"Mr. Mai, you are late!"

At more than six o'clock in the evening, Mai Xiaoyu had just arrived at the cheap shop and was immediately complained by Zhao Liying.

"I went to the gym, I didn't know the time. Did you order?"

"Not yet. What are you doing in the gym?"

"Practice Sanda, otherwise how can I protect you?"

"Protect Sister Tangtang." Zhao Liying smiled and pouted, "Really, there are no girls inviting you to dinner, boys are late."

"Your reflex arc is long enough. I don't want to think, if it weren't for me, you would have to vomit blood tonight."

On Christmas Eve today, many people have activities arranged in the evening, regardless of whether they are stars or ordinary people.

Needless to say, famous artists under Moeren are the darlings of various grand ceremonies, awards and commercial activities.

Liu Tao originally said that he would be back with Mai Xiaoyu this Christmas, but he received an invitation to a fashion party from a well-known international brand. She is one of the spokespersons of that brand in China, so she can't refuse.

Liu Shishi is cute, and there is no announcement invitation, but they just graduated this summer, and the classmates are still very close. The classmates who stay in Yanjing organize a party, she must go.

Zhao Liying is rather pitiful. He just came to Yanjing this year to sign a new one for Xiaomeng. There was no announcement and no class reunion, and he took the initiative to invite Mai Xiaoyu to dinner, thanking him for signing himself and taking care of himself.

Originally she wanted to invite Mai Xiaoyu to Quanjude for dinner, but it was Quanjude at the front door.

When Mai Xiaoyu learned about it, he flatly refused.

Quanjude has high living consumption, with Zhao Liying's income level... She also made a film of "Xian San" with a remuneration of 3,000 yuan per episode. After tax deduction, she couldn't save a lot of money.

And Quanjude Qianmen... Generally, people in Yanjing don’t go there to eat. They are dedicated to butchering foreigners and tourists from other places, and the price can be sky-high!

Finally, Mai Xiaoyu recommended the time-honored cheap shop.

Zhao Liying came early and took up the deck by the window in the corner to wait for him.

Today Christmas Eve, the shop is decorated with a Christmas atmosphere, and there are a lot of diners who come to eat.

When Mai Xiaoyu rushed to the cheap shop at six o'clock, the hall was full.

The dishes were ordered by Zhao Liying, the roast duck must not be less, and he ordered a bottle of red wine.

There were too many guests for dinner tonight, and it took a long time for the dishes to be served.


In the standard sound of blessing, the two raised their glasses and touched them lightly, took a sip of red wine, and started eating.

As soon as Mai Xiaoyu picked up the chopsticks, Zhao Liying picked up a lot of dishes for him.

When he ate a few bites of food, he was about to wrap a roast duck, and a wrapped roast duck was handed to him.

It's Zhao Liying.

Mai Xiaoyu frowned and looked at her, a little confused about what she meant.

Zhao Liying showed a cute smile, stretched her hand forward, and handed the wrapped roast duck to Mai Xiaoyu's mouth.

Mai Xiaoyu hesitated to eat the roast duck she handed over, chewing slowly.

Zhao Liying rested her chin, watched him swallow it, and asked suddenly; "Is it delicious?"

"The taste...seems a bit wrong." Mai Xiaoyu smacked his lips, "Well, it's really not quite right."

"The taste isn't right? Is the sweet noodle sauce less wiped?"

Zhou Liying's eyebrows frowned, swiftly wrapped a roast duck and took a bite. After tasting it carefully, she was puzzled: "A lot, it's delicious."

Seeing Mai Xiaoyu go to sandwich the lotus leaf cake with roast duck, she knocked out Mai Xiaoyu's chopsticks with her chopsticks: "I'm coming."

Soon, another roast duck was wrapped, and Zhao Liying handed it to Mai Xiaoyu's mouth.

Mai Xiaoyu reached out to pick it up, and she shook it, which meant to feed Mai Xiaoyu.

Is it Christmas Eve, this girl secretes strong hormones?

