Chen Zhiqiang is a senior practitioner in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Experienced countless storms, witnessed the changes of the times, and personally experienced the rise of Hong Kong movies, the peak golden decade, and the subsequent decline.

As a manager, he has brought thirty or forty popular artists at his peak, many of them are the kind of superstars who are still smashed by audiences and fans in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

Therefore, he is known as a famous manager, "superstar promoter" and "gold manager" in the heyday of the Hong Kong film industry. He has been active in the entertainment circles of the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

In the Hong Kong film scene, he is definitely the number one figure well known. In the golden ten years of Hong Kong movies, the Hong Kong movie world was invaded by evil forces. He often entangled with each other and experienced many hot scenes.

But today, Mai Xiaoyu's actions really opened his eyes, and he felt that the world was changing too fast.

This is the boss of the film and television company?

How do you feel more cruel than the evil forces back then?

Seeing Mai Xiaoyu spit on Samuel's face, Chen Zhiqiang lost his voice: "Oops, he was too impulsive."

"You are wrong, his approach is the wisest. In the face of those people, only you can be tougher to restrain them. Look at it, maybe the matter is solved like this." It was Cheng Long who spoke, he is very professional in this regard. .

Chen Zhiqiang has only seen and experienced the pressure of evil forces during the golden age of Xiangjiang movies, and Cheng Long has worked with those evil forces with real swords, so he knows very well what kind of methods are most effective when facing evil forces.

Sure enough, after Mai Xiaoyu sipped Samuel's face, the latter stopped, with a solemn expression.

At Samuel's feet, there was the black man with three nose rings, clutching his crotch and curled up on the ground. The wailing voice had subsided, but the pain remained.

Opposite Samuel, there was Mai Xiaoyu with a grinning smile with blood stains on the corner of his mouth. On the crosshead screwdriver in his hand, blood dripped from the tip of the crosshead and fell on the ground.

"Come on, I want to see if your **** blood is all smelly."

Samuel didn't move, but instead stopped the two men who became angry and wanted to rush over.

The actions of Mai Xiaoyu just now made him feel that the Chinese people in front of him were not bluffing, but fierce and fierce characters. If you start, the kid will really shoot!

After thinking about it, Samuel smiled and gave a thumbs up to Mai Xiaoyu: "Ok, you have a kind, I like people who are not afraid of death. Give you face today, this is the end of the matter, guys, let's go! "

He had already thought about it, so he copied the guy when he went back and killed him again.

By the time they have a dozen guns here, the three of Mai Xiaoyu's guns are not enough to see!

He praised his cleverness, but unfortunately his men couldn't keep up with his "IQ".


"Just let him go?"

"Jamie was hurt by that **** guy."

"I don't know if his eggs can be used."

"Shut up, don't I speak anymore!" Samuel was furious. "Send Jamie to heal his **** egg."

Seeing Samuel and his group about to leave, Cici and Li Xue finally let out a sigh of relief.

Li Xue sighed: "Mr. Mai was terrible just now. This is the second time I have seen him fight, but this time it's more **** than last time."

She first saw Mai Xiaoyu fight, or when Mengren was just created, all members received mysterious calls saying that Mai Xiaoyu was a liar and Mengren was a liar company.

At that time, their Yanjing members went to the company to beg for justice, and several gangsters got in and beat them up, and they were finally overthrown by Mai Xiaoyu.

At that time, Mai Xiaoyu 1V6 scared Li Xue and other members of Yanjing, but the scene was far less bloody, but now Li Xue is not scared at all.

"My brother has loved to fight and hug injustices since he was a child, and he was often injured. Every time I put medicine on him." She said, Cici opened the car door and said, "Sister Xue, let's go find my brother."

"Wait a minute." Li Xue held Cici, who was about to get off the car, and pointed to the front. "Look, those guys are back again."

Cici glanced intently, isn't it? The black people had already walked toward the motorcycle, but for some reason, they turned around and walked back.

Cheng Long and Chen Zhiqiang were equally puzzled.

"Jackie, why are they back?"

This time, Cheng Long was also stunned and forced.

He never thought that Samuel and his group were "invited" back by Mai Xiaoyu.

"If you dare to take another step, I will shoot."

"What do you want?" Samuel led the people back, looking at Mai Xiaoyu with an unkind expression, "Don't give up your face!"

Mai Xiaoyu raised his gun and aimed at Samuel: "You say it again."

Samuel didn't dare to say, he had already determined that Mai Xiaoyu was not good and really dared to shoot, and he would definitely not take his own life as a bet.

But he is the boss anyway, if he doesn't say a word, what would his cousins ​​think, and what would his subordinates think?

"If you have the courage, don't use a gun, and compete with me like a man."

"Bad tactics. However, if there is a lot of money, I can consider it."

"What color do you want?"

"You lose, these motorcycles belong to me."

"What if I win?"

"If I win, I will let you go."

"This is very unfair!"

