The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 761: A touch of pure love drama adds more power to the leader's ignorance is 4/9

It’s really difficult for outsiders to interfere with other people’s feelings.

If you don’t make a difference between the father and the son, the brothers will become enemies, even if you think you are for his good, others may not be grateful to you. In the end, they may hate you together.

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't know whether Ma Rong in reality will be like the strange dream.

However, as a man, Wang Baoqiang always did not suffer when he went to third base first, and the province was regarded as a spare tire cash machine. Saying a few sweet words and holding a little hand can squander Wang Baoqiang's feelings and money freely.

As for the the future, let's talk about the future, but Mai Xiaoyu will never let the experience in the strange dream come into being in reality.

He has a thousand ways...

After Wang Baoqiang was beaten away, Mai Xiaoyu was too lazy to think about these bad things. He still had something to solve. He hadn't seen Yang Ying very much in the past two days since he came back.

Look at the calendar on the watch, today is November 11, "Days with Stewardess" broadcast.

Mai Xiaoyu picked up the phone, called Yang Ying, and asked her to have a meal in the evening.

The atmosphere of dinner was very restrained. In fact, when Yang Ying was connected by car, the atmosphere became restrained, because Yang Ying appeared very restrained.

"What are you busy with recently?"

"I shot two commercials, recorded three variety shows, and spent the rest of the time reading."

"What book to read?"

"Stanislavsky's "Actor's Self-cultivation"."

Listen, Mai Xiaoyu is not in the mood to talk anymore in this kind of communication atmosphere.

I went to a high-end restaurant to eat western food at six o'clock, and finished dessert at seven o'clock. During one hour, the two of them talked less than a dozen words in total. Yang Ying bowed his head all the way, never seeing Mai Xiaoyu.

After dinner, Mai Xiaoyu drove her in the car and galloped away from the restaurant.

Ten minutes later, Yang Ying realized that the direction was wrong, and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"I'll know when you get there, soon."

The car drove into the high-end apartment complex newly built by Sunshine Real Estate at the end of last year, and Mai Xiaoyu took her to a luxuriously decorated apartment of more than 150 square meters.

"What do you think of this apartment?"


"Like it?"


"If you like it, I will give it to you." Mai Xiaoyu put the key of the door into Yang Ying's hand, "I said hello to Kaishang these two days and asked them to complete the procedures, and it will be your apartment in the future."

Yang Ying looked at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement, and Mai Xiaoyu took out a car key from his pocket and put it in her hand again.

"You have just signed a contract with the company, and you are not too well-known, so I can't send you a good car. Po1o, just park in the underground parking lot. This is the car key. You can drive it first. Wait for you to turn around... I don’t think I’ll send you off. You can afford a luxury car yourself. By the way, did you apply for a driver’s license?"

Xiangjiang’s driver’s license is not allowed to drive in the mainland, but the Xiangjiang driver’s license can be converted into a mainland driver’s license without a test. You only need to go to the provincial transportation department to go through the registration and endorsement procedures.

Yang Ying looked at the two sets of keys in his hand, and then at Mai Xiaoyu, crying.

"What are you crying well?" Mai Xiaoyu touched Yang Ying's head and whispered softly.

Yang Ying threw herself into Mai Xiaoyu's arms and whimpered: "I thought I didn't do a good job at all, and it aroused anger..."

An 18-year-old girl left a place she was familiar with and went from Xiangjiang to the unfamiliar Yanjing Exhibition. An unfamiliar city, an unfamiliar environment, an unfamiliar atmosphere, an unknown future, and an unknown destiny will make him feel uneasy and fearful.

Mai Xiaoyu could feel her inner anxiety, hugged her, and gently patted her back: "You have done nothing wrong, and I am not angry. It's just that your identity has changed now. You are an artist of the company. We The relationship also needs to change."

Yang Ying raised his head and looked at Mai Xiaoyu with tears in his eyes.

Mai Xiaoyu gently kissed her lips.

Yang Ying trembled, tears of grievance welled up again, tiptoes around Mai Xiaoyu's neck, kissed together, calming down the grievance and fear in his heart.

Mai Xiaoyu's cell phone rang, interrupting their tenderness.

A call from Tang Yan.

"Brother Maizi, "Stewardess" has started, have you watched it?"

"I looked at it, I'm looking at it."

"How's my acting?"

"You are the most beautiful flight attendant in my heart."

Tonight, "Days with the Stewardess" will be broadcast, four-star co-broadcast.

Turning off the phone, Mai Xiaoyu hugged Yang Ying: "Go watch TV first, and talk later."

As soon as I turned on the TV and switched to Dolphin TV, Mai Xiaoyu's cell phone rang again.

This time it was Zhao Liying.

"Mr. Mai, "Stewardess" has begun!"

"Starting from the beginning, you are still early on the stage."

"It hurts you to say that."

"Then what do you want, Bud Potato?"

"Who shoots? I just want to ask, when will the TV show you promised me to star in turn on..."

After Tang Yan and Zhao Liying, Feng Shaofeng also called.

"Mr. Mai, "Stewardess" is broadcast tonight, are you watching?"

"I'm reading it."

"Am I acting well?"

"Shao Feng, you are also an old driver. Are you so nervous?"

"This is the first time I starred in a TV series, our company's TV series."

"Ah, are you suing me? Don't worry, you will have to star in the company's TV series in the future."

"Let’s talk about "Stewardess", how did I act?"

"You are getting more and more entangled now. Find a time to see a psychiatrist and learn to relax."

Mai Xiaoyu is quite confident in this drama.

The novel itself has accumulated a large number of readers, and the promotion of the TV series is very strong. The starring Feng Shaofeng and Tang Yan are both popular and good, and the interpretation of the characters is also in place.

In addition, the actual "Stewardess" has undergone certain only the actors have been changed, but the script has also been changed.

The original book is about the pure love life of Donghai white-collar worker 6 Fei and flight attendant Ran Jing. The pure love of the heroes and heroines in the novel is regarded as the "love bible" by readers. There is no distractions, no work interruptions, the two just talk about love and quarrel every day.

But the "Stewardess" in the strange dream just adapted this pure love drama into a family ethics drama.

The Mai Xiaoyu in the dream did not miss this drama because of this, so he also understands the inside story.

The original author of this TV series has revised the draft seven times.

Every time a draft is revised, someone will withdraw when it is finally time to invest money. Because they feel that TV dramas made according to the original author's script are not watched. TV dramas need to have ups and downs, not just pure love like novels.

In the end, the original author had to compromise and give up the position of the screenwriter. The script was handed over to a professional screenwriter for adaptation. The result was adapted into a family ethics drama, because family ethics drama is a popular type of drama.

There is no such problem in reality. Money is invested by cute people, and Mai Xiaoyu alone has the final say.

Therefore, when he "copied" the script of "Stewardess", he cut off the blood of Ran Jing's father's branch line without hesitation, and adapted it completely according to the novel.

He wrote three-fifths of this book, and the remaining two-fifths were adapted from the novel by Xiao Ou.

At that time, he mentioned that the screenwriter signed Xiaoou's name, but Xiaoou refused.

Little Ou's only condition is... to give her "freedom".

After the creation of this book was completed, Mai Xiaoyu agreed to return Xiaoou and his team to Huang Bo. Although Xiaoou's name is not on the script, he has doubled the compensation for the screenwriter.

After filming the TV series, Mai Xiaoyu watched more than ten minutes of clips and felt good. It is definitely not a family ethics drama, but a light pure love drama.

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