The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 625: Conquered by Mai just like that

After learning that Cici was Mai Yu's sister, Chris shed Mai Yu, the hostility in his eyes disappeared, and greeted her with a smile.

Cici smiled and responded, but the hostility was still there, and she asked McKen, who knew King Chris.

Because their actions are too intimate.

Well, American folkways and concepts are relatively open, and what some people in the East seem to be intimate, is actually quite common in the West.

But Cici felt uncomfortable in her heart, and when she ran over, Mai Cheng did not welcome her, instead she repeated the white girl.

"She is a candidate for the heroine of my second play."

Mai Ying's words were questioned by the two girls at the same time.

Cici: "Isn't the heroine of your second play me?"

Christine: "It's the heroine, not a candidate for the heroine. You promised me."

Mai Xuan: ""

Fortunately, Li Xue and five Mengren employees rushed over.

Mai Xing hugged Cici, and greeted Li Xue and other six people one by one.

"Mr. Mai, you are too good!"

"I was terrified just now."

"Mr. Mai, what did you tell them?"

"They seem to listen to you very much now."

The five adorable employees sighed.

They have heard of Mai Ying’s "high-level" attributes, but the oldest employee among the five has never seen Mai Ying do it himself.

Today is the first time, the beginning is very violent and bloody, the process is very thrilling and exciting, and the ending is very dramatic and unexpected.

They watched from a distance in the car, unable to understand what happened through their ears, but their eyes told them that McDonald had conquered more than 20 blacks who came to find fault.

No one had thought of this ending before.

"A little misunderstanding, it's easy to solve." Mai Ying smiled and dealt with a few words, "Why are you here now?"

Li Xue replied: "We have been here long ago, but we just saw that you are in trouble here, so stay in the car and call the police at any time."

Mai Ying gave a thumbs up: "Thinking that things are getting more and more mature, you deserve to be the director of our cute artist management department."

"Sister Xue is amazing!" Cici took McKen's arm and looked at Christine seemingly inadvertently. Speechless"

"Yes, the Yankees are deceiving too much!"

"Because some of our compatriots know that their knees are too soft, they know how to make peace, making Yankees think that we Chinese people are easy to bully."

"Sister Xue is still handsome!"

"Yes, Sister Xue is mighty!"

"Mr. Mai, you can't let them go!"

From the staff's babbled words, McKen vaguely heard that Cici was bullied by the Yankees, and Li Xue was in a strong position, dragging his feet between the super cell and each other.

He waved his hand and signaled that everyone would say later, he had to smooth the appearance first.

"New, is the injury serious?"

"It's okay, Mr. Mai, I haven't been so happy in a long time."

"Your style of play is too hurtful, and you will have to change it in the future (two people, give a new bandage; future King Samuel, please arrange for your subordinates to send my bodyguard to the hospital, okay?"

"Oh, Mai, you are too polite. Your bodyguard is very brave, I'm happy."

"Director Zhang, organize the crew to start work, and try to make up for the time that was just lost."

"No problem, I will make arrangements."

"The future King Samuel, my crew needs to make up for the work that was delayed before, and may not have enough staff."

"Understand, Daniel, take a few people to help."

Malcolm is cultivating Samuel's subconsciousness to obey him.

There is an old Chinese saying that you can’t just let the cows do their jobs, you have to let them eat the grass.

Seeing Samuel arranged for his subordinates to work according to his instructions, McKen should be sweetened.

He took out a wad of dollars from his wallet: "The future King Samuel, in order to celebrate the friendship between you and me, I plan to have an open-air barbecue here. Could you please arrange for someone to buy barbecue utensils and food?"

Samuel glanced at the U.S. dollars in Malcolm's hands. They were all in the face value of one hundred yuan. According to the thickness, they were at least four or five thousand.

The Orientals are really rich!

Using so much money to buy barbecue utensils and food is simply too extravagant!

I have barbecue utensils, so I don’t need to spend money to buy them!

As for food, how much is it worth?

You don't even need to spend money!

"Praise God, you are a generous Oriental, leave this to me, and I will do it myself!"

"God won't give you money to spend."

"Praise you, Mai, Easterners are the most bold friends!"

Samuel collected the money, called a few of his men, and asked the others to obey McKen's instructions, and then got on his motorcycle to leave.

At this time, a roar came from a distance.

Four or five high-powered motorcycles roared in. They were all black people, and the black people sitting at the back were holding their spears high.

