The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 610: The name is weak, add more six/seventh for the grand master

For a TV series, the name is the audience's first impression and the most intuitive feeling.

Popular names are not necessarily bad. If you have to make it a sunny and white snow, on the contrary, it may not be as intuitive and catchy as the Liba people.

"Fall in Love with Borage Girl".

As a love idol drama, this name can only be considered middle and low.

The words "fall in love" and "girl" can barely make the audience understand that this is a love drama, but what the **** is borage?

How many viewers know this stuff?

Before reading the content of the script, Li Hui first sentenced the name to death.

He was not the only one who thought so. Two days later, when Chen Qiaoen and Huo Jianhua returned to Beijing, when the four discussed the script, Chen and Huo also put forward the same point of view.

"Fall in Love with Borage Girl", the name is too weak and needs to be changed, even if it is from Ah Zhengqi.

Chen Qiaoen, Huo Jianhua and Li Hui, the two starring actors and the director of the TV series, unanimously opposed it, but Mai Xiaoyu insisted.

"What a wonderful borage girl. Jon plays the role of'cedarwood' in "Meteor Garden", and cedarwood is a plant with similar personality to the heroine; in this "Fall in Love with Borage Girl", Jon plays the heroine In terms of personality, it is also more like borage, echoing Shancai, and it can be used as a gimmick to promote it in the future, okay?"

Chen Qiao'en retorted: "What you said, why didn't "Meteor Garden" be changed to "Fall in Love with Shancai Girl"?"

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Huo Jianhua also said: "Boss, this name is indeed too uncommon. I'm afraid many people don't know what borage is."

"So it's possible to attract the audience's attention."

Li Hui disagrees: "Working with Joe for the second time after "Meteor Garden", this is the biggest attraction. Adding the label of a cute drama is enough."

Mai Xiaoyu said, "Then you can give me a name, and I will tell Ah Zheng when I turn back to see if the goods agree."

Li Hui suggested: "You can just ask Mr. Azheng over, and everyone can discuss it together? Speaking of which I have worked with him on several TV dramas, I have never seen one."

Huo Jianhua seconded: "Director Li is right. I have been in the company for several years, and I have never met Mr. A Zheng."

Azheng is sitting in front of you, but unfortunately you don't know it.

Chen Qiaoen looked at Mai Xiaoyu playfully and chuckled from the side.

Mai Xiaoyu glared at her: "Azheng's group of people are abnormal. They don't want to see outsiders, and they have a weird temper. If they know you want to change the name of his script, they might fight with you when they see you. ."

"Mr. Mai, they are all your good friends, how can you say that to them?"

"Allace, do you speak for them?"

"Mr. Mai, you are my benefactor. I am very grateful to you. Without you, there would be no me today. Maybe I have been forced to quit the entertainment industry. But Teacher Maizi, Teacher Azheng and Teacher Xiao Yuer are also my benefactors. , I have always wanted to thank them in person. The first work of my debut was an adaptation of Mr. Azheng’s cartoon of the same name by Mr. Mai..."

These days, I'm not afraid of anything, just take the word "seriously".

Seeing Huo Jianhua earnestly saying that he was favored by Maizi, Azheng, and Xiaoyuer, Mai Xiaoyu felt speechless.

Chen Qiaoen noticed his embarrassment, and his smirk got worse, and his shoulders began to tremble slightly.

Mai Xiaoyu was defeated, a terrible defeat.

When Huo Jianhua lays out a truth in a serious manner, few people can be undefeated.

"Allace, you won. You read the script first. After you have read the script and have a detailed understanding of the plot, you name it yourself, and then I will tell Ah Zheng to let him decide."

"Hahaha, your company is really interesting. The boss of the company is speechless by the artists. This kind of atmosphere is hard to find with lanterns in the circle." Li Hui looked at Huo Jianhua and said with a smile, at the same time I sighed in my heart: Allace is getting more and more handsome. What a pity, what a pity...

Huo Jianhua then reacted and rubbed his nose in a serene manner: "Sorry boss, I didn't mean that."

Mai Xiaoyu didn't care about him, tilted his head and looked at Li Hui.

Li Hui reacted quickly and turned his head back and patted his mouth: "Look at my mouth. I made a mistake. It's our company, haha."

Today's discussion ends here. Li Hui and the three each took back a script, outline, and biographies of the characters. After carefully studying and understanding the plot, they renamed them.

Mai Xiaoyu also brought a script and gave it to Liu Shishi when he returned home in the evening.

On the night before Christmas Eve, Tang Yan helped Laimengxin ask him for a role. When he agreed to Liu Shi, it was the second female "Shi Anna" of the show.

Shi Anna, the former girlfriend of the actor in the play, the principal ballerina, and later a ballet teacher.

Liu Shishi graduated from Yenching Dance Academy, majoring in ballet, and his professional background in human settings is relatively consistent, and there is no problem with beauty.

The problem is that in Shi Anna's character set, she is a smart, absolutely confident, determined, strong woman with both connotation and externality. She focuses on her goals, so she ignores the male protagonist.

She dared to reject the proposal of the male lead categorically because she was so confident that the male lead could not do without her. Although the male lead is her favorite man, she can only rank second in her life goal.

If Liu Shishi wants to play this role, he must work hard in acting. The role is full of fighting spirit and desire to regain the strong side of the hero.

This is a big challenge for Liu Shishi.

"Shishi, there are still a few months before the start of this show. You have only one task now, to analyze the character you play, to crush it into your body, and to figure out the character's mental process and emotional changes~www your best to understand and grasp this role. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask the director or the acting training teacher arranged by the company. Are there any questions?"

"I will try my best not to let you down."

"Not not letting me down, but not letting you down."

"I see."

"You don't understand. If you don't perform well, I will change."

"I can do it well!"

Mai Xiaoyu touched Liu Shishi's head: "I believe you."

"Oh, brother Maizi, you are too much, why put so much pressure on Shishi?" Yang Mi was struggling.

If it were not for Yang Mi, Mai Xiaoyu understood that Liu Shishi's true character was not as gentle and elegant as his looks, and he would not put pressure on Liu Shishi.

The problem is that he now knows that Liu Shishi's temperament is relatively close to Yang Mi, and she is a free and easy girl in her bones. The pressure at work will promote her growth and improvement. Of course, he must put pressure on Liu Shishi to speed up his acting skills and the rich changes in expression.

Mai Xiaoyu turned his head and looked at Yang Mi: "You don't go to school well, why are you running back?"

Yang Mi ran to Chen Qiaoen and put his tongue around Mai Xiaoyu: "I haven't seen Sister Qiao En for a long time. I missed her. I came back to see her specially."

Chen Qiaoen smiled and patted Yang Mi's arm, and said to Mai Xiaoyu: "Mr. Mai, thank you for the Christmas gift you gave me. I like it very much."

"You like it."

"Is there time now? I want to talk to you about the script."

"Okay, I'll wait for you downstairs."

Zhao Liying suddenly said, "Can't you tell me here?"


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