The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 597: Death is worse than crying...

There is a famous saying in "Dream of Red Mansions": Women are made of water.

Tears, of course, become a woman's unique weapon.

In many cases, don't control what is reasonable and unreasonable. When a woman cries, she will take the first three points.

Among them, there is a bonus for beautiful women, a bonus for crying to make people heartbreak, and a bonus for reason.

Tang Yan took all these three bonus conditions, so when the media interviewed her, she cried bitterly and cried until her eyes were red and swollen. After the graphic report came out, the voices of sympathy in the public opinion flooded like a tide. .

"Don't cry Tangtang, we will always be by your side!"

"From now on, turn to fans and always support you!"

"Don't bow your head, the crown will fall!"

"Don't cry, **** people will laugh!"

"Don't let go of those **** who harm Tangtang, cute people must avenge Tangtang!"

"Yes, just like Wallace last year!"


In just a few days, Tang Yan's popularity and popularity have rapidly increased, and Weibo fans have increased significantly.

She starred in "Xiang 3" and "Days of Living with a Flight Attendant", which is currently under filming, are frequently mentioned in media reports and can be seen everywhere on the Internet, which has played a very good publicity effect.

Mengren’s artists have updated Weibo @糖嫣 to comfort and encourage her and denounce the black sheep; her friends and acquaintances in the circle also do the same; there are also some artists who have never dealt with before, also join them.

The voices in the entertainment industry are basically supportive of Tang Yan.

In the public's mind, her feminine image of pear blossoms with rain has turned many hundred steels into softness.

With media reports, public debates, and sympathy flooding, more and more passersby turn to fans and fans to iron fans.

Because the popularity and popularity have increased too fast, a small amount of disharmonious voices have appeared in public opinion, questioning the whole thing is deliberately made by Mengren, and the purpose is to hype Tang Yan, as well as the "Xian 3" she starred in and the "Xian 3" which is in the pipeline. "The days when I lived with a flight attendant."

Tang Yan couldn't adapt himself. When he contacted Mai Xiaoyu in private, she asked him euphemistically whether it was a lie or not.

Because she was crying and crying in front of a media reporter, pretending to be, the real tears drained as early as that night.

Mai Xiaoyu, who has always positioned himself as a "liar", has no psychological burden on this.

"You just need to be yourself, don't disappoint the fans who like you and support you, and don't have other psychological burdens. Also, what is a lie? Have you not been framed? Didn't you get scared back then? Didn’t you cry that night?"

"Do you mean that although I lied to them, I only need to be responsible to them?"

"Um... you can understand it that way."

"Then you lied to me, why don't you take responsibility for me?"

"Am I not responsible for you? Who signed you? Who praised you? Who protected you?"

"But you lied to my heart."

"Go! I want to lie to your body..."


Like Tang Yan's surge in popularity, there is also the unfamiliar actor Zhou Ping.

Zhou Ping has become the representative of poisonous girlfriends in the new era. When boys are upset with their girlfriends next to girls, they often say: Is your girlfriend's last name Zhou?

Of course, this kind of popularity doesn't want any artist, but Zhou Ping doesn't care.

As early as after she was arrested for drug abuse, her acting career had come to an end. In other words, when she agreed to use her as a bait, she had already given up her career as an actress.

A first-line TV celebrity like Xie Weixin, after being caught taking drugs, is not sure whether she will be able to make a successful contribution a few years later, not to mention that she is just an unknown third- and fourth-line entertainer.

In a way, she is smart.

She knows that the entertainment industry is difficult to get ahead, so she simply uses her hopeless career as an actor in exchange for rich profits and enjoying life.

It's a pity that her cleverness became a little clever after meeting Mai Xiaoyu.

A few days later, Zhou Ping committed suicide.

Just two days before the expiration of the administrative detention, Zhou Ping ended her young life in the detention center.

This time the police did not intend to cover the lid.

After investigating and determining that Zhou Ping committed suicide, the police immediately disclosed the matter to the public and accepted interviews with media reporters.

The suicide note left by Zhou Ping was reported by the media in this way. It stated in detail the inner suffering she had experienced these days, and eventually could not bear the huge psychological pressure, so she decided to use death to put an end to this matter.

Zhou Ping's suicide caused the matter to heat up again, and the voice of public opinion began to change.

Many people who scolded Zhou Ping before still insisted on their views, believing that she deserved the blame for her own crimes, and that she deserved to live and harm others.

However, some well-known figures and the news media took a different approach and reported on "Zhou Ping's suicide" from another angle.

"Did Zhou Ping really commit suicide?"

"Whose hand did Zhou Ping die?"

