Ning Shirong's usual routine was blocked.

Ning Shirong knew this, and Mai Xiaoyu knew it, because he did it deliberately.

In order to show the enemy's weakness, he has been passively defending.

Well, with Qingtian's scale, even if the cute guys take the initiative now, the possibility of taking advantage is very small, and they will start to stun snakes.

But as Zhang Xiaoquan said, only Thousand Days is a thief. How can there be any reason for Thousand Days to guard against thieves?

In Huo Jianhua’s last year, Mai Xiaoyu didn’t know that Ning Shirong was back; now that I know, I don’t want to take advantage of Tang Yan this time to block Ning Shirong’s despicable routine once and for all, and never want to use insiders to frame cute people. artist.

Zhang Xiaoquan is one of the most trusted friends, and Shen Fei can be trusted now. Mai Xiaoyu explained in detail, much more detailed than when Ning Shirong explained to Pei Pengbing.

"...It seems that Qingtian's side is not all pig heads, and they didn't get the set. I thought they would support Zhou Ping's parents to sue me."

After Zhang Xiaoquan digested it for a long time, he said: "I ×, Liang Zi's knot is so deep."

On the cute side, basically no one does not know the grudge between Mai Xiaoyu and the Ning family.

Everyone, including Xiaoxing Xiaoxing and Xiaoquan Zhang, believed that the grudge between Mengren and Qingtian began in 2001 when Mai Xiaoyu beat Ning Shibin to protect Cici.

Over the years, Qingtian has never taken advantage, and the cute guy seems to have installed a rocket booster to develop at a high speed. He keeps slapping Qingtian, but the face of the giant Qingtian is damaged. This has led to the escalation of the grievances between the two sides.

Not to mention the cute artists and employees, even the big names in the entertainment industry, few people know the death feuds of Mai Xiaoyu and Ning Jia.

Mai Xiaoyu took a cigarette and jokingly said, "Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of XX. Back then, we just... changed careers and were blocked from advertising business. We have never filmed them; now we are not anyone who can squeeze casually. It is necessary to be afraid of them? When will they be with you? I have won against us! I regret one thing. When you beat Ning Shibin by fat, you didn't call me!"

"Brother Quan, don't be so grandiose." Shen Fei persuaded Zhang Xiaoquan to say a few words, then covered her mouth and chuckled, "I finally understand why the media has been hyping the Tangtang scandal recently."


Zhang Xiaoquan's eyes lit up and looked at Mai Xiaoyu jokingly.

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."


Ning Shirong was completely out of touch now. Not to mention the discomfort of the injured party, we have to deal with the company's work and pay attention to the progress of the co-production project with Hollywood.

Just as he told Pei Pengbing before, the work of the Sky Group is his focus, and suppressing the cute is just a spice for it.

But now, even if he has the energy to suppress cute people, he can't do it.

Let's play the yin, there are no more pawns; let's play the yangmou, weren't the lessons from the last "Meteor Garden" profound enough?

But he was not reconciled, Pei Pengbing was still on the initiative to ask for help, so he asked Pei Pengbing to contact the media and mercenary soldiers to hype the scandal between Tang Yan and Mai Xiaoyu.

What Mai Xiaoyu's unspoken rules for Tang Yan...

What kind of Tang Yan was raised by Mai Xiaoyu...

What Tang Yan is Mai Xiaoyu’s plaything...

What kind of Tang Yan beat Mai Xiaoyu?

What Tang Yan gave birth to an illegitimate child for Mai Xiaoyu...

Why did Mai Xiaoyu sign Tang Yan when she first fell in love with her...

Gossip Big Bang!

All kinds of gossip, gossip and gossip, even if there is no picture and no truth, the people who eat melons also read it with gusto, and some people really believe it.

It is the name of "chaos" in the entertainment industry, and various unspoken rules about accompany and sleeping are endless, and the people who eat melon have long been used to it. Is it not normal for the boss of a dignified film and television company and a female artist under the unspoken rules?

Refute the rumors?

It's useless!

Sue the media?

Is it because it is not big enough!

Even if some media are prosecuted for killing chickens and screaming monkeys, can it be guaranteed that the people who eat melon do not believe it?

Don't be so naive, OK?

As early as after Long Xing "see you on Monday," scandals about the two emerged, and the heat has not yet completely subsided. In the past few days, the media has been hyped and reported, not to mention the people who eat melons, even the fans of Tang Yan believe it.

Compared to the unintelligible gossip gossip, Tang Yan's fans are very cute, they are more willing to believe that Tang Yan and Mai Xiaoyu are true love. Therefore, leave a message on Tang Yan's Weibo to send blessings, sincerely wishing Tang Yan a happy love.

"This is really Ning...Ning's guinea pig has poor skills. Using this nasty way to disgust me and Tang Yan, adding minor troubles to the company. You are all adults, don't you see this?"

Mai Xiaoyu was right, and Ning Shirong really had no move now.

The industries that Mengren invests in have capital bosses in charge, so he dare not move.

Longxing Studio can check the details and tidy up if there is a chance, but he is not relieved.

He wanted to move the cute deity, but the scars were not healed, so he could only respond to Mai Xiaoyu in this innocuous way.


Shen Fei smiled and asked: "Mr. Mai, in fact, I always have a question for you."

"Ask, it's all my own."

"When we went to school, all four people in the dormitory went to the company to interview members. Why did Tangtang pass and still contract artists?"


Zhang Xiaoquan said excitedly: "Yes, yes, I remember when you and Tang Yan first met, there was a little storm."

Feng Nimei’s waves!

Mai Xiaoyu gave Zhang Xiaoquan angrily, and told him clearly with his eyes: You are silly, beep!

Zhang Xiaoquan blinked, and immediately reacted, and also responded with his eyes: Is she the old lamb?

Mai Xiaoyu: How do you think the lamb of the East China Sea became a member?

Zhang Xiaoquan: I ××××, the world is so small!

The two of them made eye contact with brows, and Shen Fei asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Mai Xiaoyu laughed and said, "I and Brother Fork will lend The company is going to open two TV series next year, and we will arrange an important role for you."

Shen Fei smiled and took Zhang Xiaoquan's arm: "Thank you, Mr. Mai, but I don't want to film anymore."

"Why? Fork brother machismo?"

Zhang Xiaoquan's rare face blushed, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Instead, Shen Fei explained shyly: "No, I'm pregnant."

"I'll go, what did you two do to my godson!"


In the evening, Mai Xiaoyu returned home, still a little excited.

Zhang Xiaoquan and Shen Fei killed their lives and had to get married. The two have discussed it. Both parties will see their parents during the Chinese New Year this year, and they will be married in the first half of the year. Mai Xiaoyu is a godfather regardless of whether it is male or female.

So Shen Fei doesn't plan to film anymore, she won't be filming now, and she won't be filming in the future. She has discussed with Zhang Xiaoquan, and she will switch to being an agent in the future, and she will be Tang Yan as an agent, just as Mai Xiaoyu told her back then.

Mai Xiaoyu would naturally not object.

While being happy for Zhang Xiaoquan and Shen Fei, he thought of himself and Liu Tao again.

Grandma's, Qingtianning's family, how much you have delayed me, I will never forgive you in the future!

Well, from the movie "This Man Comes From Earth", I must go to the United States to shoot in January!

He took out his cell phone and was about to contact Shi Hao when the doorbell rang.

Mai Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and he didn't need to open the door to know who else besides the three upstairs?

However, when he opened the door, he was stunned.

Not three, only one!

Tang Yan was wearing home clothes, chewing gum, and standing outside the door with a smile, Mai Xiaoyu's embarrassing cancer...


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