The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 605: Free-range small wild horses

"If you can't hide, say it early and relax, and your life will change because of this. You have to learn to adapt to new problems that arise."

Mai Xiaoyu asked Zhao Chupeng to convey this sentence. Tong Liya can understand the first half of the sentence, but what does the second half... mean?

After returning to the dormitory, Tong Liya finally understood.

When she returned to the dormitory with the contract and script, there were no more people in the dormitory.

The girls in the outer dormitory left after twittering. Some of the girls in the dormitory accepted the notice that they would not stay in the dormitory during this period; some went out to play and enjoy the nightlife; some went to the library to read.

There are only two people left in the dormitory, Wang Zhi and a girl with a ponytail.

Wang Zhi is reading "Dream of Red Mansions" to prepare for the first match of the Yanjing Division of "Dream of Red Mansions" on December 26. The ponytail girls are putting on makeup and looking at the mobile phone at hand from time to time, apparently waiting for a call.

Seeing Tong Liya's return, Wang Zhi raised her head and said hello: "I'm back."


"What did you get?"

Tong Liya: "..."

"Can't hide..."

The words Mai Xiaoyu told Zhao Chupeng to relay again appeared in Tong Liya's ears.

As early as when Moe Ren decided to adapt Mai Mai's pure love novel "The Day of Living with a Stewardess", it had already triggered a publicity hype on the Internet, and book fans were controversial about the choice of the male and female protagonists.

However, Mengren Film and Television never considered the opinions of book fans and deliberately made a gimmick. After a lot of publicity and hype, they disclosed the makeup photos of Feng Shaofeng and Tang Yan.

Book fans are already familiar with the style of cute people, and the heroes and heroines of self-made dramas have always chosen from their own artists.

The F4 fever has not retreated. Feng Shaofeng plays "Lu Fei" and supports many people; while Tang Yan's fixed makeup photos and the temperament of a stewardess uniform set off a lot of audiences, and even led to the uniform and the screen control.

Later, Tang Yan was almost framed by a poisoned girlfriend, and she burst into tears when interviewed by reporters, which triggered a sea of ​​sympathy from the public.

"Stewardess" took advantage of the momentum to launch a new wave of propaganda, and the public mostly supported the two starring in "Stewardess".

The show has not yet started, and it has attracted widespread public attention. As students of the performance departments of the three major art academies, it is natural not to know that there are some students who deliberately go to the crew of "Stewardess" and want to mix up a role.

Feng Shaofeng graduated from Dongxi Opera and Tang Yan graduated from Zhongxi Opera. If you can catch the two of them as alumni, even if you just have a familiar face, you need to contact them. For those students who are determined to engage in acting career, it is also Calculated as a shortcut to quickly pick up the show.

It's not that being a person is too realistic to get into the camp, but the reality is that way.

The competition in the entertainment industry is fierce. Even the graduates of the three major art colleges who graduated from majors, few can stand in the entertainment industry after graduation, and even fewer get some results.

If you don't work hard to actively create opportunities, it is impossible to take the initiative to patronize yourself.

Mengren arranged for Tong Liya to play the second female role in "Stewardess". Even if she continues to conceal it now, when the official list of actors is released, the crew starts, and the media reports, students will still know that she will be more passive at that time.

Just like Mai Xiaoyu asked Zhao Chupeng to tell her, there is no way to hide this.

After hesitating for a moment, Tong Liya decided to tell the truth: "The film schedule and the script."

Wang Zhi's eyes lit up: "Yaya, congratulations, what kind of appointment?"

""The Day of Living with a Stewardess"."

Now, the ponytail girl over there who is putting on makeup is not calm: "Moe drama?"

Wang Zhi also asked: "Are you filming with Senior Sister Tang Yan?"

Tong Liya nodded.

"No wonder you are not interested in other crews recently. It turns out that you went to audition for the crew of Stewardess." The ponytail girl seemed to understand something, "Which role do you play?"


"Lele...female second?" The ponytail girl's tail rose suddenly, still with a vibrato.

Wang Zhi also looked at Tong Liya in disbelief: "You play the second female role!"

"Stewardess" is not a little-known TV series.

The male one is Feng Shaofeng and the female one is Tang Yan. They are adapted from the best-selling wheat. The gold medal screenwriter Ah Zheng personally writes it. It is still a cute drama, and the director Sun Yaxing started by making cute dramas...

All kinds of factors are added together, and with your toes, you can understand how fierce the competition is for the important roles in this drama.

Tong Liya, a junior girl in the Chinese opera acting class, a pure newcomer with little acting experience, can get this role...

"I signed with Moe Ren."

