"Young Master Rong, if things calm down, I will attack Yang Mi again and still use this trick. Mengren attaches great importance to Yang Mi. She hasn't graduated yet. This time, "The Fairy 3" will let her play the leading role as the female one. I will find It is very likely that the cute person is not prepared for the repetition of the old tricks."

Pei Pengbing really hates Mai Xiaoyu, and wants to deal with Mai Xiaoyu too much.

要不是麦小余,他还安安稳稳的当他的爱漫文化ceo;他的小舅子张凯也不会锒铛入狱,在监狱里经常被揍得跟猪头似的;他老婆也不会Cheating and cuckold him; he will not become Ning Shirong's attendant, being scolded and beaten every day...

Qiu is as deep as the sea!

Therefore, even though Ning Shirong thought he was useless, he was still willing to use him because of this consideration.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles, this is also called fighting spirit.

Just repeat the old trick...

"This is slow in advance."

"Slowly? Why?"

But why, this time the loss is so miserable, the sequelae are too heavy!

Last year's deal with Huo Jianhua was not bad. Although Ni Beibei suffered a lot after six months in jail, he immigrated abroad alive after being released from prison.

It doesn’t matter if the career of acting is ruined. Ni Beibei himself has no future in the entertainment industry. He received a generous reward at one time, and he was still in front of the public, and his worth went up.

Well, this value does not refer to the announcement, but the price of accompanying sleep.

If you can't be an actor, you can transform into a business model. Just by virtue of Huo Jianhua's affair, many people know of her existence, which helps her to get out of the business model market.

The artist and company that were implicated at that time did not suffer too much, and they hated Mai Xiaoyu, the cute person, and had nothing to do with Qingtian.

This time is different.

Zhou Ping is dead!

Ning Shirong's previous routine was actually very simple, it was to select some chess pieces from the artists in the circle, which would ruin the reputation of the artists under Mengren.

Simple and straightforward, but also effective. Whether it's Huo Jianhua last year or Tang Yan this year, as long as it succeeds, it will definitely fall into an impossible situation. At that time, the devotion of the cute person to him will be completely overwhelmed, and it will also weaken the influence of the cute person.

First- and second-line artists certainly don't want to be his pawn. People have a bright future, and they have the support of their companies, so they will not do this kind of stupid thing.

That is to say, in the entertainment circle, there is no low-level artist who is not supported by the company, and he is willing to be a **** in exchange for generous rewards.

Just like Zhou Ping.

But this time, Zhou Ping is dead, dead!

These artists with the potential of chess pieces must consider a serious problem-no matter how rich the rewards are, what use is it if there is no life flower?

Also, the impact of this incident on the entertainment industry is too great. It is not the impact of Xie Weixin and others gathering crowds to take drugs, but the losses caused to related parties after these people were arrested.

Fuck you, the grievances between Qingtian and Mengren should be resolved by yourself, why don't you involve others!

All companies in the entertainment industry have veiled greetings to their important artists, directors, and screenwriters. In the future, when they do messy things, they are determined not to bring cute people.

In order not to give Qingtian a chance to take advantage of the loopholes, causing the cute boss to go crazy, and his innocence will be harmed.

Mai Xiaoyu called the police in the name of "the people of the rising sun." Although people in the circle can understand, including Xie Weixin and others, his friends, and his company, he can also understand, but it is impossible to say that there is no grievance in his heart.

However, a news report from the media left this grudge behind.

"Mengren Film and Television and Millennium Entertainment plan to jointly invest in the filming of the love drama "A Beautiful Time for Daughter-in-law" next year..."

Heroine, Haiqing!

Screenwriter, Azheng!

Haiqing, the first sister of the millennium, became famous for her daughter-in-law drama and won the reputation of "national daughter-in-law", with a strong ratings appeal.

The well-known screenwriter Ah Zheng, not to mention, is a legend in the screenwriting world.

There are specializations in the art industry, and so does the screenwriting.

The screenwriters in the entertainment circle are divided into film screenwriters and TV screenwriters from the big point of view; further subdivided into different directions, each well-known screenwriter has its own good points, and the masterpieces reflect what they are good at theme.

Ah is a different kind.

TV drama scripts can instinctively write: ancient costume idol dramas such as "Sword", youth idol dramas such as "Meteor Garden", war dramas such as "Bright Sword", military dramas such as "Soldiers Assault", and even children's dramas "Little Devil" .

Movie scripts can also write: "Stone", "Fatal id", "Racing car" and so on.

More importantly, after these film and television dramas were released or broadcasted, they all achieved great success. "Fatal id" has a place in the international film scene, it is simply not human!

Now he is involved in family life dramas and created "A Beautiful Time for a Daughter-in-law", and the heroine Hai Qing is famous for starring in the drama of the daughter-in-law. The two teamed up, which is very exciting!