In the blink of an eye, these motorcycles were already galloping. The black man on the front motorcycle was the one who sent Jamie to see Dan Dan, and he was also the guy Samuel specifically told about moving troops.

The distance was getting closer, and this guy began to shout excitedly: "Boss, here we are, **** and die those yellow-skinned monkeys!"

The other blacks played loud slogans, and the blacks in the backseat of the motorcycles also raised their spears and waved cheers above their heads.


Samuel cursed angrily and jumped off his motorcycle to stop him as a helper.

"Fu·ckfu·ck**, why don't you bring so many people down to me, and all the special ones with guns, what should I do if I frighten my distinguished Chinese friends!"

"Boss, it's you who said nausea"

Before he could finish the next sentence, the poor man fell unconscious and fell to the ground, vomiting constantly.

Samuel wouldn't let him say it, it would destroy his friendship with Malcolm.

You know, for the four to five thousand dollars that he still has in his arms, he can at least drop nearly four thousand dollars. Usually he takes people to rob five Chinese shops, and he may not be able to grab so much money!

"That Chinese man, Mai, is my friend. You have to respect him as you respect me. Has he brought us wealth and glory? This is the kongfu he taught me, the chinkongfu that is not a sham!"

Samuel's voice was so loud that he hit enough to make McKenz behind him hear it.

Mai Xun shouted loudly: "Samuel, I believe our friendship is unbreakable, go shopping, everyone is hungry."

"Okay, I'm going now. Daniel, be optimistic about them, who dares to offend my friend, give me a severe lesson!"

Samuel got back on the motorcycle and took people to buy food.

His reinforcements are collectively confused.

Didn’t it mean fighting, gunfighting?

How did it become an open-air barbecue?

There are still a lot of people who are confused and forced.

For example, Christine.

She squeezed to the side of Mai Yin: "Mai, what did you do to him?"

"You have seen it all."

"No, you must have done something else, otherwise how could he be persuaded by you?"

"I told him to emulate the broad-mindedness of their black hero, Mr. Martin Luther King, and only in this way can he achieve greater success."


Christine was skeptical.

The little Daniel next to him heard it and asked in a whisper: "But there are always some guys who don't know good or bad, such as the murderer. Should we also be broad-minded to him?"

Mai Kou grinned: "As for the stumbling block on the way forward, kick it away if you can kick it, and smash it if it can be crushed. We must not let it ruin our feet, what do you think?"

"I like what you said, crush them!" Little Daniel stretched out his fist, "I understand why my cousin likes you, even though you beat me."

Mai Xuan punched him: "How about using barbecue to make up for it?"

"I agree, we will not be polite, we will definitely eat you up."

At this time, everyone could understand that McGill and Samuel had really turned their fights into jade, and they were also respected by each other.

"Mai, you are a hero, a magical hero!"

Christine was thin, stood on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the cheek, then looked at Cici seemingly inadvertently.

Woman, very vengeful.

The blacks, whites, and Chinese people present laughed at the same time, and whistles continued.

Only the horse is dripping blood, and he seriously suspects that his fellow Christon Samuel and others have been instigated by the witchcraft.

Cici grabbed McGill's arm and sneaked angrily to Chris in English: "Please pay attention, my brother has a girlfriend."

"So what, you're just Mai's sister."


Li Xue looked at Mai Ying in surprise, and then at Cici, she didn't know what she was thinking.

McKen found that Cici's mood was not right, and thought it was the king of Kung Fu meeting in the afternoon. He was bullied by the American producer too hard, and he was angry.

"Dead Bunny, are you interested in staying for an open-air barbecue?"

"Of course, it's a quarter past five in the afternoon."

"You are welcome to stay. You can visit the crew to film. I still have some personal matters to deal with. Daniel, can you lead someone to protect my crew from being disturbed, okay?"

In fact, as long as Daniel and the gang don't make trouble, no one will disturb this man from the Earth crew.

However, McGun's words gave Daniel and the others a set of steps down, and they were also very useful.

So Daniel agreed happily: "I am happy to help."

Ma was very unhappy in the gambling, came to Chris Wang and whispered: "He is all right, why do you want to stay?"

"Martin, there is no need to be so nervous, don't you think he is a very attractive person? You first met the Daniel brothers, but they respected Mai, including their boss, who was beaten by Mai, but respected Mai more. "

"I don't think there is anything magical. Samuel, they were caught in Eastern Witchcraft and they were brainwashed by him."

