The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 611: Destined to... I love you

The night sky is clear and the stars are shining.

In Room 1803 of Sunshine Star City, in Liu Shishi's bedroom, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying accompanied Liu Shishi to read the script.

Yang Mi murmured: "Fall in love with Borage Girl, what a strange name."

Zhao Liying felt the same way: "I think so too."

Liu Shi was silent.

She has just finished reading the biographies and has a preliminary understanding of the "Shi Anna" she played, and now she starts to read the outline.

She is under great pressure.

Although she was also the second female when filming "Fairy 3", Mai Xiaoyu didn't put any pressure on her that time, but asked her to follow the director's guidance and encourage her to shoot well.

This time, "Fall in Love with Borage Girl" is still the second female, but Mai Xiaoyu clearly pointed out that if she does not perform well, she will change.

She didn't want to disappoint Mai Xiaoyu, nor did she want to be replaced and lose this role.

Yang Mi felt the pressure in her heart and hugged her and said, "Don't worry about Shishi, the uncle scares you, he is so good to you, how can he be willing to replace you. Besides, replace you, who will he look for to act? ,right……"

The voice stopped abruptly, thinking that Yang Mi thought of a candidate.

Liu Shishi also thought about it. The two eyes fell on Zhao Liying almost simultaneously.

Zhao Liying drooped her head and said annoyed: "Don't look at me, he will reach out and gesture in front of my face, never let me play the protagonist. Last time I filmed "Xiang 3", it was said to be a female fourth, in fact, there was not much drama; this time Filming "Stewardess", let me act as a "little", and there are fewer scenes."

Liu Shishi: "..."

Thinking about it, Mai Xiaoyu really took care of herself.

The debut work "Fairy 3", the second female; the second work "Fall in Love with Borage Girl", is still the second female.

For a newcomer who has no backstage or background, it's pretty bad. Starting from supporting roles and role actors like Zhao Liying, it is like a normal experience for an ordinary newcomer. Some newcomers have even worse experience than Zhao Liying.

No, I have a backstage!

Brother Mai is my backstage.

He said it would cover me enough.

I want to work hard!

But Liying...

Don't suffer from widowhood but suffer from unevenness, you are afraid of contrast in everything.

Liu Shishi worried that Zhao Liying's unbalanced heart would be hit, and he was wondering how to comfort her, Yang Mi had already acted.

Little fox, he has a lot of thoughts and ghosts.

When she let go of Liu Shi, she put her arms around Zhao Liying and smiled: "Little Tudou, you don't need to be depressed. I'm your'master', I will help you."

"Don't call me Little Potato!"

Zhao Liying was anxious and threw herself down to raise power.

She played "Sorbus" in "Xian 3". The figure and clothing are rounded and cute, which resembles potatoes. As a result, she was given the nickname "Little Potato" in the crew.

That's right, it was raised!

The two made a fuss, and Yang Mi surrendered: "I surrender, I surrender, and I will not call you little potato in the future, call you love concubine, giggle..."

It's not that Yang Mi laughed deliberately, but Zhao Liying was chuckling her.

"Don't call me concubine!"

Yang Mi managed to break free and hid behind Liu Shishi, panting and laughing: "It was the uncle who called your concubine first, you can find him to settle the account, and Shishi and I will support you!"

"How dare I ask him to settle the account, don't he always stretch out his hand in front of my face, I will burn the incense."

"Instead, I will definitely bite him. I tell you, the uncle is sometimes very bad. Forget about the time I was scared and crying. I never broke down like that."

Thinking of Yang Mi, who was usually so careless and so scared to hide in the bed, collapsed in pain, both Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying couldn't help laughing.

Liu Shishi smiled and said, "So you always call Brother Mai "Uncle"?"

"Yeah. But then I was bullied by Cici and Chang Chang. They said that I was a generation higher than me and I was too disadvantaged, so I also called ‘Brother Mai’, and called him ‘Uncle’ behind the back.”

Liu Shishi rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "So, I'm a generation taller than you, good."

In order to match the phrase "behave", she also reached out and touched Yang Mi's head, just like an elder touches a younger one.

"Liu Shishi!"

Yang Mi was angry, and when he threw down Liu Shi, he squeaked her.

While struggling, Liu Shishi called for support: "Liying, help me."

The three women laughed and joked on the bed, and occasionally left and didn't notice. In the spring and light, the bedroom is filled with a strong youthful atmosphere.

However, downstairs, it is a different picture.

Chen Qiaoen stood in front of Mai Xiaoyu and tied him a tie seriously.

