The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 604: Mengxin brings Mengxin as the grandmaster, and the younger teacher adds more 4/7

At the beginning of the lantern, the night is not yet young.

In the coffee shop outside the Central Academy of Drama, Tong Liya and Zhao Chupeng sat opposite each other.

The store is surrounded by soothing music, and there are two cups of hot coffee on the table.

It's just that the faces of the two people at the table are not very good.

"He, he, what did he tell you to come to me for?" Tong Liya asked nervously.

"First, you should call Mr. Mai or the boss; second, I have already introduced myself. I am your agent. Why did you say Mr. Mai asked me to come to you?"

Zhao Chupeng's tone was slightly irritable.

His cousin is a member of Moe Ren Yanjing. After graduating from university the year before, on the recommendation of my cousin, she successfully joined Moe Ren through an interview.

Over the past two years since joining the company, he has experienced sweeping grinds in the scout department, desks in the propaganda department, rushing around in the artist management department, and finally transferred to Liu Tao's team.

With the Liutao team for more than a year, he has several roles, he is also an assistant and occasionally a guest driver, accumulating a lot of experience. A few days ago, he finally passed the assessment hosted by Li Xue, and became an agent as he wished.

An agent of Mengren Film and Television.

Become an agent, so naturally I have to bring an artist.

Li Xue has long been the director of the Mengren film and television artist agency department, with very few artists. The famous artists under Moeren basically have their own exclusive agents, who are promoted from their respective teams.

In addition to Cici, Shu Chang, Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying five people.

Cici is Mai Xiaoyu’s younger sister; Shu Chang is also Mai Xiaoyu’s younger sister, and she is in her junior year, Yang Migang is a sophomore; Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying are Mengxin, and all five of them are currently led by Li Xue personally. of.

Zhao Chupeng knew what he was doing, and didn't dare to expect Cici Shu Chang to raise the three of them. He thought he would bring Liu Shishi or Zhao Liying with him. Especially when Liu Shi joined the company for a year, her debut work is the second female of "Fairy 3", which is obviously an artist that the company focuses on training.

As a result, Mai Xiaoyu called him to the office this afternoon and asked him to run Tong Liya's acting career.

Liya Tong hasn't graduated from University yet!

The income of the agent is directly linked to the income of the artist. And cute people are very special. For artists who are still in school, they always put their studies as the most important thing, and they are not in a hurry to let them receive more notices to make money for the company.

Well, Liya Tong is a junior this year, and she will be able to open the announcement next summer, and the company has prepared a play for her, but Zhao Chupeng still feels that Liya Tong is inferior to Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying.

At least they are both adorable, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying are more valued by Mai Xiaoyu than Tong Liya.

The simplest thing is that Mai Xiaoyu didn't let Li Xue, the director of the artist's agency department with rich and well-connected connections, come to bring Tong Liya. He didn't have it for a day.

Instead, let him take Tong Liya directly.

He is also adorable in the industry of brokers!

Moreover, arranging an agent for Tong Liya and informing her to take over the play, instead of letting her come to the company, instead letting him go to the middle of the play to find Tong Liya... In Zhao Chupeng's view, it is enough to explain the problem.

He didn’t dare to violate the company’s arrangement; Mai Xiaoyu’s confession gave him a glimmer of hope; but after arriving at the coffee shop, Tong Liya’s first words made Zhao Chupeng easy to warm up. Relapse into the ice cave.

It's too raw!

But the wood is done. Zhao Chupeng took out the professional performance of the agent and took out the business card he carried with him: "This is my business card. Please keep it. I will work hard to manage your acting career in the future. I hope we have a happy cooperation."

After handing the business card to Tong Liya, he took out a contract and script from the briefcase: "Today I am looking for you. One is to get to know each other, and the other is to inform you that the company's new drama "Days of Living with a Flight Attendant" next year , You are the second female. This is a contract, you can take a look first."

Tong Liya almost refused, and she didn't respond until she said her words. If she didn't accept the show, she couldn't change the fact that she signed a cute person.

If he doesn't take this play, the cute person can arrange other actors; he doesn't take every play... Doesn't it mean that you are hiding yourself?

After collecting Zhao Chupeng's business card, Tong Liya didn't worry about reading the script, but first looked at the contract.

She looked at the contract here, and Zhao Chupeng introduced there: “You are a contracted artist of our company, so the contract is an internal contract. Do your best to protect your interests and not let you suffer. Don’t worry about this.”

Tong Liya recognized every word in the contract, but she couldn't tell whether there were any contract traps hidden behind the sentence composed of these words.

It doesn't matter if there are any traps, anyway, I signed a ten-year lease.

I also know his past, it is impossible to break the contract.


After Liya Tong simply read the contract, she didn't look at the pay that most artists care about most. She just looked at the shooting time, and then asked, "Is there a pen?"

Zhao Chupeng handed over the signature pen, and Tong Liya took it over and signed her name.

"The company plans to start up after the Spring Festival. This is the script. You should collect it and familiarize yourself with it in advance. Don't spread it out. The next afternoon I will pick you up to the crew to meet with Director Sun Yaxing. In late January next year, the crew will arrange for you and Teacher Tang Yan Go to China Eastern Airlines and receive ten days of stewardess etiquette training..."

Zhao Chupeng took a sip of coffee and gave Tong Liya a detailed introduction to the information of "Stewardess", the level of salary, the payment method, the company's emphasis on this drama, and the company's attention to Tong Liya.

The debut work is the second female, or is it based on Mai's work adapted by Ah Zheng himself, with Feng Shaofeng and Tang Yan co-starring, isn't it enough?

It is precisely because of this and Mai Xiaoyu's explanation that Zhao Chupeng has rekindled hope for Tong Liya and her future.

However, he always suspected that Tong Liya's relationship with the company was not as good as other artists, otherwise Mai Xiaoyu would not let himself bring a few words to Tong Liya.

"Mr. Mai asked me to ask you, haven't you told that you have signed a contract with the company?"



"There is no why."

"Are you not at all excited, don't you want to share it with others?"

"is it necessary?"

Zhao Chupeng: "..."

Moe people like to sign new people, but they never smash new people in their hands.

Even Wang Baoqiang, who was once considered a cute person in the industry, was called one of the hottest stars of this year by virtue of "Soldiers Assault", not to mention other newcomers.

Therefore, for newcomers, signing a cute person is equivalent to stepping into the threshold of success with one foot.

But Liya Tong is not excited at all... How does it feel like President Mai forcibly signing her?

Zhao Chupeng murmured a word in his heart. Instead of saying this, he asked gossiping: "How did you and Mr. Mai meet in the first place?"

He came out of the scout department and knew the wound in the scout department.

Since Huang Bo, the scout department has never discovered an artist.

Many people in the company are curious about how Mai Xiaoyu found the artist who was later signed by the company, and Zhao Chupeng is no exception.

However, Tong Liya's answer was very domineering: "You are the agent arranged by the company to do your job. Don't inquire about things that are not related to your work."


This Zhao Chupeng choked, he had never thought that a new person would kiss so hard.

This unscientific!

Could it be that there is any secret between her and Mr. Mai that cannot be said?

"Sorry, I'm too gossip. Mr. Mai also asked me to tell you a word, you can't hide it. If you say it early, your life will change because of it. You have to learn to adapt..."


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