"No, this is the fairest thing, because now I have the final say!" Mai Xiaoyu shook the gun in his hand and the blood-stained crosshead screwdriver.

"Okay, I promise you Samuel!"

"Wait a minute, you first arrange someone to send this product to the hospital. I'm afraid I will lose his eggs forever if I go too late."

Samuel was taken aback for a moment: "Speaking to you, I won't kill you later."

After speaking, he whispered a few words to a subordinate, and then the subordinate rode a motorcycle and drove Jamie to the black clinic.

"Let me see and see your CHINANESEKONGFU, whether it is as powerful as BruceLee or JackieChen!"

Samuel took off his jacket, revealing a strong, dark upper body.

In terms of body shape, he is not as big as the Daniel brothers, and his head is lowered by half, but he is stronger. The well-developed muscle group, perfect muscle circumference, and tattoos and scars on his body are enough to prove why he can become the boss of this group of people.

"Samuel, **** him!"

"Poke his chrysanthemum with your JJ!"

"With five punches at most, Samuel will be able to knock that little Easterner."

"I bet three punches..."

Samuel's men were excited and yelled, and someone opened the handicap, betting that he could beat Mai Xiaoyu with a few punches.

Zhang Xiaoquan walked behind Mai Xiaoyu and whispered in his ear: "Yu'er, what are you doing? Can't they be over after they leave?"

"Do you think they won't come back? We won't be able to deal with it then."

"We can call the police."

"Hehe, you believe in American laws and the police too much. It really works, where did this bunch of **** come from?"


"Stop talking, I have my own plan."

Mai Xiaoyu handed the pistol to Ke Haoyi, and the crosshead screwdriver was inserted on the ground.

Samuel's men automatically dispersed to make room, and Samuel himself had already geared up and was eager to try.


Ke Haoyi spoke suddenly, only speaking, and a Ford off-road vehicle galloped in. Smoke and dust rose from the rear of the car and rushed between the two sides in a blink of an eye. Not only drove the two sides back, but also crushed the crosshead screwdriver that Mai Xiaoyu had inserted on the ground.

"Mai!" Kristin jumped out of the car and rushed to Mai Xiaoyu's side shouting loudly, "You are not injured, right."

"Just kidding, how could I get hurt?"

"The blood on your mouth..."

"Other people's blood. I suddenly like to **** blood recently. Later I can play Edward and try your kiss scene."

"Edward is a'vegetarian' vampire and can't **** human blood." Christine took out a tissue from his bag and wiped off the blood from the corners of Mai Xiaoyu's mouth, "I'm sorry, it's all because of me..."

"No, I should thank you."

At this time, Martin also got out of the car and frowned when he saw the scene.

Then he walked up to the Daniel brothers and said: "I have paid you a high amount of medical expenses, and you should be content. This is the end of this matter, and you will leave immediately with your people."

The answer to him was a fist.

Samuel's fist stopped in front of Martin, and the strong and violent fist wind ruffled his hair and accelerated his heartbeat.

"Hey, white ghost, do you know who you are talking to? They are my cousins, and I am Samuel who will be the king of the XXX block! Before I squeeze your egg, get out of Samuel King's sight!"

Martin had to return to Christine: "You see, I can't help it."

Mai Xiaoyu patted him on the shoulder: "You rest here first, and then I will settle the account with you after I finish cleaning up that idiot."

"Mr. Mai." Ke Haoyi finally found a chance to speak, "I'll deal with him."

"No, you are not his opponent."

"I am your bodyguard."

Facing Ke Haoyi's persistent gaze, Mai Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, and exhorted: "Okay. You have to be careful, he can't deal with it, don't try hard, focus on the game and wait for the opportunity to attack its vitals."


Ke Haoyi responded and took off his shirt and began to warm up and move his body.

Samuel learned that his opponent had changed from Mai Xiaoyu to Ke Haoyi, was very angry, and rebuked Mai Xiaoyu for being a coward, and all Chinese people were cowardly and timid. If his literacy level is a little higher, the words "Sick Man of East Asia" will pop out of Bao Qi's mouth.

"He is my bodyguard. Only when you win him will he be qualified to act with me. Don't forget, your two cousins ​​were overturned by me alone."

"That was your deception!" The Daniel brothers protested in unison.

Samuel waved his hand and told them to shut up: "Okay, let the future King Samuel blow up your two eggs!"

Martin drove the Ford off-road vehicle aside to make room, Ke Haoyi and Samuel finished their warm-up and officially played against each other.

The crew of "This Man From Earth" gathered around. Watching lively things is not only liked by Chinese people, but Americans also have this hobby, especially fighting.

This scene stunned Cheng Long and Chen Zhiqiang in the distance.

"Aaron, what is he doing?"

"I do not know either."

"It's so good, why did it suddenly start to fight, do you want to compete?"

"It's possible. Looking at the posture, he originally planned to go in person... You're right, he is crazy."


Cici and Li Xue are also discussing.

