The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 808: 1 tragedy caused by Weibo

Early December. .

Both International Airport.

Zhao Liying, who had just returned from the crew of a certain youth idol drama group, stepped off the plane accompanied by her assistant.

"Ah, I'm finally back, and I can rest for two days."

Zhao Liying said with emotion as he and his assistant each pushed a suitcase and walked in the departure hall of the airport.

For Zhao Liying, this year is the official start of his career.

At the beginning of the year, the "Love Apartment" was aired on the Internet and became popular on the Internet. Her role as "Mika" left a deep impression on young audiences and made her formally enter the media's attention, have her own fans, and taste the taste of popularity.

After "Love Apartment", she received multiple film appointments. In addition to the cute 80-episode drama "Xia Family", her agent Li Xue also helped her shoot several youth idol dramas. Although it is not a female one female two, but it is also an important role with more dramas such as female three and four.

As Mai Xiaoyu confessed that Zhao Liying must have time to return home during the Spring Festival next year, so the next TV series that Li Xue helped her to film will start in early February next year, after the Spring Festival.

From December to February next year, Zhao Liying did not have a TV drama appointment, but did not have much rest time. In addition to the two advertisements of Shengshi, there are n commercial activities and commercial performances waiting for her.

"Love Apartment" is so popular that it has become a **** drama, and the seven leading actors are deeply rooted among the young people. Whenever a business brand that targets young people, when doing activities or performing performances, they often think of seven of them.

Among the seven people, she is not the most favored by merchants, but Liu Yan, Yang Ying and Chen Chichi.

At the beginning of this year, Liu Yan relied on the transformational and sense route of "Love Apartment" and was praised by the optical media media, and was hailed as the "God of House God and Goddess" by virtue of the devil's figure.

Yang Ying was born as a model and joined the show business with "Love Apartment". His high looks and unique smile lips not only conquered a large number of boys, but also many girls wanted to imitate her smile lip shaping. The popularity of the variety show "Running Man" made her soar for the second time, and her experience as a model for several years has made her a sweet pastry in the eyes of many well-known brands.

Chen Chichi... so to speak, the word "cheap" is enough to sum up everything. People who are "cheap" are invincible. "Love Apartment" "cheap" has a good man "Zeng Xiaoxian". The "cheap type" in "Running Man" is humorous and funny.

Liu Yan and Yang Ying received high-level business invitations, while Chen Chichi received the largest number of business invitations.

The invitations received by Zhao Liying, Zheng Kai, Jinwei, and Meng Yuxing are weaker than the first three in terms of quality and quantity. However, for newcomers who have just debuted, and rookies who have not been famous for a few years, this is already quite a surprise.

Zhao Liying returned to Beijing this time to prepare for attending a certain commercial event.

The business originally wanted to invite her and Zheng Kai, the quarrelsome enemy in "Love Apartment", but Zheng Kai wanted to prepare for the big movie "Running Man", so there was no schedule, so she changed it to her and Jin Wei.

Kingway's "Guangu Magic" in "Love Apartment" also interacted a lot with Mika.

"After I go back, I have to sleep beautifully for a day..."

Before finishing speaking, Zhao Liying yawned.

It was too hard during the filming, and many times I couldn't sleep for five or six hours a day.

The assistant hurriedly reminded: "Don't yawn in public, pay attention to your image."

Zhao Liying hurriedly covered her mouth and whispered; "It's not that serious, no one knows me. Even if they recognize me, they might think of me as Mi Mi Sister, hehe."


When filming youth idol dramas, there was a crowd of soy sauce parties who mistakenly identified her as Yang Mi, took her to shout "Teacher Yang Mi", and asked her for an autograph for a group photo, which made her feel embarrassed.

"Sister Wu, do you think I look like Sister Mi Mi? How can they admit their mistakes?"

Assistant Sister Wu twitched her mouth twice: "I don't know this, either."

"It's obviously not like..."

"Yang Mi!"

"You are Teacher Yang Mi!"

"Wow, it is really Teacher Yang Mi, I am your fan! I fell in love with you when I saw "Xian 1", can you sign me?"

"And me, I'm also a fan of yours. You played'Xue Jian' is great, and I want to autograph too. If you can, can you take another photo with me?"

The two fans are like a new big six, entangled with Zhao Liying, asking for autographs for a group photo.

It should be a happy thing to have fans like it, but Zhao Liying couldn't be happy.

Especially when I saw that in the 6th sequel, some people gathered around to watch the excitement, and some were eager to try, and the two fans who haunted themselves were still shouting Yang Mi...

"Sorry, you confessed to the wrong person." Zhao Liying lowered her head, trying to speed up and leave the airport.

