The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 641: If you lose the chain for the lord, you can add more 8/9

I received a call from Sun Yaxing last night and learned that Feng Shaofeng was injured in a car accident. Mai Ying’s first reaction was-Ning Shirong did it!

He and Ning Shirong were in a turmoil, Ning Shirong had already used several insidious tricks, but he was cleverly resolved and then took advantage of the situation to pursue them.

Generally speaking, every time Ning Shirong makes a sly trick, it is others who suffer, and he can get the benefit both inside and outside.

With Ning Shirong’s above-the-top personality, after failing consecutive insidious tricks, he suffered a lot from the "poisoning" of Tang Yan. Who can guarantee that he will not jump over the wall in a hurry, or use insidious tricks. Hire someone to bump Feng Shaofeng?

Feng Shaofeng is the leading actor of the flight attendant in the Mengren's new year's big project. Mengren shows that after Hu Xu and Huo Jiang, this year, he will praise Feng Shaofeng in TV dramas.

Yes, Feng Shaofeng’s family background is not simple, but if an accident happens during the shooting of the Mengren crew and the perpetrator disappears without a trace, there is no evidence that it is related to the Ning family. Can Feng’s anger not burn him?

Didn't you see Mr. Feng rushing back to the East China Sea overnight after learning about the incident, and driving Sun Yaxing and other crew members who were guarding outside the operating room out of the hospital?

It was precisely because of being driven away that Sun Yaxing was vague on the phone, which aroused Mai Ying's suspicion.

From the early lap lamb to now guarding against the Ning family’s secret arrows, Mai Chen has completely developed a suspicious character of "there are always the people who want to harm me". He will instinctively ponder and ponder any accident, coincidence, and inconsistent things. , There is no way there is wood.

It's just like papapa with Wang Chuhan not long ago. After waking up in the morning and starting morning exercises, Wang Luodan came. I want to try it instinctively. There is nothing in it. After I tried it, I made sure that I was more than minded, but I experienced a super refreshing and super exciting feeling.

Feng Shaofeng had a car accident, and he also had this suspicion.

When he came to the hospital, he first determined that Feng Shaofeng was not seriously injured, and then learned about the cause of Feng Shaofeng's car accident.

Feng Shaofeng is a native of Donghai. He graduated from Donghai and has many classmates and friends in Donghai.

After filming last night, he was eager to attend a private gathering of friends, so he didn't bring two assistants, Li Weiqiao and Song Nan, and drove there by himself. As I was too tired from filming during this time, I encountered a car accident while driving.

Mai Yingshi then began to wonder whether the car accident was accidental or man-made.

"President Feng, is the car accident normal?"

As soon as he spoke, Mr. Feng was stunned.

It took him a while to react, and looked at Mai Ying strangely: "Do you suspect Qingtianning's family?"

Mai Xian did not deny: "You must all know that I had a knot with Qingtian, Ning Jiayin, I am not once or twice."

"Awei is my son."

"If Shao Feng is seriously injured and the driver is still, who will your anger be directed at?"

Mr. Feng: ""

After smoking two cigarettes, he said: "The police investigation results have come out. The other party drove illegally and Awei's driver was responsible. Moreover, the other party did not run, so he took the initiative to call the police and call 120."

"It seems that I'm too worried." Mai Ying let out a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid of Ning Shirong playing hard.

The genetic genes of the fetus, the precepts and deeds of the father when he was young, the experience of lambs when he was traveling, the experience in the entertainment industry these years, and the various experiences in strange dreams. He played so hard that he hurt his family and friends.

Fortunately, Ning Shirong did not do that.

"Thank you for caring about Ah Wei. I came to the hospital from Yanjing as soon as possible." Mr. Feng patted Mai Yu on the shoulder, "I want to find a way to help me force Ah Wei to leave the entertainment industry. I owe you a favor."

Mai Ying rolled his eyes: "Sooner or later your career will be handed over to Shaofeng, so your favor is not as valuable as Shaofeng's."

Mr. Feng: ""

Mai Xiu smiled: "President Feng, Ning Jia has sullied me many times. Which time have I suffered? As long as they don't play hard, I can guarantee that Shao Feng is safe and sound in the entertainment industry."

"you said."

Mr. Feng is not trying to force him, he knows what his son is like.