This is a Christmas gift she gave to Mai Xiaoyu.

"I don't have a suit, and I might live up to your tie."

"This is a casual tie. I remember you have an Armani casual outfit, which goes well with this tie."

"I'm not used to wearing a tie."

"Habits can be cultivated, just like you were not a liar before, but you have cultivated the habit of deception."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Chen Qiaoen chuckled lightly: "But you have been whitewashing, there will always be a thorough whitewashing day in the future. At that time, you should walk from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and you must have a tie."

"Why do I need to be white, I have never lied to anyone."

"Yes, yeah, you just postponed the time to fulfill the promise." Chen Qiaoen smiled and tied his tie, looked at it, shook his head, "Just look at the tie is not obvious, put on your Armani casual Clothes."

"It's no need to be so late, let's talk about it later. And I have several Armani sets, I don't know which set you are talking about."

"I'll help you choose."

Chen Qiaoen took Mai Xiaoyu into the bedroom, opened his large closet, and briefly looked through it, and quickly found the Armani casual wear in his impression.

"Change it quickly."

"Hey." Mai Xiaoyu sighed lightly and took Armani, "Don't you avoid it?"

Chen Qiao Enbai glanced at him: "When did you become shy?"

With that said, she still walked out of the bedroom and sat in the living room waiting for Mai Xiaoyu to come out.

After a while, Mai Xiaoyu, who had changed his clothes, walked out, dressed in Armani casual clothes and wearing the casual tie that Chen Qiaoen gave him.

Not to mention, it matches well.

"So handsome." Chen Qiaoen's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Of course, who am I." Mai Xiaoyu said complacently, and put on a pose.

Then Chen Qiaoen's "strike" came.

"You want to show up in this suit, who would have thought you were a liar?"

"Hey, there is no end, be careful I sue you for slander!"

"Then how do you want to punish me?"

"I miss the Qiao En I knew before."

"Is that Chen Qiaoen who was played and played with by your applause?"

"It's easy to misunderstand what you say." Mai Xiaoyu walked over and sat next to Chen Qiaoen, "Speak, what's the matter?"

"It's alright."

"You can't lie to me, you are not in the right mood when you come back this time."

Since Chen Qiaoen returned to Mengren and signed a starring role in "Meteor Garden", when she and Mai Xiaoyu were in separate contact, the two were often in a state of mutual damage to cover up something.

Tonight Chen Qiao'en is still the same. He always puts a "liar" on his lips when he presents a tie, but his tone is obviously different from before.

Mai Xiaoyu is not stupid, and quite shrewd. Not only did he inherit and carry forward the spirit of comrade Lao Mai’s litigation, but also insisted on self-study psychology to improve, and he became more and more sensitive to the grasp of the human heart and emotional changes.

Just like tonight, he obviously felt that Chen Qiaoen was on his mind.

Chen Qiaoen was silent for a moment and said: "Next year my grandfather will celebrate his 70th birthday."


Chen Qiaoen turned to stare at Mai Xiaoyu, silent.

Mai Xiaoyu pretended to be stupid for two minutes, and continued to be stunned: "Do you want to go back and congratulate your grandfather?"

This is not nonsense!

Not to mention that Chen Qiaoen is the daughter of the Hailian Chen family. Even if it is a girl from an ordinary family, his grandfather's 70th birthday, can he not go back?

That's the seventieth birthday!

Therefore, Chen Qiaoen still said nothing, and continued to stare at Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu lit a cigarette: "I'm not used to that kind of occasion. You know, I am a man with a halo on my head that will be the focus no matter where I go. Even if I am low-key, I can't hide the light on my body. What if you accidentally steal your grandfather's limelight at the birthday banquet?"


Chen Qiaoen smiled and scorned him: "Your shamelessness is brilliant."

"You dare to touch your chest...heart, do you say it again?"

Chen Qiaoen's hand pressed against Mai Xiaoyu's chest, and the position of his heart: "Your shamelessness is brilliant."

Mai Xiaoyu's heart beat faster, he pushed away Chen Qiaoen's catkins, and said solemnly: "I am your boss."

"so what?"

"Oh, Jon, have you ever thought about it, if I went with you to celebrate your grandfather's birthday, what would happen?"

"The most is gossip, and you are not without it. As for me, I never care about other people's opinions."

"The scandal is secondary, mainly trouble. Think about it, I appear with you, what other people think, there will definitely be people who doubt our relationship and think that I am your suitor or boyfriend or something."

"Is it shameful to be my boyfriend?"