Assistant Wu sister guarding Zhao Liying, also said; "I'm sorry you two, please let me. We are in a hurry."

The two fans are very persistent.

"Impossible, we will never admit our mistakes, you are Teacher Yang Mi."

"Teacher Yang Mi, we met last month, did you forget? You were wearing today's clothes at the time. At that time, you were in a hurry to leave for something and didn't have time to sign and take a photo for us..."

More and more people gathered, and some picked up their phones and started taking pictures.

Zhao Liying had to raise her head and said helplessly; "You really admitted the wrong person, I am Zhao Liying, not Yang Mi."


The two fans were surprised, staring at Zhao Liying for a moment, and shouting excitedly again.

"Wow, Mika, it's Mika really!"

"Teacher Zhao Liying, I'm so happy to meet you. My boyfriend and I both like watching "Love Apartment". You played Meijia is too cute."

"That's it, when did you shoot "Love 2", I really like your role as Mika."

"Teacher Zhao Liying, can you sign me?"

The two fans were not embarrassed by confessing the wrong person, and their excitement remained. Among the onlookers, some raised their mobile phones to take pictures, but there were murmurs and bursts of laughter; Zhao Liying brazenly squeezed out a smile at the hint of the assistant. After signing a photo with two fans.

After leaving, Zhao Liying immediately took out a mouthpiece and put it on her face, and hurried away from the airport.

In the nanny car, assistant Wu sister said: "It's okay, you can take off the mask."

"I don't want to pick it." Zhao Liying shook her head in a low mood.

Sister Wu comforted: "Those two people are young, and they confessed to the wrong person for a while, but they are also your fans, don't think too much."

As an artist, it is embarrassing to be mistaken. Fortunately, those two fans not only like Yang Mi, but also her. If it is learned that she is Zhao Liying and not Yang Mi, and the two fans have gone...the matter has evolved to the worst point, then it will be lively, and there will definitely be media using this matter to talk about it.

In fact, even if it hasn't evolved to the worst point, some media have taken it to the point.

Some media reported the incident that night, and some soy sauce parties onlookers at the airport posted photos on their Weibo.

"Yang Mi and Zhao Liying bumped his shirt and face, and the fans at the airport recognized the wrong person."

"Embarrassed! Zhao Liying slammed her face to raise Mi, and was admitted by fans."

"There are pictures and the truth, are Zhao Liying and Yang Mi really alike?"

"Is it a misunderstanding, or is it a cute person who directs and acts in a play to praise the newcomer?"

Zhao Liying, a new artist who has only emerged this year, is far less famous than Yang Mi who debuted with "Xian 1".

Some media suspect that this is a deliberate hype by cute people, and some people believe the media.

After all, in the entertainment circles at home and abroad, many entertainers use various methods to become famous. Compared with falling down on the red carpet and walking out in public, celebrities smashed their faces and fans mistakenly identified them as pediatrics.

Moreover, both Yang Mi and Zhao Liying belong to Moe, and Moe has both advantages in hype and is good at hype. In this way, you can also promote "Xia Jia", which will be broadcast next year, and Zhao Liying is the second female number!

There are not many reports and comments in this regard, but it makes people uncomfortable.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the night sky over Yanjing was dark and dark. Zhao Liying, who had seen various rumors on the Internet, pouted and sat in front of the computer, updating Weibo.

"It's the third time. It's the third time I've been recognized as Yang Mi. Why do people always mistake me for Yang Mi? Don't you know what your idol looks like?"

After a little complaint on Weibo, Zhao Liying didn't think too much, turned off the computer, washed, applied a mask, and went to bed.

She was too tired during this time and took a break early, but her Weibo was messed up.

First, her fans felt sorry for her, and jumped out to cry for her, saying that she was nothing like Yang Mi, and that she was much more beautiful than Yang Mi.

In the end, somehow, Yang Mi's fans knew, hula, and gathered under Zhao Liying's Weibo, began to tear Zhao Liying, and supported Yang Mi.

He claimed that Yang Mi's face was more than Zhao Liying's, and he also called Zhao Liying a scheming bitch, and wanted to raise Mi's fame.

Zhao Liying's fans must have quit, and instead scolded them back.

Then, the two fans pinched each other.

Zhao Liying has just debuted, and her representative work is "Love Apartment", whose popularity and number of fans are far inferior to Yang Mi. In the process of spraying each other, her fans quickly fell into a disadvantage, and she was about to be completely abused by a large number of bees.

In the early hours of the morning, Zhao Liying verified that Weibo was in a scolding war. In order to protect her fans, she replied: "Yang Mi's fans are really sb, follow the lead."

