The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 636: Resolutely do not do anything that is not good!

"Wheat, the last hand, give your cards a little bit more, don't fire any more shots. Net"

"You are too lucky tonight, and later, grandma will win half of your points. And Taotao, you help him to advise him. You two are also from far away from Yanjing, playing Hongcheng for the first time. Mahjong, you can't just use other people's cards."

"Grandma, you said me and my dad, you have won the most these days, and you are also the biggest winner tonight: husband, you boldly play cards, with your card skills, I believe that you will fire the gun in the end. Hahaha."

"Brother, you are too much, how can you say that Maizi."

"What do you know, I'm speaking for him, brother-in-law."

Mai Gu laughed and did not speak, looking at the mahjong tiles in his hand, wondering which card to play.

Liu Tao leaned on his shoulder and whispered to help him advise.

"Take this one, three shots in the river."

"No, I just ordered the last lap."

"Then hit this one"

"This one is not insured"

The two murmured for a moment, and Liu Tao pointed out that someone else had just played it and used it as an insurance card.

Mai Ying nodded, picked up the cards and played out: "Thirty thousand."

"Oh, how did you hit thirty thousand, I let you beat the chicken."

Before Liu Tao's anger fell, he saw the other three players pushing cards at the same time.


"Thirteen bad!"

"Seven pairs!"

Three hits!

"Wheat, this is the'fine' card, why did you play it too?"

"Don't be afraid, grandma won't charge you for this bad thirteen."

"Brother-in-law, you really have enough money for my sister."

Mai Xing looked innocent: "The wrong card was drawn"

Look at the watch at more than 11 o'clock in the evening, and this is the end of the game tonight.

Everyone chatted for a while, urging Mai Yu and Liu Tao to take a bath and go to bed earlier.

The future father-in-law: "You have to rest early. Wheat will have to get on the plane tomorrow."

Future brother-in-law: "Sister, you can comfort your brother-in-law tonight. There will be three hits before leaving, and there will be 10,000 points of harm."

Grandma is the most direct: "You two must work hard to get my old woman to hug my great-grandson sooner."

Today, on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Mai Hou came to Hongcheng for a week and successfully conquered Liu Tao’s family. Just like Mai’s family regarded Liu Tao as his daughter-in-law, Liu’s family also regarded him as his son-in-law.

There are factors such as his identity and generous gifts, as well as his high coaxing skills.

These days, during the daytime, he and Liu Tao’s family traveled in mountains and water. Even if he was spotted by fans or reporters, he thought it was Liu Tao’s family and would not associate it in other ways.

Playing mahjong at night, occasionally touching a few, but always deliberately firing the cannon, every time it is the biggest loser, the winner naturally laughs and can't close his mouth.

When he first came, he slept in Liu Tao’s bedroom at night, and the old man was still a little uncomfortable; now the old man is eager for the two of them to do anything night and night, Liu Tao gets pregnant early, the two get married with their sons, and they can also hold their grandchildren or great-grandchildren. .

Mai Gong took a shower first, lay on the bed, read his mobile phone, and read today's news.

Soon after Liu Tao came in after taking a shower, he smiled and said, "Xingtao, I finished the wash so soon, did you wash it for nothing?"

"You won't know if you check it." Liu Tao smiled and took off his pajamas, got into the bed, and got into his arms. "You are getting too much. You used to call'Sister Tao' before, but now you open your mouth and shut your mouth. Xingtao'."

Mai Yuxun checked her back with one hand and her hip with the other: "Isn't this afraid of calling you old, don't you like it?"

"Whatever you want, you are a liar who deceives the dead and does not pay for their lives." Liu Tao sent a sweet kiss, "Thank you."

Based on Mai Yu's calculations, how could he lose so badly in playing Mahjong, and Liu Tao has been sitting next to him, knowing why Mai Yu always fires the cannon.

"Thank you, isn't your family also my family?" Mai Cheng began to check Liu Tao's chest.

Liu Tao couldn't help it, and sighed and hugged him tightly: "Go to bed early."

"Wait for me to check again. It seems that it has grown a little bit over the past few days. Is it because you are getting fat again, or is the effect of my massage good?"

"No matter why, you are responsible."

Liu Tao climbed onto Mai Yin, repeated him, kissed him passionately, and touched him.

Ten minutes later, Mai Cheng turned over and pressed Liu Tao under him, and while kissing and touching frantically, he was ready to release the violent Teddy in his body.

The next day, the tenth day.

