The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 601: Tang Yan's little action is the grandmaster and the little teacher plus three/sev

"Xian 3" is over. Liang Mengxin had no filming but returned to Yanjing, rested for two days, and then continued to receive training arranged by the company.

Yang Mi is also back, but she is going to go back to school and take the time to make up for the missing homework and prepare for the final exam next month.

Tang Yan's reputation is not as great as Hu Huo's, and the schedule is not so full. There is no notice to take a rest for these two days, and she now lives in the dormitory upstairs.

Therefore, when Mai Xiaoyu heard the doorbell ringing, his first reaction was the three upstairs.

However, when he opened the door, he saw only Tang Yan.

At that moment, Mai Xiaoyu felt that his embarrassing cancer was committed.


Mai Xiaoyu paused and was about to speak. Tang Yan suddenly had a head on her left shoulder. When it was Liu Shi, she blinked at him; and then she had a head on her right shoulder, Zhao Liying, who said with a grin, "Is there any Shocked?"

Mai Xiaoyu directly slapped back and held it in front of Zhao Liying.

Zhao Liying lost her voice on the spot...

"Are you looking for something to do with me so late?" Mai Xiaoyu asked.

"Playing mahjong, three are missing one." Liu Shishi said.

"You are crazy, it's almost eleven o'clock, what kind of mahjong if you don't sleep?"

Tang Yan said: "We can't sleep, let's play for an hour, and go to bed at twelve o'clock. Let's say okay first, you are not allowed to shame."

"Well, play with you for an hour and go to bed on time at twelve."

"Oh, Mr. Mai, you really have a problem with Sister Tangtang, you agreed as soon as she said it."

Only Zhao Liying can say this.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't say anything, and directly raised his slap.

Looking at the big hand in front of her closely again, Zhao Liying gritted her teeth.

Mai Xiaoyu has already taken care of the three-suite house on the seventeenth floor.

1701 he lives by himself; 1702 is used as a fitness room and bought a lot of fitness equipment, which is a bit of a small gym; 1703 is a recreation room with billiard tables, mahjong machines, claw machines and other entertainment facilities.

Not to mention, the doll machine is very popular with girls, even if they know that the doll inside can be picked up by opening the door, they still use the machine to clamp it. I was very regretful for the fact that I was almost clipped out, and cheered for the smooth clip-out of a doll.

Even Liu Tao is no exception. One night after the two had sex, they cuddled in Mai Xiaoyu's arms and told him like a treasure that they had picked up the baby three times in a row yesterday.

Mai Xiaoyu said it was very difficult to understand.

Arriving in 1703, the four of them took their seats.

Tang Yan sat on Mai Xiaoyu's head, Liu Shishi sat on Mai Xiao's remaining head, and Zhao Liying sat opposite Mai Xiaoyu.

The old rule is ten cards per person, ten dollars per card, and the final settlement.


The automatic mahjong machine automatically shuffles the cards.

Zhao Liying said angrily: "You are not allowed to play tricks."

Mai Xiaoyu slapped up again and was knocked out by Liu Shishi and Tang Yan.

Tang Yan said: "Liying is right. You dignified boss, you still shame on our big names, are you sorry?"

Liu Shishi also said: "I have to be optimistic this time, not to let you have the opportunity to steal cards, receive more cards, and hide cards."

"Last time the three of you colluded first, okay?"

Zhao Liying hit the nail on the head: "Then why don't you talk about Fighting the Landlords?"

After finishing the yard, on the first lap, it was Mai Xiaoyu's turn to receive the cards.

He had just received one, and Zhao Liying leaped forward like a tigress and took away his hand.

No more, Mai Xiaoyu only had one in his hand.

Zhao Liying sat back angrily, and gave herself an excuse: "You always shame, and there is a shadow in my heart."

"You want to touch my hand, right?"


"Really, Concubine?"

Mai Xiaoyu's tone was playful, and the ending sound was still very long, Zhao Liying's face was flushed.

The second lap.

Mai Xiaoyu draws cards.

Before he had time to look at the cards, someone picked up his hand again.

It's Tang Yan.

After picking up Mai Xiaoyu's hand, she still had a small gesture, scratching Mai Xiaoyu's palm.

"You have a criminal record."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

The third circle.

Changed to Liu Shishi.

Liu Shishi’s reason is very powerful: "Sister Tangtang and Liying are both grilled."

Mai Xiaoyu was speechless.

Reaching out to touch Liu Shishi's head, Liu Shishi lowered his body to let him touch, his signature warm smile appeared on his face.

"Shishi, how good you were before, you were all taken astray by them."

Tang Yan and Zhao Liying were about to refute. Liu Shishi said first: "You have taken it badly. You can receive 26 cards in Doudizhu."

With the increase in contact, Liu Shishi gradually showed his true temperament in front of Mai Xiaoyu.

She looks gentle and graceful like a water and quiet inside. In fact, she has a personality similar to Yang Mi. She has a free and hearty Yanjing girl character in her bones. She was quite crazy when she was a child. Why did boys do what she did? She was not afraid of going up to the tree to catch bugs.

Mai Xiaoyu feigned angrily: "Can you still play happily!"

The first three, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, and Zhao Liying each fought each other, only Mai Xiaoyu lost.

When hitting the fourth, Liu Shishi suddenly asked: "Brother Mai, the filming of "Xian 3" has been finished. Does the company have any arrangements for me and Liying?"

"It's not all arranged, have you been training to improve your lines and acting skills these days?"

Zhao Liying suggested in a low voice: "Mr. Mai, in fact, through practice, we can improve faster."

" Mai Xiaoyu smiled," finally shows the tail of the fox? "

Liu Shi is clear at the time.

Zhao Liying stuck out her tongue and whispered: "That's Sister Mi Mi."

Filming is also addictive, especially for newcomers.

Especially after filming one, I am extremely eager for the next one.

That's why the two of them waited until Mai Xiaoyu came back. Taking advantage of the opportunity of pulling him to play mahjong, they also asked Tang Yan for help and made their own small wish.

Yes, both of them came from non-major classes, so it’s important to improve their training, but it’s also important to film a movie. Otherwise, why should they be actors?

Tang Yan also helped her voice: "Shishi and Liying did a good job this time, and they worked very **** the crew, so let's give them a chance. Isn't the company preparing for the filming of "A Day with Flight Attendants"?"

"Yes, yes." Zhao Liying nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I studied as a flight attendant, professional counterpart..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, because Mai Xiaoyu's hand was raised in front of her face again.

"Remember how I told you?"

Zhao Liying drooped her head dejectedly, so pitiful.

Mai Xiaoyu said again: "However, I have heard from Director Li that you worked very hard when you were on the crew. I can give you a role in "Stewardess" as a reward, but there are not many scenes."

"It doesn't matter how much the role is, as long as there is a filming!" Zhao Liying jumped up happily, "Thank you, Mr. Mai."

Liu Shishi's beautiful eyes moved, looking at Mai Xiaoyu hopefully.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said: "There is no suitable role for you in "Stewardess", but the company plans to open another new drama. You are the second female..."


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