The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 817: You have plastic surgery, she has breast augmentation

I had lunch with Shu Chang and Zhao Liying, and Mai Xiaoyu ordered the takeaway, which was very hearty.

When eating, Zhao Liying didn't seem to recover from the downtime. Even though Shu Chang had explained to her more than a dozen times, she still looked suspiciously at Mai Xiaoyu and Shu Chang, and said from time to time:

"You guys, last night..."

It was Mai Xiaoyu's slap to help Zhao Liying's face, Zhao Liying silently ate dinner without saying a word.

However, I used extra force when eating, the food crunched in my mouth, and the big eyes staring at Mai Xiaoyu kept rolling. At first glance, she knew that she was considering "retaliatory" means.

After lunch, Mai Xiaoyu took a nap before going out.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, when I came to the company, the CSM50 city ratings of the previous day were released.

Yu Ping has worked as an assistant for him for many years and knows his habits well. While serving a cup of hot tea, the city net ratings statistics are also in front of him.

"Xia Family Three Thousand Gold" won its first battle, with an average rating of 2.32% and a highest rating of 2.75%, ranking first in the ratings at the same time!

A good start!

To achieve such a result, not only the reputation of the cute drama and the credit of "Xia Jia" itself, but also the powerful platform of Mango TV.

He has cooperated with Dolphin TV for many years and has been helping Dolphin TV catch up with Mango TV. Mai Xiaoyu has a certain understanding of Mango TV. I think that Mango Satellite TV had the strength to challenge CCTV at the beginning, and the status of the leading provincial satellite TV for many years was not blown out.

Take this "Xia Family" as an example. In addition to the New Year's Eve party, the three daughters of "Xia Family" and the main creative staff also appeared on popular variety shows such as "Happy Camp" and "Everyday Upward" at the same time.

Before the broadcast, Mango Satellite TV took advantage of its own platform to promote more than Dolphin Satellite TV. If it is broadcast on Dolphin TV, the ratings are probably not so high; and the "Hit" at the beginning of last year, if it is broadcast on Mango TV, the ratings will probably be even higher.

Joined forces?

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't think so.

He knows very well that just as Huaxing Media under Hui'an Radio and Television is responsible for the planning, investment and production of film and television dramas throughout Taiwan; Xiangnan Radio and Television also has companies in this area, and the number and scale of the companies are only more than that of Hui'an Radio and Television. few.

This time, Mango Satellite TV robbed the exclusive broadcast of "Xia Jia" at a high price. On the one hand, it is sincerely optimistic about the show.

The effect is very good.

In the great competition of the opening drama in 2009, Mango Satellite TV took the lead, while Dolphin TV not only surrendered the title of the first year drama ratings, but was also overtaken by Litchi Satellite TV, ranking only third.

As for the relationship between Dolphin TV and Mengren Film and Television, there is no room for relaxation. This is the same reason that Yuan Shao defeated Guan Du and killed Tian Feng. Hu Ping, the director of Dolphin Satellite TV, is a serious cadre at the national department level!

Simply, Mai Xiaoyu gave up the platform of Dolphin TV a long time ago, and Mengren has built a good reputation for cute dramas over the years, and has maintained good cooperative relations with many first-line TVs, quasi-first-line TVs, and second-line TVs, so I don’t have to worry about selling. drama.

After reading the ratings report, and then went online to read the online comments, Mai Xiaoyu called Liu Xiaoli and told her that she had returned to Yanjing. Then I went to various departments to learn about the company's current situation. When I was about to get off work, I went to Wang Chuhan's fitness club to practice Sanda, but I met Ren Tianye.

"Mr. Mai, hello."

For Mai Xiaoyu, Ren Tianye has always been grateful.

Although he presided over "Running Man", his wife Zhu Lixin asked Tang Yan to recommend it, but it was Mai Xiaoyu who made the final decision.

Moreover, during the recording of "Running Man", he was very uncomfortable with the funny and funny atmosphere of the scene. It was also Mai Xiaoyu who took him to play, and made full use of his incompatibility, and made his weaknesses into advantages.

In addition to watching his sturdy figure, the audience also likes to watch his shameful and embarrassed scenes. Especially in the part of tearing up the famous brand, his shyness when facing female guests has become one of the highlights of "Running Man".

"Why are you here?"

"I used to go to the fitness club to work out. Later, I heard that this club owns the shares of your company, so I created a membership here."

When replaced by someone else, Mai Xiaoyu might think that this is because the other party deliberately got close to himself. But when you switch to Ren Tianye, Mai Xiaoyu still knows the other party quite well. The meaning in Ren Tianye's words is actually "you have to spend money on fitness anyway. It's better to make money for you than for others."

