Christmas originated in the West. It was originally a Western holiday, but now it is also quite popular in the East, resulting in the Christmas stalls during the golden period of movies.

Produced by Mengren, directed by Zhang Xiaoquan, starring Chen Qiaoen, and 12 male stars will join in love. It is scheduled to be released on December 12th, the Christmas schedule.

But before that, the Hollywood films that Moeren invested in had already been released in North America, and the Christmas schedule was also selected.


Los Angeles.

A Chinese community.

Samuel, a black American who was determined to devote himself to politics, personally invited several Chinese-American representatives from the region to the largest theater in the region.

"Mr. Samuel, thank you for your contribution to our community during this period of time. We are really sorry to have you come to invite us to watch a movie today." An old man with white hair and beard, with fluency English, said politely.

"No, no, no, I like your oriental humility and hard work, and I also like to deal with you. I express my anger for all the injustices you encountered in Los Angeles. Whenever I see you, I think of the discrimination we blacks suffer. So we We should unite and defend our power together. Gentlemen, do you think what I said makes sense?"

"I agree with your point of view, and thank you very much for helping us drive away black people who blackmailed and robbed us, and ensured the safety of our community." The speaker was a 40-year-old Chinese man wearing gold glasses.

This was a bit harsh, and there was a slap in the face, but Samuel didn’t care at all, smiled and showed white teeth: "Gentlemen, I must apologize like you. You should know that we black people have been suffering for so many years. Treat fairly.

Discrimination and poverty make it difficult for us black children to have access to a good education, so some talents will do things that hurt you. For this I express regret, and I would like to express my sincere apologies to you on their behalf. "

A middle-aged Chinese man said: "Mr. Samuel, you must not say that, we all understand. Any country, any race, there are good people like you, and it will be harmful to the horses. This is not you. 'S fault."

"What you said is very good. I met a friend from your China. He is a good person. He taught me the importance of unity. In this white-supreme country, we minorities want to get the best Basic fairness must be united."

"Mr. Samuel, you are so right." The old man with white hair and beard shook Samuel's hand, "I hope we can become friends, help each other, and maintain the security and stability of our region."

"We are already friends, aren't we? But there is one thing you said wrong. It was not what I said, but a Chinese friend I met. He is my best friend and he is also the guide for my life. I think you probably know him. He is Mai, the boss of your China Film Company. The movie I invite you to watch tonight is their investment."

"You mean the boss of Mengren Film and Television?"

"Yes, it's cute...people. Sorry, the language of your country is too extensive and profound, please forgive me for not being able to grasp it accurately."

"You have said it very standard. I didn't expect you to be friends with Mengren's boss."

"Oh, you know him?"

The man with golden glasses smiled and said: "We have heard of him, he is a very capable person. Not only did his company participate in the investment, but also participated in the investment of two Disney movies, and the heroine is also our Chinese."

Speaking of cute people, the faces of several Chinese Americans present more or less showed pride.

After realizing this, Samuel was secretly happy: "Oh, I know, Cici, I have met her, she is a very beautiful girl. She is Mai's sister, and Mai loves his sister very much. It seems that , I really have a good relationship with you Chinese."

Samuel is wooing this Chinese community because he wants to run for Los Angeles City Councillor.

In the United States, in addition to votes, there are other requirements to run for city councillors, most of which he can basically meet.

For example, he has experience in urban community management. He has experience in managing small gangs, and he has also "managed" a certain street in his black area; he has a certain economic foundation, and he has the secret support of a certain European power.

What he lacks now is the experience of being a volunteer in a community, association or organization; the tolerance of different cultures and races; the sense of responsibility for serving the community, etc.

Therefore, he chose the Mexican and Chinese living in Los Angeles to start, provide voluntary services to these communities, help these communities maintain law and order, and so on. Not only can you do several things in one fell swoop, but you can also get votes for future city councillors.

Mai Xiaoyu became his best sign of winning the Chinese community. Although most Chinese Americans have never heard of Mai Xiaoyu, since then, Mengren Film and Television has gained a lot of fame among Chinese Americans.

