The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 799: Stealing chicken will not lose the rice

"Mr. Mai, I don't want to shoot anymore."

When the dinner was about to end, Sun Li's sudden sentence made the matter again.

Deng Chao frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Don't ask, I don't want to shoot anyway."

"You have to give me a reason not to shoot. It was broadcast in November last year, and it was broadcast in July this year. It was all adapted by Mr. Azheng based on Mr. Mai's work, and this time is the same."

Deng Chao was really good for Sun Li and hoped that she would take over, but he didn't understand Sun Li's inner concerns.

Mai Xiaoyu guessed it.

He stopped Deng Chao and asked Sun Li: "Do you think that because of your relationship with the DPRK, I decided to sign you and ask you to make a film?"

Sun Li didn't say a word, and acquiesced.

If the relationship between her and Deng Chao is not exposed, it's okay to sign a cute person. But after the love affair was exposed, she joined Moe Ren and starred in Moe Ren drama. Would anyone say that she is a scheming **** and deliberately use Deng Chao’s feelings to climb Moe Ren?

Entertainment circles, Vanity Fair, many temptations, loose morals.

In order to be famous, to make profits, to stand out in the fierce competition, and to succeed in the position, many people in the circle also do everything.

For example, female artists who are new to the entertainment industry use their beauty and body to get close to famous artists, seeking resources and assistance. The most successful is to marry each other smoothly, get married and have children, and then use each other's reputation and resources to work hard in the entertainment circle through their own efforts.

Once gaining power, and his popularity, popularity, and commercial value surpassed his spouse, this marriage should be a red light.

It's not unreasonable for an entertainment circle where unspoken slaps and unspoken rules are rampant.

Mai Xiaoyu heard Li Xue say that one of her male classmates went to a TV station for an internship. During the internship, he worked very hard and performed well, but failed to stay. Because he was favored by the director of a certain department in the station, and he refused the "appreciation" of the other party, so he had to get out of the TV station and find another way out.

This kind of thing is not common, but it is not an exception.

Because of her family, Sun Li is a strong girl and she does not want to be pointed out in the future, so she proposes not to act.

This can't be said that she thinks too much, but that Mengren has been established for the past few years, mainly signing "no master" newcomers, and rarely digging up other company artists.

Even Ruby Lin, who joined this year, signed the cute person with his team in the name of the studio after the contract with the old club expired.

Sun Li's current popularity, status, and commercial value are not as good as Ruby Lin. If it weren't for Deng Chao, how could Mai Xiaoyu pay attention to her and sign her?

Mai Xiaoyu did not deny Deng Chao's role in it.

If it had not been for Deng Chao to endorse Sun Li's character with emotion, Mai Xiaoyu might not have signed Sun Li so easily.

Harmony within the cute person is very important.

His strength inside and outside the company, as well as the promotion of star artists with a solid personality to Chengli Studios, in addition to "launching satellites", but also to prevent infighting among his artists.

Sharing hardships is easy, sharing wealth and wealth is difficult, especially in the entertainment industry. His primary criterion for signing artists is that after the other party comes to the company, it will not destroy the harmonious atmosphere of the company.

Mai Xiaoyu did not hide these things from Sun Li. After 1510 told her, the conversation changed: "However, I decided to sign you and let you play the leading role. The emotional endorsement of Chaoyang is only one aspect, and the other lies in my opinion. It’s the star fortune in you. I have a hunch that after the broadcast, you are likely to become a big TV drama and become popular across the two sides of the strait."

"As for your concerns, let me just ask you one question. After you sign the contract with the company in the future, are you not going to appear in every TV series of the company?"

The last sentence woke up Sun Li.

"I think too much, thank you Mr. Mai."

Mai Xiaoyu stretched out his right hand: "Don't be polite to me, next year we will be a family. I will represent the company first and welcome you to become a cute daughter-in-law."

Deng Chao held Mai Xiaoyu's right hand: "Boss, she will be my wife in the future. You are not allowed to dominate for several years like Xiaoou's sister-in-law."

"Okay, then congratulations on becoming the company's son-in-law."

"Why do I feel that what you say is like taking advantage of me?"

