The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 652: Dissatisfied gambling! The owner of the temple ??

"Mengrenguanwei asserts that the p2p platform will crash and run away!"

"The cute boss made a bet through the official WeChat account, and he invited several p2p platforms, two celebrities Lin Yu and Wei Yang, as well as Professor Lang and other financial scholars to make a bet!"

"Will p2p companies such as eDaibao, Guanfeng Investment, and Red Star eDaiwan run away?"

"Will the two stars, Lin Yu and Wei Yang, accept Meng Ren's bet?"

"What do financial experts think, we specially connect with Professor Lang"

Early the next morning, I apologized for the Weibo that Mengrenguanwei updated last night? Let time prove which is right and wrong, and quickly spread across the Internet. The fastest machine update

Various headline party hype in online media and Internet naval forces reposted the hype everywhere, which soon attracted the attention of a large number of people who eat melons.

When Du Xu received a call from Li Chang and saw the relevant report, it was already too late. Some people had seen it a long time ago.

Ning Shirong sat in front of the computer with a sullen face, watching the overwhelming reprints and reports on the Internet, and dialed Pei Pengbing's phone.

"Do you dare to make your own claim?"

"Young Master Rong, I don't understand what you mean."

"Unknown? Did I tell you last night that this article by Mengren Guanwei is not allowed to be hyped?"

"I didn't do this."

Understood, it was Mai Yin who did it!

Ning Shirong woke up in an instant, but it was too late, and Mai Ying's routine had taken shape.

This time, with the help of the popularity of the p2p industry, the plan to suppress the prestige of Mengren completely failed. Because this Weibo by Mengren clearly speaks for ordinary people who invest in p2p, and considers the security of the principal of all ordinary investors!

Think about how Professor Lang gained a firm foothold and quickly gained fame when he first came to the mainland from Taiwan Island.

Isn't it just to shout for the Chinese investors in the stock market, saying "Why is it always me who is hurt"?

Malcolm is now even more ruthless, directly questioning the formality of the p2p platform, requiring the transparency of the p2p platform to ensure the safety of investors' funds.

Not only has it resolved the Mengren’s reputation crisis, but also used “whether the p2p platform will crash and run away” as an excuse to start a gambling game, trying to bring Lin Yu and Wei Yang, as well as Professor Lang and other financial experts into the water.

Lin Yu and Wei Yang on Mengren’s Weibo are the artists of Qingtian; Professor Lang and other financial experts are also the most ruthless people who mock Mengren; the relationship between eDaibao and Mengren is the same; P2p companies such as Guanfeng Investment and Red Star edaily are either affiliated companies of edaily, or p2p companies that are invested by DynaSky's investment company.

In a word, they are the most riotous enemies before, and the most ruthless enemies who attacked cute people.

In Ning Shirong's view, this was the ultimate counterattack of Mai Ying.

For ordinary investors who invest in p2p platforms, this entry point is very good and wonderful. The counterattack was a direct hit, which made Ning Shirong feel powerless and didn't know how to continue to make moves.

Unless he can be sure, all p2p companies named after a year are alive and well, and none of them crashed.

However, Pei Pengbing hasn't reacted yet.

Don't even think of him as a ceo who loves man culture. It was his brother's nepotism to get up, and he couldn't hide his lack of education.

Finding that Ning Shirong hadn't spoken on the phone for a long time, he tentatively asked: "Young Master Rong, what do we do next?"

"No need to do anything. The Cannes Film Festival is coming soon, I need to prepare in advance. You continue to the person in charge of Chalongxing Studio, I want his background information, the more detailed the better!"

"But this time"

"I said, don't do anything!"

"You mean the p2p company will crash and run away?"

"You don't have any financial knowledge? How can it be risk-free to invest in this kind of thing!"

"What about Guanfeng Investment, the one in which our group's investment company participates, will crash and run away? I invested a lot of money."

Pei Pengbing panicked and hurriedly contacted Red Star e-loan to ask whether the funds he invested were safe.

The answer from Red Star e-loan is definitely no problem, and they are not afraid to bet with Mengren Film and Television.

The named p2p companies such as eDaibao, Guanfeng Investment, and Red Star eDai, have expressed their opinions one after another, very hard: we are a legally established limited liability company and a decently operating Internet financial peer-to-peer lending platform. This bet, we will make a bet with you !

Mengren Television responded: ok, let’s make an appointment with Professor Lin Yu and Wei Yanglang to call a lawyer, and go to the notary office for notarization, and write clearly in black and white; in addition, you legal persons and actual controllers should give your passports to the notary office or lawyer. Keep it, or you will run away, where can I and the majority of investors go to you to settle the claims?

Now the p2p company is not catching up, and all kinds of things are emerging from the beginning.

Some said that they were very busy and had no time to go to the Yanjing Notary Office for notarization, so they could only entrust a representative lawyer; some said that they were abroad and waited to talk about it when they went back; some simply stated that it was enough to be yourself and ignore the cute person; Some questioned that it is illegal for the cute people to let them hand over their passports; others ask the cute people to communicate with Professor Lin Yu, Wei Yanglang and others.

In short, no one mentions notarization anymore, and few p2p companies are even provokes cute people.

Otherwise, Mengren Film and Television will just say: Notarize, hand in your passport, dare you!

Who dare to **** and play finance, why shouldn't you leave yourself a way out?

Compared with the p2p platform, which is hard and soft, the two celebrities named Lin Yu and Wei Yang, as well as financial experts such as Professor Lang, have never been hard at all. Regarding the bet made by Mengren on Weibo, I just didn't see it.

They earn an advertising endorsement fee or a platform fee. Why do they tie themselves to the ship of the p2p platform?

It's not that they think the p2p company they endorse is a liar, but what if the ship sinks?

Investing is risky, it’s not just casual So they either ignore it or practice Tai Chi, and they don’t answer positively in any case.

How immature it would be to answer positively!

Lin Yu and Wei Yang were still smart, and they stopped talking or provoking cute people early; the financial experts named, such as Professor Lang, continued to mock cute people on the show at first, but they finally stopped.

Because as long as they are provocative, Mengren will post them on Weibo for a week: if you don't accept it, you will bet, if you endorse or the platform's p2p company crashes and runs away, you will compensate the investors for their losses, dare you!

Pull the blacklist?

Moe is not fighting alone.

There is also the 800,000 navy hired from President Mao to bring the rhythm!

Whoever dares to ask for something, just hit someone with it.

Every time I hit, I heard the news and came to watch the crowds of people eating melons. Many people who invest in p2p are also very concerned about the safety of their funds. They are happy to hear about this, and they seem to regard Mengren as their spokesperson.

As a result, the issue of whether the p2p platform is safe and whether it will crash and run away as Mengren Film and Television said has become the focus of attention of the whole people.

In this regard, p2p companies have always emphasized that they are legally operated companies, and financial experts will only answer with the words "investment is risky" after being asked.

Investors can't hear it, so some people can't sit still.

Is this perfunctory?

How can this attitude work?

How can such an answer reassure investors?

The well-known big v groups all fired together!

Rushing at the forefront and the most fierce fire, the muzzle points directly at the p2p platform that has been filmed by Meng Ren, the financial expert and the two artists Lin Yu and Wei Yang.

The Weibo name of this big v is "Called Beast"!

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