The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 624: Sissi VS Chris The First

There is a joke that it is a school in the United States where many children of senior Chinese officials and wealthy people come to study abroad. net

These second generations are too rich and can easily become targets of crimes committed by local underworld forces.

To this end, Xue Wedge opened a course to teach them how to protect themselves and avoid extortion and blackmail by local evil forces.

It didn't take long for the course to be blocked.

Because the local underworld forces found that the second generation of China was too rich, so they kept pace with the times. He changed from blackmailing Chinese students to making friends with them, doing things for them, and even acting as horsemen for them.

Although this is a joke, it also shows that the attitude of local American gangs towards Chinese people has begun to change.

It's like Samuel, the gangster boss on a street in the black district of Los Angeles.

He used to rob, steal, blackmail, and blackmail Chinese traders, but in the face of Malcolm, he decided to acne his friends.

First of all, it is because Mai Rong is ruthless.

Unlike the Chinese people he had been in contact with before, he was not so bully. He started his hands unambiguously, and really dared to make a ruthless one. That punch was simply too violent.

Secondly, it was because Mai Xing was too smart, smart enough to make his back cool.

Not only had he guessed all his proud thoughts, but he was also bold enough to acquire three extremely high-simulation gun-type lighters, and forcibly overwhelmed more than 20 of them.

The third point is very important, that is, Mai Yu is rich and rich, and is a rich Chinese boss!

Can you come to America to make a movie without money?

Can you afford such a powerful bodyguard without money?

Don't have the money, dare you say let him do things for him?

This is particularly important. Samuel had to weigh whether he would get more money for fighting with McKenzie, or whether he would get more money for doing things for him.

Although many people, including experts, say that because blacks have been conceived in their mothers by one week less than whites and two weeks less than yellows, the upper limit of IQ is generally not high, but Samuel can still figure out which way to make more money cheaper.

Especially when he had his subordinates who recognized Christine.

"Hey, who did I see? Isn't this Melinda's thank you, I've wanted to **** her for a long time!"

Melinda, Chris digs for the role played by the movie no longer silent, the girl who fell into silence after being forced by the boys at the junior high school party.

Chris Bronze insulted his own Samuel men.

Ma Xi was very angry, but he had no way, and he didn't even dare to insult the other party because he was white and the other party was black.

Is there really no way?

Haha, that's because Mai Chen didn't make a move!

No, he took a shot, took Christine in his arms, and looked at Samuel with a smile.

Samuel turned around and slapped him on the cheeky man's face.

"Eddie, stinky mouth, or I don't mind putting your **** in your mouth!"

Even Hollywood actresses have devoted themselves to the embrace of this Chinese. Isn't this a wealthy boss?

Samuel strengthened his determination to make friends with McDonald, and extended the hand of friendship for the second time.

Mai Yu did not move, and continued to repeat Christine, and Chris cleverly leaned in Mai Yu's arms, with one hand on Mai Yu's waist, with a smile like watching a play.

She enjoys this respectful feeling.

Samuel thought for a long time, but he didn't understand the meaning of Mai Chen.

Do you think my lesson was lighter?

It was Martin who couldn't bear to wake him up before he could react.

"Don't worry, we must be tight-lipped. There will be no scandals about the Stewart show in the newspapers tomorrow."

Madu lowered his mind, but when he saw Christopher snuggling in Mai Chen's arms, his heart ached.

Samuel extended a hand of friendship for the third time: "Samuel Hayes Freeman, the king of the future **** neighborhood."

Mai Ying still didn't move, and Yu Guang glanced at the crew members watching the play.

This time Samuel reacted quickly and gave an order, and the Daniel brothers led people over.

Just as discrimination against blacks has never disappeared, Americans’ exclusion of Chinese people has not disappeared with the abolition of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Mai Xing and Zhang Xiaoquan came to the United States to film this man from the earth. They hired actors and crew members to make the film. They were paid to be their bosses, but they were not respected.

Because they are Chinese.

Fortunately, a few actors said that the attitude of the staff is very serious about their work, and they show some dedication, but they are more indifferent to Mai Ying.

It's a bit cold and violent, whether it's white staff or black staff.

Several times in front of Mai Yu and Zhang Xiaoquan, they complained that there was a problem with the crew's food, which was unpalatable.

Damn you!

Mai Xing has asked Shi Hao. Although the food they provide here is not as good as that of the big production crew, it is definitely not worse than those who have invested 10 to 20 million US dollars.

This group of goods are pure maggots without holes. Seeing that they are Chinese people deliberately finding fault!

Before that, Mai Cheng wanted to kill the movie so that he could not finish the filming before the Spring Festival due to the proliferation of branches. Now that Samuel is there, of course I have to take the opportunity to beat him.

A gang of wicked, big-and-big-and-big-black blacks surrounded them, and they didn’t know what the Daniel brothers had said. The crew of the crew nodded their heads and nodded ~ and none of them dared to speak back.

After receiving the anger from McDonald, it completely vented to the crew. After the Daniel brothers brought the people back, they were in a much better mood.

Mai Yu took the initiative to stretch out his hand: "Mai Yu, the owner of a film and television company in China."

This comforted Samuel’s injured self-esteem, and he held McKenz’s hand tightly: "Samuel Hayes Freeman, I hope we can cooperate happily."

"Of course. We in the East have an old saying that if you don't make a deal, you can't make a deal. In order to show my sincerity, I have a great gift for you."

"Oh, Mai, you are too polite, what gift is it?"

"How about those motorcycles?"

Samuel: ""

"Why, don't you like it?"

"That was originally ours."

"Before you lose to my bodyguard, they belong to you."

"Well, thank you for your generosity. You said the cooperation"

Samuel wanted to talk to McDonald's about collecting money to do things for McDonald's, but it hurts his self-esteem to say that, so he changed it to "cooperation" in his mouth.

Just as soon as the conversation started, it was interrupted.

"elder brother!"

Not far away, a clear voice sounded.

Cici shouted loudly and ran towards Mai Cheng.


Mai Ying waved his hand and wanted to meet Cici in the past, but felt that his left hand had been caught.

It's Christine.

Dead Tutu not only clung to his left hand, but also used his waist to hostile Cici, who was getting closer and closer.

Cici was also hostile to the Dead Bunny, and after running over and rushing into Mai Chen's arms, the first sentence was: "Who is she?"


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