Mai Xiaoyu looked at Zhao Liying suspiciously and took a bite of the roast duck.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

"The smell is wrong, I can't tell what it is."

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu took another bite, ate the remaining roast duck into his mouth, and lightly bit Zhao Liying's finger by the way.

Zhou Liying drew her hand back and protested: "You bit my finger."

"Thanks for biting your finger, I am now finally sure why your roast duck tastes wrong."


"You didn't wash your hands."

"You..." Zhao Liying became angry. "If you didn't wash your hands, you didn't wash your hands. Fortune-telling, you are not allowed to do it tonight. You must eat what I gave you."

Don’t allow Mai Xiaoyu to refuse, Zhao Liying wrapped another roast duck, but the roast duck in Mai Xiaoyu’s mouth hadn’t been eaten yet...

"I want to eat something else."

"After eating this roast duck first, I'll wrap it all up for you."

No matter what, Mai Xiaoyu ate three roast ducks in a row, and they were all a little tired of eating. Zhao Liying put him several chopsticks and dishes.

The actions of the two attracted the attention of the diners at the next table.

The diners are a young couple.

With a look of envy, the boy whispered: "My wife, I want to eat roast duck."

"I want to eat my own bag."

"Look at others..."

"I saw it. They are taller than you, handsome than you, more stylish than you, funnier than you, and richer than you in terms of clothes..."

The girl's voice stopped abruptly, and a wrapped roast duck was handed to her mouth. It was wrapped by the boy at the fastest speed, specifically to gag her.

The girl ate the roast duck wrapped by her lover and smiled with satisfaction.

When Mai Xiaoyu and Zhao Liying heard the conversation between the two of them, they looked at each other and smiled. The fourth roast duck wrapped by Zhao Liying was held to Mai Xiaoyu's mouth...

For dinner... the atmosphere is quite in line with the romantic atmosphere of Christmas.

After eating, Zhao Liying settled the bill in the strange eyes of the couple and waiter next to her.

"Ai, what are your plans next?"

"Hey, don't call me a concubine!"

"When you ate just now, you obviously behaved like Concubine Ai."

"That's not allowed."

"Why, do you want to be a queen?"

"If you bully me again, I'll turn my face. Do you know that it's because of you yelling that I am often laughed at."

"Blam me?"

"Don't blame you, you can't speak but your brain, you can say what you think of, completely disregarding other people's feelings."

Mai Xiaoyu's eyes widened: "Ai Fei~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you sure you are not black?"

"Huh! Drive, let's go to the bar, Dynasty Nightclub!"

At more than eight o'clock in the evening, when I came to the Dynasty Nightclub, the venue was full.

Think about it, Christmas Eve, bars and nightclubs will certainly not miss a good opportunity to make money.

Like Dynasty, it specially organized a Christmas Eve theme party.

Well, the theme is ons. I will be notified by various means early. For the single ladies who come to the nightclub tonight, all expenses are free.

Even special sets are free.

Now, there are more men coming to the dynasty alone or in groups.

Fortunately, Mai Xiaoyu was able to brush his face in Dynasty, not only the face is big, but the effect is very good. Not long after he arrived, Bald received a notice from his subordinates to come out to greet him in person, and arranged for Mai Xiaoyu and Zhao Liying to reserve a luxury card.

If it weren't for Mai Xiaoyu's insistence, the bald head could not wait to waive all expenses such as the minimum consumption and fruit plate.

It's not that I'm afraid of Mai Xiaoyu, but a great opportunity to make money tonight, for fear of being ruined by him.

"I'm here tonight, and I should pay a lot of money."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and dismissed his bald head, and turned to Zhao Liying: "Isn't it embarrassing?"

Zhao Liying said stiffly: "What's embarrassing."

"Then I have a drink."

"Click, I said please you."

No need to call Mai Xiaoyu, the beer girl came by herself.

That's a dedication. Through intimate words and enchanting body language, Mai Xiaoyu ordered a table of drinks. When he finally left, Mai Xiaoyu slapped his hips as usual, in exchange for a charming look.


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