Of course, the Chinese community is not a fool, knowing Samuel's plot. They don't care about supporting Samuel's campaign for city councillors, they just hope to use Samuel's energy to maintain law and order in their communities.

There are two major hazards in the Chinese community. One is that the Chinese themselves will blackmail their own people; the other is blacks, who like to bully the Chinese the most.

And Samuel has the ability to solve these two major hazards.

"Tell you one more thing. As far as I know, the author is also your Huaxia, or Mai's friend. Mai told me this personally."

After fully demonstrating the intentions of himself and the Chinese people, Samuel greeted everyone on the stage, and the movie was about to begin.

Most of the overseas Chinese are still very group. Although they have become American citizens, they still have a sense of belonging to China in their hearts. Not to mention emotional factors, only the status of overseas Chinese has a lot to do with the strength of China. Most people hope that China will be strong and prosperous.

Movies are also one aspect.

Although it is an American film, the original author is Huaxia. The producer Fang Hualong is a film and television company founded by Huaxia in the United States. The Mengren film and television that participated in the investment is an authentic Huaxia company. If they can buy a good box office, they will be proud in their hearts.

And it did not disappoint them.

As the original book is sold well in Europe and America, has a reader base, and Hualong Film’s efforts in distribution, it finally got 3,419 theaters to be screened at the same time, and the first weekend box office was also exciting.

It was released on Friday, with a box office of 35.87 million US dollars; Saturday, 21.01 million; Sunday, 13.67 million.

The box office of the first weekend was 70.55 million U.S. dollars, and the box office of a single theater exceeded 20,000 U.S. dollars, winning the first weekend box office ranking in one fell swoop. It was higher than the 70.4 million box office of the first weekend that was released last Friday!

As soon as the box office statistics came out in the first weekend, American public opinion was in an uproar.

Before the release, although the American media were more optimistic about the movie, they did not expect that the box office would be so ridiculously high in the first weekend.

In the eyes of the media, this is a story about "a good vampire who has nothing to do with the world, does not like to drink human blood, but only loves to **** animal blood, and falls in love with a beautiful girl." It can be regarded as the vampire theme of the youth campus version.

The two leading actors are both new-generation idol actors, and the film industry is not enough, and the investment is only 40 million, of which 5 million is also used to purchase the copyright.

It can only be regarded as a small production film in the United States.

However, the box office in the first weekend was slightly higher than the one released last week, which surprised the American media.

However, behind the high first weekend box office numbers, a detailed analysis shows that the box office of this film is not infinite.

The box office on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday showed a sharp recession curve of 35.87 million, 21.01 million, and 13.67 million US dollars. The drop on Saturday was -41.4, while the drop on Saturday was only -4.4.

Of course, judging from the three-day box office performance of the first weekend, there is no doubt that the box office in North America has exceeded 100 million yuan, but how far the box office can reach in the end...... According to the box office recession curve of these three days, I am afraid that it is not so optimistic.

In addition, what is very different from the box office format of the first weekend is the polarization in the evaluation, the serious polarization!

"This is the best film adapted from a novel I have ever seen, quite authentic!"

"The impression of reading books back then comes to mind, it's great!"


"It's not horrible, not sensational, and has no impressive scenes. This movie is worthless to me."

"The greatest value of this movie to me is to understand that vampires can be the leading actor in idol dramas."


IMDB's 2739 viewers scored 5.2 points, most of the viewers concentrated between 10 and 1 point; 15 media outlets on a professional website scored C+, and 14,105 viewers scored B+.

There are mixed praises and criticisms, and the opposite trend is extremely serious!

How the media evaluates it and how the audience views it is not important to Hualong Pictures.

The original intention of Hualong Films was not to contribute to the excellent films with good reputation in the American film industry; it was to make excellent films with high box office, to make money from the old and the United States and to make money in the world!

After the release in North America, other countries and regions, including China, will also be released one after another. Among them, it will land in China on Valentine's Day.

