The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 642: I just want to swindle money, I didn’t want to lie to my heart

Li Ya took the lead to leave with no expression on her face. Mai Chen didn't care and could understand, but what happened to Zhao Liying?

After the Spring Festival holiday this year, Zhao Liying became more abnormal after returning to Beijing, always avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally. .

Even Liu Shishi could see this.

Years ago, Li Xue helped her take a Republican drama and played a more important supporting role in the drama.

Before heading to the Yangsong Town Film and Television Base in Huairou, Liu Shishi asked Mai Ying in private if he bullied Zhao Liying so hard that Zhao Liying began to avoid him.

Just like before the flight attendant crew started, Zhao Liying looked for early to pack up her luggage, and flew to the East China Sea accompanied by an assistant to join the crew. In fact, Zhao Liying is a supporting role in it, so there is no need to go in so early.

It's more obvious tonight.

Before Liya went out, she also stood up.

Did it scare her that night?

Mai Xuan didn't think much about it. Recently, to deal with Feng Shaofeng's injury in a car accident, he spent a lot of energy and was very tired.

After everyone dispersed, he chatted with Sun Yaxing about the current situation of the crew since they started up, and learned that apart from the sudden accident of Feng Shaofeng's car accident, the crew encountered no other problems. Local enterprises and institutions are also very cooperative, giving the green light to the crew within the scope of the accusation.

Generally speaking, the local government is more supportive of large-scale film crews, because persuading the filming of film and television dramas in the local area is tantamount to propaganda for the locals in disguise.

Just like the flight attendant shooting this time, I used Donghai Airlines as the background to persuade the shooting. Not only will there be advertisements for Donghai Airlines, but also the service quality of Donghai Airlines will be shown to the national audience on TV. Their support is not small.

"Thanks for the old grandson. After filming this drama, when you come back to join the company with your team, the promotion of Du Lala will be announced at the press conference as a gift for you to join the company."

"Look at it, Mr. Mai. I didn't have a chance before. Now that there is a platform for cute people, I will not be worse than Director Li."

Only when there is competition can there be improvement, and Mai Hou is happy to see it.

Sun Yaxing and Li Hui have different styles. The latter specializes in idol dramas, urban idol dramas and costume idol dramas are fine; the former is mixed, and TV dramas of various themes are covered, but they are not as refined and cannot be used by other film and television companies. smoothly.

The two chatted briefly, and Mai Cheng was going to go back to the room to rest, and a young actor in his twenties walked over.

"Are you Mr. Mai?"

The attitude is neither humble nor verbal, first of all give people a good impression.

"it's me."

There is no way to hide this.

Up to now, everyone in the circle basically knows that in addition to CEO Liu Xiaoli, there is also Mr. Mai, a very low-key boss who rarely shows up but makes an "extraordinary" shot.

As soon as he appeared tonight, look at Sun Yaxing's attitude and think about Feng Shaofeng's injury a few days ago. Everyone present would have guessed his identity.

"Hello, Mr. Mai, I am Guo Fei in Focus, I am glad to meet you."

Guo Fei took the initiative to hold Mai Yu's hand.

The focal image is Xie Weixin's owner.

Last year, Xie Weixin was arrested for taking drugs by gathering crowds. Although it was not enough to allow others to take drugs to avoid prosecution, a good first-line TV cafe was so useless, and the focus of the video suffered heavy losses.

Mr. Bai in the focus image contacted a group of people to pressure Qingtian to make up for some of the losses; then he contacted Liu Xiaoli again, stalked and beaten up a tragic card, asking for compensation for the role of the second male stewardess.

He still wants to worry about the male second who is destined to love you, but the gang of Taiwanese entertainment circles refuse to agree.

The entertainment circle, Vanity Fair, is also a business field.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits.

The dead enemies like Mengren and Qingtian can be said to be the only one of Scorpion Baba Poison, which is rare in the circle.

It’s a matter of a cute boss becoming a Chaoyang crowd. The roots are not to blame. Everyone understands the truth, but if you want more benefits, why not?

As the so-called Xie Weixin fell, there are more people waiting to make up.

Moreover, Xie Weixin's popularity has begun to decline, and many of the artists under Focus Image are looking forward to her luck.

Each company has so many resources. Without her pair of chopsticks, others might get more.


Let alone the entertainment industry, which industry does not have such a thing?

Besides, the brilliance of the celebrities is only in the eyes of the people who eat melons. What the big blades look after is their commercial value, ability to attract money, and what they can create for the company.

Xie Weixin is down, but there is still value.