Haiqing’s fans are very excited and look forward to this TV series.

Some fans even dug up the relationship between Ah Zheng and Hai Qing. As early as 2002, the two had collaborated on "Crazy Stone" and "Pink Girl". Haiqing also entered the audience's attention with the adaptation of "Pink Girl" by Ah Zheng.

Different from the public's g point, the entertainment circle is more concerned about why Mengren Film and Television cooperates with Millennium Entertainment.

Since the establishment of Mengren Film and Television, it has basically been playing stand-alone. With the exception of war and military dramas such as "Bright Sword" and "Soldier Assault", it is too difficult to produce independently without resources, and other TV series have never cooperated with their peers.

With the current conditions of Mengren, "A Beautiful Age of Daughter-In-Law", an urban love drama that shows contemporary family relationships, can continue to be produced and filmed on its own. Why should we cooperate with Millennium?

You say Haiqing?

Haiqing is the first sister of the millennium, but Haiqing has a very deep relationship with Moe. Moe can shoot by himself, and then look for Haiqing to star!

There is no impermeable wall in the world, not to mention that both Mengren and Qianxi are deliberately letting go.

It soon spread within the circle that the reason why Mengren chose to cooperate with Millennium was because when Mai Xiaoyu fell into a passive state, the Millennium gave charcoal support in the snow.

No one knows how to support it.

No one knows how strong the support is.

However, the cute people are now slowing down and reciprocating things. This is the "Beauty Age of Daughter-In-Law", which is the cooperation between the two sides.

After the media reported it, Moeren Film and Television and Millennium Entertainment both officially acknowledged the incident.

Millennium Entertainment is even more frank. In this cooperation, Mengren provided the script and the two parties jointly funded it. The executive producer is Millennium Entertainment, which is solely responsible for the production and distribution of the TV series.

In the eyes of others, this cute person's move is inevitably involved in the show off of "supporting me with meat", which allows Millennium Entertainment to make money and earn enough eyeballs, but is it not good to have meat?

The entertainment circle is originally a Vanity Fair.

Some company bosses think more far-reaching. They think that Mengren adjusted its strategy after this incident, and did not intend to continue the previous stand-alone machine, but instead strengthened the cooperation with peers. Through interest as a link, build your own network of relationships to resist Qingtian.

Compared with the huge base Qingtian, the Mengren medium base still looks lonely and lonely. Although he retreated all over this time, it also damaged Qingtian, but who can guarantee that every time the Jedi counterattack will be successful?

Cute dramas are well-received. Make a movie and make a movie, and a group of actors can make a movie. From investors and producers to ordinary artists, how many are not interested?

As for the previous grievances... Haha, if you have money, everyone is your friend. Besides, taking drugs is not right, and Mengren had no other way at the time.

The grudge dissipated completely, and Liu Xiaoli suddenly realized that when she attended public occasions, her colleagues' attitude was even more enthusiastic than before the "Xie Weixin Incident", and they expressed their willingness to cooperate with cute people in different ways.

To put it bluntly, iron must be hard by itself, and cute, hard enough!

"Xie Weixin and others were arrested when they gathered to take drugs", "Mengren boss reported under the alias of "Chaoyang People"", "Tang Yan was framed by a poisoned girlfriend", "Poisonous girlfriend committed suicide with guilt"... This scene is like a dog-blood drama, in the cold winter The twelfth lunar month provided excellent news materials for the media, and also presented wonderful post-dinner talks to the public.

However, news is time-sensitive, and the public's interest is also limited. Everyday eating meat will make you tired, and there is never a shortage of world-renowned news in the entertainment industry.

With new and hot entertainment news being reported, this dog-blood drama, co-led by Qingtian and Mengren and involving many forces, has gradually been forgotten by the media and the public.

The squalls and rains will always subside, and by the time Christmas approaches, almost no one mentions it again.

Only a piece of chicken feathers is left.

Xie Weixin, a top TV star, sadly disappeared from the public.

Even if she did not have enough evidence to allow others to take drugs and was exempt from prosecution, and after the administrative detention expired, she was released with others, and her acting career came to an end temporarily.

Like the other five people, the last picture they appeared in front of the public was an apology of heartbreak, tears and tears.

They were OK, and finally got out of the detention center; unlike Zhou Ping, who committed suicide in the detention center and was carried out of the detention center.

Zhou Ping's suicide did not cause any waves in the end.

Among the chaos everywhere, the only thing that benefits... is Tang Yan.

Although the heat has passed, the increase in the number of fans on Weibo is real, proving that her popularity and popularity have increased to varying degrees. It also played a disguised form of the publicity effect of the two dramas "The Fairy 3" and "The Days Living with a Stewardess".

