The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 609: The temptation and enchantment of luxury brands

The next day, Liu Shishi returned to the dormitory and was pleasantly surprised when he saw the gift hanging in front of the door.

Opening the gift, seeing JimmyChoo's crystal shoes, the joy of energy is exactly the same as Zhao Liying. Pulling Zhao Liying into the bedroom, she found out her clothes and changed them one by one, matching them with crystal shoes.

Zhao Liying also carried her clothes to Liu Shishi's bedroom. The two Mengxins also consulted each other and stood in front of the mirror to admire them after matching them.

JimmyChoo, one of the pioneers of celebrity fashion design, is also one of the first luxury brands to introduce gorgeous shoes and handbags to Hollywood. The star-studded red carpet is undoubtedly an ideal stage to show the brand's glamour.

Today, JimmyChoo has developed into a fashion icon that has been highly respected from celebrities to royal families, from musicians to heads of state, and is deeply loved by celebrities in entertainment circles from all over the world.

Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying's cuteness is no exception.

After Liang Mengxin tried, they called to inform Yang Mi who was in Yanying's class.

Yang Mi learned that Mai Xiaoyu gave everyone a pair of JimmyChoo crystal shoes as a Christmas gift this year, and took a taxi back to the dormitory as soon as possible after class. Holding her gift, she pulled Liang Mengxin into the bedroom, repeating Liu Shishi's previous actions.

Liang Mengxin didn't bother at all, instead they took their clothes and shoes and repeated Zhao Liying's previous actions.


The three women tried for several hours, and only when their legs became soft, they stopped squeezing Mi's bed and couldn't hide the excitement in their hearts.

Then, in Yang Mi's mention, the three began to call other female artists to inform them of the Christmas gifts that Mai Xiaoyu gave this year.

Some artists are about to return to Beijing to attend the event; some artists are still rushing to make announcements out of town and cannot come back for a while, but they are very happy when they hear the news. As if the negotiation was good, Yang Mi and Mengxin were warned not to steal their gifts, especially Yang Mi.

This makes Yang Mi very angry.

"I am so mad, and kindly tell them that they are actually worried that I will steal their gifts!"

"You said, am I that kind of person?"

"Why don't you speak, and still look at me with such eyes?"

"Forget who has taken care of you the most these months, two little traitors!"


"Shishi, Liying, shall we go see their gifts?"

"Don't look at me like that, I'm doing it for everyone. Do you know that Cici and Chang Chang are the sisters of the uncle; Sister Tao and Sister Jon have a very good relationship with the uncle; Sister Tangtang still has scandals with the uncle; Sister Dandan? ...I guess it's about the same as ours, and the gift is definitely not as good as theirs."

"Are you going to see? If this is the case, you can let the uncle compensate us before Christmas has passed!"

Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying were not bewitched by her. Instead, Liu Shishi asked a new question: "I notified Tong Liya just now, and her response was dull...what should I do?"

It is normal that Tong Liya's response is dull. She has just signed a contract, lives in school, rarely comes to the company, and has hardly any interaction with other artists of Moe Ren, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is strange to each other.

Liu Shishi's worry is that there is no Tong Liya's room in the dormitory, and naturally there will be no gifts from Tong Liya. In case Tong Liya came and didn't find her gift... How embarrassing.

She was actually worried a lot. Tong Liya never thought about accepting Mai Xiaoyu's gift, so she would not go to the company dormitory. And Mai Xiaoyu did not prepare a gift for Tong Liya, because he knew that even if he prepared it, Tong Liya would not ask for it.

Mai Xiaoyu will never do something that is not good enough for a professional liar.

After receiving Mai Xiaoyu's gift, Liu Shishi and Yang Mi will naturally express that they are actually ready.

Liu Shishi gave him a lighter, and Yang Mi gave him a tie clip. Others are no exception. In addition to company entertainers, there are also cute middle- and upper-level managers. Almost no one gave Mai Xiaoyu a gift.

Mai Xiaoyu is not a brave, so he can't just get in. For example, Liu Xiaoli, Li Xue, Zhang Xiaoquan, Lu Ning, Lian Junjie and other executives at the director level and above are given luxury goods, and all other employees are given red envelopes.