Mr. Bai, who is in the focus image, uses this to catch up with the cute line.

Yes, you are also victims.

However, after all, our family Weixin is also implicated by you, can you not but admit it?

Wei Xin is a first-line TV cafe!

Our company suffered heavy losses.

We don’t mean anything else, isn’t your cute stewardess about to boot up, leave us a male second head office, right?

We can also help your crew get some sponsorships.

If you are interested, we also welcome you to invest in actors for projects that our company will not open this year, and you can work together to make a fortune.

This is also a way to accumulate contacts.

After discussing with Mai Ying, Liu Xiaoli and Mai Ying approved the mid-level strength of Focus Image. The way President Bai speaks and does things also proves that his emotional intelligence is very high, so he agreed. From the male artists with schedules under the focus image, choose the most suitable male number two.

The audition work was handed over to Sun Yaxing and strictly controlled, and finally the newcomer Guo Fei, who was the focus of the contract for less than two years, was signed.

Strictly speaking, Guo Fei is not a newcomer. After graduating from Dongxi University, he has been making dramas after graduation.

Sun Yaxing's evaluation of Guo Fei is that, after years of experience and accumulation on the stage of drama, Guo Fei's lines are not bad, he has his own set of understanding characters, and his hands, eyes, voice, and steps are extremely solid.

Guo Fei's tone and attitude were very good when I first saw Mai Ying.

It will neither make people feel deliberately flattered, nor will it make people feel repellent.

Mai Cheng was very good to his first taro, and smiled and shook his hand: "You always hate me, right?"

"I'm a surname, and I don't know what the high-level people think. But before I came to the crew, the agent specially conveyed our President Bai's instructions, and asked me to work hard in filming and seize the rare opportunity of renting."

This is right, there is a level!

"I've heard Director Sun say about you, and he has a high opinion of you. This time you shoot a stewardess, you and Li Ya have a lot of rivalries. She is only a junior and a newcomer, so you should take her with you when you are filming."

"Mr. Mai, you look at me too high, and I am also a newcomer. I think Li Ya has a talent for acting and her acting skills are relatively solid. Let me communicate with her and improve together."

The two chatted casually, and they knew each other. Guo Fei said "Don't disturb you to rest" and turned to leave.

Mai Xuan praised: "Lao Sun, your vision is absolutely top-notch, this actor is a good choice."

"Hehe, we are going to be a part of the company soon, can't we embarrass the company?"

With a few jokes, Mai Gong went back to the room to rest.

After taking a shower and wearing our clothes, he came out of the bathroom. He suddenly found that Tang Yan was here at some point and was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Seeing him coming out, he said hello: "Brother Maizi, you have finished the bath."

Mai Yu looked at the door, then at Tang Yan: "How did you come in?"

"The door is unlocked."

"Then you come in without saying hello?"

"I said hello, you didn't hear you in the shower."

"No, what if you come to my room so late and are seen?"

"What's to be afraid of? It's not that the scandal between us has not been reported in the media."

Mai Xuan: ""

Tang Yan turned down the TV volume and looked up at Mai Ying, with a somewhat provocative tone and expression in her eyes.

"I am not afraid of a girl, what are you taking?"

Ouch, Xu Gao wants to rebel!

Mai Gong came over and sat down, leaning on the sofa, "Press my head and shoulders."

Tang Yan pouted her lips without objection.

Get up and go around to the back, first press his head for Mai Ying.

Two days ago, she and a lot of people in the crew had visited Feng Shaofeng in the hospital, knowing that Mai Cheng was in the hospital personally, and while accompanying Feng Shaofeng, she had to deal with all those miscellaneous things.

First, in the name of Mengren Film and Television, he transferred Feng Shaofeng to a high-level cadre.

This is done to allow Feng Shaofeng to have a better training environment; the second is to facilitate Feng's team to discuss matters; the third is to cover up Feng's previous strong penetration; the fourth is to give Feng Shaofeng's fans an explanation, otherwise the peak leaves will scold Moe is the vampire Zhou peeled.

Then, together with Feng Shaofeng's team, combined with Feng Shaofeng's recovery expectations given by the doctor, we made a plan.

When the agent came forward to accept the interview, when to allow fans to visit the department, when to allow reporters to visit the department, when Feng Shaofeng personally came out to accept reporters interviews, etc., they are all very particular.

There is no new in the entertainment circle, and the star picks a nostril and is photographed, which may trigger a Chong wave.

There was also this car accident. Although the other party violated the rules, Feng Shaofeng's servant was also responsible.

