influence will be very bad.

In the face of everyone's gaze, Tang Yan sighed and revealed the incident that night.

"...Now you should believe that Mai and I are always innocent, right?"

Hu Xu, Huo Jianhua and others believed it, but the media and the public did not believe it!

In the evening, the crew closed.

After returning to the hotel and borrowing the hotel’s small meeting room, Tang Yan, accompanied by her agent, accepted an interview with a media reporter.

Regarding how to answer the reporter's interview, the agent only brought one word from Mai Xiaoyu: cry!

The revelation of "See you on Monday" by Longxing, after a day of fermentation, has attracted more and more people's attention. Not only did it leave enough time for media reporters to verify the authenticity, but it also sounded the alarm for entertainment companies and celebrities in the circle.

After Xie Weixin and others were detained, they entrusted their company or friends to issue a statement of apology. In addition, the company and friends to which they belonged no longer expressed their opinions and did not accept subsequent interviews.

But today, companies or individuals began to accept interviews.

In the interview, they first admitted that drug abuse is wrong, and the reporting behavior of the cute boss is in line with the promotion of positive social energy, and they will strengthen management in the future, strive to eliminate this phenomenon, and contribute their own strength to the purification of the entertainment industry.

Then the conversation turned around and mentioned that someone framed Tang Yan. They once again raised the importance of purifying the entertainment industry and said that they must spare no effort to understand the black sheep in the entertainment industry.

Of course, who this "black sheep" refers to depends on how the individual understands it.

They had learned the truth from Xie Weixin and others a long time ago, so they didn't hate Mai Xiaoyu very much. Whether or not Mai Xiaoyu reports, Xie Weixin and others will be arrested. Just like Mai Xiaoyu said in the recording, Xie Weixin and others were cannon fodder for Tang Yan's funeral.

I didn't say that there was no chance, but now that I have a chance, how can I continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb?

Like Xie Weixin, a first-line TV guy, after gathering a crowd to take drugs and hosting others to take drugs, he not only destroyed himself, but also caused such a big loss to the company he belonged to. How could the company swallow this breath?

There is no reason to find Mengren to compensate, but someone has to compensate, right?

The high-level old drivers have a very keen sense of smell. Through Longxing’s "See you Monday", they judged that this was a cute counterattack, and they naturally cooperated to put pressure on the black hand behind the scenes in order to recover the loss in the future.

Their actions were beneficial to themselves, but they also admitted in a disguised form that Long Xing "see you on Monday" broke the news.

So Tang Yan's "crying" when he took over the reporter's interview will win the sympathy of the public even more.

The fact is indeed the case.

When Tang Yan answered a reporter's question about "betrayed by a friend and almost ruined", she cried while answering. The crying Ewha made people feel pity, and the reporters at the scene were embarrassed to ask too sharp questions.

It is human instinct to sympathize with the weak.

As a victim of this incident, he has his own sympathy aura. If you cry like this in front of a media reporter, even if there is something wrong with her answering the, most media reporters don't make a difference. On the contrary, people will hate the "black sheep" even more.

And when the media reports with pictures and texts come out tomorrow, netizens see Tang Yan's sad and tearful appearance, how can they not be infected?

However, reporters also have their own "bottom line."

For example, the scandal about Tang Yan and Mai Xiaoyu, no matter how pitiful she was to cry, the media reporters would not let it go.

Sympathy belongs to sympathy, and work belongs to work. If this work is not done well, you may be scolded by the leader when you go back!

"Mai and I are always friends, but not the boyfriend and girlfriend you think..."

"He cares about everyone in the company, not only artists, but also employees and members of the company. Anyone who has an accident will come forward to maintain it. Just like last year's bsp; "I don't know why the company signed me in the first place, but Most of the artists signed by the company are newcomers. Mr. Mai decided to sign, and Mr. Mai has never misunderstood the wrong person..."

"Mr. Mai took my hand because I was frightened at the time, and my mind was blank. I can't think of what I did wrong and someone would harm me, why my good friend betrayed me, and I was tired of teacher Xie Weixin they……"

Tang Yan continued to cry and answer, and when he encountered a question that couldn't be answered, she cried more violently...

Girls, especially beautiful girls, look very distressed when they cry.

When Tang Yan was interviewed by reporters, she cried bitterly and cried so much that her eyes were red and swollen. After being reported by the media with both pictures and texts, she immediately aroused a lot of public sympathy.

At the same time, it also officially unveiled Mai Xiaoyu’s "harvest" journey...


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