Ren Tianye made a small fire through "Running Man", which made many people remember him. There are many artists in the gym who know him.

Seeing him chatting with Mai Xiaoyu, some artists came to practice equipment seemingly at random.

Mai Xiaoyu glanced around and asked Ren Tianye, "Have you finished your training?"


"That way, practice Sanda with me for a while."


After practicing Sanda for more than forty minutes, Mai Xiaoyu, who was covered in sweat, screamed happily, and went to take a bath with Ren Tianye who was also covered in sweat.

While taking a bath, Ren Tianye said, "Mr. Mai, I recently took two plays."

"Oh, congratulations. The second season of "Running Man" is about to start filming. Has the program team notified you?"

"Call me, the schedule is okay. Well, are you busy lately?"

"You don't want to say the cliché of inviting me to dinner, do you?"

Ren Tianye: "..."

He really thought so.

"I want to invite you to eat at home, and my wife also wants to thank you in person..."

"Why do you have to thank you. Although the show has made you popular, you have also made the show a lot more attractive. So, after two days, I have just returned here, and the company has a lot of business."

"That's fine, I'll call you in two days."

Ren Tianye's character is quite temperamental to Mai Xiaoyu, but signing the contract... Mai Xiaoyu hasn't considered it for the time being.

Leaving the gym, Mai Xiaoyu went to the Forgotten Bar and had dinner with Wu Guodong. This was the afternoon the two called to make an appointment.

Due to driving, Mai Xiaoyu did not drink, and after dinner the two chatted for a while, and it was almost nine o'clock in the evening when they returned home.

Taking off his casual clothes and changing into home clothes, Mai Xiaoyu strolled upstairs.

Yang Mi has returned, and he is in the living room of Room 1801 with Shu Chang and Zhao Liying. "Xia Jia" is being played on TV, but they are constantly trying out new clothes, shoes and bags.

This afternoon, the three women went shopping together, bought a lot of things, and ate a meal outside, and the tired three assistants wandered with them for several hours.

The door of room 1801 was hidden, and Mai Xiaoyu pushed in and said, "Little fox, are you still in the mood for shopping?"

"I'm going to join the group soon, it's rare to have time to go shopping. Uncle, I heard that you were not behaved last night, and ‘fertilize’ Little Tudou?"

"Ah, you said it's no secret!" Zhao Liying exclaimed angrily.

"Hehe, I don't have a rumor, don't you know that uncle?"

Zhao Liying was silent for eight seconds, then suddenly walked to Yang Mi and touched her head: "Hey, you have to be in the group and filming in two days. Don't get hurt, let alone steal chickens, because you can easily be bitten by a dog. "

Shu Chang couldn't help laughing, and Mai Xiaoyu looked at Zhao Liying with joy.

Yang Mi went crazy: "Little potatoes!"

Zhao Liying rushed to the side of Mai Xiaoyu and hid behind him: "Don't be big or small, I'm your elder, isn't it, Brother Mai?"

Without waiting for Yang Mi to speak, Shu Chang held back a laugh, and touched her head, and said solemnly: "Liying is right. Don't be rude to the elders. Also, you have to remember, steal a chicken and be bitten by a dog, giggle ."

After speaking, Shu Chang also smiled and ran away.

Yang Mi glared at both of them fiercely: "Whoever touches my head again will be dead."

Mai Xiaoyu walked over and touched her head.

"Uncle, are you provoking my bottom line?"

"I'm provoking you? You've grown to be patient, and you secretly ran for plastic surgery. Have you ever told your parents? Have you told the company? Do you know that the risk of plastic surgery failure is very high!"

"I didn't have plastic surgery."


"Really no plastic surgery."

Mai Xiaoyu squeezed Yang Mi's face: "You say it again?"

Yang Mi knocked out his hand: "Don't pinch it, I just got a face-lifting shot...Oops, I said it's leaking again."

"Face-lift pin?"

Mai Xiaoyu stared at Yang Mi's face for a long time.

Although the face-lifting needle is risky, the effect is amazing. After the shot, it will really form a huge contrast, giving people a reborn feeling.

Yang Mi was a little hairy by his stare, and stepped back angrily: "I had a face-lifting shot. Many people did it. And don't you think I am much more beautiful now?"

"But the trouble is not small!"

At the end of last year, Yang Mi had a facelift storm, and the movement was not small.

Mai Xiaoyu first asked someone to beat the second female, then diverted his attention with the foot shot, and then brought a wave of rhythm, which distracted the public's attention from the topic of Yang Mi's plastic surgery.

"Hmph, I know who did it. When I enter the group to film, see how I clean her!"

Yang Mi said fiercely, but Mai Xiaoyu didn't stop it.

The entertainment circle is not a lotus pond, there are too many pickling things, and there is no place for the mother of white lotus.

