"Mango Satellite TV partnered with the cute drama. The ratings of "The Three Thousand Gold of the Xia Family" continued to be popular!"

"The ratings of "Xia Jia" hit a new high!"

""The Three Thousand Golds of Xia Family" hits the screen, and Tang Yan has become the next-generation queen of ratings!"

"The gorgeous transformation of'Meijia', Zhao Liying has a boundless future."

"Songsong Shuchang subverts the image, and the'angel girl' is blackened for love."

"'Three Thousand Gold + Three Beautiful Men', who is the most eye-catching?"

"Over the past ten days of continuous broadcasting, the ratings, Internet click-through rate and search rate of "Xia Jia" have continued to rise..."

I don't know when it started. Over the years, the Davids have been regarded as the champions of the opening drama, and the cute drama has become the most favorable strong contender.

Last year, "Hit" did the same with CCTV's "Crossing Guandong" and won the provincial satellite TV ratings champion; this year's "Xia Jia" was the same. After the broadcast, it occupied the throne of the ratings champion. With the continuous broadcast of the series, the ratings have been steadily steadily. While climbing, it also won the online click championship.

"This is a'beautiful drama', composed of various elements such as beauties, beautiful scenery, beautiful things, beautiful feelings, beautiful things, etc. It is a pleasing TV series."

"Youth fashion drama integrates the power of family affection, attracting middle-aged and young audiences, while also winning the attention and love of middle-aged and elderly audiences."

"I thought this drama was only enjoyed by young people. As a result, my mother is expecting it more than I am now. "Xia Family" is really all-you-can-eat."

"Xia Jia" has a very wide audience, which is one of the reasons for the high ratings.

The continued popularity of ratings and the Internet all indicate the popularity of "Xia Jia".

The drama is on fire, and the people are on fire. The main actors in the play have left a deep impression on the audience.

The most popular is Tang Yan, the youngest daughter of the Xia family, who has become the most popular character in the play.

In "Fairy 3", as the female third, she and Huo Jianhua's three-life torturous emotion moved countless audiences; in "Stewardess", she was the first female in a cute drama, and the light and pure love created by Feng Shaofeng made countless singles. The dog chanted injury.

Last year, she starred in several TV dramas, and the ratings were not bad after they were aired, and they have become popular and guaranteed. And the hit "Xia Family" at the beginning of this year put her on the throne of the queen of ratings in one fell swoop.

In the play, Tang Yan appeared in two ponytails and floral skirts, rushing to the hotel to catch her boyfriend who cheated. An innocent and innocent daughter appeared on the stage in this way, which made the audience shouted by surprise, but was also moved by the cuteness of the "Tianmei" she played.

"Tang Yan, who has infinite affinity, plays the simple, hearty and considerate daughter'Summer Beauty' in the play. Faced with family disputes and love puzzles, she resolves every problem with sincerity and patience. Tang Yan's signature pear Wu Xiaoxiao was rated as the best healing smile by the audience..."

Because of "Xia Jia", Tang Yan and Huo Jianhua's on-screen CP hot discussion reached a new high, almost on par with Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen's on-screen CP.

Zhao Liying also impressed the audience with countless fans.

She played the role of "Yang Zhenzhen", with a gentle appearance in plain clothes, simple and clean, with a strong sense of purity of the girl next door.

In the play, her innocence and kindness, as well as the various experiences she has suffered, are so embarrassing that she can't help but think of the phrase "sorrow for its misfortune, anger its for nothing."

Pure and lovely, she worked hard to play the role of "Yang Zhenzhen", using time and her acting skills to subtly change the brand of "Mika" in the hearts of the audience.

Shu Chang was scolded miserably.

Saying goodbye to the innocent image of the "angel girl" in the past, she appeared on her own large photo billboard in the play, and then appeared at the cocktail party in gorgeous and glamorous clothes, which was gorgeous and charming.

The unforgettable love for "Zhong Haotian" and the madness of love are also touching.

But when love reaches its extreme, people tend to become extreme. For the blackening of love, many viewers gritted their teeth at her "bad" and hated her in particular.

However, there are also audiences who support that everyone has the right to pursue love, and the various behaviors of "Xia Youshan" are also caused by love.

Some viewers have even guessed that "Xia Youshan" played by Shu Chang in "Xia Jia" and "Shi Anna" played by Liu Shishi in "Hit" should be the same type, and they will definitely "wake up" in the end. ending.

To be hated by the audience is actually a disguised recognition for the actors. What's more, "Xia Youshan" and "Shi Anna" are both love-hate roles, which shows that Shu Chang played well.

The three male protagonists are also loved by the audience for their wonderful performances in "Xia Jia".

Huo Jianhua has long been a first-line TV celebrity, and his personality has been shaped, and his ratings are amazing.

