"...The most romantic thing I can think of,

Just grow old with you slowly,

Until we are too old to go anywhere,

You still think of me as a treasure in the palm of your hand. "

At about ten o'clock in the evening, the first three episodes of "Days with a Stewardess" ended.

Yang Ying held Mai Xiaoyu's arm, leaned quietly on his shoulder, tasted the theme song of "Stewardess" sung comfortably, and sang softly.

"The song "The Most Romantic Thing" by Xiao Yuer is very nice, I like it very much."

"I think it sounds good too." Mai Xiaoyu smiled and nodded, "However, you should dispel the idea of ​​developing in the music scene."

Yang Ying pouted.

Mai Xiaoyu squeezed her lips: "How does the TV show feel?"

"Very good-looking. The two teachers Feng Shaofeng and Tang Yan performed very well, and the plot is also very warm. There is a light, sweet feeling, but there are too many advertisements."

There are a lot of ads.

After the TV series is about to be broadcast, commercials will be interrupted; commercials will be interrupted after the opening song ends; commercials will be interrupted every fifteen minutes or so for TV dramas of more than 40 minutes; commercials will be interrupted before the ending song; after the ending song... it is still an advertisement.

The advertisements implanted in the TV series, and the patch advertisements of the opening and closing songs, the audience shouted too much, but they were all eggs.

Investors and producers want to make money, and TV stations want to make money. Where does the money come from?

Only advertising.

Free things are often the most expensive.

It is naturally the audience who pays the bill.

The cute drama "Stewardess" is Mai Mai's first work adapted by cute people and put on the TV screen, which has attracted much attention.

The actor Feng Shaofeng became popular with "Meteor Garden" f4. Although his popularity is not as good as Hu Xu and Huo Jianhua, his unique temperament such as introverted, calm, and refined, is a deadly poison to female literary youth.

The stunning performance of the heroine Tang Yan in "Xiang 3" aired in the summer is very impressive.

This time she appeared in "Stewardess". When the crew first announced it, some readers objected that she did not meet her "Ran Jing" in their minds.

However, when the fixed makeup photo was announced, Tang Yan in a stewardess uniform appeared in front of the public, and the questioning was immediately reduced and replaced by a sound of licking the screen.

Tang Yan's photos of flight attendants have been widely circulated under the intentional promotion of marketing companies and the spontaneous spread of netizens. The freshness and beauty brought by "uniform seduction" attracted the attention of a large number of homeboys.


In recent years, Mengren dramas have been increasingly favored by advertisers, and "Stewardess" is no exception.

The four satellite TVs are willing to pay a large price to buy the premiere rights of this show. In addition to their confidence in the cute drama, they also fully considered the elements of cleaning up. The results proved that they were correct. Before the TV series was broadcast, the four TVs had full commercials, and even the first and last patch ads of the TV series were all sold out.

Now the four satellite TVs waiting for the second round of airing, and the storm video that is waiting to be exclusively aired on the Internet, negotiations with advertisers are also coming to an end.

Sucking gold!

Before the airing, "Stewardess" attracted a lot of attention and money, which caused a lot of noise in public opinion. After the smooth premiere tonight, Mai Xiaoyu feels good, the only thing he needs to care about is the ratings coming out tomorrow.

No matter how good the media evaluation is, how good the audience’s reputation is, and how high the topic is, in the final analysis, it is still necessary to use data to speak.

"After watching the TV, I will take you back. This apartment is given to you, but I suggest you stay in the dormitory for the time being. After getting acquainted with other people, you can accumulate enough fame before you consider moving out."

"Okay." Yang Ying nodded, and then asked again, "Why did you suddenly give me the house and car?"

"Make up for you."


"Yes. You are now a contracted artist of the company, and the company will create as many opportunities for you as possible. You must be famous as early as possible. You are only 18 years old and very beautiful. These are your advantages, so try to grasp every time Opportunity, don’t waste it."

"I understand that I have been reading books recently, trying to improve my acting skills. The training the company arranges for me, I am also very careful."

"Don't put too much pressure. Even if your acting skills are not enough, the company can praise you. Of course, acting is the capital of every actor. The more skilled your acting, the better. After all, you are an actor now."

"I remembered. But how can I be popular because my acting skills are not good?"

