The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 643: The benefits of misunderstanding

Zhao Liying's mood is indeed problematic, and Tang Yan also noticed it after joining the group.

It's not the emotions of filming or watching other people filming, but the emotions of Mai Chen.

When shooting Immortal 3, the adorable "Dragon Ball" Hu Xu, Huo Jiang, Feng Shaofeng, Tang Yan, Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying sometimes talked about Maiduan.

At that time, Zhao Liying complained to Mai Ying every time, saying that Mai Ying always bullied her, and the most hateful thing was holding her slap in front of her and making gestures.

After the filming, the women chatted privately, and Zhao Liying also had something to say when he mentioned Mai Ying.

But this time, Zhao Lijiao will be silent as long as someone in the crew will die for her, and sometimes she will leave with excuses.

Because this is also the case with her school girl Li Ya, Tang Yan didn't pay much attention to it. At this moment, Mai Ying mentioned it, and she felt it particularly obvious.

"You always bully Liying, are you bullying too much, Liying is angry?"


With her insignificant temperament, if she is really angry, she will definitely speak directly.

Is it really because of that night?

Well, find a chance to try her these two days.

After making up his mind, Mai Ying changed the subject again: "How did Liya behave after turning on the phone?"

"It's not bad, the basic skills are solid, the filming is serious, the personality and the role played are more suitable, which can make up for the youthful acting. In the beginning, I have more ng times, and now it is better, and Director Sun is more satisfied. Brother Mai, you are from Where did she get her?"

"She is your school girl in the play, don't you know?"

"Of course I know. I was asking, how did you find her? With so many students in our school, you just signed her, and she seems to have a big opinion of you."

The so-called academic background, the advantage lies not only in receiving relevant professional theory books and professional performance training, but also in the label.

Everyone graduated from the same school. This is a natural bond. It is not too difficult to develop alumni relationship into a network of people.

Liya was unhappy with Mai Ying and was forced to sign a cute person, but she was very kind to Tang Yan and had a good attitude towards Zhao Liying.

It can be said that she has a very correct attitude in the crew, just like those newcomers who have just debuted, knowing who she is, and not just because she has mastered the secrets of Mai Yin.

During the break, she either spoke to Guo Fei, or consulted the director Sun Yaxing, or was with Tang Yan, chatting, laughing, asking questions about acting, or asking her filming experience and thoughts.

Tang Yan can detect that Zhao Liying's emotions are wrong after hearing "Mai Yu", and naturally she can also feel that Li Ya has opinions on Mai Yu. Sometimes she feels that the word "hostility" is used to describe it, which seems more appropriate.

"He didn't say anything else?"

Tang Yan rolled her eyes: "Couldn't, she was deceived by you before, right?"

Before Mai Ying could answer, she giggled: "It must be so, otherwise why did you sign her? She still has such big opinions on you."

Let’s talk about it, Mai Cheng hasn’t been released yet.

What he had to deal with was Xiezi selling the show, and Li Ya was purely scrabbling rabbits.

Speaking of which Xiezi has been in for several months, it's time to let it out these days after calculating the time.

When he lost his mind, Tang Yan was even more convinced of her own judgment: "How many people did you lie to before? When you forced her to sign, did you force her to kiss her?"

Mai Ying hesitated for a moment: "I didn't kiss."

"Why are you like this!" Tang Yan sat up straight and pushed him dissatisfiedly.

"I told you a long time ago that I'm not a good person, and you finally know now."

"No matter if you are a good person or a bad person, I like you. Don't force kiss other girls in the future. If you want to do that, you can kiss me"

Tang Yan lowered her head shyly.

Mai Ying had a headache.

He stared at Tang Yan for a moment, took Tang Yan into his arms again, raised her chin, tilted his head and kissed her cherry lips.


Tang Yan's lotus root arms still encircled Mai Yu's neck at first, and then slipped down weakly.

Because she was drunk, intoxicated in Mai Yin's kiss, intoxicated in Mai Yin's arms.

His face flushed with shyness and shyness, and his eyebrows were filled with happiness.

"Is it comfortable?" Mai Ying asked.


"Kissing is also skillful, and it cannot be practiced in one day. I used to go to bars and nightclubs and my private life was messy, understand?"

"But you have changed it. Otherwise you know that I like you, you can lie to me first, but you didn't do it. Like you were a liar before, and now you have been trying to clean up, you are different from before. "

I'll go. There is no more woman in love.

Mai Xuan didn't know what to say.

Tang Yan asked quietly; "Did you feel when you kicked me just now and kissed me?"


"You lie, I feel it!" Tang Yan kissed Mai Ying, "Sooner or later, you will admit it in person. I will go back first and find a chance to help you resolve your grievances." Early in the morning, Pei Pengbing received a call from Secretary Ning Shirong and hurried to Ning Shirong’s office.

"Young Master Rong, are you looking for me?"

Ning Shirong smoked a cigar expressionlessly: "Feng Shaofeng had a car accident."

"Feng Shaofeng?"

"A cute entertainer."

"Ha, deserve it, are you dead?"

"Don't you watch the entertainment news, don't you know anything about the entertainment industry?"

"Oh, it's him. I think of it, the media has been reporting on his car accident these days. There are still rumors on the Internet that he is a rich second generation."

"The matter is suspended, no need to move the crew of the stewardess."

"Why? I have already found good people. Is it the local reporters and gangsters? Is Feng Shaofeng's rumors true?"

The rumors are indeed true. Feng Shaofeng is the rich second generation, so the day before yesterday, Mr. Feng asked someone to give Ning Zhiyuan a word in a subtle and ingenious way.

He doesn't care about Qingtian and Mengren's grudges, but don't involve his son.

Last night, Ning Zhiyuan called Ning Shirong to the study, and asked him about the company's recent business, the progress of the film cooperation with Hollywood, etc., and finally got involved in Ning Shirong's practice with cute people.

Tactfully advise him, no matter how you deal with Mengren, don't hurt two people, one of them is Feng Shaofeng. In order not to make a fuss about Mai Xing from Zhongda and provoke the relationship between the Ning family and the Feng family.

Ning Shirong was a little annoyed and scolded Mai Chan shamelessly, using the rich second generation as a shield.

Pei Pengbing was also very upset. The work she had done some time ago was completely in vain: "Fortunately for the surname Mai. Rong Shao, aren't they planning to shoot another TV series on Taidao, Taidao is very messy"


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