Huaxia stockholders are a particularly interesting group, especially the majority of retail investors.

Most retail investors like to listen well.

Your stock must go up!

The market will definitely rise!

The bull market is still growing!

You can definitely make money in the stock market!

Regardless of the outcome, whether stocks are up or down, the market is red or green, the bull market is long or short, whether retail investors make money, even if you make a mistake, most retail investors will not mind, because they like to listen.

Conversely, if someone tells them that the bull market will end and the stock market will lose money, even if you are right, they may hate you.

This is also normal, just like the principle of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Everyone likes words that are pleasing to the ears and hates words that are offensive to the ears.

Otherwise, Tian Feng, a counselor in the Three Kingdoms period, would not be killed by Yuan Shao.

Last night, Mai Ying updated the official WeChat account of Mengren, and a bunch of people and corporate official accounts, including a bunch of people in the financial world.

From the update of Weibo to the opening of the stock market in the morning, nearly ten oblique times were enough for Pei Pengbing to operate.

Under his operation, early this morning, the official Weibo of financial professionals, various stock forums, and the financial section of multiple portal websites all reprinted reports that this bull market on the official Weibo of Mengren was the main reason for the loss of retail investors, and there were also a large number of water soldiers. Forward the hype.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves!

You said that early in the morning, many netizens who followed the stock market waited for the stock market to open at more than nine o'clock in the morning. As a result, they saw such articles as soon as they went online.

Lying in a trough!

Isn't this bullshit!

Can a bull market lose money?

Can the stock market still be fun!

The financial section of the portal website is okay. It is only reprinted reports, specifically stating that the article only represents the author's personal views and has nothing to do with the website.

The stock forum is not so polite. The navy brought a rough play in it, and many stockholders started to put your words on the top of the message and take turns slamming this article and Mengren Film and Television.

Financial professionals will not let Moe Ren off. They have new jokes, all kinds of cynicism, ridicule Moe Ren film and television do not know how to pretend to understand, first rant about p2p, and then point to the stock market.

What makes Pei Pengbing feel strange is that there are not many financial experts mocking Mengren this time, mainly the group of financial professionals who have been micro-organized by Mengren.

Because he didn’t know that the phrase “the bull market is the main reason for retail investors’ losses” is the late famous securities analyst Benjamin Graham, known as the “Godfather of Wall Street,” in his work of intelligent investors. Proposed.

The original words are: "The bull market is the main reason for the loss of ordinary investors."

The wise investor is the most recommended book by Warren Buffett, the world's most respected stock god.

It can be said that Mengren's Weibo has almost no original content.

Most of the content comes from smart investors, and the book’s analysis and explanation of the view that "the bull market is the main reason for ordinary investors’ losses" has been replaced by the easy-to-understand vernacular, which is the so-called "Chinese to Chinese". , Posted on Weibo.

Financial experts all know this point of view, so only the group of people who have been ridiculed by Mengren's film and television. Because Moe provokes them in their professional field, but it is not the content of Weibo.

Professor Lang, a well-known economist from Taiwan, who was adorable, wrote this paragraph on his Weibo:

"At the moment when science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, quite a few people have abandoned China’s traditional culture for five thousand years. Sadly, like a certain film and television company, it has filmed too many unnutritious idol dramas, cheated a lot of money, and swelled itself greatly. , I don’t even understand the ancient idiom'Ban Men Get Axe', it's ridiculous!"

People in the financial circles know that Mengren’s official Weibo article is "Chinese translation" useless, and they will not take the initiative to explain it. This leads to the fact that most people who eat melon, like Pei Pengbing, think that Mengren crow’s mouth.

It's really a crow's mouth.

Moeren posted a Weibo last night, and today the market immediately called back, the intensity of the callback was still relatively ruthless, and the stock market was green.

You said it has nothing to do with you?

Want to believe in science?

What investors want is a punching bag to vent the depression in their hearts, and the navy has a rhythm in secret, so naturally the spearhead is directed at Mengren Film and Television.

"The market's correction today is a bit deep."

"It's really unlucky, it fell as soon as I bought it this morning."

"I bought it at a high point, and lost more than one yuan per share."

"I'm unlucky. I just opened an account this morning and lost money in the afternoon. I still lost the limit and lost money."

"Will the bull market end? I haven't been in the market for less than a week."

"What's a joke? The bull market has just started. Experts have said that the market has risen to at least 10,000 points!"