"It's certainly not shameful, but some people think that I am a poor boy who climbs up to you, a rich daughter, and the toad wants to eat swan meat, so that I am not pleasing to my eyes and trouble me. This kind of thing can be seen everywhere on TV, "Hua Nan" There are also such bridges here."

"So you are scared?"

"Just kidding, when have I been afraid. The problem is, they come to make things difficult for me, want to make me embarrassed, look at me ashamed, I definitely can't agree. When I play a pig and eat a tiger, they will take their own humiliation and ruin the atmosphere of the birthday banquet. Not to mention, I am also in pain."

Chen Qiaoen asked curiously: "You don't suffer, what's the pain?"

"I just want to be a quiet beautiful man, I don't like to pretend to be forced to slap my face."


Chen Qiaoen was amused by Mai Xiaoyu's shameless boasting, and said with a smile, "A beautiful man who is still quiet, are you embarrassed?"

"What's the embarrassment, I'm telling the truth. When I came out just now, someone seemed to say I was handsome."

"That's my blindness!" Chen Qiaoen grabbed Mai Xiaoyu's hand, with a little coquettish tone in his tone, "I don't care, you must accompany me. You are the boss of the company, and the company artist encounters difficulties. You will definitely come forward, you said it yourself!"

"This is different..."

"It's settled, now let's talk about closing the script."

Chen Qiaoen forcibly changed the subject, but Mai Xiaoyu did not insist.

Anyway, attending the birthday banquet with Chen Qiaoen and wishing old man Chen's birthday, he would just find an excuse to stop him at that time. For him, it is not too easy to find excuses for drinking water, and as planned, he will be very busy next year.

In order to achieve the small goal, he deliberately uses the power of Hailian Group, but it cannot be this way.

The company is united with the company, the expansion of contacts, and the exchange of interests must not be nepotism, and use the name of the grandson-in-law of Hailian Chen Jiazhun in exchange for the support of Hailian.

Chen Qiaoen went to the kitchen and made two cups of coffee. When he came back, he sat beside Mai Xiaoyu and asked with concern: "How is your illness?"

"You didn't ask Dr. You, my illness is very stable, and I haven't relapsed in the past two years."

"How do you say this?" Chen Qiaoen shook the script in his hand.

"That was written before."

"No wonder."

"No wonder what?"

"No wonder the name is so unqualified."

I did that on purpose!

Mai Xiaoyu twitched the corners of his mouth, took a sip of coffee, and asked: "So I said, after you read the script, if you have any good names, you can bring them up."

"I think of a new name."

"So fast? Finished reading the script?"

"No. I only read more than a dozen pages, but I have finished reading the outline and biographies."

"There is no right to speak without investigation. Go back and read the script, and when you finish reading the script, come and discuss the name of the script with me."

"I don't think it is necessary. After reading the outline and biographies, I have a basic understanding of the general trend of the plot. Also," Chen Qiaoen paused and looked at Mai Xiaoyu in a strange ~Is this script written specially for me by you? "

"You think too much."

"really not?"

"Do you have anything to do with this script?"

Facing Mai Xiaoyu's "villain first complaint", Chen Qiaoen stared silently.

She has nothing to do with the script, it was made by Mai Xiaoyu alone. But-the beginning experience of the heroine in the plot is a little bit similar to her...

At the beginning of the plot, the heroine and heroine enter the wrong room because of a misunderstanding, and ONS occurs.

In reality, Mai Xiaoyu is also because of entering the wrong door, and Chen Qiaoen...

Both of them were pretending to be stupid about this old thing, avoiding mentioning it.

But Chen Qiaoen would never forget the night that was unforgettable, and Mai Xiaoyu also had difficulty erasing that night from his memory.

That's why he "copied" the script in a ghostly manner.

That's why Chen Qiaoen asked him if he wrote it specifically for himself.

The room fell silent.

Chen Qiaoen stared at Mai Xiaoyu with complicated eyes.

Mai Xiaoyu was able to face her gaze at first, but later it began to blink.

He picked up the cup, concealed his embarrassment with the help of drinking coffee, and said, "Well, didn't you say that you thought of a new name? Come and listen."

Chen Qiaoen continued to stare at him, her lips lightly open: "It is destined...I love you."

The voice is not loud, but the words are soft.

But these seven words, to Mai Xiaoyu, are no less than thunderous and thunderous, which exploded in his heart.

It exploded so much that he almost jumped up.

"What, what?"

"Fate, middle, destined, fixed, me, love, you."



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