After Cici, Li Xue and other cute people got out of the car, no one moved by Cheng Long.

Because Cheng Long didn't move.

After watching the whole process of the battle between Mai Yu and the evil forces in Los Angeles, Cheng Long felt quite disappointed, thinking that Mai Yu was overstated.

He could see that McDonald had conquered the black group of Musser in some way.

This approach is correct.

If the crew is filming abroad and is unfamiliar with the place of life, if there is help from local forces, many unnecessary troubles can be solved.

The problem is that the level of the Musser group is too low.

However, the higher-end forces would not regard Qu Qu Qu's thousands of dollars in his eyes.

Cheng Long has developed in Hollywood for many years, has a well-developed network, and has friends in this area, so he has great energy. A finger of his friends can easily wipe out Samuel's gang.

It is true that the people who eventually came out to do the "dirty work" must be people at the level of Mussell, but they cannot be made friends for this reason. Those who need to make friends are the upper-middle class people, who should reach the upper-middle class circle with the status of Malcolm.

At that time, as long as there are people in the middle and upper circles who have energy to speak, like Samuel's level of gangsters, there will be as many as there are.

To put it bluntly, the identities are not equal, and the practice of Malcolm surrendering his status is also in line with the evaluation of China's industry insiders: he does not act according to the rules.

Cheng Long has no intention of dealing with such people, and there are too many people on the crew. If he shows up, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not appear in the media entertainment version with this man from the Earth crew tomorrow, which is tantamount to helping the crew to promote.

He did not get out of the car, nor did he leave, because he was waiting for Cici and Li Xue.

Through McKen's working style, he judged that he was unable to solve Cici's troubles. So he thought that Cici and Li Xue would come back soon and seek his help.

As for the joke that Cici and the crew cancel the contract, it's not funny.

How many Chinese artists would refuse to cooperate with Hollywood?

As a result, Qianqian and Li Xue didn't come back to seek his help, instead, Mai Cheng waved his hand to say hello.

"Jackie, do you want to get out of the car to say hello?" Chen Zhiqiang asked.

Cheng Long is still more particular about things, hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Forget it, let's do a propaganda for him."

When Chen Zhiqiang accompanied Cheng Long and appeared surrounded by Cheng's family, now Chengteng is now.

"I bought cakes, who did I see!"

"Jackiechan, is that him, slap me quickly and see if I am dreaming!"

"Thank God, I actually saw my idol!"

"Hey, Jackie, I love your rush hour. Will the third movie be released this year?"

"Hurry up and inform the boss that his favorite jackiechan is here!"

In the ten years since he entered Hollywood, Cheng Long has been able to excuse his own vast sky in the United States and has many American movie fans. It can be said that after Bruce Lee, there is not one of the most popular Chinese actors in American audiences!

His appearance directly led to Zhang Xiaoquan's inability to shoot, and even Marten Kristal ran over.

Chris O's popularity and popularity in the United States is far less than Cheng Long.

With emotion, Martin took out his business card to get acquainted with.

After Cheng Long got out of the car, he was surrounded by stars like the moon, and he was "difficult." After more than twenty minutes passed, I was stunned that he could not walk to Mai Yin's side.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Mai Cheng did not swarm around like other people.

Everyone in the Mengren didn't move, and surrounded Mai Yin.

After Zhang Xiaoquan, who had to announce that today's filming work was over, came over and complained in annoyance in McHill's ears: "You crossed a cross, how did you summon this old monster? Today's filming schedule can't be completed. "

Cheng Long seemed very friendly, greeted his fans and fans, satisfied their autographs for a photo, and finally came over.

When there was still five meters away, Mai Yu hurried forward two steps, stretched out his hands and said enthusiastically: "Hello, Brother Cheng Long, I am Mai Yu, and Cong Xing admires you very much."

Talking nonsense with your eyes open.

Just standing here motionless, I have to wait until I come over to take my legs. This is also called admiration?

Still from my son-in-law?

Cheng Long has cultivated his skills very well, holding Mai Ying's hand, smiling and said: "Hello, don't be so polite, I have had a relationship with Mr. Liu from your company, and it is considered to be a acquaintance."

Qianqian and Li Xue, Cheng Long already knew each other, and Mai Ying introduced Zhang Xiaoquan to Cheng Long.

Cheng Long also introduced his agent, Chen Zhiqiang, to Mai Heng, and they knew each other.

Then, the two sides continued to talk.

Mai Xuan thanked: "I heard Cici talked about what happened today, thank you elder brother for helping me out."

"I didn't do anything, you are too polite."

"That's not what I said. The eldest brother is high-spirited, he has never been with us, but he is willing to help us in that situation. I have to understand this love."

"Haha, it's Li Xue's good performance that made me give birth to the love of talent. But when I see you, Mr. Mai, I finally know where her spirit comes from. Mr. Mai is young and promising. The wind."

"Whether the wheat is not the general manager, just call me wheat. I'm just a foolish When something happens, my brain gets hot and I am easily impulsive. People in the company often persuade me."

"I'm also a rough person, so I came to visit the class without saying hello, which will affect your filming."

Zhang Xiaoquan's heart sighed: Was my voice too loud just now?

Mai Xuan exaggeratedly denied: "How can I, eldest brother, can come to the crew to visit the crew, our crew is brilliant."

I knew that he would use me for publicity.

Cheng Long thought.

He is an international action superstar, such a big name, no matter which Huaxia crew he appears in, the crew will use this to promote the hype through the media, which can be regarded as the rules of the game in the circle.

However, McDonald went on to say: "Don't worry, big brother, I know that Point 3 will be released this year, and there must be a detailed plan for publicity. I will never tell the media about your visit to the class today. Daniel, tell them, who dares to call Jackie? Tell Chris about the painful visit to the class, at your own risk!"

What McKenk said to Daniel was in English, and Christen Maer understood it.

The two glanced at each other, and they didn't understand the practice of McDonald's.

What a good way of publicity, why not use it?

Cheng Long was also stunned.

He didn't want to use my fame to promote it?

Co-author is my own passion?

Cici and Li Xue had no reaction.

Cute people have been playing stand-alone in the circle for so many years, aren't they still thriving?

Only Zhang Xiaoquan smiled in his heart, he guessed that Mai Ying wanted to circle Cheng Long, just like Su Youpeng did earlier.

Sure enough, Cheng Long asked curiously: "What kind of movie are you making and want to come to the United States to persuade. Horror films?"


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