"Let’s wait for the broadcast of "Love Apartment" next year’s winter vacation to see the effect. During this time, in addition to receiving company training and advertising ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, when you participate in the recording of fiber optic variety shows, look for more Feel, cultivate your sense of variety show."

"Are you going to arrange for me to host a variety show in the future?"

"In the future, variety entertainment shows will be the general trend. If the time is right next year...Anyway, let me arrange it, ok?"

"Ok. What about... now?"

"Now I'll take you back to the dormitory." Mai Xiaoyu stroked Yang Ying's cheek lightly, "There are many artists in the company, and new people will be signed in the future. I will put more energy into you, but it is also limited. You have to grasp it. Opportunity, become famous as soon as possible, don't think about all those miscellaneous things."

Yang Ying looked at him and said nothing.

Mai Xiaoyu continued: "Every artist under the company will have a unique presence in the future, including you, I am not kidding."

"Before that..."

"Before you were not a company entertainer, and you were too beautiful."

"What about?"

"Why do you have to think about so much in the future? The most important thing is to grasp the present."

Yang Ying was silent for a moment, and said in a daze: "Now, I have finally determined one thing."

"what's up?"

Yang Ying kissed Mai Xiaoyu's face: "I finally made sure that you are different from those big bosses, unlike some people, who always want to treat me...the company's artists as a plaything."

"That's because I'm not the big boss..."


The next day, the media and entertainment editions and the Internet made comments on "Stewardess", which premiered last night, with both praise and criticism, more praise than criticism.

How public opinion evaluates it is for the people who eat melons. The audience in the industry is most concerned about the ratings.

The ratings determine the success of a TV series, because advertisers mainly look at this indicator when they invest in TV ads, which is related to the interests of the TV station and the success or failure of the producer.

Near noon, the ratings of csm50 city the day before was released.

The ratings of the four satellite TVs that premiered "Stewardess" ranged from 1.5% to 1.9%, and the ratings for the same period were between 2-7.

Mango Satellite TV dominates with a 2.53% viewership share. The family ethics drama they are broadcasting is coming to an end, and the viewership rate continues to rise. In two days, when the family ethics drama is over, the urban romance drama "The Love in the Past" produced by Kintee Film and Television will be picked up.

Although it did not break 2, but the TV series premiere achieved 1.5%-1.9% ratings, which is definitely a good start.

As long as the quality of the drama can be guaranteed, the ratings will generally get higher and higher as time goes by. After the final episode, there will be an explosive growth.

In the next few days, "Stewardess" continued to be broadcast, and the ratings have been rising.

"Ran Jing", played by Tang Yan, performed the savage and "competitive" feeling of the little witch in the novel.

"She is a ‘high-end’ beauty who gracefully dealt with the company’s reception, holding a goblet in her hand pretending to be reserved, attracting the small eyes of countless single white-collar workers who follow in low profile..."

Feng Shaofeng's performance is also very successful, enthusiastic, kind, practical and steady, but also with a bit of honesty and stupidity. Watching him in the TV series, being "bullyed" by Tang Yan, the girl audience can't help but feel distressed.

As for the TV series, they try their best to restore the novel to the audience.

A flight attendant who was lost in love and bought drunk was "picked up" and returned home by a white-collar worker who lived in the same community. Then the stewardess moved into the white-collar home for some reason and began a wonderful "cohabitation" life.

From unfamiliar to familiar, from acquaintance to love, the two under the same roof, in the ordinary bits and pieces, gradually converged into their pure love story.

There is not too much **** family ethics, but more of it gives people an elegant feeling, like a trickle, flowing in the hearts of the audience.

"TV dramas are like novels. After watching them, it feels like a fragrance of flowers permeates my heart, and there is a spring in my heart..."

"I watched it with my female ticket and I was very touched. I will love her very much in the future."

"Happiness is plain and simple."

"The overall feeling is relatively relaxed and comfortable, and the male protagonist is eager to be seen visually."

"Mars upstairs came back, Feng Shaofeng doesn't even know? Do you know f4?"

"Who is Feng Shaofeng? I only know f1."

"Mars is back +1. Go and see "Meteor Garden", you will know what f4 is."

"It means that I never watch brain damage bubble idol dramas, and I suggest that Mengren make more pure love dramas in the future, or military dramas like "Bright Sword" and "Soldier Assault"."

"You're just brain-dead..."

On the Internet, crooked buildings are common practice, but it is strange that they are not crooked.

