The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 653: Cultivate masochistic tendencies

During the period when Moe Ren Film and Television was involved in the p2p turmoil, most of the well-known big v groups who had been torn with Moe Ren remained silent, at most expressing their concern, and they have not made a clear statement for a long time. Liewen

Only a small part, either in an eagerness to improve their reputation, or to reverse the unfavorable image, or to collect money to do business, set up their guns, and follow the p2p circle and the financial circle to bombard cute people.

Because this group has fought with cute people and understands the character of cute people who are not willing to suffer, and the insidious methods. They have reached a tacit understanding long ago, if it is not necessary to ignore the cute things.

what's the result?

An official Weibo article on Mengren’s Weibo included all celebrity financial experts on the p2p platform and the endorsement platform, and also portrayed himself as a spokesperson for ordinary investors. He was quite well-known and well-known for the disadvantaged groups to challenge p2p and financial experts. Our demeanor in the past.

Look at the previous P2P companies, celebrities, and financial experts that danced happily. Are you injured?

Haha, hurt?

Want to heal?

Don't worry, it's time for us to shoot!

The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit.

Everyone knows that they have been tortured with cute people, it will not constitute any obstacle, because it is profitable and famous!

They successfully took the battle spear from Mengren Film and Television, and pointed it clearly at the p2p platform, endorsement stars, platform financial experts, national regulators, advertising media and other institutions or individuals.

How to provide investors with a safe environment to ensure investment safety?

How to prevent the p2p platform from becoming an illegal fundraising in disguise?

How to prevent p2p companies from deceiving investors through fake projects, fake tripartite, fake guarantees and other illegal means?

When will the regulatory authorities introduce corresponding industry regulatory measures to eliminate industry loopholes?

What if the p2p platform crashes and the boss runs away?

Do those organizations or individuals that run the p2p platform, endorsements, or advertise for the crash? Do they need to take responsibility?

Who should define this responsibility and how?

Most of them have received good higher education and have a broad vision and rich experience.

They can see all the questions raised by Moeren Film and Television, and they have also refined and sublimated them to raise a series of realistic and sharp questions on behalf of the general public.

The public are represented again, but this time they do not dislike being represented. The funds invested by many investors account for a large part of household deposits, and some people even give it all. It is very important to them that their investment safety is very important.

Just like the second Weibo post on Mengren’s official Weibo, it immediately reversed the situation and won the support of many most people; after taking over the banner of the battle, the famous people also received public support, and their reputation increased and their fans increased.

In this way, the flame ignited by Mengren's film and television was promoted by the public. They also replaced Mengren, tearing up with Mengren's enemies, very courageously.

The p2p industry, the financial circle, the entertainment circle, the media circle, and the supervisory level have spread more and more saliva, and the number of industries, companies and individuals who lie guns has gradually increased.

Knowing that they fully used their fighting power and successfully attracted everyone's attention.

This situation was beyond everyone's expectation. Both the authorities and bystanders were all dumbfounded, as if they were a dog.

At this time, the cute film and television had already retreated from the vortex of the storm, sitting and watching the public knowing big v taking his spear, charging into the battle and tearing it bravely.

Moe people film and television.

Malcolm's office.

Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan are here again.

"Mai, have you contacted them long ago?"

"Fish, when did these people become your trump cards?"

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan both remembered the fact that Mai Ying led the navy and forced some of the publicly known big v.

How did the two sides become comrades-in-arms in the same trench in a blink of an eye?

Mai Yu pretended to throw out an unfathomable sentence; "There is nothing but profit."

Both Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan understand this sentence. The problem is that the publicly known big V suddenly jumped out and fired. It was someone who brought the rhythm, that is, the big V on Weibo called "The Beast"!

"What is that beast, did you contact me in advance?"

There is no love for no reason.

Calling the Beast is the first to support the cute people in the public knowledge group, and it has always been rhythmic, leading the new wave of the public knowledge group. In the eyes of many savvy people, it is definitely taking advantage of cute people to do things with money.

Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan think so too.

"This is really not." Mai Ying answered very seriously.

"Then why does he try to help us?"

"Because helping us is also helping him." Mai Ying opened the Weibo called Beast, "Come and see."

Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan walked over, looking at the mouse controlled by Mai Ying, and flipping through the articles on Weibo Weibo.

Judging from the pictures and texts on the Weibo Weibo earlier, this person is a travel lover and a food lover who has been traveling all over the country. Therefore, his Weibo is almost always introducing local customs, special cuisine, and the characteristics of beautiful women in different places.