It was so easy to persuade, and he wouldn't be allowed to enter the entertainment circle in the first place.

But Mai Ying's words reminded him that he had to point to Ning Jia, Qingtian and Mengren's grievances, he can not interfere, but if you dare to touch his son, then don't blame him for turning his face.

Well, this is what McGold hoped.

He knows very well that Ning Shirong can kill people if he is so anxious!

Moreover, they have escaped legal sanctions by killing people. Such people are very dangerous.

It's the same principle as lions and tigers and other beasts that must shoot after eating people. Because these beasts will add the "human" food to their recipes.

"One more thing, do you want Shao Feng's family background to be exposed?"

"how to say?"

"You are engaged in such a big battle, can others not doubt it? Now there is a reporter paparazzi investigating Shao Feng's family background."

"What do you mean?"

"I think, Shao Feng definitely doesn't want to expose his family background, so the things during Shao Feng's stay will be handed over to our company. After all, he is an artist of our company. I will arrange for someone to come to the hospital to take care of him, and you will lend me two more people. I think that nursing care is good, and he is very professional."

Mr. Feng considered for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I'll look back and let people say hello to the media."

Professional matters have to be handed over to professionals.

Feng Shaofeng's car accident has been smashed, and it is not a problem that he has not seen the reporter.

To put it hard, the artist's injury is also a gimmick. Didn't you see Feng Shaofeng's injury in the car accident last night, did it make the headlines of today's entertainment page?

The report also mentioned that he was injured during the filming of the flight attendant in the East China Sea, which is equivalent to taking the flight attendant Amway.

Tomorrow, the media will definitely report on this. For example, Feng Shaofeng's injury, the fans gathered at the hospital, the lack of media coverage, and the possible rich second-generation life are all valuable news.

The facts are indeed as judged by Mai Ying. In the following days, whether it is newspapers or the Internet, you can see Feng Shaofeng's name.

In addition to paying attention to his injury and wishing him a speedy recovery, whether he is a good dad has become the most concerned topic of many people who eat melons.

Fortunately, Mr. Feng has already greeted him, and the mainstream media has not reported it. Mai Xuan went to the navy to mess up the water again, and rumors on the Internet were all over the sky. The people who eat melons can only be stupid and confused, each with their own opinions, and no one can convince anyone.

In addition, all Feng Shaofeng team members rushed to Donghai that night to take care of Feng Shaofeng and deal with the matter with Mr. Feng's people.

Shao Shaofeng's agent took the initiative to accept an interview with reporters, saying that Feng Shaofeng was not seriously injured and thanked his family, friends and fans for caring and supporting him. As for the rumors of "Feng Shaofeng rich second generation" circulating on the Internet ~ ~ will wait for Feng Shaofeng's injury to get better, and answer in person when interviewed by reporters.

It took three days for McKur to straighten out the affairs of the hospital, and then he had time to go to the crew of the stewardess.

The starring role was injured during filming, which had a lot of impact on the crew, and the filming plan was completely disrupted. I had to rest for two days, and after drawing up a new shooting plan, work started again during the day.

Since the filming plan is newly formulated, the actors need to recite the lines according to the new filming plan.

Therefore, at about nine o'clock in the evening, when Mai Xing came to the crew, Sun Yaxing was organizing actors to speak in preparation for the filming of tomorrow.

Mai Ying did not bother, sitting quietly behind Sun Yaxing, closing his eyes to rest.

After two slanting, after the lines were paired, Sun Yaxing woke him up.

In the room, whether it was the crew or the actors, the cute artists or the artists of other companies, they didn't move. They watched him and waited for him to say something.

Mai Xu smiled and waved his hand: "I have nothing to say. You have been working hard these days. I will come to see you. You don't need to be stressed. Everything is done in accordance with Director Sun's arrangements. Everyone should go back to rest. You have to get up early and start work tomorrow. ."

When the voice fell, everyone gave face, and basically no one moved.

There are always exceptions to everything, some people are very shameless, or they are cute artists.

With a scream, the flight attendant No. 2 and the free-range Eima Liya took the lead to stand up, holding the stage and leaving without expression.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Liying also stood up, said "I'm going a little bit beforehand", and left behind Liya.

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Mai Ying frowned slightly: What is the situation?


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