"Thinking about Zhou Ping's death."


These people are all veteran drivers. They are accustomed to how to be innovative in a chaotic situation, attract attention, stand for themselves, and at the same time seek the best benefit for themselves.

They first emphasized that "the death of a person is great", believing that Zhou Ping has committed suicide, and there is no need to hold on to it. If he continues to abuse him, it will only make Zhou Ping's relatives even more sad.

This is a very good entry point. Whether it is correct or not, it is at least in line with China's common secular outlook for thousands of years, and many people can accept it.

Then, they changed their conversation and made it clear that Zhou Ping, who died of suicide on the surface, was actually a victim of online violence!

Zhou Ping said clearly in her suicide note that during the administrative detention, she had been experiencing inner suffering, which showed that she recognized the mistakes she had made and was willing to repent.

The meaning of the law is not to punish the evil and promote the good, cure the disease and save people, why can't she give her a chance to reform?

But online violence is fierce.

The ubiquitous insults and abuses on the Internet ruined her chances to re-behave. As a result, the girl in her twenties who was in her youth, was unable to withstand the tremendous psychological pressure and embarked on the path of no return to suicide, causing her relatives to fall into great grief.

Finally, they clearly pointed out:

Even if Zhou Ping is at fault, she should be given a chance to correct it, not by verbal murder and forced to death. Cyber ​​violence is the culprit who killed Zhou Ping. We call on the public to calm down in the future and eliminate cyber violence. Phenomenon, lest you and me become the next Zhou Ping...

Some well-known people have not forgotten to hack the police by the way and denounce the loopholes in the management of the detention center. If the detention center can find out in time, Zhou Ping, a girl in her twenties, will not die.

Not to mention, these well-known big v and the media reports are just level, and at first glance it feels reasonable.

Just like the beginning of "people die big", the ending "resistance of cyber violence", and the questioning of the loopholes in the management of detention centers have all been recognized by many people. If this continues, maybe someone will come out to wash Zhou Ping white, and then bombard Mengren and Tang Yan to be responsible for Zhou Ping's death.

There is no alternative, the power of "death is greater" is far greater than "cry is the rule of thirds."

Mai Xiaoyu taught Tang Yan to "cry" to win, and Zhou Ping even gave up his life. With such a big effort, who can guarantee that he will not come back by "death"?

Of course, this phenomenon is absolutely impossible, because Mai Xiaoyu will not allow it.

In fact, he has been waiting for these well-known big v to jump out.

He is very familiar with the acting style of the well-known big v, because he is an international fan in his dream, and he is also considered to be a member of the big v.

When encountering a sensitive event that is hotly discussed by the public, how can he take the opportunity to attract attention and highlight himself? He knows the routine of the big v... he also understands.

He was ready for a long time, no matter what the entry point of the publicly known big v, he will eventually be forced to return to his established topic.

So, there was this Weibo from the official Weibo of Mengren: "The Death of Zhou Ping in My Eyes"

"It's been so lively recently. Zhou Ping committed suicide, but she hatched a lot of Virgin Mary with her blood. What people die is big, what is reformed, what online violence is the culprit... I can suddenly understand why thousands of people Qin Hui, who has been nailed to the pillar of shame for years, is now whitewashed for him.

In this regard, I just want to say, yes, point, Bi, Lian!

The so-called death is a big deal, this **** it is purely standing and talking without backache! If someone owes you a large sum of money and he dies, will you agree to the death of the person and give up recovering the debt?

The so-called reformation, I am surprised, why do you think she has reformed? Just because of the phrase "inner suffering" in the suicide note? I would like to ask, if she really regrets it, why hasn't she been reluctant to tell the person behind the scenes?

The public knows right and wrong, and they use their actions to punish evil and promote good. They just tell the truth. Some words may be rude. How can they become cyber violence and the culprit who killed Zhou Ping?

I don't know anything, just there is a baseless and unreasonable pretense. I don't care if you want to cheat money with your existing fans, but we cute people are not easy to bully!

If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end. Anyway, Moeren has never stopped fighting since its inception.

I think Mengren was just founded and mainly focused on advertising, but was later completely blocked and had to change to filming; the first movie "I Believe", which was about the company’s survival, was immediately criticized by the navy as soon as it was released. ...

Last year, when the filming of "Meteor Garden" was planned, some people instructed actor Ni Beibei to slander Wallace; and this year, "Xiang 3" was about to be finished, "Days with a Stewardess" was being prepared, and someone bought actor Zhou Ping to frame her.

I have known the chaos of the entertainment industry a long time ago, but I didn't expect these messy things to be run into by our cute people. Fortunately, our cute lives are hard enough, and we have survived the big winds and waves. We have never lacked struggle experience, and we are not afraid of struggle!

