The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 623: Circled a black lamb

McDonald flicked the ashes, and the ashes fell on Samuel's stomach: "Ok, are you interested in learning the devil's methods?"

Samuel: ""

The punch that Mai Cheng just now made him feel like skating to the sky, and he lost his consciousness and instinctively vomited. net

The Daniel brothers told him when he was in his early days a few days ago that he still didn't believe it, thinking that the two unpromising cousins ​​had a psychedelic illusion.

It was not until he experienced it firsthand that he understood what the Daniel brothers said was true.

That feeling really seemed to be attacked by the devil.

Samuel sat up from the ground and rubbed the vomiting stain off the corner of his mouth with his arm: "You want to teach me netgFu?"

"Not Kung Fu, just a technique."


"Because you have a dream and want to be the king of the **** neighborhood. I have a good habit and like to help others."

"Hehe, cowardly Huaxia, you are scared!"

"Are you sure?" McDonald pressed out the cigarette **** in Samuel's stomach.

Samuel's skin was burned and irritated, but he had to endure it when he saw Maidushi Shiran withdraw a pistol from his waist.

For them, it is not a big deal for them to burn their skin with cigarette butts.

"Well, I take back what I said. How are you going to help me, kongFu is outdated, and the most effective thing these years is the guy in your hand."

Mai Xuan did not answer the question, but asked, "Do you want to learn from the punch I just made?"

"Are you really willing to teach me?"

"I just ask if you want to learn."


"Ok, call your two cousins ​​here."

Malcolm walked over to chat with Samuel. Although Samuel was reluctant, he still chatted with him. This scene irritated everyone's attention.

Both the crew, Samuel’s men, Christine, Martin$Qi, Li Xue, Cheng Long, Chen Zhiqiang and others were all bewildered by this scene.

Except for Zhang Xiaoquan, no one understood what Mai Xuan wanted to do. Zhang Xiaoquan only knew that Mai Xing was used in lambs, but he didn't know the purpose of lambs.

However, the lamb penning process seemed to go smoothly.

Samuel called the Daniel brothers, and McDonald got up and drew a circle on the big Daniel's stomach, and then patted twice: "Here. I knocked him down with seven punches."

"It's eight punches, despicable Easterners!" Big Daniel rebuked. He has always been worried about his being defeated by a sneak attack.

"Ok, eight punches. Samuel, you have a lot more strength than me. One punch is fine."

Samuel hesitated for a while, the Daniel brothers hadn't reacted yet, he had already punched Big Daniel in the stomach.


After a muffled sound, the poor Dan fell down, leaving only Xiao Dan with a dazed expression.


Like Xiao Dan, many people were dumbfounded, wondering why Samuel would defeat his cousin, Da Dan.

"Oh, God, what did he do to them, why did they fight inwardly?" Chris' eyes widened with excitement.

Ma Dunyu said in his heart: "Witchcraft, it must be witchcraft, he used witchcraft on Samuel!"

Zhang Xiaoquan couldn't understand it, or he would definitely spit on Martin's face.

Feather witchcraft!

If you must use any "shu" to describe it, then there is only one word-deception!

Seeing the appearance of Da Dan lying on the ground and vomiting unconsciously, Samuel held back his excitement and asked Xiao Dan, "Am I like him just now?"

Xiao Dan stepped back and nodded in fear.

Malcolm explained behind Samuel: "That location is where the human stomach is, which lacks muscle protection. Suddenly subjected to a heavy blow, the stomach will instinctively contract to protect itself, secrete gastric juice and cause vomiting. At the same time, a large number of nerves are secreted. Matter suddenly rushed to the brain, causing neurological signals to be confused. The brain was unable to control the body and fell down. Do you understand?"

To be honest, Samuel didn't understand, but it didn't matter, the important thing was that he learned a trick.

Moreover, Mai Gong used eight punches, but he only used one punch!

Orientals, you are done!

Just when Samuel was about to suddenly turn around, come back to the other side, and let McDonald taste that taste, the cold muzzle hit the back of his head.

Mai Ying's joking voice came from behind: "Why, do you want to do it to me?"

"Don't be kidding, you are my friend of Samuel, how can I do anything to my friend."

"Playing with me, you are too far behind. If I called the feet just now, do you plan to bring your guns and kill them when you go back?"

"No, no!"

"Then what are you nervous about?"

"I'm not nervous."

"But you stuttered. When people lie, they stutter out of tension."

"I didn't stammer!"

"Really? Then I'll ask you again. Just now you asked your subordinates to send Jamie to the hospital. Did you tell him quietly to ask him to gather some more people, and then bring a gun to trouble me?"

"No such thing!"

"Really not? Well, I believe you, let's just wait here. If your subordinates show up with a gun, I will blow your head with one shot, how about?"

"You are the devil!"

Samuel snarled inwardly.

He felt that in the eyes of Mai Yin, he seemed to be stripped, and he had no secrets at all.

All thoughts were understood by Mai Chen and pierced one by one.

Is that human being!

The Huaxia people behind him were too terrifying, and what was even more terrifying was that the other party had a gun in his hand, which was against his head.

Once his subordinates assemble with guns, he will get a headshot!

"You are right. In the eyes of my enemies, I am the devil; but my friends think I am God because I can bring them wealth."

Samuel understood this time: "Do you want to buy me?"

Mai Xu continued to ask: "You don't want to ask, why don't I keep calling the police?"


"Because I don't like those white police officers with fat brains. They have no other ability except to shoot black people."

"Hey, you are so I hate those white ghosts too! I think at this point, we have a common topic, can you put down your gun, my oriental friend?"

Mai Ying put down his gun: "You can try to attack me sneakily."

"Hi, I said, you are my friend, and Samuel never does anything to hurt a friend!"

Samuel turned around and held out his hand with a sincere expression.

Mai Xu ignored him, took out a cigarette in his mouth, and then raised the gun at himself.

"Hi, hi, what are you doing, are you crazy?"

Amid Samuel's screams, McKen pulled the trigger.


A cluster of seedlings emerged from the muzzle and lit the cigarette in Mai Duke's mouth.


Samuel was dumbfounded.

The co-author has always scared me, is it a gun-shaped lighter?

"I said, play with me, you will die miserably." Mai Cheng took out another cigarette, "Can't you smoke?"

Samuel's men also understood that they were being tricked, like an angry bull, hula rushing over.

"All words for Lao Tzu!" Samuel drew two sticks of marijuana from his **** pocket, "Your cigarette is not strong, try this."

"Not interested in."

Samuel didn't force it. He took the gun-shaped lighter in Malcolm's hand and played with it for a while, muttered, "I'm really doing it, cheated me", and lit the marijuana.

After taking a sip, he asked: "Have you said that you like to help others?"

"If you live long enough."

"What's the meaning?"

"The longer you live, the more things you can do for me, so that you can get more rewards and realize your dream of being the king of the neighborhood."


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