"Sister, here I am. How did you and Mr. Mai last night? Are there any developments?"

In the living room, Wang Luodan's voice sounded; in the bedroom, the two who had just entered the subject "brake" almost at the same time.

Wang Chuhan was a little nervous and didn't dare to move anymore, keeping his eight-legged posture wrapped around the wheat.

Mai Cheng also simply lay on Wang Chuhan, the attacking Teddy still tilted his head high.

"Sister, it's ten o'clock, you haven't got up yet?"

Wang Luodan's voice was getting closer and closer with the sound of footsteps, and finally stopped at the bedroom door and knocked on the door.

The door is unlocked!

Thinking of this detail, Mai Ying is also a little uncomfortable.

He has more ons, but he has never been caught by his sister.

If Wang Luodan pushes the door in and sees his sister Wang Chuhan and her boss Mai Ying in the bed, keeping a shy posture

What to do if it's swollen?

"Dandan, I was drunk last night and just woke up."

"Mr. Mai is really true, why let you drink so much wine, I'll pour you some water."

"No!" Wang Chuhan almost shouted, "I'm not thirsty, just let me sleep for a while. By the way, why are you here now?"

"Come and ask about you and Mr. Mai's progress. Sister, how did you come back drunk last night?"

"Mr. Mai sent me back."

Wang Chuhan suddenly let out a groan, but it was Mai Yingyi's interest, and he exerted a little force.

"do not move."

Wang Chuhan hugged Mai Ying tightly and complained in a low voice.

But it was too late, Wang Luodan heard it.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I drank too much last night and my head was a little dizzy."

"Drink less wine in the future. Anyway, you are drunk, and Mr. Mai sent you back. Did nothing happen to you?"

"What can happen"

As soon as Wang Chuhan spoke, Mai Ying moved again.

While kissing her cheek and earlobes, she moved her body.

It was useless for Wang Chuhan to rush to death, short of breath and a little gasping, only to feel that the whole person was not good.

"The matter between me and Mr. Mai has passed long ago, so don't think about it."

She finished speaking quickly in one breath, then opened her mouth to bite on Melody's shoulder to avoid making strange noises.

Wang Luodan, who was separated by the door, didn't even know, and tried his best to match up: "Sister, are you really boring to Mr. Mai?"

"It has faded in the past so many years"

"Sister, what's wrong with you, it feels weird to talk."

"The head feels uncomfortable, just get some sleep."

"Well, I won't bother you, let's go now. My new drama is about to start up, tomorrow morning's plane, today noon friends invite me to dinner, and tonight we have a meal together."


The sound of footsteps moved away, and after a while, there was a "click" of the door closing.

During this period, Wang Chuhan has been trying his best to control himself, maintaining great restraint in the face of the harassment and harassment attacks of Malcolm, and listening to the movements outside. After confirming that Wang Luodan had left, she broke out.

A vigorous pan-intestine war began.

Most of it leaned over, and the war subsided.

Wang Chuhan lay down in Mai Yu's arms, and said, "You are too bad, what if Dandan hears it?"

"Don't you think it was exciting just now?"

Exciting, absolutely exciting.

Can it be irritated in such a stressful situation?

"I think you have changed a lot."

"What you see now is my true face. I used to pretend it deliberately. I said that I am a"

"Are you a principled bad guy?" Wang Chuhan changed to a more comfortable posture, "I understand it now. Yesterday afternoon, you proposed to cooperate with the fitness club. You had premeditated, right?"

"I'm not as bad as you think." Mai Xuan lightly slid Wang Chuhan's cheeks, "I have my own needs for the fitness club items, and I have the intention to make up for you, but I didn't expect your grievances to be so deep."

"Before stupid, ignorant, and when I was unhappy, I did think about why you didn't sign me. Later, I already wanted to open it. People in the circle said that you are very accurate.

"Nonsense, am I not going to sign you right now? You want to quit the entertainment industry."

The matter of the fitness club is so decided, Mai Heng privately funded and partnered with Wang Chuhan.

Funding is actually very easy to solve. Regardless of the size of Moeren's assets, the personal assets of Mai Ying's comics, machinery, scripts, lyrics, rent, and company dividends over the years have exceeded 100 million.

The trouble is the operation of the fitness club.

