The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 798: They won't hide you


Xiaoshan International Airport.

Sun Li, dressed in a low-key fashion, walked out of the airport lightly, wearing sunglasses and accompanied by a personal assistant.

Deng Chao was already waiting outside the airport.

The nanny car belongs to the program group, and the driver is Deng Chao's personal assistant.

Just as the driver of the leader always has the privacy of some leaders, the first assistant next to the celebrity often knows more about the celebrity’s affairs.

Like the underground love between Deng Chao and Sun Li, it has been concealed from everyone, and it cannot be concealed from personal assistants. Sometimes the two of them are together and they have to rely on assistants to cover them.

No, after the two parties met, there was no second word. After a simple greeting, Assistant Deng Chao drove, Assistant Sun Li was the co-driver, and Deng Chao and Sun Li sat in the back and chatted.

As the car started, Deng Chao began to explain to Sun Li and clarify the affair with Ma Danni.

The so-called two people entering the hotel together late at night are what happened during the filming of "Sweet Honey". The hotel is the hotel where the crew stayed. It is not like the media reports and the public imagine that the two went to the hotel to open a room.

In this matter, Deng Chao’s agent has dispelled the rumors through Weibo.

Even if the gossip is a publicity method used by the crew of "Sweet Honey," the crew did not inform the cute person in advance, of course, the cute person does not need to cooperate.

As for Deng and Ma talking and laughing and acting intimacy... Deng Chao really can't remember the situation at that time. This is also one of the factors that made Sun Li jealous.

He has a built-in amusement, and he prefers the script of "Sweet Honey". He played a couple with Ma Danni during filming, and the two also had a kiss scene in the play.

For the script, practice lines, find feelings, cultivate tacit understanding... When the crew was on the set, the relationship between the two parties was good, and they were indeed talking and laughing. Sometimes after filming night scenes, Ma Danni would pester Deng Chao to accompany herself out for supper and shopping.

So the two went back to the hotel several times at night. Did Deng Chao have any other thoughts about Ma Danni? How could he remember which time it was in the photo?

"You know that the photos don't match the content of the report. Why are you angry with me? Are you jealous?"

Sitting in the car, Deng Chao asked with a smile.

Sun Li took off her sunglasses and sullen her face: "Who are you, why should I be jealous of you? Besides, you and Madani are very close when you are filming. She is interesting to you. There are many people in the crew. I can see it all."

"Then she is destined to be disappointed, because I only have you in my eyes."

"Don't change the subject."

"Okay, okay. At the time of filming, the two of us collaborated in more scenes, and you didn't know it, so naturally there were more contacts in and out of the scene. After the finale, I didn't have much contact with her. Even if she contacts me, I usually refuse...that time you refused in front of you?"

"What if you don't be my face?"

"Ha, dare you still say you are not jealous?"

"Be serious."

"Good, good." Deng Chao put away his smiling face and became serious. "Then I will tell you very seriously. Our boss told me that it is your company's beauty trick. I want to use Ma Danni to dig me over and become your company's first brother. ."

Sun Li looked at Deng Chao like a fool: "Use this method to dig you to be a brother? Are you stupid or your boss stupid? Is there such a thing?"

"You can't say that. Your company has found that the digging failed. Doesn't this start to hype our scandal? First, you can promote new dramas, and second, you can increase Madani's exposure. Your company will not lose out inside and outside."

Sun Li stopped talking. Thinking about it, there is some truth. Deng Chao is more famous than Ma Danni.

Deng Chao grabbed her hand: "So you don't have to be angry at all."

Sun Li struggled a few times and didn't get rid of it, so she was up to him: "I ask you a question, if I ask you to come to our company, will you come?"

"You might as well ask me, who shall I save first when you and my mother fall into the river."

"Don't interrupt, answer me."

"Your brain is broken. Why don't you change your thinking, if I ask you to come to our company, will you come?"

"I won't work for you."

"It's not you who work for me, it's our cute artist's contracted artist. How about it, are you interested?"

"I was about to ask you about this. You answered me honestly, why did your company suddenly become interested in me and let me star in "The Legend of Zhen Huan"?"

Deng Chao lied solemnly: "Of course it is because I highly recommend it."


"True, more real than real gold."

"How do I feel that you are getting more and more glib?"

