Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying greeted their colleagues, and occasionally signed a few names and a few photos, and found Li Xue and Liu Xiaoli.

"Sister Xue, it's rumored that President Mai will come tonight, is it true?"

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Mai will come tonight, right?"

Li Xue smiled and said: "You all said it is rumored, how do I know?"

Liu Xiaoli said: "There are many people who care about Mr. Mai. Several people have asked this tonight."

Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying are still pondering the replies of Liu Xiaoli and Li Xue. Yang Mi has already said affirmatively: "It seems that the uncle will definitely come tonight."

"how do you know?"

"you sure?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Cici and Chang Chang."

In the lounge in the banquet hall, Cici, Shu Chang, Tang Yan, Wang Luodan, Tong Liya, Huo Jianhua, Hu Xu, Feng Shaofeng are all here, and everyone is chatting. After the three of Yang Mi entered, the atmosphere immediately became lively.

They were not the first to ask Cici and Shu Chang, but Cici and Shu Chang didn't know either.

"What's the matter? Attending the annual meeting of my company is also very mysterious." Yang Mi muttered.

Hu Xu smiled and said, "The boss has never been here before. Why are you so excited this time?"

"Can you not get excited, my parents will come tonight too."

Shu Chang and Zhao Liying reacted instantly and looked at Yang Mi with sympathy.

What Yang Mi is most worried about now is that his parents met with Mai Xiaoyu to expose her to pretending to be Mai Xiaoyu and get a face-lifting shot.

However, Mai Xiaoyu's behavior is indeed too weird.

Just as Yang Mi said, as the boss, Mai Xiaoyu was also mysterious in his annual meeting.

Tang Yan concluded the topic: "I'll know later, there is no need to entangle."

Then, a group of people started chatting again, and there were quite a few topics.

In addition to the film appointments they have on hand, there is also Huo Jianhua’s personal studio. Hu Xu is preparing to leave the screen drama for the time being. Yang Mi, Tong Liya and Ruby Lin’s cooperation experience, Tang Yan, Yang Mi, Shu Chang, Huo Jianhua starring "Xia Family" , Cici’s two Hollywood blockbusters, and why other people are not coming, etc.

After a while, Chen Qiaoen and Ruby Lin came. This is Ruby Lin's first participation in the Moe Ren annual meeting, and most of the artists under Moe Ren are not familiar with it yet. Therefore, as a Taiwanese fellow, Chen Qiaoen specially accompanies her.

In addition to Chen Qiaoen, she and Huo Jianhua are also hometowns, and they cooperated with Yang Mi and Tong Liya in "Beauty Scheming", and gradually merged in with the needles of the four.

Everyone was chatting, and they heard the shout of "Weare Tired of Logging" in the hall, over and over again, and the voice was louder than again.

Needless to say, Deng Chao is here.

Everyone smiled, stopped chatting, and cast their eyes to the door.

Soon, the door of the lounge opened and Deng Chao ran in.

Yes, use a running one.

There was not only him, but also Wang Baoqiang, Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai and Yang Ying. The scene was quite spectacular.

Deng Chao started: "weare——"

Wang Baoqiang, Yang Ying, Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai shouted in unison: "Tired of logging!"

The phenomenon-level variety show "Running Man" has produced many golden phrases.

For example, Wang Baoqiang's "Don't make me trick that beauty, I'm not good"; Chen Chichi's "Are you a pig"; Wang Zulan's "Let me tear one, just tear one" and so on.

But the most famous one is Deng Chao's phrase "Weare tired of logging." In addition to being funny, it also makes the audience feel that the seven "Running Men" love each other like a family.

And this sentence is also very suitable for cute people.

However, in the face of the surging shouts of the five-person group of "Running Man", the rest of the people turned around as if they had made an appointment, and chatted with people around them quietly, completely ignoring the five people.

Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai, and Yang Ying are all newcomers. Faced with this situation, they are a little confused and don't know what to do.

Wang Bao scratched his head forcefully, but also confused.

Only Deng Chao, as if beaten up with blood, walked towards other people and kept "showing off" his English beside them.

"Hey, Hey, Weare is tired of logging."

"Weare is tired of logging."


No matter how hard he tried, the others just didn't respond. Instead, they greeted Wang Baoqiang and the other four people one after another.

Huo Jianhua: "Baoqiang, come and sit down. We haven't seen you for a long time."

Hu Shu: "Chi Chi, Kai Kai, I heard that you are also in the Oriental Opera Department, how is teacher XXX?"

Zhao Liying: "Come here, baby!"

In the end, Deng Chao was left, looking at everyone with an innocent look: "Weare is tired of logging, dear friends, do you want to do this to me?"

Wang Luodan said with a smile: "Brother Chao, it's mainly because we don't have good English and we don't understand."

Everyone laughed, Ruby Lin touched the scene and sighed, "The atmosphere in your company is really good."

Chen Qiaoen reminded softly: "Heart is like sister, we are adorable."

"Yes, I blame me." Lin Xinru quickly corrected, and then seriously said, "Do you know that there is a good relationship between artists from other companies, but the overall atmosphere is not as good as our cute people. Just like Brother Chao said , Weare is tired of logging."

"Xin Ru Sister, you can just call me to face, don't add that'brother', but I grew up watching your TV series."

Growing up watching your TV series and listening to your songs basically means the same thing.

Ruby Lin's face was helpless to cry or laugh, causing a gang of people to "criticize" Deng Chao.

Wang Baoqiang walked to Deng Chao's side. Deng Chao said with emotion: "Baoqiang, I know you belong to me."

"Brother Chao, you misunderstood. I just want to tell you that I can't help you this time."

Seeing Wang Baoqiang's serious face turning, and Deng Chao's exaggerated "heartache", Ruby Lin laughed and tears came out.

After a while, Huang Bo was late.

Deng Chao took the lead in teasing him, saying that he starred in "Inception" and that the air was too big. Chen Qiaoen, Tang Yan, Hu Xu, Wang Baoqiang and others all echoed.

Huang Bo rolled his eyes and fell on Yang Mi: "This is not what Mi Mi said last time, saying that I robbed her of the limelight, so I have to come last."

Yang Mi aggrieved: "Brother Bo, I didn't provoke you, so why push me?"

Everyone wanted to say something, Huang Bo blinked suddenly, and said mysteriously: "Do you know who I saw outside?"


"Sister Tao."


Everyone felt ashamed, Deng Chao deliberately reminded: "Brother Bo, you are almost forty this year, you call sister Tao suspected of pretending to be tender."



Two slaps fell on Deng Chao's back.

One is Huang Bo, and the other is Ruby Lin. The latter called Deng Chao "Brother Chao" just now, and was tricked by Deng Chao.

"I'm only two years older than you, you can figure it out." Huang Bo said.

"Brother Bo, aren't you from 74 years? Isn't Brother Chao from 76 years?"

Don't ask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only Zhao Liying can ask this question on this occasion.

Deng Chao gave a thumbs up: "Liying, I will give you 32 likes!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and even Cici and Shu Chang laughed from ear to ear. Only Zhao Liying who found that he had said the wrong thing was confused, and Huang Bo's face was helpless and entangled.

Fortunately, Huang Bo reacted quickly and controlled the scene through his expression and voice: "There is still a person beside Sister Tao."


This topic is interesting!

"Who is it?" Shu Chang asked eagerly.

"That person is terrific. I was in front when I suddenly found that the reporter's camera was rushing behind me. I was still wondering..."

"Don't sell it!" Someone protested again.

"Hey, who still use me to say it?"

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