The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 797: Deng Chaoquan and Sun Li added more for Lin Yiping to protect the law

"Deng Chaoma Danni has a'sweet honey' tryst in a late night hotel, suspected of being in love with the show!"

This is a bit of news from a gossip studio tonight through Weibo.

A set of photos was released in the news, which showed Deng Chao of Moe Ren Film and Television and Ma Danni, a sister of Gu Yang Film and Television, entering the hotel together late at night.

From the point of view of the photo, it was obviously a sneak shot. However, the photos were relatively clear, and it was obvious that the two people were talking and laughing after entering the hotel, and their actions were intimate.

The revelation also mentioned that the two co-starred in Gu Yang’s new drama "Sweet Honey" in the first half of the year. They cooperated with the tacit voice of goodwill, and they often interacted with each other on Weibo, most likely because of the drama.

When Liu Xiaoli called Mai Xiaoyu, it was about this matter.

This kind of thing is really not a big deal in the entertainment industry. "Sweet Honey" is finished, and it is in the pre-broadcasting period. During the propaganda period, love is a common method used by many crews.

The revelations were widely quoted and reprinted, and on the Weibo of the gossip studio, there are still many people who eat melons talk about it.

However, some netizens pointed out that this is the hype mode of the "Sweet Honey" crew. After the TV series "Sweet Honey" is aired, the two will probably go back home from Qiaolu Qiaolu, and there is no more contact.

This statement is supported by many netizens because there have been too many similar hype methods in recent years.

But what the truth is, Mai Xiaoyu knows.

Therefore, he was not surprised when he learned about it. After using his mobile phone to call up the news page, he showed it to Deng Chao.

Who would have thought that Deng Chao was anxious.


"Shhh." Mai Xiaoyu gestured to his mouth, motioning him to lower his voice, "When we get back to the hotel, let's talk alone."

Mai Xiaoyu really didn't care about this, and he was sure that Deng Chao would not be poached by Guyang Film and Television to become a brother because of Ma Danni.

Not to mention the relationship between him and Deng Chao, it only means that Deng Chao’s studio was independent in the year, and Deng Chao can be his own boss, and Deng Chao would not go to Guyang Film and Television to be the first brother of his son.

However, Deng Chao seemed to be very concerned about this matter.

After reading the news, there was no sleepiness, the phone was returned to Mai Xiaoyu, and he took out his own phone to keep texting.

With the efforts of the marketing company, the scandal between Deng Chao and Ma Danni was quickly posted on the Internet through the efforts of the marketing company.

Relevant news reports appeared on the entertainment pages of various portal websites.

Fans of Deng Chao and Ma Danni also went to their Weibo to verify...well, there were salivas too, or Ma Danni’s fans said Deng Chao was not good for Ma Danni, or Deng Chao’s fans said Ma Danni was not good enough. Deng Chao.

At the same time, rumors were spreading, with false rumors, and finally rumors that Deng Chao deliberately moved to Guyang Film and Television.

Back to the hotel arranged by the program group, everyone basically saw the news during dinner. But no one asked about it because it didn't make sense. There are too many rumors of this kind in the entertainment circle. As an insider, if you care about this all day, it can exhaust you.

Mai Xiaoyu and the two chief directors of the program group were sitting together for dinner, and the two chief directors were equally uninterested in this matter.

The industry believes that this is one of the publicity methods of "Sweet Honey", and Deng Chao is the guest host and captain in "Running Man". If Deng Chao is hyped, you can also hype "Running Man".

Deng Chao and Ma Danni, one unmarried and one unmarried, are still in the window of relationship, even if there is a scandal, there is no negative impact.

"Teacher Mai, Deng Chao's mood seems to be wrong." The female chief director observed carefully and whispered to Mai Xiaoyu during the meal.

Not only the female chief director noticed, others also noticed.

To be precise, Deng Chao's performance was too abnormal.

Everyone was eating, occasionally chatting and laughing, but Deng Chao kept texting and didn't have a good meal.

Yang Ying took the initiative to pick up dishes for Deng Chao and said, "Brother Chao, the next issue will be recorded the day after tomorrow. Eat more to replenish your energy."

Chen Chichi also gave Deng Chao the chicken drumsticks on the plate: "I will give you my favorite chicken drumsticks, okay not to tear me next time?"

Zheng Kai deliberately said: "You want to keep the famous brand, shouldn't you maintain a good relationship with the savage? I protested that the program team was looking for the savage, it was a ug. Don't say the strength, run fast, how can we mix?"

Ren Tianye smiled and patted Deng Chao on the shoulder: "How about the two of us working together next time?"

Wang Zulan sighed: "Do whatever you want, anyway, I'm always the one who hurts the most."

"I'll accompany you." Wang Bao forcefully added, and then began to comfort Deng Chao in his own way, "Brother Chao, my brother said, people are iron rice or steel, and it makes no sense to think about those miscellaneous things when eating. ."

"Building a road is the most meaningful, right." Deng Chao joked, waved his hand, and greeted everyone, "You eat yours and don't care about me."

"If you want to say that, give me the drumsticks back."

Chen Chichi retrieved the chicken legs from Deng Chao's plate, which caused a lot of condemnation.

The atmosphere became active, but Deng Chao took two bites of food and picked up a text message on his mobile phone.

After everyone finished dinner, he didn't eat a few bites, so he pulled up Mai Xiaoyu and hurried back to his room.

"Fart is a big deal, as for? Or do you really plan to quit Guyang Film and Television, just like the rumors on the Internet?" Mai Xiaoyu took out a cigarette and lit one by himself.

"I'm going to be the boss, this is the boss you promised me. I should be guilty of going to Guyang Film and Television to be a brother?"

"Then what's the matter with you tonight?" Mai Xiaoyu took out another cigarette and threw it to Deng Chao.

"I don't smoke, boss, you know."

"It seems that you are not worried about that. Then I don't understand. What happened to you tonight? You haven't been scandalous before ~ ​​ It's different now."

Mai Xiaoyu's eyes rolled: "You shouldn't be in love anymore, are you?"

Deng Chao: "..."

"It seems to be true." Mai Xiaoyu took a cigarette and suddenly said, "Sun Li!"

With a sound of "Sun Li", Deng Chao almost didn't jump out of the sand.

He looked at Mai Xiaoyu in shock, and squatted: "Old, boss, you, how did you know?"

"Don't worry about how I know, I will ask you, why don't you report to the company if you are in a relationship?"

"I, that, I want to tell you after she has done her ideological work and surprise you."

"Do her ideological work? Surprise me? What do you mean?"

"Isn't my studio going to go out independently next year? I plan to sign her and make her the first artist under my banner."

What the hell!

I like this idea!

Mai Xiaoyu admired Deng Chao's daring to think and do: "Sun Li's contract is about to expire?"

"Expires next year."

"What did she say?"

"She said she would resolutely not give me a part-time job... Now this is all secondary. As soon as the scandal tonight came out, she was angry and ignored me. She originally said that she would come to visit the class tomorrow and it would be a waste."

"You started in the car and texted her all the way to dinner?"

"Yeah. She occasionally replies to me, but then simply ignores me."

"Oh." Mai Xiaoyu sighed, "Have she ever said that you asked me to start a play for her?"

"Boss, our feelings are very pure, we don't have all those miscellaneous things!"

"You are so stupid, she didn't let you find me, why didn't you take the initiative to find me?"

Deng Chao looked at Mai Xiaoyu in surprise.

"You text her and ask her to visit the class tomorrow. Just say that the company is going to adapt "Zhen Huan's Biography" and let her play Zhen Huan..."

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