"At noon, I read an article saying that the bull market caused retail investors to lose money. Don't lose money until the end of the day. I was carrying my girlfriend and secretly using the down payment to buy stocks."

"That's Mengren Film and Television's mouth full of feces."

"That is, a film and television company is not good at making film and television dramas, and came to the stock market to give pointers. Who do you think they are?"

"If you want me to say, it is the cute crow's mouth that the stock market fell. I watched experts talk about stocks yesterday, and many experts said that the stock market is going to rise today."

"Malgobi, when will Mengren Film and Television go bankrupt?"

"Wish Mengren Film and Television close as soon as possible."

"On the day of the bankruptcy, I went to put down a whip at their door, it was ten thousand loud!"

"What's the use of scolding you here? I'm going to go to Meng Renguan to scold them, is there anyone together?"

"Go together!"

"Go +1 together!"

"Go with +2!"

"Go with +10086!"

With such interaction between the navy and retail investors on the Internet, how many people can tell which are real stockholders and which are impersonating navy?

Even if someone pointed out that Mengren’s Weibo was from the Chinese version of the Chinese version of Wisdom’s investor “Chinese Translation”, it would be criticized as a navy or a scavenging party, drowning in the interaction between investors and navy.

Even more frightening is that this kind of interaction can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

Originally, when online reports about Moeren Film and Television questioned that the p2p industry is a liar, netizens only paid attention and did not participate very much.

This time is different. The Weibo updated by Mengren's official Weibo last night was aroused by the indignation of the navy.

Starting in the morning, people have been leaving messages under the latest Weibo of Mengren's official Weibo.

There are good words to persuade; there are cynics; there are direct abuses

But when the market closed in the afternoon, it almost became a slur, and more and more people came to the Meng Renguan official to slobber.

A large number of naval forces brought a few rough melodies, and the Meng Ren Guan Wei was slaughtered!

Pei Pengbing was very excited when he saw the slaughter of the Mengren official Wei, and some online media began to report the matter.

"Shao Rong, do you think the surname Mai is stupid? So many people scold him and they don't know that the comment function should be turned off. He deserves to be slaughtered!"

Unlike Pei Pengbing's excitement, Ning Shirong sat in front of the computer, staring at the cute official Wei who was scolded out of the air, frowning.

"You did all these things?"

"I contacted. It's not over yet, this time I prepared a rich meal for Mai, and there will be more later."

"What is your purpose for doing so many things?" Ning Shirong interrupted Pei Pengbing's conversation and asked noncommitantly.

"Follow your instructions to combat Moeren's reputation. Also, isn't their movie going to be released during the summer vacation? Then I will let the navy bring some rough tricks to call on the public to boycott the movies produced by Moeren."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Ning Shirong nodded and expressed his approval.

Seeing this, Pei Pengbing's confidence greatly increased: "Young Master Rong, I have another idea."


“Edaibao is preparing to hold a press conference, inviting local government officials, financial experts, and representatives of many p2p companies to attend. Taking advantage of the moe people's indignation, we will jointly clarify the rumors about the p2p platform on the Internet and jointly put pressure on moe. People apologize publicly."

"Go on."

"Doesn't our group have multiple celebrities endorsing p2p companies, can we let them make a joint statement, and cooperate with e-loan to put pressure on Mengren?"

"Look for artists from other companies."

"I found them, and those celebrities were not willing to come forward. Several p2p companies specifically contacted celebrities who spoke for them, and those celebrities were unwilling to even stand for news conference platforms."

"Let's not participate, just Lin Yu and Wei Yang are fine."

"The two of them are lonely and have no effect."

"Are you questioning my decision?"

"No, how dare I. Young Master Rong, can I ask why?"

Ning Shirong thought for a long time, lit the silver screen of the computer, and said, "I think there is something behind this Weibo."

Is there something?


Ning Shirong is very smart.

In the past two years, he and Mai Yu had had several tricks secretly, and each time he made the move, Mai Yu made the move.

After several fights, the result can be summed up in one sentence: He didn't win, and Mai Ying didn't lose.

Malcolm is a difficult opponent.

Ning Shirong was quite sure of this, and it aroused his interest.

If Mai Xuan is as idiot as Pei Pengbing and is easily out of the game with three punches and two kicks, he will feel that there is no sense of accomplishment.

Therefore, he judged that the "Chinese to Chinese" Weibo that Mai Xing had been holding back for many days was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Lin Yu and Wei Yang are the pawns of Pathfinder. Anyway, are they from Ning Shirong's line? They belong to another filming artist within the group. In case they are cannon fodder, there is nothing to distress them.

