The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 635: The handful of devilish people

"Wealth between raising hands!"

"Invest at 1 yuan, redeem at any time, high yield and low risk!"

"Capital and interest guaranteed, flexible withdrawal!"

"Stable earning without losing money, earn enough bank income for n years in one month!"

In the second half of 2006, China’s a-shares ushered in the long-lost bull market, and online loan companies, collocation companies, and p2p platforms sprung up.し Among them, the so-called emerging concept of p2p platform is the most popular, known as Internet banking, which has attracted the attention of a large number of people who eat melon.

A number of p2p platforms represented by e-daibao have used the media to launch large-scale advertising campaigns. It is not only to promote its own brand, but also to instill the emerging investment concept of p2p into the minds of people who don't know the truth, forming a joint effort to expand the market cake.

Although Mai Heng believes that the p2p industry has just started, lack of effective management mechanisms, too many loopholes, too much confusion, and extremely high risks, it is all scams, but few people who eat melon think so.

East China Sea.

Tang Yan's house.

"Dad, mom, are you going out so early?"

"I didn't tell you yesterday. This morning, your dad and your third aunt and I went to a wealth management salon."

"Wealth management salon? Do you want to invest?"

"Yeah, those Internet banks are so popular nowadays, the interest rate is much higher than that of banks."

"The kind of p2p platform?"

"Yes, that's the one you said."

"It's not e-loan insurance, right? Brother Mai said that there was a problem with that company."

"No, the interest rate of e-loan insurance is too low. Your dad and I went to this place, and one month's interest can be deposited in the bank for one year."

"It's so high, wait a minute, I'll call Brother Mai and ask if it's reliable."

"You kid, just call when you call, what are you doing back to the room?"

"Wife, who is the'Brother Mai' in Yan'er's mouth?"

"When she was hiding on the balcony on New Year's Eve to make a phone call, I seemed to have heard her say a few words, shouldn't it be."

"Ask her later."

Five minutes later, Tang Yan came out.

With a smile on his face, the smile is very sweet.

"Dad, mom, brother Maizi said that the higher the interest rate, the more problematic it is. Like in the past, illegal fund-raising, but also in the name of high interest rate, you don't go."

"Well, if you can't go, don't go. But you have to make it clear to me and your dad, who is'Brother Mai' in your mouth?"


Dachangting Village.

"Dad, this is the salary I saved last year, a total of 100,000 yuan, and the password is my birthday."

"Okay, okay, the girl is promising, see who would dare to laugh at you as an actor is a idiot. It just happens that the family is going to build a house, first take 50,000 yuan from you, and the remaining 50,000 dad will help you save it."

"It's okay, just hold the flower for you, don't need to save it for me, I can make money this year."

“You don’t know. Last month, a few young people came to the village to promote it. They said it was a sales agency of a big company in the city. It’s called Pitupi. It seems to be an online bank. 50,000 yuan will be deposited with them. The interest is more than 20,000 yuan, which is much higher than the credit union."

"E loan guarantee?"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's e-loan insurance. Have you heard of it when you were in Yanjing?"

"That company has a problem, you must not give them the money."

"No, there are many people in the village. The few are three to two thousand, and the many are seven to eighty thousand. Who do you hear that there is a problem?"

"What Mr. Mai said is the boss of our company."

"Does he speak accurately?"

"Why not? He is very capable and treats me very well, so he won't lie to me."

"Alright, listen to you, I'll deposit the money in the credit union in a hurry. Girl, how come you are so good to you?"

A city in central China.

At night, ktv box.

Lu Ning, who has returned home in good shape, enjoys the annual high school reunion.

"Among our classmates, Mr. Lu is now the best."

"I now understand why the roommates in the south say that all those who have the ability to do business there, and those who are not able to become civil servants and take college entrance exams."

"Yeah, what about our four years of university? It's not a hard work dog. Lu Du has become a supervisor."

"Don't say that, the diploma is still useful. My boss asked me to take the self-examination, and I have been reviewing it recently."

"Spend a little money to find a gunman. If there is anything to review, you are not short of that money."

"Mr. Lu, how many year-end awards were given last year, tell me a bit?"

"Not much, not much, so, sing k me please tonight."

"Mr Lu is bold, nothing to say!"

"Waiter, let's break it again!"

"Mr. Lu, is your company still hiring people?"

"Mr. Lu, your annual income is over 100,000, right? Have you ever considered financial management? I am now working in Guanfeng Investment, doing p2p, and the annualized rate of return is more than 50. You come to me to invest, I will show you , Guaranteed not to be compensated."

"50 so high?"

"Is it reliable?"

"If it's true, I want to vote too."

"What is the minimum standard?"

"Of course it's reliable, I just work inside. The investment starts at 1 yuan and can be redeemed at any time, high yield and low risk, Mr. Lu?"

"I'm not interested. Our boss said that such a high rate of return must be a problem. It doesn't matter if you work there. Don't invest money in it. You have no return."

Sanya, Yalong Bay.

Feng's luxury villa.

This year's Spring Festival, Feng Shaofeng's family came to Sanya's mansion to enjoy the holiday.

In the swimming pool, Feng Shaofeng swam to the shore and came out of the swimming pool with a hula.

The servant next to him came over and put soap on him.

He wiped his head and walked to sit down at the beach table next to him, took a sip of the freshly squeezed juice he was sitting on, and asked, "Dad, why did you swim so short today?"

"Old, not as good as your young people."

"You are not old at all."

"Isn't it because I'm not old, so you won't come back to help me take care of business?"

"My family's business doesn't need me to help, and my career is just starting to improve."

"Your career is also called a career. What's the point of becoming a celebrity? With the size of your I can buy it casually."

"Mr. Mai will never sell. If you force a buy, you may be the one who suffers in the end."

"It seems that you know him quite well, and talk about your opinion of him."

"He is very special. Sometimes very smart, sometimes very crazy. How do you say, there is a mental problem."

"Is there a mental problem?"

"Yes, just like years ago, eDaibao wanted to invite Hu Xu to be its image spokesperson, and the endorsement fee was high. Not only did he refuse, but he also held a meeting to tell all employees that there are problems with that kind of company and don't participate."

"He really said that?"

"Yes, he said that p2p is not such a play method. Too high an annualized rate of return must be a problem, there are great risks and hidden dangers, and it is easy to lose money."

"Unexpectedly, he also has a certain understanding of finance."

"I think he should consider Hu Xu's idea. I heard that E-Loan Insurance later increased the endorsement fee."

"Hehe, some money will be hot to hold. It doesn't matter what Hu Xu thinks now, he and your company's employees will be very grateful to him in the future."

When the p2p wave, with the a-share bull market that began in 2006, intensified, during the 2007 Spring Festival, a small group of people were steadfastly singing the opposite.

And Mai Ying, the initiator, didn't even think about what would happen if he sang too much.

At the moment he is playing mahjong with his future father-in-law, grandma, and brother-in-law in Xijiang Book City.


Puqun: 557559073.

v group: 607682821.

Two groups of book friends are welcome to join, and the Buddha is waiting for you. o Become a Buddha o said that the continuous increase in the past few days, the Buddha can't hold it anymore. Today there are only two for one, take a break, Rong Fo catches his breath.

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