The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 654: Two lambs with the same disease

East China Sea. net

Stewardess crew.

In the dark, the day's filming work is over, and the crew ends.

The four cute "Dragon Balls" Feng Shaofeng, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Li Ya who participated in the flight attendant shooting at ten o'clock in the evening returned to the hotel and gathered in Tang Yan's room to relax and chat.

The topics of the chat are quite complicated, from the plot of the script, to the experience of acting, to the dinner is a bit salty, and finally to the recent Internet tearing.

The tearing force now is too weird.

Feng Shaofeng and Tang Yan both remember that after the broadcast of Meteor Garden and Liangjian, Mai Gong was forced to fight against some well-known Internet users for "Ximen's Letter".

At that time, Mai Xun also specifically asked Hu Xu, who was on a charity campus tour in Jinling, to take the "Ximen's Letter" Xia Qin in public, and then hire the company. It caused a lot of news in the media.

Why this time the well-known big V group has become an allied comrade of Mengren Film and Television?

And the cute guys are all dead, they are still ecstatic?

"Look at it, Jiao Shou is questioning Lin Yu on Weibo again today!" Tang Yan said excitedly while holding her mobile phone, "If it weren't for the agent's permission, I would like to follow Jiao Shou's Weibo!"

Liya nodded: "I followed the Weibo called Beast for a long time. Looking at his introduction to the humanities and customs of Xijiang, as well as the scenery and food photos, I feel a little homesick."

Zhao Liying murmured: "I always think this is related to President Mai. Lin Yu said that the beast probably took the money from President Mai."

"This kind of thing is normal." Tang Yan didn't care. "So many people accused our company before, dare you say they confiscate the money?"

Liya was silent, because it was related to Malcolm.

Feng Shaofeng, who has not been able to plug his mouth, finally had a chance to speak: “Don’t think about it so much, these things have nothing to do with us, we just need to make a good film. As for whether Mr. Mai spends money and ask the beast to come forward, it doesn’t matter in the future ⊥Like Mr. Mai That said, time will prove his correctness."

"Brother Shaofeng, your words are so profound, do you know something?"

"That is, you know what the inside story is, let us know about it."

Feng Haofeng squeezed his chin: "You can ask Mr. Mai, I don't know it much."

"Liar, you must know something!"

"Brother Shaofeng, you don't know Mr. Mai, he is always mysterious and filial."

"Haha." Feng Shaofeng yawned, "I'm sleepy, I'll go to the room to take a bath and sleep, you guys should also go to bed early, and you have to get up early to put on makeup tomorrow."

Feng Shaofeng waved his hand and left.

Tang Yan pursed her lips and muttered; "If you don't tell, don't tell, I'll wait to ask Brother Maizi."

"Sister Tangtang, what did you just say?" Zhao Liying pointed her ear, "Did you just call Mr. Mai'Brother Mai'?"

"Is there a problem, Mimi Shishi and they all shout like that, Aifei?"

"Yeah, don't call me like that!"

"Then call you Xindou?" Tang Yan smiled and stretched out her slap, making gestures in front of Zhao Liyi like Mai Yu.

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes: "Sister Tangtang, I find that you have become as bad as Mr. Mai"

The second girl was talking and laughing, Li Ya suddenly stood up: "Senior Sister, Liying, I'm going back too."

After Li Ya left, only Tang Yan and Zhao Liying remained in the room.

The two women looked at each other, and Zhao Liying said, "Sister Tangtang, do you think that every time you mention Mr. Mai, Sister Yaya doesn't speak, as if she's not in a high mood."

"Yes? I remember when you first joined the group, you two were almost the same."

"That's because Mr. Mai bullied me, you don't know how much he was too much at the time. Could it be that Ms. Yaya was bullied by Mr. Mai?"

"You think too much. Go back to bed early, and get up early tomorrow."

Sending away Zhao Liying, Tang Yan closed the door, and picked up the landline by the bed after taking a shower.

"Brother Maizi, guess who I am. I think Yaya's opinion of you is getting bigger and bigger. I plan to find a chance to talk to her tomorrow. If I help you persuade her, how would you reward me?"

Early the next morning, the flight attendant crew started work.

Since it is an urban drama, the makeup and costumes are relatively simple, and the crew quickly enters the shooting state.

The crew is divided into groups A and B according to the usual practice. Today, the male first Feng Shaofeng and the male second Guo Fei are in group A, filming their opponents; Tang Yan and Li Ya are in group B, filming their roles.

Zhao Liying's role has been completed, but she is unwilling to leave the group, and follows the crew to observe and learn from close range.

Nearly ten o'clock in the morning, one of the mocking scenes in Group B was finished, and we rushed to the next mocking scene.

While the staff were busy setting up sets, preparing props, checking equipment, and maintaining order, Tang Yan pulled Liya back into the nanny's car and asked the assistant to watch outside the car to avoid anyone leaning in.

"Senior Sister, what are you looking for? How do you feel mysterious?"

Tang Yan looked around outside the car and lowered her voice: "What's the matter with you and Mr. Mai?"

Liya was calmly said: "What's the matter?"

"Don't pretend, I know, you were forced to sign the company, right?"

Liya: ""

"To force you to sign, Mr. Mai almost kissed you forcibly, right?"

It's not a strong kiss, it's a trick

In Liya's mind, the picture of that day was reproduced.

Mai Ying pretended to be asthmatic and plucked it on the ground and tricked her into artificial respiration with her mouth open.

That damned liar!

"If you don't tell me, I will take it as your default." Tang Yan took Li Ya's hand, "Ya, do you want to know, how did I sign the contract with the company?"

Li Ya looked at Tang Yan puzzled.

"Actually, Mr. Mai and I met very early, when I was still in high school"

Tang Yan simply said that when she was in high school, she was deceived by the Malcolm scam gang to get a membership fee of 10,000 yuan when she met someone.

After listening, Li Ya nodded vigorously: "Yes, he is a liar. He lied to many people, and he lied to others in Hangzhou."

"So you were deceived in Hangzhou? Are you not from Xijiang?" Tang Yan did not continue to struggle with this question, and said: "Later I was admitted to the Chinese opera. At that time, Mengren was already a bit famous. They are very special. We value newcomers and provide many opportunities for newcomers. All the girls in our dormitory went for interviews, and I went too."

"Do you recognize him?"

"Yes. I recognized him, and he recognized me."

"Then what?"

"Then he dragged me to his office and forced me to sign with him. If I disagree, he will hurt me."

"That's it, that's it!" Liya felt the same way, she took Tang Yan's hand and nodded vigorously, and said excitedly: "Senior Sister, my experience is the same as yours, threatening me. If I don't answer Yingying's appointment, he will not only hurt me. , Will hurt my family"

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