Sun Lile is full of hopes for her cuteness next year: "I finally understand now why my mouth is slippery..."


Sun Li's exploration class is not long, only two days, and then she has to go back to prepare for the new drama.

Mai Xiaoyu notified Longxing Studio to come over and "sneak shots" to break the news, while communicating with the extremely responsible person of the program group.

The program team will definitely not object. It wasn't that Deng Chao and Sun Li were arrested for derailment. Both Deng Chao and Sun Li were in a romantic period. Their romance was exposed, which is also a kind of propaganda.

Therefore, in mid-to-late September, when the scandal between Deng Chao and Ma Danni gradually cooled and was forgotten by the media and melon-eaters, Longxing Studio released the "See You Monday" big move, which attracted the attention of many media and melon-eaters.

It's worthy of being the leader of the industry, and it's worthy of being Longxing's signature "See you on Monday".

During the recording of Deng Chao, Sun Li went to visit the class. The two ate together, drank couple drinks, interacted intimately, and behaved intimately...

There is no literal narrative, what Longxingguan posts are all pictures, pictures, or pictures!

There are pictures and the truth!

Love exposure?

Sprinkle dog food?

Show affection?

too young too simple!

What the old drivers see is a love triangle!

In, the love triangle between the male number one, the female number one, and the female number two has nothing to do with it!

This is one of the gossips that people who eat melons love to hear!

Unfortunately, there was not much time left for them to gossip. Deng Chao quickly updated his Weibo to openly admit his love affair with Sun Li, breaking the rumors of the love triangle.

Next is the old routine.

Mengren’s artists, directors, and Deng Chao’s friends in the circle sent blessings one after another; Mengren’s official Weibo celebrated this event; the program group sent blessings.

Then it brings a wave of rhythm, drives Deng Chao's fans to send blessings, and drives the exposure rate.

Long Xing's revelation made Guyang Film and Television a mistake.

They intended to let Ma Danni use her feelings to circle Deng Chao. Whoever wanted to plant flowers without blooming, Deng Chao and the second female Sun Li fell in love with each other.

When they were still thinking about how to deal with this matter, Sun Li ignored the dissuasion of her agent and posted a photo of holding hands on Weibo, and @邓朝, also admitted the love affair between the two.

Mom sells batches, is there an illusion that there is a kind of swollen rice?

I found that Sun Li did not listen to the company's instructions, and politely refused to negotiate a new Film and Television finally determined that it was not an illusion.

Snow hiding?

Don't be kidding.

Guyang Film and Television is having difficulty operating recently!

As expected by Mai Xiaoyu, Guyang Film and Television did not hide Sun Li, but instead used "Deng Sun Lian" to bring two waves of rhythm to public opinion. A wave of propaganda of the new drama, a wave of hype about the company's sister Ma Danni.

As for Sun Li... the announcements and film schedules have been received, but the price has risen!

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway.

When the news about "Deng and Sun Lian" was raging in public opinion, and many people were talking about it, people in the industry had another view.

Qingtian: "Mai Xiaoyu has no confidence in himself."

Yanjing Satellite TV: "Outdoor reality shows are not easy to do."

Litchi TV: "Fortunately, the copyright was not negotiated at that time."

Dolphin TV: "Outdoor reality shows are not marriage and dating shows. It's not so easy to replicate successfully."

Title sponsor and sponsor: "Our advertising fees won't be upset, right?"


These are the ideas of certain units and individuals and will not be published in the newspapers, but there are also many old media drivers.

Some media person: "The cute person is afraid that he is going to stumble."

Some big v: "Blueberry Satellite TV will be miserable this time."

A certain paper media: "Break the world! Moeren took the initiative to use the artist's romance hype program for the first time."

The entertainment version of a certain website: "The public is talking about'Deng and Sun Lian', and the fate is worrying."

The exposure of the relationship between Deng Chao and Sun Li has led the industry to always look down on it, and it was reported in the media, which made the program group feel like stealing chickens.

Anyway, the fifteenth issue of the first season has been completed, and the mule is a horse drawn out and you can see it!

After the National Day, on Friday, October 10th, the first episode of the first season, in speculation by all parties, officially met with the audience through Blueberry TV!

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