"It's Kongfu, not Eastern Witchcraft."

"It doesn't matter what it is, the key is that you are too close to him. Wouldn't you also fall in love with him by falling in love with him?"

"Martin, you think too much, I just think he is amazing. Also, his sister is very unkind to me, I am very angry."

While speaking, Christine's gaze drifted towards Mai Chen.

At this moment, Mai Cheng had pulled Cici, called Li Xue and other cute employees, went to a quieter place next to him, and asked in detail how Cici was bullied.

The American protagonist refused to kiss and ask for a real kiss. It is understandable that Mai Ying, but the American producer teamed up and threatened Cici with the termination of the contract. Mai Ying became very angry; as for the Chinese filmmaker Mai Ying who is at odds with each other. I've long been used to it.

In Cannes, he painstakingly designed the lambs to cut the wool of foreigners in order to distribute the deadly id overseas. As a result, his old bottom was sold out by his domestic counterparts.

It is not easy for Chinese people to work hard internationally. Not only is it difficult to get domestic support, but sometimes they also have to face abuse and doubts from domestic compatriots.

Like this time, if Cici finally terminates the contract and goes to court for liquidated damages, the people in the country who don’t know the truth are used to eating the masses, and when they go to the brick house to call the Beast Gongzhi Dav, many people will definitely jump out and be strict. He reprimanded Cici for being unqualified, playing big cards, discrediting China, and being embarrassed to the United States.

In fact, Li Xue only asked the crew to respect the spirit of the contract and abide by the terms of the contract. However, some domestic brick makers don’t care if you do or don’t care about it, not to mention the crowds who are not afraid of big troubles in the theater.

"Some, great work!" Mai Ying gave a thumbs up again, "In the future, whoever dares to play gangsters with us, don't care what country he is from, just look at it. There are also you guys, who did a good job, no Let the foreigners watch the jokes, there will be red envelopes after they go back."

Cici took Mai Cheng's arm: "Brother, what are you going to do, or I won't shoot?"

Upon hearing this, Li Xue also said: "If there is a duel, I will contact Mr. Liu and let the family be prepared."

what to prepare?


Mengren is not afraid of litigation, not at all, because there is Comrade Old Mai.

Comrade Lao Mai is Mai Yu's own father and the legal adviser of the famous Mengren. Since Mengren often play stand-alone, Comrade Old Mai rarely has the opportunity to shine.

He has complained at home more than once, and he has been excluded. He usually has no topics in common with family members.

If he knew something about the United States, he would definitely be angry, but he would be more excited. He finally had the opportunity to participate in Mengren's business, and organized a large group of lawyers with his personal connections, ready to sue.

McDonald shook: "This is the worst plan. It's not good for Cici and the company, and it's too cheap for the Yankees."

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

"I ask you, when the Yankees were playing gangsters in the afternoon, did the people at UU reading say anything?"

"No, they didn't say anything. When the Yankee stunned Sister Bingbing, only Sister Bingbing wanted to come forward and was caught by her agent."

Li Xue didn't know this, she was taken aback: "Cici, what you said is true?"

"Well, you were busy dealing with the producer and didn't pay attention. I saw it. Sister Bingbing cared about you very much."

Li Xue smiled happily: "That is, she is my sister."

Mai Ying nodded and said: "In this case, I don't need to show mercy to Yihua. More, please contact your sister more. Isn't her contract expiring soon? If she is willing to come to our company, the company will set up for her. Personal studio, tailor-made movies for her, Da Li holds her."

"I told my elder sister when I came, she said that Yihua is kind to her, but I will continue to persuade her."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. You don't care about it for the time being in the team. Let's see how I clean up those Yankees."

Cici asked curiously: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Looking at the group of Daniel who were watching the filming, Mai Ying turned his gaze back: "You'll know it later."

This time Li Xue suddenly remembered something: "Oh, Mr. Mai, I almost forgot. Brother Cheng Long also came. At that time, he also offered to help Cici solve this matter."

Cheng Long?

Offer to help?

Mai Ying stunned twice in his heart.

First play: Nima, Fang x Long!

Second time: I rub, what a big lamb!

Then, he turned his head towards the distance, and the vehicle Cheng Long was in waved his hand.

Now, Cheng Long is sitting on wax.


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