The language is humorous, the content is detailed and vivid, the food pictures are clear and attractive, the beautiful pictures are beautiful and delicious, like a human-shaped self-propelled cannon, it is a human-shaped self-propelled travel guide.

Those who are going to travel can find out their own destination based on the detailed introduction in his Weibo with pictures and texts.

Weibo has been opened for more than a year, and the number of fans has exceeded 300,000. Judging from the number of clicks, replies, and revolutions of each Weibo, Weibo fans are very active, and the amount of zombie fans bought is not much.

Liu Xiaoli didn't understand: "What can this explain?"

Zhang Xiaoquan was interested.

He took the mouse from the hand of Mai Yin, bent down and clicked and watched from the beginning. He only looked at the place names, and finally said in surprise, "Lao Xi, that forklift?"

Judging by the time and location of the Weibo update, this "calling beast" apparently came out of Yanjing, entered the Huangdicheng ruins in Shijiakou City, northern Hebei via the Dishui Lake Scenic Area in Yanqing District, and then all the way west to Xijiang; then from Xijiang Turn south on the turn road and come to Lijiang and stay for a long time; then go out from Lijiang and Xishuangbanna, travel east to the southeast coastal area, and finally stop at the East China Sea!

The whole route is extremely in line with the life exploration journey of Shao Xing.

Zhang Xiaoquan remembered that Xing Xing called them when he arrived in Xijiang; he also called them when he was in Lijiang; the last call said that he had never expected it to be filming something!

Mai Xuan nodded: "One more thing, when Shao Feng was discharged from the hospital, Lao Xi led a group of Dongxi opera students to the hospital to visit their seniors."

"No wonder"

Liu Xiaoli nodded thoughtfully.

If the big v called the beast is the Suo Xing, then everything makes sense.


"Wheat, have you discussed before?"

"No, I haven't contacted again after the Spring Festival."

"Then how did you guess it was him? Because of his Weibo?"

"Yeah." Mai Ying nodded.

In fact, he is not that fascinating. The tourist routes on Weibo are just circumstantial evidence.

When he saw the word "called beast" on the Internet, he thought of Xi Xing for the first time. Because in his strange dream, this product also gave himself the nickname "beast". Then I looked at the Weibo of Calling Animals in detail, and from the tourist routes inside, I concluded that it was Xiuxing's Weibo.

Liu Xiaoli didn't know the truth, and sighed: "There is a tacit understanding between you, but why didn't he contact the company in advance?"

"We have been cooperating for many years, and you said that we are very close to each other."

As soon as Mai Kou’s voice fell, Zhang Xiaoquan added: “Mr. Liu, you don’t know the forklift. He probably should be back soon, so he did it on purpose. You wait and see. When he comes back, he will definitely take this matter. Show off."

Liu Xiaoli thought for a while, not to mention, it was in line with Xi Xing's style of doing things, and couldn't help laughing.

"How did the three of you know each other before?"


Speaking of Suo Xing and Zhang Xiaoquan, and the process of getting to know Mai Ying, it is a history of blood and tears.

Zhang Xiaoquan changed the subject: "Yu'er, is this all over?"

"Think beautifully."

Mai Xuan took out his cell phone and dialed Wang Changgui's number.

"Wang Ju, are you busy lately?"

"Why aren't you busy watching the excitement? You can't stop at all."

Recently, the issue of whether the p2p platform is safe or not has been raging. A small number of investors even went to the police station and the police station to ask: If I invest on the p2p platform and the p2p company crashes and runs, what should I do?

How does this make the police answer?

You can only use the topic of "investment is risky, you have to be cautious", which is a perfunctory topic of financial experts and investors.

The police are not omnipotent Doraemons, and they don't want the Mengren Film and Television and the well-known people to dare to tear with p2p companies. Besides, people are operating normally now, what can the police say?

Some police families have also participated in investment.

Even if the police want to intervene, they have to wait until the p2p platform really runs away and someone reports the crime!

After listening to Wang Changgui’s complaint, McDonald laughed loudly: “It’s hard for you, but crime prevention is also within the scope of the police’s responsibilities. Give you another good opportunity to do meritorious service, do you want it?”

"Don't come to this set, let's talk, do you want to deal with e-loan insurance?"

Wang Changgui knows Mai Chen too well, whether before or now.