"You mean, Moeren signed you?"


"You're too cunning. Don't say anything, you have become a signed artist of Moe Ren. Among our classmates, you are the first to sign a contract. You are still a big company like Moe Ren. Ay, can you help me talk to me? Arrange a role, with a little more drama and lines."

"I just signed and I'm a newcomer, so I can't speak."

"That's it. Oh, I almost forgot to congratulate you. Not only will you be filming with Senior Sister Tang Yan, you will also become the second senior Sister Tang Yan."

How did Tang Yan become popular? Wasn't she just signing with Moe Ren, in her sophomore year, she appeared in Moe Ren drama "Sword" and played the second female "Lin Yueru"?

Now Liya Tong is almost copying her route, signing a contract with Moe Ren, and she is also the second girl in the cute drama "Stewardess" in her junior year.

The words of the ponytail girl, whether in expression, tone or literal meaning, are all congratulations. But for some reason, Tong Liya still feels something is wrong.

Is it an illusion?

Soon, she knew the answer.

A few minutes later, the ponytail girl's cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and said without a few words, and said impatiently: "What reminders are you reminding me? I haven't finished my makeup! Just now, my roommate received an appointment for the second female "Stewardess" and signed it with Moe. , I congratulate her, what's wrong with the delay!"

Almost shouting and hanging up the phone, the ponytail girl simply put on her makeup, put on her coat and slung her bag, got up and left, without even saying hello.

You could see Tong Liya and Wang Zhi looking at each other.

At this moment, Tong Liya finally understood Mai Xiaoyu's phrase "Your life will change as a result, and you have to learn to adapt to the new problems that arise".

Wang Zhi closed the door, walked to Tong Liya and sat down, took her by the hand, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, ya ya."

"Zhizhi, you believe me, I didn't hide it from you on purpose. If I can choose, I will definitely not sign a contract with Moe Ren."

"Don't be stupid, cute people are very famous, and the artists they sign can be successful, and it doesn't matter if they pay some price."

Pay... the price?

"Zhizhi, you misunderstood, it's not what you think!"

"It's okay. During the closed training days, I saw with my own eyes there were more than one female players entering the producer's room at night."

Tong Liya: "..."

She had difficulty in arguing, just like the previous classmates suspected that Mai Xiaoyu would rule Tang Yan, now they also suspect that they were hidden by Mai Xiaoyu...

Wang Zhi gossiping: "What does the cute boss look like, is he old and ugly or young and handsome?"

"Well... you've seen him, the person who sent me back to Daguanyuan audition last month."

Wang Zhi thought for a while, recalled Mai Xiaoyu, exclaimed: "Oh my God, that young rich man is a cute boss! He knows your nickname, Yaya, calling you very kind, and you lied to me at the time. He is your fellow, a flower and playboy...Yeh, don't you admit it now?"

Tong Liya suddenly realized that she really couldn't tell.

Before the door was locked in the dormitory building at night, the girls returned to the dormitory one after another. Tong Liya signed a Meng Ren and received the news of the female second appointment of "Stewardess", as if wings were inserted, and it was spread to the boys' building.

Those who came to visit, called, and congratulated me in all kinds of ways, making Tong Liya fully aware that her peaceful campus life was ruined in Mai Xiaoyu's hands.


"What the **** do you want to do!"

The next day is December 24, Christmas Eve.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Tong Liya appeared in Mai Xiaoyu's office and asked loudly.

Mai Xiaoyu took a cigarette and slowly said, "Are you sick?"

"I have promised to keep your secrets for you and signed a ten-year contract with the company. Why are you still reluctant to let me go?" Tong Liya glared at Mai Xiaoyu while propping up her desk with both hands.

Mai Xiaoyu puffed out her face with a puff of smoke; "Today I went out to take too much medicine, why are you crazy?"

"Do you know you ruined my life, my life was messed up by you!"

"Pay attention to the tone of your talk to me, otherwise I don't mind teaching you how to be a human being on the spot. Seeing that the door is not there, it is a lounge. The soundproofing effect is very good, and the most important thing is that the bed is very comfortable."

"You..." Tong Liya was scared. Although Mai Xiaoyu left a small shadow in her heart, it was too terrifying, "You vowed not to touch me."

"That is based on the premise that you don't offend me, otherwise, the consequences will be serious."

Tong Liya sat down depressed.

Her own destiny is held in the palms of others. This feeling is too heavy and painful for her to be strong-tempered.

When she calmed down, Mai Xiaoyu asked; "Does your classmates know?"

Tong Liya was silent.

"A change in their attitude towards you?"

Tong Liya remained silent.