This time it's frying pan.

The screenshot of this sentence was quickly spread and circulated on the Internet.

Yang Mi's fans were extremely dissatisfied after seeing it and asked Zhao Liying to apologize. Although Zhao Liying's fans did not raise the power, because Zhao Liying showed up to support them at a critical moment, they became particularly united, and the bees were forced to tear up the power.

The entertainment media has also added fuel to the fire, with various reports emerging one after another.

"Zhao Liying's Weibo blasted the power!"

"Zhao Liying abused Yang Mi and her fans on Weibo."

"Cute people are fighting each other, and Yang Mi and Zhao Liying are at odds with each other."

"A tragedy of misrecognition."

"Yang Mi and Zhao Liying both lost their voices, and the cute people are fighting openly and secretly."

In addition to media reports that fear the world will not be chaotic, there are also a lot of rumors on the Internet.

It is said that Yang Mi likes to bully newcomers, and Zhao Liying often suppresses it after signing the contract; it is said that Zhao Liying is swollen, and only filming a film of "Love Apartment" does not know that the sky is high and the earth is high, challenging the status of the same company's predecessor. When opening a new drama, the two fought in secret to fight for women; it is also said that Yang Mi and Zhao Liying are both women of cute bosses, and now they are jealous because of cute bosses fighting for the wind...

There are all kinds of absurd rumors, and a lot of so-called "informers" have appeared in the post, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

In just two or three days, things got worse and worse.

The tearing and coercion between the two fans has entered a hand-to-hand battle. There are more and more soy sauce parties onlookers, and the soy sauce party continues to "join the war". At this point, it's no longer something that the cute person can make a statement, make an announcement, or simply say a few words from both parties to calm down.

Even if you say, you have to consider the feelings of your fans. If you don't handle it, your fans will be disappointed and left.

Mai Xiaoyu is in Hangzhou, preparing for the big movie "Running Man". After learning about it, I can see through it at a glance. This is because someone is doing something.

There was nothing wrong, or the fart was a big deal, but it was deliberately magnified by the person who picked it up, and then there were people who took the rhythm and made things.

Who did it?

Hard to say.

Do not rule out Qingtian, but the possibility of others is also very high.

This other person... has a very wide range.

Including, but not limited to, people who have had hatred with cute people before, and maybe they have never dealt with them, just watching cute people show too good, take the opportunity to make trouble; jealous of Yang Mi, Zhao Liying; want to grab the role; Or maybe it was Yang Mi and Zhao Liying who inadvertently offended them in their usual work.

Yang Mi's bold temperament, Zhao Liying speaks too straightforwardly, it is possible to offend someone because of a certain sentence, a certain action, and a certain thing.

The entertainment circle is like this, the temple demon is very windy, and the pool is full of kings.

Even if you don't provoke or provoke anyone, you may be hacked.

Maybe it was you who took the role, UU reading offended everyone, thinking that you blocked the road of others, these things are too bad, it's really hard to say.

In the entertainment circle, fame, fortune, temptation, and all kinds of grievances are too much involved, and there are not a few who have been close friends who have turned against each other once and die!

For example, the artists in the circle who have been reported for drug abuse and the so-called Chaoyang people who reported them are more than half of the people in the circle or even their friends.

The key point of the whole thing lies in the phrase "Yang Mi's fans are really sb, follow the master".

This is not Zhao Liying's.

Don't say that Zhao Liying and Yang Mi have the same sisters, even if the relationship is really at odds, they won't say such offensive words in public.

Moeren’s Public Relations Department has investigated and found that someone ps the Weibo certified avatar of Zhao Liying, posing as Zhao Liying in a post where fans scolded each other, and replied to this sentence. And the traces of ps have been identified and can be released to the public at any time.

However, just using this method to clarify, the strength is not enough and the effect is not enough.

"Mr. Mai, I haven't scolded Sister Mi Mi, that was really not what I said. Now Sister Mi Mi ignores me, and doesn't answer my call. Will you help me, Brother Mai—"

Listening to Zhao Liying complaining and acting like a baby on the phone, Mai Xiaoyu got goose bumps and said, "Stop. There are many popular people, this time the lesson is remembered. In the future, don't talk nonsense, and don't mess with Weibo."

"I see, then can you help me explain to Sister Mi Mi?"

"Is there any explanation, you think she is as stupid as you, and you don't want to think about why I call her little fox."

"Brother Maizi, what do you mean?"

What's the meaning?

After hanging up Zhao Liying's call, Mai Xiaoyu dialed Yang Mi's cell phone again.

"Little fox, let's put out the fire after watching the fun. Don't put out the fire, be careful I beat you."

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