The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 649: There is a routine in this world called Mai's routine

"I heard that you have been under a lot of pressure recently. Should I help you relax and reduce stress?"

Wang Chuhan's words fell in his ears, and Mai Yingcun sat upright and looked at her with wide eyes: "Who told you?"

"Dandan told me. Net"


It turned out to be Wang Luodan, I thought it was Brother Cha.

Startled me.

Mai Ying let out a sigh of relief.

In the past, when he took the two addictions of Shao Xing and Zhang Xiaoquan to lap lambs, his way of decompression was clubbing and teasing sisters.

Although he and Wang Chuhan had two or three ons after that time, and unlocked a lot of postures, he would not use Wang Chuhan to reduce pressure.

Because he and Wang Chuhan are friends, when lonely and feeling cold, happy and wanting to indulge, they can comfort each other for a night, but using female friends to decompress is too cruel and unfair.

Also, he is not stressed, really not at all.

In the past three days, he did not move, and rarely went to the company during the day, not because of stress, but to accompany Liu Tao.

For him, Liu Tao specially asked for three days off from the crew and flew back to accompany him. He can't leave Liu Tao at home, right?

In the past three days, he and Liu Tao enjoyed the warmth of home life at home during the day, rain and dew nourished Wushan ** at night, and Liu Tao flew back to the crew by plane this morning.

"I don't have much pressure." Mai Xu smiled and trolled.

"When we were discussing just now, you had been napping and fell asleep. At first glance, it was too stressful and didn't rest well at night."

That's because my Xingtao is going away today, and it was crazy to indulge last night.

Mai Xuan was speechless.

Wang Chuhan pulled him: "Get up, I'll help you relax."

"How to relax?"

"Wait a minute." Wang Chuhan took out two yoga mats from the cabinet and spread them out on the ground. "Why don't you learn yoga with me. Practicing yoga can improve people's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual emotions, and it can also make people Achieve the harmony and unity of body, mind, and spirit. Your body and mind are happy, and naturally there is not so much pressure."

"No, I am used to practicing Sanda."

"Come on, give it a try." Wang Chuhan pushed Mai Chen next to the yoga mat, "Take off the coat and shoes. I will teach you a few movements. You can practice it at home or in the office. It is good for your body."

With that said, Wang Chuhan has already made an action: "This is a warm-up action, there is no difficulty, you try."

"Thank you Chu Han." Mai Xuan trolled with a smile, "I have experienced more wind and waves, and that new point is not a pressure for me. You concentrate on doing a good job in the fitness club, and when the club is functioning normally, you will be in the club again. On the basis of the development of a fitness club, the members should preferably be well-known people in the circle or potential newcomers."

Wang Chuhan stood up from the yoga mat, meditated for a few minutes, and his eyes lit up: "You are thinking"

"It's good if you know it in your heart, don't need to say it. This is not forced, the most important thing is to run a good fitness club. This is your career."

"I'll take the club seriously and try my best to form it."

That night, Mai Gong came home, took a shower, put on a cigarette, and came to the study.

Liu Tao has already returned to the crew and the road goes well. It is also time for him to shoot.

It's not that he didn't do nothing in the past three days. He had a phone call with Shi Hao, who was far away in the United States, and asked about the content of the financial investment market, and talked about it.

Then I made two phone calls with Shi Hao's friends in China. Every time I made a call, it was after 11:30 noon. The conversation time was about halfway around, asking about the recent changes in the stock market.

He did not miss the bull market that began in the second half of last year.

He doesn't understand the stock market, but Shi Hao does.

Shi Hao has a background in finance and investment, and he has many friends in the field of domestic financial investment.

Mai Xuan asked him to introduce himself to a reliable Sunshine Private Equity. The cute people invested 200 million yuan, and Hualong Pictures invested 600 million ≤ 800 million Huayuan investment, so that Sunshine Private Equity opened a new one. Fund operation this money.

From the establishment of the fund to the present, in about half a year, the rate of return is as high as 63%.