Advise those who want to calculate our cute counterparts, think twice before acting, otherwise you will be at your own risk. Here to borrow a saying from the great ancestor Tala's family, fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, fighting with people, the joy is endless.

Let's talk about Zhou Ping's suicide.

To be honest, I don't quite believe that she will commit suicide.

In order to ruin Tang Yan, she did not hesitate to ruin her future, and also dragged Xie Weixin and others into the water. Although she has no future at all, she has paid a huge price and there are not enough benefits. Will she do it?

Is detention for fourteen days serious?

Is it serious to be cast aside by the public?

After the detention period expires, she has a wealth of money, and she can immigrate abroad like Ni Beibei last year, enjoying the sun, beach, sea and exotic customs, enjoying a good life. How could she commit suicide?

Zhou Ping's suicide reminded me of some ancient assassins. If the assassination fails, he will kill himself by taking poison and never betray his employer. The employer will pay a huge settlement fee, which is enough to protect the assassin’s family life without any worries.

Hehe, the words of a family cannot be taken seriously. However, as a well-known ‘Chaoyang Crowd’, I still suggest that the police investigate the accounts of Zhou Ping and his family to see if anyone has recently remitted huge amounts of money to it. "

The cute official Wei hasn't moved for a long time, but if it doesn't move, it will definitely cause an uproar.

After the last update of Weibo "Promoting positive energy, purifying the entertainment circle, and resolutely resisting drug addicts and celebrities", Xie Weixin and other seven people were arrested for taking drugs in a crowd that night, which caused a public outcry and opened the curtain on the whole thing.

The updated Weibo "Death of Zhou Ping in My Eyes" is like pouring a cup of boiling water into a boiling oil pan and exploding.

"I knew about the chaos in the entertainment industry before, but today I knew it was so chaotic!"

"Moeren is now a big company. Every year, I encounter a lot of broken and coercive things. It's really not easy."

"Who first blocked Mengren's advertising business?"

"I just want to know which company was the one that instigated Ni Beibei to frame me last year!"

"I also want to smash his glass at that time!"

"Count me in!"


"Stupid, beep, be slapped in the face, let's see who else said Zhou Ping was forced to die by online violence."

"What Zhou Ping, it's a scumbag! She will commit suicide if she scolds her? Look at Ni Beibei, I don't know how much she charged this time!"

"Damn, there are so many hidden secrets about Zhou Jian·ren suicide?"

"It's true, why is there a feeling of fear?"

"I think it's true. This time it's messy. If Long Xing didn't break out the recording at the end, who knew that Mengren reported Xie Weixin for taking drugs to protect Tang Yan."

"In fact, it is very easy to verify the authenticity. The police only need to check the accounts of Zhou Ping and her family to find out if there has been a huge remittance of unknown origin recently."


The people who eat melons talked and speculated. On the one hand, they expressed feeling that Mengren’s film and television were struggling, and shouted that the circle was really chaotic; on the other hand, they discussed the cause of Zhou Ping’s suicide people suggested that the police intervene in the investigation online.

The question is what reason did the police intervene in the investigation?

Taking a step back, even if Zhou Ping confessed behind the scenes, what crime can he convict him according to China's law?

For the public, it is not too big to watch the excitement, the picture is just the excitement.

They have been waiting for the well-known big v and the cute person to tear and force, just like last year for the "Meteor Garden" fan "Ximen's Xiaoyou", the two sides tore each other with great fanfare and have a good time.

Tore each other, last year we were torn by cute people!

And there is an official background behind the cute people, who are full of food to provoke this mad dog!

The public knows that they were hurt last year, and this time they didn’t want to pay attention to the cute people.

What if I get injured again?

And they also have a new topic-calling on the relevant departments to re-investigate Zhou Ping's cause of death, because they suspect that Zhou Ping-had committed suicide.

Tang Yan specifically contacted Mai Xiaoyu for this.

"Brother Maizi, Zhou Ping... how did he die?"

"I have no idea."

"Then you are in Weibo..."

"Guess what you want."

"Someone on the Internet said she was killed by suicide..."

"Tangtang, remember, what you have to do is to be kind to those who support you. As for the person who wants to harm you, you care whether she is dead or alive..."

This is Mai Xiaoyu's style of acting, and his compassion is never given to the enemy.

Just like Zhou Ping, he had anticipated Zhou Ping's possible ending that night and never thought of saving her.

Even now that Zhou Ping is dead, he doesn't bother to consider who made the move.

Because there is no need, he is not the one who should worry...


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