The amount of the red envelope varies according to the time of entry and position, but the latest employee who joined the Moe Ren Scouting Department also received a red envelope of two hundred yuan.

After issuing the red envelopes, Mai Xiaoyu issued a new rule in the company: in the future, it is forbidden to give gifts to the boss during the holidays, otherwise the boss will be hollowed out.

This rule made the employees happy for a day.

Mai Xiaoyu is an unassuming and generous boss, even new employees know this.

Whenever a company has a new project to make profits, or a department has a particularly large contribution at a certain stage, it will receive a varying number of red envelopes or bonuses.

It can be said that if you don't agree, you will give a red envelope.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t post it on Christmas. The most important thing is to work hard and follow the growth of the company to make a future for yourself. Will the salary, bonuses and red envelopes be reduced at that time?

Just like Christmas, Mengren employees know that the company is going to start a project again, and it is a big project.

This is not true. First, Li Huifei, the great idol drama director, one of the industry's acclaimed directors of the cute queen, arrived in Yanjing, and then Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen were also recalled to the company.

The combination of the three... is worth looking forward to!

On December 26, just after Christmas, Li Hui and his assistant flew to Yanjing and came to Mai Xiaoyu's office.

Asking the assistant to drink tea outside the door, Li Hui didn't make any mistakes, and told Mai Xiaoyu straightforwardly that he intentionally brought his team to join Mengren.

Moeren's development to its current scale also needs to sign several powerful and famous directors.

Fortunately, the film director said that Zhang Xiaoquan and Xiao Xiaoxing are supporting, but the TV drama director is in short supply. Although Li Hui and Sun Yaxing almost contracted cute dramas, they didn't sign a contract after all, and they couldn't always find two of them to be directors every time they were preparing for a project.

It used to be lucky, but now the fame and status of the people are rising with the cute dramas. Who can guarantee that they will have a schedule every time to direct the cute dramas in the future?

Liu Xiaoli urged Mai Xiaoyu on this matter, and Mai Xiaoyu was also considering it. After Xiaoxing Xi came back, the three of them discussed it, discovered a few good seedling circles, and trained them as TV drama directors.

Today Li Hui took the initiative to lose sincerity, but Mai Xiaoyu was not in a hurry to respond.

After pondering for half a minute, he asked: "What did Lao Luo say?"

"This is my personal business, I have the final say, and he supports it."

"Where is your no objections?"

"There is still a bit of opposition, but I have resolved it through democratic means."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and stretched out his hand: "Welcome to join Mengren."

The conversation changed too quickly, and Li Hui was a little uncomfortable: "Is it agreed?"

"Otherwise? But I have a suggestion. You take your team and set up a separate studio under the banner of Moeren. Mainly company projects. You can take on other projects when you are free to ensure that your profits are maximized. At the same time, you can also collect more good resources for the company's artists, how about it?"

"This is an absolute win-win situation. No one in my team has any more opinions!" Li Hui firmly shook Mai Xiaoyu's hand. "My cousin is right. Will not suffer."

"You can't cheat yourself, right? You talk to Mr. Liu on specific matters, and I don't care about being famous in the company."

"You care about big things." Li Hui said a pun.

He intends to join Mengren not only because of the good atmosphere of Mengren and the brand of Mengren drama, but also because of Mai Xiaoyu's huge ability and short-term protection.

At the beginning of last year, Huo Jianhua, the comic author Mai Zi at the end of last year, this year's Tang Yan, Mai Xiaoyu's methods, processing methods and effects have moved too many people.

"Hehe. What? This time the company is preparing to open a new drama. After New Year's Day, we will hold a signing ceremony to celebrate your signing with the company and promote the new drama at the same time."

"I remember. The heroine Chen Qiaoen and the heroine Huo Jianhua were filming in Taiwan Island, where is my home field. Has the script come out?"

"Azheng has already written it, you wait, I will show it to you."

Mai Xiaoyu took out the crew from the small safe under the boss table, and handed it over to Li Hui.

Li Hui took the script and frowned slightly: "Fall in love with the Borage Girl?"

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