It can also be said that the only profit-making party is the cute person.

"Xian 3" was completed and handed over to Ye Chu's film and television special effects company, responsible for the production of special effects in the later stage.

"Love Call Transfer" is also finished, entering the post-editing stage.

A few days before Christmas, Zhang Xiaoquan specially invited Mai Xiaoyu to eat at home, accompanied by his girlfriend Shen Fei.

The two people mainly talked about the script of "This Man Comes From Earth".

"Fish, I'm afraid this book won't pass the trial."

"I have no plans to release it in China."

"Same as "Fatal id"?"

"Yes. How about it. I have chosen almost the same for the actors, and the scene has been set up. After New Year's Day, it can be turned on."

Zhang Xiaoquan hesitated for a while and asked, "Is this book very important?"

Mai Xiaoyu was taken aback: "Why do you ask?"

"Because I am not very optimistic about this book, if the screenwriter is not Ah Zheng, I would not recommend the company to take this project. But you seem to take it seriously, so..."

After all, it is a member of the Mongolian big3, who fought side by side with Mai Xiaoyu, has been fighting on the lamb's front for many years, and has a certain understanding of Mai Xiaoyu's character.

Mai Xiaoyu has a purpose in everything. Even though Zhang Xiaoquan has rarely understood it now, as a reliable friend, he is sure that Mai Xiaoyu will not make such a movie for no reason.

Less investment?

Moe will be short of money now!

"Yes, this book is very important."

"If this is the case, I don't recommend that you find amateur actors to shoot. This book is not easy to shoot, the scene is single, the plot is simple, and all rely on dialogue to advance, but because of this, there are certain requirements for the actors' acting skills. Not to mention professional actors, at least It is an experienced actor who will shoot, otherwise the effect will be discounted."

Mai Xiaoyu was silent.

Industry specializing in surgery.

The quality of the book and the choice of actors are not within his professional scope. Otherwise, he would never film every time, except for appointing a few protagonists, he almost never interfered in the cast audition.

Zhang Xiaoquan has been in the entertainment industry for many years, from a photography assistant to a photographer to today's director, he has a certain say in the filming of the crew.

Mai Xiaoyu approved his analysis and nodded, "This is still more troublesome."

"How about looking for an experienced actor in China to shoot like "Deadly id"?"

"No, foreigners must be used, otherwise the film will not be persuasive."

"That's it..."

Zhang Xiaoquan is gone.

Mai Xiaoyu lit a cigarette and started to think.

After smoking a cigarette, he slapped his face and said, "In this way, go to the United States to shoot. There is an Actors Guild in the United States, and there are many experienced actors in there..."

"Go to America? It's not necessary."

"It is necessary. Brother Cha, you are right. This movie is very important. In order to ensure that it is foolproof, it is better to go to the United States to shoot." While talking, Mai Xiaoyu took out his phone and checked the calendar. In January, I went to the United States to shoot in January, just in time."

"So in a hurry?"

"No way, I'm still going to take this film to the Cannes Film Festival next year."

Cannes Film Festival...

Zhang Xiaoquan and Shen Fei looked at each other, UU reading www.uukanshu.com also thought of the scene at the Cannes Film Festival the year before, and thought: It seems that next year's Cannes will be another big show.

This concludes the topic of "This Man From Earth".

Mai Xiaoyu had already thought about it, and when he returned, he contacted Shi Hao, and asked him to help contact the actors' union in the United States, interview actors through remote video, and start the preliminary work such as preparing the crew and setting up the set.

Zhang Xiaoquan and Mai Xiaoyu touched a drink and said, "Yu'er, I think you are very clever in cooperating with Millennium. In the future, you will use this method. If you want to help x goods, we have to weigh and weigh."

This time, Mai Xiaoyu did not agree with Zhang Xiaoquan’s point of view: "Brother Fork, you think too much. Interests are paramount in the entertainment industry, and if you have milk, you are a mother. The method you said is okay if you encounter small things, if we and Qingtian When they get up, they beat the side drum at most, they can't count on it."

"You cooperated with Millennium, not for this purpose?"

"No. I will be more passive then, and the Millennium will still be willing to give charcoal in the snow...Although it is mainly verbal, but at any rate it is interesting, I have to express it."

There is something Mai Xiaoyu didn't say, he and Hai Qing came to ons.

Zhang Xiaoquan smacked his lips: "That's it, then you have to think of a way. It's easy to be a thief in a thousand days, but it is difficult to guard against a thief in a thousand days. Too passive."

Mai Xiaoyu grinned: "They have no chance."

"No chance? What do you mean?"

"Zhou Ping committed suicide, how can anyone want to be a **** for them?"


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