"You feel uncomfortable, think I caused it?"

"Isn't it?" Tong Liya asked back.

"OK, I will transfer Xiao Zhao away when I look back. I won't arrange any notice for you in the future. You will receive a monthly subsidy of 3,000 yuan from the company, and you will be free after ten years. Get out!"

Tong Liya: "..."

"Why are you still here? Billow."

Tong Liya sat still.

She has passed her 22nd birthday and has not received any announcements for ten years... After the contract expires, she will be 32 years old, and her great youth has been ruined. What is the future of the entertainment industry?

"You want to hide me for ten years?"

"I'm hiding you? Didn't you ask for it yourself!"

"Then you terminate the contract with me, I promise that I won't tell you about it."

"Why should I believe you? Or else, today Christmas Eve is also a lost night, you stay with me overnight, I will record the picture of the two of us ML. When I hold your handle in my hand, I will not be afraid of you. How about telling my secret?"

"You said you wouldn't touch me."

"That's not okay, that's not okay, who do you think you are! Do you know how many people outside are worried about the second female of "Stewardess", why should I give you such a newcomer with no acting experience?"

"Why, why?"

"Because of your kindness, I said that good people should be rewarded."


"But your classmates' attitude toward you has changed drastically. Some people are still full of envy, jealousy and hatred. Are you very uncomfortable?" Mai Xiaoyu got up, walked in front of Tong Liya, bent down and pinched her chin to get her close. Face yourself, "This is the entertainment industry."

Tong Liya still wanted to struggle, but she was stunned when she heard Mai Xiaoyu's last words.

"Knowing that you are a role, if you cast an external role, how many young and beautiful girls will there be, squeezing their heads and want to sleep in my bed? Don't look down on them, this is reality, it is the real entertainment industry. Don't think your appearance is good. And acting skills are better than others, because you are a company artist, I will give you this role."

The distance is too close, let alone her mouth and nose, Tong Liya will even feel Mai Xiaoyu's saliva sprayed on her face.

She swept away, and touched the ashtray on the table quietly with one hand to prevent Mai Xiaoyu from suddenly becoming sexually violent.

Mai Xiaoyu squeezed her chin firmly with one hand, and grabbed her bird's hand with the other hand: "The situation you are encountering now, Tang Yan has experienced before, it is all pediatrics. You even deal with this. No, what should I do after graduation?

When you graduate and really join the entertainment industry, you will know how intrigues and intrigues are going on in the circle. An impulsive and stupid person like you has no bones left to be eaten at any time. Have you heard of Tang Yan's experience some time ago? "

"I, I know." Tong Liya's attitude softened a lot, "Please let me go."

Mai Xiaoyu let go of her and returned to her seat: "There are more than a dozen artists under the company, and there are many female artists. In addition to you, there are Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying, my energy is mainly on them. So you don’t have to worry. After filming "Stewardess" this time, Xiao Zhao will be in charge of all your work. You and I don’t have to meet again."


"Go out, remember to talk to Xiao Zhao. He is your agent and is responsible for arranging your work. Please contact him more in the future, or you will hide yourself."

Tong Liya left the office with a backpack to discuss her development plan with Zhao Chupeng.

Artists and agents are inseparable, and only a harmonious relationship can achieve a win-win situation. In the newcomer period when an artist debuted, it was inseparable from the agent's use of all his resources to pave the way for the artist as much as possible, so that she can get on the right track as soon as possible.

Tong Liya's idea is very simple, simple and naive.

With the help of her manager Zhao Chupeng, she wanted to use the name of Mengren Film and Television to shed a piece of her own sky.

It's just the water in the entertainment industry, will it dive so much?

Anyway, Tong Liya was confident and motivated. When she left Mai Xiaoyu's office, she didn't say goodbye.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't care either.

It's not that she doesn't care about Tong Liya's attitude, but she doesn't care about Tong Liya.

If he wants to, there are a hundred ways to re-circle Tong Liya, so that she is willing to become a cute signed artist, just like Zhao Liying.

But why?

He is the boss, not the nanny!

Just after repelling Qingtian's sneak attack, and receiving sincerity from many companies, Mengren is now developing smoothly. Mai Xiaoyu is preparing to go further next year. How can he put so much energy on Tong Liya and take the time to tame this young wild horse?

After the free range, it is best if you can figure it out.

Cute people are now strong and strong. For Mai Xiaoyu, it doesn't really matter if you have one more and one less than a cute new person like Tong Liya.

Both are adorable, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying are much cuter than Tong Liya. This is not Christmas Eve tonight, Zhao Liying specially invites Mai Xiaoyu to dinner and watch a movie...


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