At ten o'clock in the morning, I ended the Maiduan in Wenrou Township and boarded the flight to Yanjing.

Going back to work, there are still a lot of things waiting for him.

Before the plane took off, he received a call from Liu Xiaoli: "Mai, when will you be back?"

"I have already boarded the plane and arrived in Beijing in the afternoon."

"That's good. Let's go home for dinner at night, it just so happens that I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the trouble?"

It's not very troublesome, it's just a sign of trouble.

Recently, p2p has become more and more popular.

Most people who eat melon do not actually understand p2p, but the high interest promised by p2p has attracted the attention of a large number of people who eat melon.

The interest of traditional banks cannot keep up with the rise in prices; when money is placed in the bank for interest, it is tantamount to depreciation in disguise.

Thanks to the collective efforts of the Zhong** 2p platform, this view has been recognized by more and more people who eat melons.

Investing in the stock market, investment funds, real estate, investment banking wealth management products, and p2p investment have become the only investment method for ordinary people.

The stock market and funds are becoming popular, but many people don’t understand the k-line chart and don’t have much time to pay attention to it; the entry barrier for real estate is high, and because the stock market is bullish, hot money is pouring into the stock market from the property market, which can often be seen in the media Reports of real estate and stock speculation; although the interest rate of bank wealth management products is higher than normal deposits, it is still much lower than p2p.

As a result, p2p has become an investment choice for many people who eat melon, especially the elderly.

The staff of various p2p platforms are very heart-warming, and sometimes treat the elderly more warmly than their children. In addition to asking for warmth, they also actively make financial planning for them.

Don't understand online banking?

No problem, we will help you activate!

Will not register on the platform?

No problem, we will help you register hand in hand!

Investing in p2p for one month, receiving high dividends, and getting used to the happy harmony of the people. Increase investment, reinvest interest, and introduce relatives and friends to join

The snowball of p2p is getting bigger and bigger, and the momentum is getting bigger and bigger, sweeping across the country, and it has become a shortcut for the people who eat melons to get rich. There is no one!

"have you eaten?

"Just finished eating, how about you?"

"I also ate."

This is a common way to say hello when we meet in the past.

It's changed now.

"Have you voted?"

"I invested in **** company, with xx% monthly interest."

"Yours is not as high as mine. The monthly interest of the one I voted for is xx%."

P2p advertisements are overwhelming. After economists and financial experts receive some rewards from the p2p platform, they will also shout for their platforms in financial programs and activities.

When the common people saw it, the experts said so, so what else is there to doubt?

Against the backdrop of the stock market's booming popularity, one family after another on popular p2p platforms emerged, and the enthusiasts of the people who eat melons are very enthusiastic.

At this time, Mengren sings against the tune, questioning the p2p platform has a problem, can something go wrong?

Originally, Mai Yu was only worried about the loss of adorable artists, employees, and members, reminding them to stay away now.

They listened very much to Mai Ying, telling their family members to try not to touch them, and even if they participate, they only invest a small amount of money and they will accept it when they are good.

However, as soon as their family members spread out, they would change their tastes if they couldn't pass them. When they reached the ears of the media reporters, the meaning was quite different.

Reporters are more interested in this rumor, because p2p is one of the most popular topics now, and it is also related to cute movies in the entertainment circle.

After being processed by media reporters, the report of "Moe Ren Film and Television Attacking P2P as a Liar" came out.

Fortunately, because it was all rumors and Liu Xiaoli intervened, neither mainstream media nor large-scale portals participated in the report, and public opinion did not form. Mainly some influential small media slapped around, all kinds of headlines attract attention and deceive clicks.

The cute people ignored the rumors; the p2p industry was busy making money and didn't have time to pay attention; the people who saw melons were mostly cursing, "Xiaobian gave birth to a son and didn't have much reaction.

Therefore, it is still calm, and the trouble that may be caused is just a sign.

But Liu Xiaoli was worried that this sign would explode, and it would have an impact on cute people.

While Mai Xing was in Hongcheng, although he and Liu Tao "sang songs every night", he always followed news reports.

He had seen this sign a long time ago, but he was not worried at all.

"It's nothing, it doesn't matter if it makes a big deal."

Mai Chen is not big-hearted, but doesn't care about making big troubles at all.

What about the trouble?

High-yield must be accompanied by high-risk. Now the 2p platform advocates high-yield and low-risk. What is it that is not a liar?

And now the popularity of p2p is similar to what he dreamed of in his dream, only a few years ahead of schedule.

So he is 90% sure that there will definitely be a wave of runaways!