The fitness club with an investment of nearly 10 million yuan, with rich people, celebrities and other fat sheep as its future goals, must be high-end, atmospheric, high-grade, plus professional and private, in order to conform to the identity of the “fat sheep” crowd.

There are too many things to do here, and it is difficult to accomplish it by Wang Chuhan alone.

Fortunately, there are fitness coaches among Mengren's members, and some of them are gold medal coaches who have won awards.

Mai Xuan contacted them, and it was easy to dig them up, together with several excellent management talents in the fitness industry recommended by them, to join Wang Chuhan's team and cooperate with her in operating the fitness club.

Of course, it's not enough to rely solely on the personal charm of McKenzie for such things as poaching, and it is inseparable from the temptation and temptation of high-tech.

Mai Heng has ambitions for this fitness club. At the beginning, he was busy with the post-production of two films and took time to participate in the establishment of the fitness club. But as a news came from the East China Sea, he had to put down all his work and rush to the East China Sea as soon as possible.

Feng Shaofeng had a car accident!

Two ribs were broken, the left ear was torn, and intracranial hemorrhage was caused.

This is the news that Malcolm has received, and the specific situation has to wait for the doctor to check the report in detail.

That night, after receiving a call from the stewardess crew director Sun Yaxing, Mai Heng immediately asked his assistant Yu Ping to book the three earliest tickets to the East China Sea. Then he called Liu Xiaoli and took Yu Ping and Ke Haoyi the next morning. Fly to the East China Sea.

The First People's Hospital of East China Sea, the top three first-class hospitals.

There are usually many patients who come to see the meal clinic, and there are frequent traffic outside the office during working hours, but today the situation is even more serious.

All the hospital security guards were dispatched, and even the police appeared at the entrance of the hospital to clear traffic and maintain order.

A large number of reporters and fans gathered at the entrance of the hospital and in the corridors, all for Feng Shaofeng.

As a member of f4, Feng Shaofeng's every move touched the attention of reporters and the hearts of fans.

He was involved in a car accident during filming, and media reporters naturally came to collect first-hand information about the interview.

Before Mai Ying got on the plane, he had already seen more detailed reports on Feng Shaofeng's car accident and Feng Shaofeng's injuries in newspapers and on the Internet.

According to media reports, when Feng Shaofeng was taken to the hospital after the car accident, he was in a coma and his injuries were extremely serious and his injuries were not optimistic.

The media also got the doctor's preliminary diagnosis and revealed Feng Shaofeng's specific injuries: the car accident not only broke his two ribs and tore his left ear, but also caused intracranial hemorrhage.

The report also included words such as "massive intracranial hemorrhage may be life-threatening", and "the best result may also be loss of language function or permanent facial paralysis".

Is it alarmist?

Take a look at the car accident in the report, the scene is quite tragic.

The front of Feng Shaofeng’s car was seriously damaged, the door was severely deformed, the window glass was broken everywhere, the vehicle was almost completely scrapped, and the airbag that popped up was stained with blood.

After reading these reports, Mai Xuan didn't know whether he should believe it, let alone Feng Shaofeng's fans.

Many peak leaves in Donghai have contacted each other or spontaneously. They rushed to the hospital early this morning. Some peak leaves around the East China Sea were on their way to the East China Sea.

However, the hospital will not let people affect the normal working order of the hospital, and even a large number of uncrowned kings have been blocked at the door, let alone Feng Shaofeng's fans Feng Ye.

Reporters can also ask for information through relationships, or sneak in to collect information in disguise; Fengye, helpless, had to stay outside the hospital and pull up a banner to send their concerns and blessings.

When Mai Gong rushed to the East China Sea First People's Hospital, it was almost noon. Not only did the fans waiting at the entrance of the hospital not decrease, but there were signs of faint growth.

Mai Xing glanced at the black and crushing fans, and told Ke Haoyi: "Find a few people and buy some water and food to send to them."

"Do you use it for reporters?"

"Are those reporters coming to the hospital purely worried about Shao Feng's injury?"

"I know how to do it."

Ke Haoyi turned around to find a small supermarket.

Mai Xing told Yu Ping again: "Contact the crew and ask them how they did it. Shaofeng had such a big incident, why didn't they see their people, so many fans at the entrance of the hospital just dry it out?"

Mai Xuan really wronged the crew of the stewardess.