At this time, Deng Chao’s assistant who was driving interjected: “Sister Li, that’s because Brother Chao’s "Running Man" was shot too much."

"You talk too much, you are fined to go back to the Shiatsu for half an hour tonight."

"Don't Brother Chao, I was wrong!"

Sun Li was amused by the dialogue between Deng Chao and his assistant: "What Shiatsu?"

Deng Chao recalled with pain on his face: "That is the eternal pain in my heart."

The driving assistant added: "It's the pain of all the guests hosting. I don't know how the boss figured it out. It's fatal. Now when I see Mr. Ren Amano, my face is not normal."

"Tell me, I feel that the variety show you are shooting now is quite interesting."

Sun Li became curious, and Deng Chao picked up some interesting and funny things in the previous shooting process to tell her.

After hearing it halfway, Sun Li covered her mouth and whispered: "Why do you listen to what you say, as if you are suffering?"

"It's not just suffering. In the words of our boss, it's called'tossing', and it's also said that the audience will like to see the star being tossed."

Sun Li thought for a while, and chuckled: "It makes sense, but I really want to see you being tossed."


Mai Xiaoyu had something to do during the day, and went to the scene with the staff of the program team to do the final site and equipment inspections for tomorrow's recording work. This is one of the difficult things about outdoor reality shows, unlike in studio recording, there are fewer accidents.

After returning to the hotel in the evening, he saw Sun Li, Deng Chao, and the three of them having dinner together.

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't like playing with virtual things.

After a brief greeting, he took the initiative to mention "Zhen Huan's Biography". Frankly speaking next year, Sun Li and her old club Guyang film and television contract expires, joining Mengren, Mengren will create the Qing court drama "Zhen Huan" for her.

Since the first two years of Feiyang Publishing House published by a well-known author's first classic work "Zhen Huan Biography", this book has quickly become a bestseller and has been loved by a large number of readers.

"Zhen Huan Biography" has a total of seven volumes. Feiyang Publishing House has not finished publishing until now, and has only published the fifth volume. The sales of the five volumes currently published have exceeded one million.

"Just like Ruby Lin, who joined our cute person this year, the company invested 40 million yuan to prepare the drama "Beauty Scheming" for her. Before the launch, the premiere rights were pre-purchased by four first-line TVs as the opening ceremony for next year. The drama will be broadcast at the beginning of the year."

"After you come to the company, the studio is not in a hurry to set up. However, at the signing ceremony, the company will announce to the public that it will create a palace battle drama "Zhen Huan" with an investment scale no less than "Beauty's Scheming" for you."

Sun Li has never read the book "Zhen Huan Biography". But she checked it on the Internet yesterday, and the online evaluation of the book is very high. Moreover, it is a cute drama adapted and produced by A Zheng. The quality of the script and the future ratings are very attractive to her.

Not to mention her, most of the non-first-line stars, facing the olive branch thrown by the cute people, it is difficult to refuse, and Sun Li was not happy in Guyang Film and Television.

She wants to join Meng Ren, and also wants to shoot "Zhen Huan's Biography". The only thing she has to worry about is whether the protagonist "Zhen Huan" is suitable for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Mai, for your favor. I'm worried that my bad acting will disappoint you."

Before Mai Xiaoyu spoke, Deng Chao said, "How come? Even if you don’t believe in yourself, you have to believe in my vision. I have said more than once that when my studio officially operates independently next year, you will be The first female artist under my studio’s contract."

"I won't work for you."

"Why? My vision is accurate."

Sun Li pursed her lips and smiled: "You are not afraid of being laughed at by your boss."

"Hey, I'm telling the truth. Brother Bo, you know, it's Huang Bo, who was the first one I dug in Xidan Street. But I think he is very special and I strongly recommend him to go to the company for an interview. What happened afterwards? The lowest star."


Few people know this hidden story, and so does Sun Li. She looked at Deng Chao in surprise, and then at Mai Xiaoyu with a look of popular science.

"What Chao said is true. At that time, our cute person was just starting out. He was the little prince of the company's business. He discovered half of the company's members, and his neck was also true." Mai Xiaoyu first admitted Deng Chao's statement, and then changed the conversation. , Ridiculed: "Chao, the neck didn't tell you, when you stopped him on the street, he wanted to beat you?"

Deng Chao smiled: "When we were on a show in the United States, one time he drank too much. He told me about it."

