"Little fox, let's put out the fire after watching the fun. Don't put out the fire, be careful I beat you."

As soon as Mai Xiaoyu's voice on the phone ended, he heard a cry of grievance from the other end of the phone.

"Uncle, I don't understand what you said about'lively' to put out the fire'. Little Tudou scolded me, and you threatened me to beat me...Well, is it really like the rumors on the Internet, you like the new and hate the old, really Have you empathized with Little Potato?"

"Yeah, Little Tudou is cuter than you, and not as cunning as you, I just like her. By the way, I didn’t say before, did you create a TV series for you next year as your graduation ceremony? I changed my mind. , I plan to let her replace you as the female number one."

"Hey, uncle, no girls like you chatting like this. Beware of widows and widows who are lonely forever!"

"Aren't you still waiting for me bitterly and stupidly? And when you were not an adult, you were taken home by me..."

"Bah, baah, baah, dare you say it! If my parents know, they will fight you hard."

"Your parents already know it, I told them a long time ago."


The phone was disconnected for a long time before Yang Mi's hesitant voice came: "What did they say?"

"They said that since the raw rice is ready for mature rice, they are waiting to hug the grandson."

"Bah, baah, what kind of raw rice is used to make mature rice? Is it okay for me to raw rice...no, you lied to me again, **** uncle!"

"Hahahaha, okay, let's stop making trouble, just to be serious. Tomorrow, you start, you must put out the fire."

"What's the hurry? Someone wants to fix me, so I just do what she wants. Anyway, I haven't appeared on the scene for a long time, just to increase the exposure."

Stars, regardless of the size of the coffee position, exposure is a necessary means to maintain popularity.

Yang Mi is a senior this year and will graduate next year. In the past two months, he has been rehearsing graduation dramas at school. There are indeed fewer news reports in the media.

Mai Xiaoyu knew about these things, including Yang Mi's thoughts, but he had only heard of one thing.

"You said someone wants to fix you?"

"I know that uncle cares about me, sir. You don't need to worry about it, I can solve a little thing by myself."

It's not a big deal, but Yang Mi recently picked up a costume drama. It will start early next year and will be the first woman.

The second female of this play auditioned for the crew before Yang Mi, and the role of the audition was also the female one, which felt pretty good at the time.

As a result, a few days later, Yang Mi also went to audition for the first female, and the effect was better, so that one became the second female.

Then the second female thinks that Yang Mi has robbed her own female first, and she often targets Yang Mi in her speech and behavior.

Yang Mi has never been the kind of temperament who is willing to suffer a disadvantage, and when he speaks back, the two sides are on the bargain. Then there was the incident of Zhao Liying's Weibo door, and someone in the circle informed her that it was the second woman who deliberately provoked her.

Can you be sure?

There are not so many sure things in the entertainment industry.

Whether it's the second female or not, things are unavoidable anyway. What we have to do is to minimize the incident while maximizing our own interests.

"So you never say anything, and don't contact the company?"

"Hey, hey. In fact, the current situation is good for Liying and me. Liying has just gained a reputation and is in desperate need of popularity and exposure. "Xia Jia" will be broadcast early next year and needs to be promoted."

"How did you become so cunning?"

"Didn't you learn it from you? And who told you to call me little fox?"

"Then do you know, because you didn't answer Xiao Tudou's call, she almost cried in a hurry?"

"Huh? There's something else, I'll call her now."

Just hang up when you say hang up, but Mai Xiaoyu who hangs up is inexplicable, and there is a touch of joy in his heart.

The more harmonious his artists get along, the more relaxed he will be.

About half an hour later, Yang Mi called.

"Uncle, I was blackmailed by Liying for three meals. Are you satisfied now? Huh, eat and eat, she is not afraid of becoming a small potato."

"You deserve it, who told you to keep your plan in your heart and not tell her and the company?"

"I learned this from you. Don't you do things like this? Only you know your plan, and others keep it in the dark until you finally understand it."

"Can it be the same? Although I don't say it, I won't easily involve you in right and wrong. But as for you, Liying didn't even know about being involved."

"Okay, okay, I know it's wrong, you really care about your concubine."

"Oh, listening to this, you also want to be my concubine?"

"Just kidding, I'm going to be a lady of the palace...Bah, **** uncle, you went in again."

"Hehe, remember, contact the company, tell the company your plan, and then cooperate with each other to put out the fire tomorrow."

"Don't worry, but how do you know I have a way to put out the fire?"

"Little fox, I watched you grow up..."

Yang Mi really has a way.

At noon the next day, she updated Weibo:

"A Zhao Liying//Isn't it good to look like me? Ai Concubine, you make me angry, come and go to bed to apologize. I will punish you to become a potato and treat my cervical spine."

A picture on Weibo ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shows Yang Mi lying on the bed in the school dormitory with a potato under his neck.

Picture caption: I heard that this can alleviate cervical spondylosis.

In the afternoon, Zhao Liying replied: Don't call my concubine love, don't call me little potato, or bite you.

Yang Mi's reply: Little Tudou, the graduation drama of our class will start in the small theater in Building B in two days. You are welcome to bite me (smiley face).


The two interacted through Weibo to show their close relationship; Moeren and other artists also teased them on Weibo, eliminating rumors about the disagreement between the two on the Internet.

At the same time, the technology emperor on the Internet began to break the news.

Through technical analysis, it can be proved that the Weibo reply to "Yang Mi's fans are really sb, follow the host" is not from Zhao Liying, but from someone deliberately ps.

The technology emperors also specially compared Zhao Liying's Weibo certified avatar with the counterfeit's serious avatar on Weibo, according to the position of the "v" word mark to prove the sinister intentions of the counterfeit.

Then Yang Mi and Zhao Liying updated Weibo one after another, while appeasing and thanking their fans, while berating the sinister intentions of provoking the divorced.

Will the public believe it?

Will fans believe it?

Believe it or not, let them go. Now the public opinion has shifted from whether the two are at odds with each other to the relationship between the two.


small potato?

Waiting for bed?

What do you mean?

Most people can actually understand these words correctly. They don’t want to be crooked. Only a few people boldly put forward a "freak and crazy" guess... No, there are many entertainment media who have the idea of ​​"froze and crazy". Remember the editor.

"Shocked, Yang Mi wants Zhao Liying to go to bed!"

"Will they be the first public lily exposed by China Entertainment Circle?"

"Yang Mi Zhao Liying hit the truth!"


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