However, the death of "Xu Changqing" and "Zixuan" in "Xian 3" is a sad regret for many viewers. And this regret finally disappeared in "Xia Jia", many voices on the Internet strongly support him and Tang Yan's CP.

The love line between "Strict" played by Huo Jianhua and "Summer Beauty" played by Tang Yan is one of the two main lines in "Summer", and is affectionately called "Gemei Lian" by the audience.

"'Gemei Lian' is too powerful!"

"Support me Huo and Tangtang together!"

"'Dried Fish Girl' and'Locomotive Man', hahaha, this is so loving for the name of Huanxi Enemy!"

The other two male protagonists have also been well received by the audience, their popularity has risen, and they have many fans; several important supporting actors have also received considerable attention. The villains such as "Sun Xiaojing" and "Tian Hao" have gritted their teeth with hatred, but they also remembered them. Actors who play these roles.

It's just that there are policies in the country that TV series cannot exceed forty episodes.

Therefore, the eighty episodes of "Summer" are divided into two parts. The upper part is forty episodes of "Three Thousand Golds in the Xia Family", and the lower part is forty episodes of "Love is True, Good, and Beautiful". Although the name was changed, it did not affect the popularity of the TV series at all, and the ratings continued to be high.

In the popular ratings of "Xia Jia", Mengren's new annual meeting has attracted more attention from the outside world than in previous years.

In addition to the brilliance of its artists, but also because of the media receiving wind, I heard that Moeren’s real boss, boss, has changed his low-key habits and attended the Moeren annual meeting for the first time!

"Am I handsome?"

In the bedroom, Mai Xiaoyu, who was in a straight suit and bow tie, turned around in front of the mirror, then stretched his arms and asked facing Liu Tao.

Liu Tao sat on the bed in casual clothes, looking up at Mai Xiaoyu, her beautiful eyes moving.

"Handsome, you are handsome in everything you wear."

"I think I am the most handsome when I am not wearing clothes, what do you think?"

"How many years have you been, you're still the same as before, and you're not going right." Liu Tao got up and walked in front of him, gently tidying up his bow tie, "have you thought about it?"

"Why, don't you think I'm walking the red carpet with you, not worthy of you?"

Mai Xiaoyu feigned anger, put Liu Tao in his arms, kissed bitterly, and walked with his hands on Liu Tao's back and buttocks.

Liu Tao stood on tiptoe, surrounded Mai Xiaoyu's neck with jade arms, and kissed back emotionally.

After splitting her lips, she nestled in Mai Xiaoyu's arms and said softly: "You know I'm not asking this."

of course not.

When she learned that Mai Xiaoyu would attend the Moe Ren Annual Meeting this year and walk the red carpet with herself, she was not too happy.

What she worries about is... Mai Xiaoyu has a "dark history"!

In the past few years, cute people have become popular. CEO Liu Xiaoli is frequently invited to attend various film and television awards, fashion festivals and other large-scale interactions. But his true cute boss never shows up in public. Why?

Isn’t it just worrying about being recognized by the old lambs and causing unnecessary trouble?

This year's Moe Ren Annual Meeting was particularly grand.

The entire hotel was contracted. For the first time, a red carpet was laid at the entrance, and partners were invited, and Feng Mai Xiaoyu was deliberately released to attend to attract the media.

And Moeren launched a bunch of big projects last year, and now it has entered the harvest period.

Although "Twilight" and "Love Call Transfer 2" have a mediocre reputation, they have a good box office; the variety show "Running Man" and the TV series "Xia Jia" are fairly well received, and the ratings are also quite popular.

This is just the beginning. More big projects that Moeren launched last year are still to come!

Judging from the current situation, Mengren is likely to usher in a bumper harvest, and media attention is extremely high.

For example, the domestic sci-fi blockbuster "Inception" produced by Mengren, directed by Xiaoxing Xiaoxing, and starring Huang Bo; Mengren participates in investment, and Hollywood blockbusters "Wonderland" and "Alice in Wonderland" starring Cici; Mengren Co-created with Cheng Longying, Hu Xun returned to the work "Mythology"; after Ruby Lin joined, the ancient costume battle drama "Beauty Scheming" created by Mengren is the masterpiece of Mengren's heavy-handed creation!

These works will be screened or broadcast one after another this year. What kind of results can be achieved?

Mai Xiaoyu is the boss of Mengren, who made his official appearance in public for the first time. Can the media not focus on it?

Gently patted Liu Tao's buttocks twice to signal her not to worry, and Mai Xiaoyu said relaxedly: "The company is now a member of ten places, I have basically washed it out."

"But there are still omissions."

"I've counted it. There are few omissions and the risk is controllable. After so many years, I should also make a debut, or I won't be worthy of you as a big star."