As the media and the Internet heatedly discussed, the ratings of "Stewardess" rose all the way, with Dolphin TV being the first to break 2. On the second day that Dolphin TV won the top spot in the same period, the urban romantic drama "The Love in the Past" premiered with four stars.

"The Love in the Past" is a love story about the entanglement between urban men and women and their ex. The plot is close to the current life and fits the life experience of young people. Coupled with the starring role of popular and high-value idol artists, the old drama bones turned into green leaves to play the role, which also attracted a lot of audiences.

The first broadcast of the four satellite TVs has the highest ratings of more than 1.8%, which is not much different from the ratings of the first broadcast of "Stewardess".

After the broadcast, the ratings of "Past Love" have also been rising.

Within a few days, with its huge ratings base, Mango Satellite TV squeezed out Litchi Satellite TV, Yanjing Satellite TV and Blueberry Satellite TV, and secured its second place in the csm50 city ratings ranking at the same time, second only to Dolphin Satellite TV.

Since Wang Yunshi came to power and took charge of Dolphin TV, Dolphin TV has overcome difficulties and stood out from many first-line TVs, ranking first two in the provincial TV ratings with Mango TV.

Due to the shortcomings of variety entertainment programs, Dolphin TV has never been able to overturn the leading Mango TV. After sitting in the second place for several years, he has sharpened his sword and wanted to take Mango TV off the horse.

Mango Satellite TV also felt the pressure of Dolphin TV behind him, and its leading position was shaken. It also regarded Dolphin TV as a competitor.

The competition between the two satellite TVs is fierce, and this time they are up against each other again.

With "Stewardess", Dolphin TV firmly overwhelmed Mango TV. Even if the ratings of Mango TV's "Past Love" is not low, it still ranks second after a few days.

So Dolphin TV began to use its own media platform advantages to hype the ratings of "Stewardess". In the media and on the Internet, you can often see the words "Dolphin TV", "Stewardess", and "No. 1 in ratings".

Mango Satellite TV will not give in, and also uses its own media platform advantages to hype the ratings of "Past Love". In the media and on the Internet, you can often see the words "Mango TV", "The Love in the Past", and "No. 1 in the ratings".

At the same time, the two top ratings?

At first, the people who ate melon said that they didn't understand, but it didn't take long for them to understand.

The co-author of Dolphin TV’s ratings is No. 1 in the ratings of csm50 city; while Mango TV’s ratings are No. 1, which means csm32 is the city’s top ratings!

The ratings of csm50 cities refer to the ratings of 50 sample cities.

The ratings of any drama have been affected more, including geographical factors ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Stewardess", the ratings of csm50 in the city are the first, which is the first comprehensively, and does not represent 50 samples. The ratings of cities are always the first, and there are definitely high and low ratings.

Mango Satellite TV selected 32 of the 50 sample cities with a purpose. After re-statistics, "Past Love" had the highest ratings, and it also said that csm32 cities had the highest ratings.

It doesn't matter if the audience is stupid and confused, the most important thing is that the face of Mango TV and Sky Sky has been saved. Moreover, Mango Satellite TV can use the data of the highest ratings in the selected 32 sample cities, dubbing it "market segmentation", and conduct targeted discussions with advertisers.

"You see, in these cities, our TV stations have the highest ratings of TV series. If you intend to increase your publicity in these cities, our Mango TV is the best choice."

It's not the first time that the first-line satellite TVs have been very familiar with these things.

The people who don’t know the truth about the two dramas respectively started to tear and force them on the Internet for the two "top ratings".

As a result of tearing and forcing, I know that the audience of the two dramas is increasing, and the ratings of both dramas are increasing. Unfortunately, other TV dramas in the same period are unlucky.

This phenomenon is more like an event in Mai Xiaoyu's dream: Wanglaoji fought against Jiaduobao, and Heqizheng died.

Fans of the two dramas, on the Internet, all kinds of drooling, tearing, and compelling, all believe that the other's ratings are fake, and that they are the real ratings first. Even if someone knows the truth and takes the initiative to popularize science online, they are quickly drowned in saliva.

Torn and forced are quite fierce, even if the first broadcasts of the two dramas have ended, they have already entered the second round of airing, and the battle has not subsided yet.

Until late November, news broke that CCTV Eight decided to purchase the broadcasting rights of "Stewardess"...

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