The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 651: See the Weibo of Blood Seal Throat

In the past few years since Mengren film and television became Mengren film and television, and officially entered the entertainment industry, because of his unwillingness to lose money, he has made many friends and offended many enemies.

In general, there are more enemies than friends.

The public friends who used to be "happy" with each other and forced each other, gradually couldn't sit still.

Some are because fans ask their opinions on Weibo. If they don't respond, they will be considered afraid of cute people; some think that the opportunity is good and hope to get revenge; some are out of personal interests and other purposes.

Several well-known big v accounts updated Weibo and expressed concern about this matter.

There are many people who can't sit still.

Inside the bar box.

Several friends in the circle, including Li Chang and Du Xu, were drinking and chatting.

"Looking at the latest news, Moe Ren is on the cusp."

"Moe now feels a bit of a rat crossing the street, it's so happy."

"Hehe, the year before the year before the death, we are holding on to us, so we have to apologize. Now it's fine, they are also being grabbed to apologize, they deserve it!"

"This is called retribution!"

"The artists in their company dare not say anything."

"I hope they don't have the money, and then the e-loan insurance companies will jointly sue them."

A group of people drank and sang happily, talking excitedly about the cute film and television that was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, and venting the aggrieved aggrieved year before the first year.

Someone suddenly said: "I am going to post on Weibo to support Lin Yu and Wei Yang tonight, are you interested?"

When the voice fell, everyone was silent, looking at the person speaking strangely.

After the Zhou Ping incident, the upper group of entertainment blades are basically aware of the rivals Qingtian and Moe Ren, and they also know that Qing Tian is trying to suppress Moe Ren, even if he does not hesitate to pull his peers back, first-line artists may also be used.

The "poison killing" of Tang Yan has basically been nailed down, Qingtian was the man behind the scenes; when Huo Jiang was wronged, many people in the circle suspected that the man behind the scenes was Qingtian.

Almost all companies have greeted the people below, so don't mess with cute people.

Moe people themselves are basically harmless, and have hardly taken the initiative to ask others for trouble for so many years in the industry. But when someone provokes them and provokes them to counterattack, the shot is extremely vicious.

Why do you provoke cute people for no reason?

In addition, if someone urges you to deal with cute people, you must be more vigilant. Xie Weixin and others are still vividly visible, and Xie Weixin is a veteran first-line TV celebrity!

Because of that person's words, this private party has ended hastily.

No one knows whether the person speaking is the second Zhou Ping, or it's better to stay away.

Li Chang and Du Xu, who hadn't had a good drink, changed the scale with their assistants, and continued to drink and chat.

The two are friends, so they didn't have that much worry when chatting.

"Drink without stopping."

"People's hearts are separated from their stomachs these days, what happened to Teacher Xie, it's really alas!"

"Moe is like a stinky dog, shit, who is in bad luck. I originally wanted to update Weibo to make Moe Ren apologize, so I took a good breath, but my Weibo password was changed by the agent."

"That's for your own good. Often, you listen to my advice. Our career has just improved in the past two years, and we can't stand the toss. My uncle also said that it's good for us to watch the theater. Cute people It’s unlucky, let's vent our anger, and it won't be too late to beat the dog in the water; if the cute people are not unlucky, according to their way of doing things, the unlucky must be someone else, and we won't be involved at that time."

"It makes sense, it's better for Teacher Du to look forward and look forward <, I toast you a cup, let me go!"

But isn't it? Isn't it good to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight comfortably?

The next day.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Du Xu finished washing after getting up and was eating breakfast.

Later, the assistant will pick him up and go to a certain historical drama crew to meet the director. That's the role that the agent can easily help him fight off. It's the male third.

If it weren't for the incident three years ago, with his family background, now I am afraid that he can already challenge the male one. How is it like now, still working hard for a male three?

The male third is the male third, at least out of the trough.

Du Xu didn't want to think any more and continued to eat.

At this time, the phone rang, and a call from my friend Li Chang.

"Letter, have you read it, have you read it?"

On the phone, Li Chang's tone was very excited. The question he asked, "Have you seen it", refers to the Weibo just updated by Mengrenguan Weibo last night.

I apologize? Let time prove which is right and wrong!

This Weibo is not a "Chinese translation", but a summary of everything in the previous period, and then made a big bet.

In Zhang Xiaoquan's words, Mai Ying finally completed the "fire collection", tore off the disguise of passive beating, and began to "transfer damage", exposing a mouth full of blood basins full of fangs.

In this Weibo, Moe Ren Film and Television responded positively to the online rumor that "Moe Ren questioned the p2p industry as a liar" for the first time.

"As the boss of Mengren Film and Television, I have never said that the p2p industry is a liar, but there is definitely a problem with this industry right now!"

"As we all know, high returns are often accompanied by high risks. Any investment has risks. Especially for ordinary people who have no power and power to make money by working **** their own, there is no such thing as high returns and low risks."

"The pie in the sky is more in fairy tales. If you are an ordinary person and meet in real life, then congratulations, you have to be careful, because you are likely to be targeted by a liar. "

"P2p is an emerging industry, which is in the ascendant and lacks a corresponding management system to supervise this industry. The lack of industry supervision and the extremely low entry barriers are in the midst of a hybrid phase."

"In order to attract investment and brag about the rate of return, I just want to ask e-loans, is your p2p platform transparent? Ordinary people who invest on your can see their money, Where is it used?"

"In the past few years, the public has been demanding that the government's government affairs be open and transparent. I also call for a p2p platform to be transparent. E-loan guarantees, do you dare!"

Then, he responded to the previous Weibo post.

"'The bull market is the main reason for the loss of ordinary investors' is not what I said. It was the late'Godfather of Wall Street' Benjamin Graham, who was the first to put it forward among investors in his work of wisdom. I just Replace the'ordinary investors' inside with'retail investors'."

"Is this sentence right? Don't ask me, ask Professor Lang who are financial experts, or old stock investors who have experienced the bull-bear conversion, they should have the answer in their hearts. The reason I put this sentence is because I suspect, Most of the funds invested by the public on p2p platforms have flowed into the stock market."

"If my guess comes true, when the stock market turns bullish and bearish, it will be the moment when the p2p platform crashes in a big way!"

"You can say that I am malicious, but you want me to apologize, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

"One year is one year. One year later, if all of you are here and no one is running away, I apologize, and I will take out the money of Mengren for one year and invest all of it in public welfare! Guanfeng Investment Red Star e-loan"

"As for those who endorse and scream for p2p platforms, do you dare to make a bet with me? A year later, if none of the p2p platforms I listed runs off, I apologize, and I will come up with cute people One year’s proceeds are used for public welfare undertakings. On the contrary, if there are people who run away, will you dare to compensate the investors for all the losses of the p2p platform that you endorse? Professor Lin Yu and Wei Yanglang" said that there is a chapter behind. .

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