His judgment and caution are correct.

Mai Cheng wouldn't be fainted like Pei Pengbing said.

Ning Shirong noticed it but didn't see through it because he had limited understanding of Mai Ying, and those who knew Mai Ying's common routines could understand at a glance what Mai Ying was doing.

"Yu'er, are you gathering the fire again?" Zhang Xiaoquan asked, looking at the slaughtered cute official Weibo.

Yes, the purpose of this Weibo of Mai Ying is to gather fire, which is one of Mai Ying's common methods.

At the end of last year, Tang Yan used this routine.

Let Long Xing break the news first, exposing that he is the rising sun crowd who reported him, making himself a target of public criticism, attracting a lot of hatred and attention; then let Long Xing break the news and explode the truth; through comparison and contrast, it is easy to resolve his hatred. At the same time, let those hatred and eyes shift from him to the black hand behind the scenes.

The demolished routines are worthless, but each routine is not easy.

It's like the great shifting routine used by Mai Xian, which focuses on fire first and then transfers damage. It seems simple and difficult to do. In addition to requiring the person responsible for the fire collection to have a strong enough psychological quality, there is also the biggest difficulty: how to ensure the connection between the fire collection and the transfer of damage.

If the transfer is successful, it is called routine; if the transfer fails, it is called playing fire*!

In Tang Yan's case, Mai Xing used Longxing "See you Monday" to prove the truth with the recording and successfully transferred the damage.

But this time, Longxing Studio, the most hidden trump card, has been arranged to investigate Professor Lang's details. What trump card does Mai Ying have? How to transfer the damage next?

Zhang Xiaoquan couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Yu'er, we are now considered successful people. Can you not always use the previous sword to move the slanting forward, it is too dangerous."

"I don't want it either. The problem is that we can't play regular routines."

"Oh, that's what I said. But are you going too far this time, how are you going to come back?"

"Don't worry. This time, it will finally come back. It's God, maybe you have to wait for several months. Now, it's still focused on fire."

With the mortal enemy of Ning Shirong and the hated Pei Pengbing, it is very easy to gather fire.

eDaibao held a press conference at the headquarters of Donghai, and invited local government officials, well-known financial experts and many colleagues to attend.

First, clarify the negative rumors of "inviting Hu Hu to endorse" some time ago; then, with the help of government officials' speeches, financial experts’ comments and analysis on the industry, and the impassioned statements of peers, the p2p platform is not a liar, but a new type of The investment model can be described as Internet banking.

In the end, the conversation changed. In front of many reporters, eDaibao and many colleagues who attended the conference formally asked Moeren to apologize publicly for their improper words and deeds within a specified period of time, otherwise they will Recourse to the law for justice.

That night, the news of Chen Wen's press conference and multiple companies in the p2p industry jointly asked Mengren to apologize, which made it appear on the homepage news of many portals.

The following day, the domestic traditional media reprinted reports one after another.

Then, a group of financial professionals represented by Professor Lang expressed their views.

They believe that Mengren Films lacks sufficient responsibility and sense of social responsibility and throws improper remarks in order to attract attention.

It is precisely because of the existence of companies like Mengren Films that the public has formed a "noble dog chaos" and evaluation of the entertainment industry, so an apology must be apologized.

The public has been represented again, but there is no complaint this time. Who made Mengren Film and Television nonsense about "retail bull market losing money" such unlucky words?

The topic of "Your circle is really chaotic" has once again been raging.

You said that your film and television company went to the financial investment field to make troubles, and the strange circle is not chaotic enough?

Later, first-line TV Ka Linyu and popular idol singer Wei Yang either updated Weibo or accepted interviews with reporters to express their views.

They expressed distress. As a well-known film and television company, Mengren Film and Television not only failed to make active efforts to shape a good image in the entertainment industry, but instead used extraordinary remarks to destroy the harmonious atmosphere of the entertainment industry and cause extremely bad effects. We must apologize.

In addition, the well-known people have also updated Weibo one after another, expressing concern about this matter.

Set the fire too far?

Haha, Mai Ying's counterattack is very simple, it's still a Weibo! o Become a Buddha o Say thanks to Ye Yu for listening to the wind-cooling 700 starting coins for rewards. Thank you Lv Miya, Li Chuang Kan, Bookworm Wants to Eat Books, Yan Di Kan Shuang Tiao and Niu San and other book lovers for their rewards.

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