Can this matter be suppressed?

If it can't be suppressed, will it have a negative impact on Feng Shaofeng?

Can you think of transforming negative energy into positive energy?

Do you want to hire navy?

One by one, one by one, all things!

Don't think that the team around the star is very relaxed and tired!

This time Mai Ying participated in it personally, and was exhausted.

"Are you tired these days?"

"Isn't it? Haven't you seen a boss like me so tired?"

However, this kind of thing is generally handled by the celebrity's team, and the problem can be entrusted to a professional marketing agency to deal with it. Few company bosses do it themselves.

"So everyone likes your boss very much." Tang Yan stepped up her efforts, "Is it comfortable?"

"Well, comfortable."

"May I give you a massage every night?"

"Don't you need to film?"

"Then I will give you a massage whenever I have time, and you can also visit my class after scrambling."

"You are a big star, not my servant."

Suddenly, Tang Yan swelled Mai Yu's neck from behind, and her cheek was pressed against Mai Yu's face; "If you want, I am willing to be your servant for the rest of my life."

In the latter sentence, Tang Yan's voice was very small, and Mai Yu even realized that Tang Yan's little face was faintly hot.

Mai Ying touched his chin: "I should take a maid outfit with me. Next time you give me a massage, wear a maid outfit and rabbit ears. It must be very eye-catching."

"What kind of mess do you usually see!" Tang Yanjiao yelled.

"How do you know that the things I'm looking at are messy?" Mai Ying teased her, patted her forehead with his backhand, "Don't be lazy, you haven't pressed your shoulders yet."

"Know it!"

Tang Yan murmured, straightened up her waist, and began to press on Mai Yin's shoulders.

During the massage, she was still gossiping there: "There are rumors on the Internet that Shaofeng is a rich second-generation brother and that the family is very rich. Is it true?"

"Really, didn't I see how nervous I was after his injury? I was afraid that his family would anger the company. The Feng family's scale and energy are much larger than our company. If they retaliate, I can't handle it."

"You want to lie to me again, you are not the kind of person who is afraid."

"You know me." Mai Xing smiled, "But Shaofeng is indeed a rich second-generation family. The family is rich and the people are good. You can consider him."

"I don't like the rich second generation." Tang Yan bent over and said in his ear, "I like the first generation."

"Tangtang, you have gone bad, and you want to be Shaofeng's stepmother."

"You are too much!"

The sugar was so sweet that he slapped McDuck's shoulder hard and stopped giving him a massage.

She walked around and sat on the sofa with anger, her back turned to Mai Ying and said aggrieved: "The hands that people massage you are sore. If you don't say thank you, you still say that."

behave in a spoiled manner

Mai Yu stretched out his hand and took Tang Yan into his arms, looked down at her and raised her index finger, squinting and bewildered: "If you promise ons, I will do a full-body massage for you later, okay."

"Don't think about it!"

Tang Yan sat up from his arms and didn't forget to push down his finger: "I don't want ons, I want to be with you all my life."

Mai Xu sighed: "My relationship with Liu I told you."

"I know. Sister Tao was fooled by you, and I was fooled by you; Sister Tao was kissed by you, and I was kissed by you. Why is she the only angel in your heart?"

Mai Xuan didn't answer, he lit a cigarette and took a sip, before he said, "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize to me. I love you because of my ulcer, and it has nothing to do with you. Anyway, I will not give up and I will not lose to Sister Tao."

"Don't be foolish."

"It makes you nervous." Tang Yan was really wronged. "I know your temper. If I tell Sister Tao about your relationship with me, and you have kissed me several times, you will definitely hate me forever. I don't. I will do that. I will compete fairly with Sister Tao, **** you from Sister Tao and make me the angel in your heart."

Perceiving Tang Yan's grievance, Mai Wu apologized on the shoulder of Yu Yan: "Why, I'm really not a good person."

Tang Yan leaned on his shoulder: "But I think you are good and you are good to me."

"I treat everyone in the company very well, and it's purposeful."

"What's the purpose?"

"Tether your feet with feelings and money. After the provinces became popular one by one, you terminated the contract and quit and were poached by other companies, which made me foolish. Look, how bad I am, I have lied before. You are ten thousand yuan."

"Oh, you are finally willing to admit that you lied to me before!" Tang Yan looked up at him, then leaned on his shoulder, "You lied to my money before, now you lied to my heart again, it's too late to say anything. NS."

Damn, I really didn't want to lie to the one in the back!

Mai Xuan did not want to continue this topic, and asked, "What's the matter with Liying?"


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