The 63% rate of return is only the mid-to-upstream level among all public and private equity funds. Some private equity funds that dare to dare to do have doubled their returns.

In addition to Sunshine Private Equity, he also drew 100 million from Mengren and handed it over to Comrade Luo Luo in his own name.

The stock market is booming, and capital predators will not miss this opportunity to make money.

Comrade Luo, a capital broker, was even more radical. He made a sum of money and found a few well-known and trustworthy experts to directly play private houses.

Because he has a good relationship with Mai Yu, Mai Yu is engaged in film and television peripheral products and still thinks of him.

This kind of private estate has appeared in Mai Chen's strange dream, so I don't hesitate to invest 100 million in it.

Private estates are more violent.

It is often to rent a few villas as a base, and throw in a few experienced traders in each villa, do not allow to go in and out at will, concentrate all the manpower and funds to make a stock.

First collect enough chips, and then clean the floating chips, the original stock in the stock will either be out or lift the sedan together. When the time is right, through the counter-pocketing of chips and spreading false positive news, the stock will be boosted, the volume will be increased to attract follow-up, and finally high-level shipments will be made.

Well, private estates are illegal, but if people like Lao Luo dare to play, their safety is guaranteed and they will not be caught.

Because of these two things plus the opinions of professionals, and in the past two years, he has been charging himself to learn financial knowledge while studying psychology by himself. A counter-attack Weibo was published-"The bull market is the main reason for the loss of retail investors. !"

In Weibo, he clearly pointed out that most retail investors in the bear market will not participate in transactions, and retail investors with high quilts rarely will clear their stocks because they don't know what stocks to buy after the stocks are cleared.

But when the stock market went bullish, hot money poured in in large quantities, the effect of making money was obvious, and the whole people participated frantically. Selling houses and stocks, selling cars and stocks, people who didn't stock stocks before will also be infected by the crazy atmosphere, and they will join the stock market and cheer for their book profits.

This opened the curtain of losses.

Because the bull market will end soon.

After the end of the Yidan market, the stock market turns bearish, and after the crazy feast, the stock market will only leave a piece of chicken feathers and sorrows everywhere. Many ordinary investors will be stunned to realize that all the money they earned in the bull market will be lost, and even the principal may be lost and the loss will be heavy.

Some people regret that they shouldn’t trade in stocks, some people regret that they used to make a profit some people regret that they used an early stop loss to leave the market, some people can’t afford to fight offenders with heart disease and hypertension, and some people commit suicide by jumping off the building because of heavy losses.

In this Weibo, Mai Ying specifically talked about Lin Yu, Wei Yang, Professor Lang, eDaibao official Weibo and other people and companies that were particularly jubilant before, and then went to bed.

Late at night.

Mai Ying fell asleep early and slept soundly.

Someone can't sleep.

Sitting in front of the computer, Ning Shirong watched the Weibo updated by Mengrenguan, frowning into the word "Chuan".

As soon as he returned from the commercial cocktail party, he received a good news call from Pei Pengbing, saying that Mengren’s official Weibo updated Weibo, and Mai Ying went out of chaos, seeking his own way of death and ruining the people.

Ning Shirong didn't believe that Mai Cheng would be so dizzy, he had always been his opponent!

However, he read the Weibo updated by Meng Renguan three times word by word, and then he thought about it for more than half an angle, but he didn't understand what Mai Ying wanted to make.

Is the bull market the main cause of retail losses?

What does it matter to you that you can afford to have enough food?

Didn't solve the problem all by yourself, and still feel "to help the world"?

Do you think retail investors will understand your love?

No, it is impossible for him to do such boring things.

There must be a purpose!

What is the purpose?

I don’t understand, my head hurts!

Because of Mai Ying’s Weibo, Ning Shirong thought about going all night and didn't sleep well.

When he went to work the next day, he asked the driver to drive and sit in the back seat of the car to make up for his sleep.

Just staring at him, he was awakened by Pei Pengbing's phone call.

"Young Master Rong, good news, the surname Mai has aroused public outrage!"


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