However, since it was not Mai Xiaoyu who did it, they were not so worried, so the topic of discussion was...Christine.

"Cici, do you know that white girl?"

"I don't know, my brother never said it."

"Could it be that President Mai came to the United States to meet him these days? But seeing that girl wipe President Mai's mouth, it's not like they just met."

"Most Americans are more open. My brother won't mess around, he definitely won't."

"Cici, what's wrong with you?"

"Not how ah?"

"I don't think your tone is right... Sorry, Xiao Ke is about to lose!"

Even Li Xue, a layman, can see that it is enough to explain Ke Haoyi's current bad situation.

He was crushed and beaten by Samuel.

Ke Haoyi practiced free fighting and was born in an underground boxing match. And black boxing does not restrict any rules, how cruel how to fight, how **** and how to fight, so as to satisfy the audience's thirst for excitement.

Ke Haoyi was also accustomed to this type of fighting, and within a short time he forgot Mai Xiaoyu's instructions and confronted Samuel head-on.

But Samuel was different from his previous opponents in black punches, this guy was strong and extremely strong.

In the past, Ke Haoyi hit his opponent's head with a whip kick, which may knock his opponent down or even faint, but Musser won't. This is more durable than the Daniel brothers.

Strength, physique, stamina, resistance to attack and other physical qualities are all at a disadvantage. How could he have beaten Samuel in this head-to-head method?

He flicked his whip, and Samuel used his arm to block it and it didn't make much difference, and punched him in the chest with a backhand. He couldn't stand steady, he stepped back for a few steps before he could stand firm, his chest churned with blood.

Zhang Xiaoquan said in Mai Xiaoyu's ear: "Xiao Ke is not his opponent."

Christine also said: "It looks like your bodyguard can't hold it anymore. I look forward to your CHINANESEKONGFU."

Martin silently corrected it in his heart: it was Eastern Witchcraft!

Mai Xiaoyu also noticed it.

Ke Haoyi is used to playing underground boxing matches, which makes it difficult for him to fight, because in underground boxing matches, you fight is considered a cowardly performance, will be despised by angry audiences, and won't be cheered.

"Xiao Ke, it's better to break one of his fingers than to hurt his ten fingers and concentrate on kicking his right leg!"

The leg socket is one of the weaknesses of humans. The Samuels are tall and large, and the protection of the lower body is not as tight as the upper body. Moreover, through observation, Mai Xiaoyu found that the right leg of this man seemed to be injured and had not healed yet.

Ke Haoyi adjusted his strategy promptly after hearing this, but at first he was still suppressed and beaten.

However, when he fought a few hard punches against Samuel and kicked the opponent's leg twice, he found that Samuel's figure was slightly sluggish. Sometimes when attacking, I saw him deliberately kicking his leg socket, but instead turned his attack into a defense to protect the right leg socket.


Now Ke Haoyi knew it well.

After another five minutes, Ke Haoyi's left cheekbone was swollen and his right browbone ruptured, but after several consecutive side kicks hit Samuel's leg socket, Samuel was unstable and his right leg fell on one knee.

Seizing this rare opportunity, Ke Haoyi grabbed the opponent's hair and hit the opponent's door with a flying knee, and Samuel crashed to the ground.

The nose and mouth bleeding continued, and two and a half teeth were spit out in the mouth.

The Daniel brothers and Samuel’s men were all messed up in the wind, unable to accept that their boss was defeated in the hands of Huaxia ~ ~ Ke Haoyi's figure is two or three sizes older than theirs!

"It's so cool!" Kristin grabbed Mai Xiaoyu's arm, "What did you tell him just now? It must be you, you said something strange to him, and then he suddenly became stronger."

Martin said in amazement: That is a spell of witchcraft!

Zhang Xiaoquan moved and said: "Awesome fish, when did you learn Wang Yuyan's set?"

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and stopped Ke Haoyi who was about to chase after victory. He walked to Samuel and looked at him condescendingly: "You lost."


Mai Xiaoyu pressed Samuel's stomach, and the latter was irritated: "What do you want to... vomit..."

Old routine, pounding the stomach.

Samuel had just had a fight with Ke Haoyi, he was physically exhausted, and lying down, his body was relaxed and unprepared. Therefore, Mai Xiaoyu can easily throw him into a state of unconscious vomiting with one punch.

This is called a beating dog!



"What a hero is a sneak attack!"

"There is a one-on-one fight with me!"

Musser's men cursed and wanted to rush over, Zhang Xiaoquan and Ke Haoyi raised their guns, forcing them to stop.

Mai Xiaoyu ignored these, lit a cigarette, and sat down beside Samuel.

While smoking, wait for him to recover.

Samuel was in good physical condition and recovered soon after.

"How did you feel just now?" Mai Xiaoyu asked.

"You devil who should go to hell!"

Mai Xiaoyu flicked the ashes, and the ashes fell on Samuel's stomach: "Ok, are you interested in learning the devil's methods?"


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