It's not that they don't care, no one comes to the hospital. Sun Yaxing took people to the hospital last night and kept guarding at the door of the operating room. As a result, they were driven away before the operation was completed.

After Yu Ping finished the call, he told Mai Ying of the situation, Mai Ying immediately understood.

"Do you know which department Shao Feng is in?"

"I don't know. When Director Sun and the others were driven away, the operation had not been completed."

"Old Feng really feels sorry for his son, and the news is fast enough."

Mai Gong muttered a little, and came to the decoration department.

Yu Ping asked Feng Shaofeng to peck a department, and the nurse told her blankly: "No comment!"

Looking at the tall decoration department, Yu Ping smiled bitterly: "Mr. Mai, what should we do? We don't know Feng brother Zhuojian department."

"I'll call and ask."

Mai Xing wanted to contact Mr. Feng, but considering that Mr. Feng Shaofeng’s injury was unclear and Mr. Feng’s attitude of letting the crew get rid of the crew, he decided to contact Longxing Studio to see if they had any channels to find out.

Not to mention, Longxing's news channels are extremely wide.

The phone call from Mai Ying went over, and after five minutes, Long Xing's call came back.


In addition to the specific department, Longxing’s Cao Long also asked Mai Ying: "What is the identity of the artist named Feng Shaofeng in your company?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Some colleagues suspect that he is a rich second-generation, and his family background is not simple. I'm looking into this matter."

"Wipe, it's purely the pain of having a full stomach."

After hanging up the phone, Mai Cheng took Yu Ping to the elevator, and immediately realized that the situation on this floor was not right.

There are more people in the corridor.

Some patients in suits stood at the door, looking eastward.

There are also a few guys who are not wearing uniforms, who are suspected of being the family members of the patient, and they whispered while looking around.

On the east side aisle on the 16th floor of the Zhubu Department, two men in black and sunglasses were guarded.

No wonder some reporters doubted this battle.

Mai Gongyi walked over with Yu Ping.

There were three people in front of them. In the middle was an old man who was only in his suit and was stumbling. On the left and right were two young people, one supporting him and the other holding a bottle for him.

A trio of one old and two young came to the two men in black and sunglasses and was blocked.

No matter what the two young men said, the two men in black and sunglasses just refused to let them pass.

"Don't you make sense? This is the hospital, the public sincerity, not your home, why don't you let us pass!"

"Even they are too overbearing, can't I send my grandfather back to the ministry?"

The man in sunglasses replied blankly: "He can pass, but you can't."


"There was only one person when he went out just now, and you are later."

"Joke, I can't come to see my grandpa!"

"My grandfather is very old and he is hitting a bottle. How do you let him pass?"

"If my grandfather has something good or bad, you are responsible!"

"The hospital doesn't care, what qualifications do you have to stand in the way!"

"Don't let us call the police again!"

The two young men yelled out of righteous indignation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the people next to them also whispered and pointed.

Just as they said, the hospital is a public humiliation, and the two men in sunglasses are not police, nor are they handling the case. Why are they blocking the way and not letting others pass by?

The Mai Ying behind has been observing the trio of a young man and a young man.

Upon seeing this, he told Yu Ping to step back a few steps, walked over by himself, and scolded: "This is the hospital's branch office, don't you know how to keep it quiet? It's no good at all."

While speaking, he took the old man's bottle from the young man on the left and punched him in the stomach.


One young man fell down, and another young man rushed over: "How can you beat people casually?"


He flew out and was kicked by Mai Ying.

"You reporters are too shameless. Don't talk about making trouble in the hospital. You can take advantage of the old man when he gets old. If something happens to the old man, can you feel at ease in your life!"

"You nonsense, who is a reporter, we are his grandson, come to see grandpa in the hospital!" The reporter who was kicked supported the wall and stood up.

Mai Ying winked, Yu Ping walked over, took the bottle and raised it high, while supporting the old man with the other hand to retreat to the side.

The freed-up Mai Ying smiled jokingly, and approached step by step: "My dear grandson, you come to see Grandpa?"

"You, what do you want to do?"

Mai Ying shot again, pressed the opponent against the wall and began to search.

The other party wanted to resist, he slapped it and turned to look at him harshly.

Mai Xing quickly found a bunch of things from the other party, and sneered: "My dear grandson, will you bring these things to see your grandpa?"


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