Sun Li puzzled: "Why?"

"Because I said his looks are very recognizable, he thinks I am calling him ugly in a different way..."


Sun Li covered her mouth and laughed.

The experience of Huang Bo's popularity is a myth in the entertainment industry; like Wang Baoqiang's road to success, it is extremely inspirational.

Mai Xiaoyu ate mouthfuls and said, "So you don't have to worry about performing badly. Even if you don't believe in yourself or Deng Chao, what about me, do you believe me?"

"I believe in you, Mr. Mai."

Sun Li answered decisively, and Deng Chao deliberately said: "You are serious discrimination."

"Strength dictates."

Deng Chao: "..."

The matter of joining next year, that's it, it's very simple and easy.

Later, Mai Xiaoyu mentioned the relationship between the two.

In the future, Sun Li will sign Mengren, and Deng Chao will be her own. Will the relationship between the two be public?

Artists, especially celebrities, are often sensitive to emotional issues and attract public attention. Many companies and celebrities have been very cautious on the issue of whether to open their relationship.

Mai Xiaoyu is not so arbitrary. He fully respects the opinions of Deng Chao and Sun Li on this issue.

Sun Li was still hesitating, Deng Chao already said loudly: "This is not a shameful thing, just open it publicly."

"you sure?"

Many celebrities conceal their love affair, in fact, they have no alternative.

Some celebrities follow the idol route and announce their relationship prematurely, which may cause unnecessary trouble and lead to the loss of fans of the opposite sex.

Some stars, lovers are not in the circle, do not want the other party to bear the pressure of the public eye, and do not want to destroy the other's peaceful life because of themselves.

Some celebrities and lovers are also in the circle, and the shelf life of love in the entertainment circle...It's really hard to say. Unless it comes to the point of talking about marriage or being photographed with solid evidence that cannot be denied, few people will take the initiative to disclose it.

And it's hard to say whether your fans and the other's fans will accept it, whether it will tear or force it.

What's more important is that love matters often come quickly and go quickly. Once it is made public, it might be like burying thunder and will be jokes in the future.

In the entertainment industry, there are too many similar examples, and they are not unique to China Entertainment Industry.

Has the sensation caused by derailment and betrayal in the entertainment circles of Hong Kong and Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, Europe and the United States been rare?

In the eyes of many people in the circle, public romance is tantamount to burying thunder.

Regardless of how many people blessed you when it was public, they said they were all about burying thunder. Then the lead has been holding it. A few months later, a year later, a few years later, neither party should have an accident. If an accident happens, you will not be able to complete your, there are many celebrities in the entertainment circle. The love affair between, the people who eat melon do not know. I didn't know at the beginning, but I didn't know at the end.

To put it bluntly, there is too much temptation and temptation in the entertainment circle, and love affairs are difficult to withstand the test and temptation.

"I'm sure." Deng Chao took the initiative to grab Sun Li's hand, "Boss, I know what you are worried about, but I am serious. Lili is a kind girl, I love her very much, her appearance gives me a kind of A feeling of stability."

"I can see that you are serious this time. But, can you two pay attention to the influence and don't sprinkle dog food on my face?"

Sun Li smiled shyly and withdrew her hand.

Deng Chao scratched his head silly.

Mai Xiaoyu asked Sun Li again: "What do you mean?"

"I believe he is sincere to me."

"In this case, I will start arranging and find someone to expose your relationship."

"It just so happens that you can also promote "Sweet Honey" and "Running Man". Would you like to inform Guyang Film and Television in advance, I am worried that Lili will be embarrassed over there."

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't have the slightest affection for Guyang Film and Television.

The other party wanted to use Ma Danni to dig Deng Chao, but without success, Deng Chao dug Sun Li over.

Guyang Film and Television has reason to be angry, but will Mai Xiaoyu care?

"Don't pay attention to them, they are not stupid, knowing that things are irreversible, they will only do their best to squeeze Sun Li's value, and will not hide her. If they really hide, then I will find a lawyer to talk to them about the termination of the contract."

There is about one year left in the contract, even if the contract is terminated to compensate the liquidated damages, Sun Li's current popularity and commercial value are not much money.

Only half of a meal was eaten, so things were agreed upon.

But when she was almost finished eating, Sun Li suddenly said: "Mr. Mai, I don't want to film "The Legend of Zhen Huan"..."

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