In the past, Mai Shouzheng, seeing righteousness and courage to fight injustice, people just like their name, honesty and never cared about rewards; now, Maifu has changed a lot, although I still can’t get used to those ugly phenomena, the phenomenon of wise protection is extremely obvious, unless

Unless those who commit crimes provoke him!

Forced buying and selling, blackmailing, opening underground casinos, and farmhouses participating in drug transactions; a group of big gangsters gathered by Zhang Kai from the original Aiman ​​culture safety prison; drug addicts such as Xie Weixin, Zhou Ping, etc.

They were all planted, just because they provoke cute people, and they were planted in Mai Yin's hands.

The police also followed the vines in these incidents, expanded the results of the battle, and achieved good results.

This time, the cute guys forced p2p, and there was such a big disturbance in public opinion. It is known that the big players are still fighting, why would Wang Changgui not know?

"Let me make it clear to you first, there is currently no evidence that other companies are suspected of breaking the law, and the police have no reason to intervene."

"What about the stock market crash? At that time, the p2p company will have a redemption crisis and set off a trend. A large number of investors have suffered heavy losses and asked you to report the case and ask you to solve the case to recover the loss. Don't you worry that it will have more headaches at that time?"

"Is it so serious?"


Now that the stock market is too hot, the virtual economy where money makes money is popular, and the rate of return of the real economy is too low. How many people still take out loans to engage in entities? Many entities have used some of their working capital to invest in the stock market to make money!

For example, Mengren film and television also invested 300 million yuan, and the current yield is close to 200 million yuan. Bitme made a lot of film and television dramas.

p2p is an Internet financial peer-to-peer lending platform that collects idle funds from investors, and then lends them out to earn interest margins and management fees.

Most of the loans are for playing in the virtual economy, making money from the stock market and borrowing interest rates of funds. Otherwise, how could it be possible to pay such high interest rates?

It is equivalent to saying that these people who do not trade in stocks put their money into the p2p platform; and these money go around and invest again in the virtual economy represented by the stock market.

In a word: Money begets money, drums are used to spread flowers, and the book income is inflated, but if you receive the last stick, you will die!

At that time, the borrowed money will not be collected, not to mention the interest, even the principal is folded in, there will definitely be a batch of p2p platforms that will be difficult to redeem, and finally crash and run away.

Wang Changgui finished listening quietly and asked, "Listening to what you mean, it's a bit like an upgraded version of illegal fundraising or a Ponzi scheme?"

"It doesn't count. When the return on investment drops, the situation in this industry may be better. But without industry supervision, many financial scammers will focus on this industry."

"How many years did you disappear to study finance?"

"Hehe, this is what a few friends who are professional in finance told me, believe it or not."

"I'm sure to believe what you said. It seems that you are still the wheat I knew before.

"Don't wear high hats to me, they are the ones who provoke me first!"

"I'm still saying that is now a legitimate business."

"Don't your police have a brain? You only need to send two people from the economic investigation team to keep an eye on the P2P companies invested by Guanfeng, and when SkySky Investment Co., Ltd. draws capital and withdraws shares from them, you can immediately give favor."

"Sky Investment? A subsidiary of the Sky Group?"

"Yes, I will give you the information of all p2p companies that DynaSky has invested in tonight. These companies are either headquartered in Yanjing, or have branches in Yanjing, and some are in Chaoyang District. As the acting director of Chaoyang Branch, shouldn't you? Do you protect the property of Chaoyang people from loss?"

"I thank you the Chaoyang crowd with private goods!"

"To be clear, I am purely acting bravely, but I haven't vented my personal anger."

Nothing to blame!

Moeman Vs Qingtian.

Since he is not a heavyweight, McDonald has always been passively defensive. However, with the development of Mengren, Mai Ying began to play anti-reverse.

You yin to me, I will resolve, take my hand back and bite you, bite off a piece of your meat.

For example, this time, the target of Malcolm is the investment company under the Sky Group.

It is true that the Sky Group is a giant, and the loss of the investment company has little effect on the entire group.

Mai Cheng didn't want to vent his hatred in this way, because it was too naive; he didn't want to accumulate a little bit and move to Qingtian, and wait until the year of the monkey.

His purpose is simple, to cultivate Ning Shirong's tendency to "masochistic". It's a bit like boiling a frog in warm water, making Ning Shirong accustomed to his own countermeasures.

When Ning Shirong got used to getting a bite from the Maid every time he failed, he would become accustomed to similar things. And I would not have thought that one day, Mai Ying would bite down again, and he would bite the deadly seven inches of the Sky Group!

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