If you want to be the Madonna of the White Lotus, don't enter the entertainment circle, otherwise you will definitely become cannon fodder and be tortured to death.

The so-called people are in the rivers and lakes, and the entertainment industry is also involuntary.

Regardless of whether a male artist or a female artist, they may face bullying and cold violence from all sides before they become famous. In major matters, Mai Xiaoyu can protect them, but in minor matters, they have to deal with them by themselves.

If you don't want to be bullied, one of the best ways to show your tough attitude. Blindly tolerate being a good old person, apart from making people feel that you are weak and deceptive, or outrageous, there is no way to get the respect of others.

"Pay attention to the methods and methods. I don't want to hear the news about you playing big names on the crew and making things difficult for your colleagues."

"Don't worry, uncle, you keep calling me little fox, I won't shame you."

"What's the matter, please contact the company more, contact me more, remember?"

"Remember, Lao Liba is just like my dad. Also, without my permission, who asked you to send photos of my feet, even netizens said, this time was the worst time I was hacked. "

With two chuckles, Shu Chang and Zhao Liying snickered beside them.

Yang Mi annoyed: "Uncle, I suggest that before signing a new person in the future, you should first determine whether the person is an adult. Just like Xiaotudou, he is still a child. This afternoon we are shopping and picking high heels. The smallest size in the store, she wears the same size. Many, I can only go to the children’s area to buy shoes."

"Who said that, I, I can wear flat shoes." Zhao Liying retorted immediately, but was seriously lacking in confidence, "I can wear the smallest size high heels."

Yang Mi sighed: "Wearing high heels is easy to get tired, but shoes that don't fit your feet will make you more tired. You will experience it in the future."

The relationship between Yang Mi and Zhao Liying in private is really good.

No, I didn't talk for a while. The two girls got together and asked Mai Xiaoyu and Shu Chang face-to-face whether they really hit their faces.

Su Chang suddenly whispered to Mai Xiaoyu: "Brother, I want to have plastic surgery too."

"Dare you!" Mai Xiaoyu almost didn't jump up. He first went to Shu Chang after the plastic surgery in the strange dream. He flatly rejected, "You are not allowed to have plastic surgery!"

"Why? Mi Mi had a face-lifting shot, which is much more beautiful than before."

"You also said that she is more beautiful than before, which means she used to be ugly, so she needs plastic surgery."

Shu Chang: "..."

Zhao Liying covered her mouth and fell on the sofa, cheating.

Yang Mi gritted his teeth and stared at Mai Xiaoyu's back.

Mai Xiaoyu continued to say to Shu Chang: "My sister is beautiful and cute, she looks pure and has a good temperament, she is so elegant."


"Of course. If you want to be so beautiful forever, you can do more exercise and practice yoga."

"I see."

Mai Xiaoyu was still worried, and emphasized: "If you dare to sneak plastic surgery behind my back, I will drive you out."

Before Shu Chang spoke, Yang Mi complained dissatisfied: "Uncle, you persuade Chang Chang to dispel the idea of ​​plastic surgery, is it necessary to black me and step on me?"

"You dare to say it." Mai Xiaoyu turned around, "You go for plastic surgery, are you under my banner?"

"No, no."

"No? Then I'll call your dad now."

"Hmph, whatever you want, I'll go back to the room!" Yang Mi picked up his newly bought clothing, shoes and bag, and walked away with a face.

The corners of Mai Xiaoyu's mouth curled slightly, knowing that he was right.

Yang Linfei and his wife are indeed opposed to Yang Mi's face-lifting injection.

Face-lifting needle... Can you mess around with such an important place on your face?

Under the banner of Mai Xiaoyu, Yang Mi said that it was the company's request, and Yang Linfei and his wife could only let her go.

Looking at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and Mai Xiaoyu didn't wait anymore, and told Shu Chang and Zhao Liying to go to bed early and prepare to go downstairs.

"I'm going back too." Zhao Liying hurriedly packed up her trophies for today, walked away quickly, and caught up with Mai Xiaoyu.

"Brother Mai."


"En...Does the company's artiste have to report to you first if they want plastic"

Mai Xiaoyu looked at Zhao Liying suspiciously for a moment, then nodded: "How about it?"

"Then, that, then I have something to discuss with you."

"Do you want plastic surgery too?"

"Yes, no, go to my room and say okay?"

Followed Zhao Liying to room 1803, Zhao Liying carefully closed the door.

Mai Xiaoyu said directly: "Keep your slapped face, I don't think you need plastic surgery."

"It's not plastic surgery, it's..."

Zhao Liying blushed and babbled for a long time, and the second half of the sentence came out, and Mai Xiaoyu Lei arrived.

"I want to... breast augmentation."

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