The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 810: Fart and red are the guardians of the law chenandxiao add more...

Qiongzhou Province, Sanya City.

At night, bursts of laughter rang out in the luxury suites of a four-star hotel.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The media actually suspected that Little Fox and Little Tudou are lilies, so they laughed at me."

"The most hateful thing is the editor, the title party, when I saw the title, I was shocked!"

"Oh, the media nowadays is getting less and less ethical."

"Yes, the global entertainment media are the same, they like to catch the wind and report these false and boring things."

"Who makes netizens like to watch it?"

"Savage, if there are media reports that you are bent, what will you do?"

"Fuck him!"

"Yes, I did that reporter from behind, as if he proved that you are worth it."


This is Mai Xiaoyu's room. The crew has already formed a team and came to Sanya to stay at this four-star hotel in preparation for shooting a variety show movie.

The joking in the room, yes, the seven presenters are now the leading actors.

After the evening bonfire party, seven people gathered in Mai Xiaoyu's room.

For this big movie, he is the director system. Although the name-director system is called, there is still work to be done.

Like tonight, he is going to give a lecture on this variety show to the seven masters.

During the filming process, it is the director's job to specifically how the actors should act. He mainly elaborates on the concept of a variety show, the difference between filming and traditional movies, and the points that need attention.

Not to mention the seven leading actors, that is, the director, the producer, and the heads of the various departments of the crew, all have to listen to his popular science. After all, it is the first variety show movie in China, and the shooting time is relatively short.

Variety movies are not unique to China. As early as ten or twenty years ago, there were already movies based on reality shows in the United States, but the response was extremely mediocre and ended sadly.

Later, there were only a few commercial reality show films in the American film industry, and Japan also adapted some variety shows, but they all failed without surprise. After these variety movies were released, there was not even a splash.

If it were not for Mai Xiaoyu's resolute attitude, there would never be a big movie.

And his resolute attitude originated from the anger in the strange dream. While angering the lack of sincerity, making money, making money, and ruining the film scene in the big variety movies, he also realized the characteristics of variety movies: short cycle, quick results, and high returns.

As it is the first of its kind, it will surely cause huge controversy after the release.

So he must shoot, and the director system is named.

After speaking to the seven masters, the seven left without a hurry and chatted in Mai Xiaoyu's room.

After chatting, I talked about the gossip rumors that Yang Mi fans and Zhao Liying fans were torn and forced on the Internet a few days ago, and later they were suspected of being Lily.

The seven hosts are on fire. Even the "newcomers" like Ren Tianye have to deal with reporters many times.

Stars and reporters fall in love and kill each other, and no one can do without each other.

Celebrities need reporters to report in order to increase their exposure, but they can't stand the reporters digging into their own privacy, especially a considerable number of reporters have no ethics, in order to attract attention, the content of the report is made up.

Just like this time, from the two fans scolding, to the intrigue between the two adorable people, and then to the triangle scandal between the two people and the adorable boss, to the current possibility of the two Lily, the media is inseparable. The world is not chaotic to fuel the flames.

While holding up the injustices for Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, the seven people condemned the indiscriminate entertainment editor. As they talked, the topic was a bit dirty.

Mai Xiaoyu knocked on the table dissatisfied, and covered Yang Ying's ears and said, "Hey, hey, there are girls here, you old drivers, pay attention!"

Yang Ying smiled and leaned on Mai Xiaoyu's arm: "Brother Mai, it's okay, I didn't hear anything."

The scale of variety shows in Hong Kong and Taiwan is very large, and silly jokes are common. Yang Ying has been developing in Hong Kong for several years and has also done variety shows. He has long been immune to these.

But when Mai Xiaoyu spoke, everyone had to change the subject and talked about the big movie.

The seven have already seen the script, and for them, it feels like shooting a variety show.

In fact, it can also be understood that the so-called variety show is the cross-media transmission of variety show, moved from the TV screen to the movie screen. It is no stranger to the seven people who have filmed fifteen issues.

"Boss, can we do this movie?" It was Deng Chao, his biggest coffee, and a cute old man, who was most familiar with Mai Xiaoyu.

"Why don't you send all your remunerations to you, and not discount it into your investment, if the box office will be released in the future, and you will not receive any dividends, how about it?"

"I'll just ask, boss, if you are so serious, can you chat happily in the future."

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at Deng Chao helplessly, and he found that the latter's body was more funny than the attributes developed.

"Brother, how much do you think our movie can get at the box office?"

Wang Baoqiang's words attracted the attention of everyone present, because everyone did not receive the salary, which was converted into the investment budget. The box office of a movie is directly related to the amount of dividends they get.

Mai Xiaoyu said lightly: "The box office depends on your performance. Can I still talk about it?"


"Boss, is it appropriate to say this kind of official rhetoric to your own people?"

"Baby, use your beauty tricks, tell the truth and give you head skills."

"Yeah. If the box office is high, I can just change to a new car."


Everyone chatted very happily, because they knew that tonight will be the last relaxation of the crew. Tomorrow the guest actors will fly to Sanya to join the crew, and the crew should be busy.

He laughed and talked, Zheng Kai suddenly approached Mai Xiaoyu and begged: "Mr. Mai, I am also the company's biological person, you have to help me..."

Yang Ying, Chen Chichi, and Zheng Kai also starred in TV series and hosted outdoor reality shows this year. However, there is still a difference in the popularity of the three. Zheng Kai has the lowest popularity among the three, and his expressive power is slightly inferior to the other two.

He wanted to find Mai Xiaoyu's advice, but Mai Xiaoyu didn't refuse, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Then, Mai Xiaoyu let go of him and said confidently and confidently: "According to what I said, I promise that all audiences will remember you."

In stark contrast to him is Zheng Kai, with the words "unbelievable" clearly engraved on his dumbfounded face.

Deng Chao and Chen Chichi looked curious, and asked Zheng Kai what Mai Xiaoyu had said. Zheng Kai killed him, but was thought by others as deliberately hiding his privates and wanted to use him as an arhat.

At this time, Yang Ying, who was sitting on the other side of Mai Xiaoyu, held back a smile and said, "Oh, don't blame Zheng Kai, Maizi told him to let him fart at the camera in the show... …"

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