Call the police?

Are you 484 stupid?

This has half a dime relationship with Mai Heng?

Take 10,000 steps and say, even if he reminds and calls the police again, who believes it?

Or maybe they will be ridiculed, ridiculed, complained, and complained by future victims!

He is fed up and does this kind of unsatisfactory work?

After returning to Yenching, he simply reassure Liu Xiaoli with a few words, and then plunged into the intense work.

After the Spring Festival this year, Moeren has many projects launched or in operation.

The post-production of Sin 3 is coming to an end.

The broadcast rights, the second round of broadcast, and the third round of broadcast were sold before the start-up, and now we have to prepare for the next stage of publicity work.

The stewardess also turned on.

Because the word "cohabitation" disrupted harmony, the name was changed to the days with flight attendants. Director Sun Yaxing, together with Feng Shaofeng, Tang Yan, and others, appeared on the site of the opening ceremony of the East China Sea, and officially started filming in the media.

These don't have to worry about Mai Ying.

After several years of exhibitions, Mengren is not a grass-rooted company back then. The company has a complete framework and various departments are operating maturely. Who knows who's the job is, and there will be no mistakes.

What he worries about is the post-production of two films about the love call transfer and the man from the earth.

He and Zhang Xiaoquan are in the division of labor, and Zhang Xiaoquan, the post-production producer of Love Call Transfer, is responsible for his assistance; the post-production of this man from the earth is in charge of him and Zhang Xiaoquan assists.

As for Suo Xing, after a comfortable Spring Festival, he took the schoolmates of the Eastern Opera to continue filming.

Wheat leaf special effects.

Ye Chu's office.

"Mr. Mai, I heard that the production cost of your movie is only 20,000 US dollars?" Ye Chu asked after taking a sip of coffee.

"Now it has been added to 60,000 US dollars." Mai Ying took a cigarette to correct his statement.

"The production cost has tripled? My post-production costs are also included, right?"

"That is, can you do it for free?"

Ye Chu sighed: "What the **** do you think. For the US$60,000 film, the actors are all American group performers. When I came to my post-production, I also specially hired domestic professional voice actors for dubbing. If you have this money, can't you use it for filming?"

Due to the difficulty and high cost of creating idiots, the cost of post-production in the United States is expensive and time wasted. Therefore, after the man came from the earth and finished his work, Mai Yu and Zhang Xiaoquan immediately returned to China and commissioned the post-production of wheat leaf special effects.

The dubbing aspect is naturally also in charge of the special effects of Mai Ye, Mai Yu also paid a lot of money to invite the first-class voice actors in China to provide full English dialogue for this movie.

His series of actions are too puzzling.

Mai Xing suddenly smiled, "Ye Dashao, did your aunt ask you to spy on intelligence?"

Ye Chu was taken aback for a moment, and then he flicked negatively; "A film with an investment of 60,000 US dollars still needs to spy on intelligence?"

"But the line budget is as high as one or two million dollars. UU reading also, your acting skills are too bad and you won't lie, so don't lie in the future."

Ye Chu: ""

"In May of this year, I plan to go to Cannes again. Are you interested in being together? It will be very lively?"

"Can, Cannes?" Ye Chu thought of Fatal Id for the first time, "No wonder you are all looking for foreigners to perform, but the investment is only tens of thousands of dollars."

"The important thing is not how much you invest, but whether you are worth seeing."

"I took a few glances when they were editing, and it felt like they were all dialogues, not much to look at."

"If you don't think it's worth seeing, it doesn't mean that foreigners don't think it's worth seeing. I can make them feel worth seeing."

"Like a fatal Id?"

"Every movie is inseparable from hype⊥Like the king of kung fu, it was just launched a few days ago, and the scale of publicity is called a big one."

"But your way of propaganda is different from others."

Mai Ying smiled.

Conventional propaganda methods are of no use to this man from the earth, only the side door goes sloppy, not to mention that he is also very good at this kind of routine.

"Can it be done in early April?"

"Don't worry, this film is not difficult. The post-production can be completed before the end of this month. You can see the effect after it is finished, and you can modify it if you have any problems, so as to ensure that it will not delay your visit to Cannes in May."

Ye Chu has decided to go to Cannes with Mai Ying in May this year to see the "lively" Mai Ying said.

After sending Mai Ying to leave, he took out his mobile phone: "Aunty, I just finished talking with Mai."

At this moment, Mai Ying, who was about to return to his own company, also received a call from her female artist.

"Mr. Mai, do you have time now"


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