Liu Tao raised his head and stared at Mai Xiaoyu: "As long as I can be with you forever, I would rather be a full-time wife than a big star."

"A full-time wife is not good. Don't want to be lazy. In the future, you will be the boss's wife and have to help me manage the company."

"Mai, kiss me again..."

The two stayed warm for a while, and separated this time.

Seeing that Mai Xiaoyu's dress was wrinkled, Liu Tao asked him to take it off and personally ironed him neatly.

While ironing the clothes, Mai Xiaoyu hugged Liu Tao from behind, gently swaying his body, pouting Liu Tao's earlobes, and whispered: "Suddenly I am a little hungry."

"Glutinous ghost." Liu Tao ironed his clothes, feeling the changes behind him, and deliberately gently shook his buttocks and rubbed it twice.

Liu Tao has her own personal make-up artist. Tonight is attending the annual meeting. It is her and Mai Xiaoyu who are walking on the red carpet. They should not be sloppy in makeup and styling.

That night.

Moeren's annual meeting scene.

There are many fans and media outside the hotel.

Fans are here for their favorite artists. Some were organized by the official support group of artists, and some came by themselves after hearing the news. Holding a mobile phone, whenever my idol or favorite artist appears, he will hold the phone high to take a photo and make a lot of screams at the same time.

For media reporters, it is also divided into two parts. One part was specially invited to collect the horse and carriage fees for cute people, and the other part did not receive the horse and horse fees, which was entirely for the news...what if something happened?

Even if there are no emergencies, doesn't it mean that Mengren's most mysterious and low-key Mai will always appear?

This is the second time that Zhao Liying has attended the annual meeting after signing the Meng Ren.

Unlike the first time I was ignorant and no one paid attention, this time after she and Liu Shishi appeared, someone in the crowd immediately called out her and Liu Shishi's names.

The shouting is loud and there are more people.

She played "Mika" and "Zhenzhen", which won the love of many audiences.

After arriving at the banquet hall, she still hadn't calmed down her excitement.

"Sister Shishi, did you hear that? Someone called my name just now. Just pinch me, I feel like a star." Zhao Liying whispered.

Liu Shishi is in better condition than her, it is the third time to attend the company's annual meeting. At last year's annual meeting, he made his debut with "Xian 3" and gained a certain popularity. Therefore, this year's popularity has risen to a higher level, and it is not as excited as Zhao Liying.

"Next year's annual meeting, there will be more people calling your name." Liu Shishi smiled and shook his head.

"I'm so excited... Am I a little embarrassed? I'm just excited. I never dreamed that I could be an actor before. Now you are my goal. I will try to catch up with you first... Ouch, who pinches me? Sister Mi Mi!"

The two turned their heads and saw Yang Mi standing behind them.

Liu Shishi joyfully said: "When did you come?"

"Just now. I was afraid of stealing the limelight from you, so I won't show up until you come in." As he said, Yang Mi inserted into the two, holding one hand in hand, and said as he walked: "Calm, calm, you count the cheers just now. what…"

"Yeah, yeah, you are a big star, you will bully people and pinch me."

"It was you who let Shishi pinch you, she couldn't bear to do it. I was kind enough to help you and you blame me?" At this point, Yang Mi put a smile on his face, "I'm not a big star, we still have a long way to go. .Do you know who is behind me!

He appeared before I came in. Good guy, the fan called a enthusiasm, and rushed towards him almost without causing an accident. After being trained by him, he was all honest, and he is still outside to help maintain order. "

"The people are very good and the acting skills are good. I often do it myself when I am in the crew." Liu Shishi and Huo Jianhua have cooperated in "Hit" and they know Huo Jianhua better.

Thinking of the cooperation in "Xian 3", Zhao Liying bluntly added: "It just loves to tell cold jokes."

Yang Mi: "..."

Liu Shishi: "..."

Zhao Liying knows that she said the wrong thing, UU reading www. uukanshu.com hurriedly remedied: "But he is very powerful, he is famous for his training fans, and his fans especially like to be trained by him."

"Don't talk about him." Yang Mi lowered his voice, "Have you heard that, Uncle will attend the annual meeting tonight."

This matter has long been spread, the media has received the wind, and the cute artists have naturally heard of it.

It's just that since Mai Xiaoyu never appeared in public before, and never attended the annual meeting, everyone was dubious.

Zhao Liying: "I heard that I heard about it. I asked him yesterday..."

"How did he say?"

"He is making gestures in front of my face again... Sister Shishi, you are not allowed to laugh."

"Well, well, I don't laugh, but you have to find a way, otherwise you will always be bullied by him, when is the head?"

Zhao Liying raised her chin proudly: "I have already figured out a countermeasure. Next time he will make gestures in front of me again, he will regret it..."

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