Plastic surgery and breast augmentation are two eternal topics in the entertainment industry.

The former may be faced by both male and female artists. Take the face-lifting shot as an example. Who says that male artists do not use face-lifting shots?

The latter is an exclusive topic for female artists.

Female artists with **** do have an advantage in many cases, and they can successfully steal the spotlight on many occasions.

Zhao Liying's chest...

Mai Xiaoyu walked up to Zhao Liying and said, "What do you want to do, I didn't hear it clearly."

"Long, long... breasts."

Zhao Liying's head hangs lower, her face is redder, and her voice is smaller, like a mosquito hum.

"Who are you irritated by? Who else is there besides the little fox?"

Zhao Liying bowed her head and said nothing.

Mai Xiaoyu smacked her lips and whispered in her ear: "I guess, isn't it... Liu Yan?"

Zhao Liying's body trembled, took two steps back, glanced at him in astonishment, and quickly lowered her head again, shaking the corners of her clothes with her fingers.

She and Liu Yan starred in "Love Apartment", and they communicated frequently during the filming, and they had a good relationship.

After the broadcast of "Love Apartment" last year, Liu Yan, who changed her sexuality and sense route, became popular, and her cup became a hotly discussed target among many otaku.

When she participates in shows and events, her sexual and low-cut dressing can always attract a lot of shots and reports. In "Love Apartment" Dragon Ball, she is now the most popular.

Zhao Liying didn't want to take the lead, but more because of the girl's love for beauty. Last summer, when Dolphin TV broadcasted "Love Apartment", some third-rate websites used the **** of their three heroines to talk about things.

Girls are said to be flat-chested and airport, can they be happy?

Before, Zhao Liying had no money and had to work hard for her superiors.

Now, I have some money in my hand, and I am considered a little famous, so I can think about it. Like... a breast augmentation?

"Do you think that a big breast must be red?" Mai Xiaoyu walked over, sat on the sofa, and patted his side.

Zhao Liying lowered her head, followed by and sat beside him.

"I didn't think about it that way, it's just that..."

"It's nothing just." Mai Xiaoyu interrupted, "You have been in the company for two or three years. You should know that almost all of the newcomers signed by the company in the past few years are from academic classes. One exception."

"It's me, I know." Zhao Liying lowered her head, not understanding why Mai Xiaoyu mentioned the old things again.

"You haven't thought about it, why would I sign you?"

"Isn't it because you think I have star luck?"

"More than star luck, do you know how it feels when I see you for the first time in the car?"

Zhao Liying was curious, raised her head and stared at him, "What does it feel like?"

"Starlight, the starlight on you."


"Yes, it's the starlight. Don't you know, when I first saw you, whoops, the starlight on you is so bright, it's so shining, it's so dazzling that I can't open it..."

Mai Xiaoyu made a gesture and described it. The tone and action was an exaggeration, and Zhao Liying was amused.

"Nonsense, you are the most deceiving, everyone knows."

"Yes, I'm not a good person, I'm a liar. I lied to people before, and Tangtang was lied to by me. You've known this for a long time. And you know. I'm a lascivious scumbag, and I took advantage of you... …"

"Well, you are really not a good person. You lied to so many people, Tangtang was cheated by you when he was in high school, and Yaya was also terribly scared by you. You are also lustful, you take advantage of me and take away my first kiss. , I want to take advantage of Yaya, pretending to be asthma and trick her to give you artificial respiration, you can even think of it at a loss."

"You still bully men and women often bully us. Except for Cici and Chang Chang, we have all been bullied by you. You cried Tangtang, gesticulating in front of my face, calling me'love to fly', and shouting that the power is small Fox, said Bo Bo is highly recognizable in appearance and blackmailed Baoqiang..."

Zhao Liying held her fingers seriously, listing Mai Xiaoyu's "spotted evils" one by one.

Mai Xiaoyu knocked off her hand: "It's almost done. Are you here to hold a criticism meeting?"

"Hey, you are too bad, you can't count the bad things you did. I haven't said that you lied to me to the hotel and scared me to tears."

"Didn't you take the initiative to hook and catch me?"

"No!" Zhao Liying showed her small fist seriously.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said, "I will give you full marks for your acting skills. Then, do you remember your mentality when you first came to the company? The pressure is very high, and you also have low self-esteem, causing mild malnutrition... …"

"I do not have!"

Zhao Liying seriously denied it again, and at the same time, her small fist approached Mai Xiaoyu.

"Do you remember what I said that night?"

"I remember you buckled the bowl on my face."

"Are you a pig?" Mai Xiaoyu patted Zhao Liying's forehead. "You had no self-confidence at the time and thought you had no advantage. I told you at the time that your little feet are one of the advantages. You didn't believe it at the time. How is it now?"

Zhao Liying's little feet are really hot.

In the celebrity's feet drying activity set off at the end of last year, Zhao Liying's small feet were particularly conspicuous, and they were hailed as the "three-inch golden lotus" by the people who eat melons.

According to the visual observation of many foot control enthusiasts, Zhao Liying's feet are only about 34 yards. He also said that based on 20 years of professional foot control experience, she was identified as having cute little feet, like a pupil, little fleshy, so cute.

Because of her small feet, Zhao Liying and her feet were reported many times on the Internet during that time. Among them, there are not only the hype of the cute people, but also the publicity and hype of "Xia Jia" by Mango Wei, which has successfully turned some people who eat melons into fans.

It can be said that Zhao Liying is the biggest beneficiary of the feet drying activities.

Zhao Liying always remembered what happened that night, and also remembered that Mai Xiaoyu had said about her little feet.

At the time, she thought that Mai Xiaoyu deliberately laughed at herself or teased herself, but it turned out that Mai Xiaoyu was right.

With a little sweetness in her heart, Zhao Liying retracted her small fist, took off her cotton shoes, and put her bare feet on Mai Xiaoyu's thigh like a baby.

"Are my feet really cute?"

"I don't know if it's cute, but you're gone."


Zhao Liying screamed and quickly put down her feet and clamped her legs. Then she found that the cotton pajamas and pajamas she was wearing tonight were not night skirts, so there was no possibility that she would go out.

"You lied to me again!"

"Don't call yourself stupid? Haven't you heard the term **** and no brains, do you want breast augmentation?"

"Do you disagree? Then I'll be a big just one size, OK?"

"How much can a size change? And I think your current size is just right, it fits well."

"What does it work well, you haven't touched it..."

Zhao Liying's voice stopped abruptly, and Mai Xiaoyu, who was next to him, also stagnated with a smile.

The two thought of one thing at the same time.

Once, in Mai Xiaoyu's house, Zhao Liying and Mai Xiaoyu were playing and playing, and there was an accident.

Her chest was accidentally "sent" to Mai Xiaoyu's palm.

Mai Xiaoyu touched it, still holding one hand, separated by a thin layer of pajamas, and Zhao Liying hadn't worn a bra that night.

Recalling what happened that night, Zhao Liying blushed like a ripe apple. She stood up and said "I'm not rumbling anymore," and ran upstairs in small steps. I accidentally tripped while climbing the stairs, staggered and almost fell...

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