According to the North American box office, and the overseas box office ratio is about 1:1, the global box office is expected to exceed 300 million US dollars.

How much is the investment in this movie?

The production cost is 40 million, and the North American advertising cost is 20 million, with a total investment of 60 million US dollars!

The US box office share system is different from that of China. Because of the lack of big Hollywood stars to join before the show, the box office share ratio of September 1 cannot be enjoyed, and it can only be divided according to 82.

Among them, the theater side accounted for "two."

In the first weekend, the box office was 70.55 million in three days, and the producer and the publisher were able to get a box office share of more than 56 million. Together with the sponsorship of many advertisers, all investment costs have been recovered.

In other words, all future box office shares will be purely profitable. Taking into account the audiovisual market, the profit is overturned!

This is also the reason why a lot of hot money has poured into the film industry without hesitation, knowing the risks involved in making movies.

As long as one bet is won, it will be profitable!

On Monday, Hualong Pictures immediately announced in a high profile that they had bought the rights to adapt several other films at a high price, and would continue to shoot the sequel to become another representative of the international magical series.

Hualong Pictures is too high-profile, causing some American media to question it.

Just publish an article:

"Representative of the International Demonization Series? It is reasonable to change this to a few years ago or the rampant period; but in recent years, with other fantasy-themed movies smashing the pot, can it really be done? Let us wait and see.

Shi Hao sneered at such reports in the US media. After the box office was released on the first weekend, he dialed Mai Xiaoyu's number.

"Mr. Mai, it's selling well, and those few are very satisfied."

"I see. I received several calls yesterday."

"But there is one thing I think it is necessary to tell you. This film will be released in North America for at least four months. Can you hold it?"

Shi Hao also heard about the financial pressure of cute people. Even if it was released in North America for four months, plus the box office statistics, share, and exchange rate time, the Moeren’s box office share will arrive, I'm afraid it will be a year later.

"Don't worry, the funds on my side are tight, it's an illusion that I deliberately created."

Ending the conversation with Shi Mai Xiaoyu continued to look at the computer in front of him, frowning slightly.

The North American screening was very successful and will soon be released in China. In the previous issue, Chen Qiaoen, Jin Wei and Meng Yuxing were specially invited as guests to do the publicity.

Chen Qiao'en, Deng Chao, Wang Baoqiang, Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai, Jinwei, and Meng Yuxing all joined the battle; various betrayals after the reunion of the five-member group of Li Yangying, Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai, Jinwei, and Meng Yuxing , Are all excellent things to watch.

The ratings of this issue hit a new high, and the publicity situation is also very good.

But the disgusting thing came up again.

It was a follow-up to the previous incidents of Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, but this time it was mainly aimed at Yang Mi-media broke the news, and the reason why fans misidentified it was because Yang Mi had a plastic surgery, which was a bit like Zhao Liying, which led to a face collision.

Yang Mi denied it, but someone on the Internet picked up all the stills of Yang Mi since his debut, and specifically showed the changes in his face before and after the plastic surgery.

Then there were a lot of comments on the Internet, accusing Yang Mi of lying, and he didn't dare to admit it after a facelift, which caused a lot of curses.

Mai Xiaoyu really doesn't know whether Yang Mi has plastic surgery. He hasn't seen Yang Mi for half a year since Yang Mi pestered himself for a role last time.

However, whether Yang Mi has a facelift is not the key point. The key point is that Mai Xiaoyu is sure that the whole storm is going to raise the power.

He has already inquired that Yang Mi will appear in the drama next year, and the investor is the owner of Sanjin Coal. So I called Zhu Zeyuan, asked him to say hello, and let the crew beat the female second.

If there is nothing to do or nothing to look for, let the second volume of the girl roll away.

Then he called Yang Mi and Zhao Liying one after another, with only one content:

"Little fox, take a picture of your feet and send it to my mailbox."

"Little Tudou, take a picture of your feet and send it to my mailbox."

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