The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 847: The contradiction has intensified as the rudder lord **** Momoga Geng

The suburbs of Yanjing are full of stars.

Inside Ning Shirong's private winery.

Ning Shirong tasted the self-brewed red wine, looked at the three people on the opposite side, and said calmly, "Taste it, this is the wine that just came out of the cellar this year. The master winemaker was specially invited by me from France. The raw materials It was also airlifted from France."

The exact same red wine, the exact same words, the exact same tone, but tonight, there are only three people sitting opposite him, and the field has been wiped out as a traitor.

Pei Pengbing, Zhang Ruilin and Liu Lei were tasting red wine, complimenting Ning Shirong's words, and kept complimenting them.

Compliment both people and wine.

"Yeah, wine is good wine, but people are not necessarily good people." Ning Shirong shook his glass, his playful gaze fell on Liu Lei, "You think so?"

Liu Lei was startled at first, thinking that Ning Shirong was alluding to Tian Ye's betrayal, and immediately said: "Some people are short-sighted and can't distinguish good from bad."

"Can you tell good from bad?"

"Young Master Rong..."

Ning Shirong waved his hand and interrupted Liu Lei's words: "The other day, Tian Ye was beaten by someone, and four men who were released from the prison **** and recorded the violence video. I heard that the scene was quite similar. Bloody and tragic, he can only lie on his stomach until now."

Pei Pengbing: "..."

Zhang Ruilin: "..."

Liu Lei: "..."

The news was so irritating that the three irritated people were speechless, sitting there uncomfortable, and the chrysanthemum tightened.

"Do you know who did it?" Ning Shirong looked around the three of them. "It was my dear cousin, Ning Shibin instigated him."

The three of Pei Pengbing were taken aback at the same time.

A few days ago, Ning Shirong drove Tianye away because Tianye was the traitor that Ning Shibin had planted beside him.

But Ning Shibin asked someone to clean up the field like this. What does this mean?

"Actually, among the four of you, I have never been sure who is the rape. I said it was Tian Ye and driving him away was just a test."



Zhang Ruilin's heart touched his throat again.

He pretends to be calm, shows the spirit of farting and watching others, and looks at Liu Lei.

By coincidence, Pei Pengbing also looked at Liu Lei.

Liu Lei panicked.

"You guys, what do you guys look at me doing? What does it have to do with me? Young Master, I am loyal to you, I swear, I will never deceive you, never dare to deceive you, let alone betray you... …"

"Don't dare to deceive me?" Ning Shirong sneered slightly. "I deliberately said that Tianye met Ning Shibin in private. What did you say?"

"I, I didn't say anything."

Ning Shirong was silent, playing with the red wine in the glass, smiling contemptuously.

Liu Lei shuddered, and hurriedly explained: "I saw him at the hotel that night, Shao Rong, but I met him once, and then I left?"

"Just met?" Ning Shirong lost his patience. "You and Tian Ye are gay. That night, he was in the hotel as an actor, and you got the wind to catch the actor... Hey. You two had a big fight in the room. , He slapped you, you cried and left..."

With these words, Ning Shirong was disgusted.

Pei Pengbing and Zhang Ruilin next to them both wanted to vomit.

This is not the crux of the problem. The key is that Liu Lei knows clearly that Tian Ye played with an actor that night.

Drink and eat more at six o'clock, go to the Sanlitun **** bar at eight o'clock, go to the hotel at ten o'clock to open the room, and get stuck in the bed by Liu Lei at 11 o'clock in the evening.

Ning Shibin did not see Tian Ye, and Tian Ye did not have time to see Ning Shibin. Liu Lei knew this very well.

But that day, Ning Shirong insisted that Tian Ye meet with Ning Shibin in private. When Tian Ye asked Liu Lei for help, Liu Lei said nothing.

Is it just because of love?

They are all grown-ups, so mature, OK?

Moreover, Liu Lei's background, character, and ethics are much worse than those of the field; when he became famous in his early years, he had betrayed, poached, and backhanded to suppress Sheng Shi.

This is the same as the three-surnamed domestic slaves.

You can take the initiative to betray once for the benefit, and you can take the initiative to betray a hundred times for the benefit, as long as the benefit is high enough!

Tian Ye is a director, and while seeking benefits, he also pursues fame; Liu Lei has no fame and only pursues benefits!

He knew the truth clearly, but he pushed the field into the abyss of a "traitor", but the field that lost Ning Shirong's shelter was retaliated cruelly by Ning Shibin, showing that the field is not a traitor.

"He is not a rape, who do you think is?"

Ning Shirong asked Liu Lei quietly, took a sip of the red wine, closed his eyes and savored it carefully.

Liu Lei's heart was soaked.

Xiangzhuang sword dance is intended for Peigong, and tonight is also a Hongmen banquet. The sword dance... is that special Xiang Yu!

"I don't know, it's not me anyway, it's really not me. Rong Shao, you believe me..."

It has taken many days to find out the gangster around him, and Ning Shirong has long been bored. Coupled with his self-contained personality, the miserable experience of Tian Ye and Liu Lei's frame-up, Ning Shirong did not want to listen to Liu Lei's beeping.

Opening his eyes and calling out "tiger" softly, the bodyguard Tiger walked in with two people and could not help but set up Liu Lei.

Liu Lei was so scared that he almost didn't urinate: "Young Master Rong, Young Master Rong, you can also chase me away. Then Ning Shibin will definitely retaliate against me. Then you will know that I was wronged... Yes, I I framed Tian Ye, but I really didn't betray you."

"Do you think I'm so fooled?"

Tian Ye’s example comes first. In order to protect Liu Lei’s status as an “inner traitor”, Ning Shibin can also do the same in exchange for Ning Shirong’s trust.

Thinking carefully about this, Ning Shirong would not have thought of it?

In addition, the field is 1 and Liu Lei is 0 in the base. In the face of the violent violation of the fierce man, Tian Ye suffered 10,000 points higher than Liu Lei's!

Ning Shirong waved his hand: "Send him where he should go."

"No, don't kill me, Young Master, I beg you, don't kill As long as you tell me the truth, I will let you not die. I will ask you one last time, did you betray me? "

Liu Lei could see it, Ning Shirong believed that he had betrayed him, and it was useless to defend himself. With Ning Shirong's self-contained personality, if he doesn't answer well, he may still worry about his life!

"Yes, I am."

"Hahaha, this is honest." Ning Shirong smiled, "Since you admit it, your little life will be saved. However, the one who betrayed me will have to pay a price!"

In Liu Lei's begging for mercy, tiger led someone to drag him away.

Ning Shirong looked at Pei Pengbing and Zhang Ruilin, and knocked; "Do you think he is the one who betrayed me?"

Pei Pengbing nodded quickly: "Yes, it must be him."

Zhang Ruilin was noncommittal: "I don't know, it's not me anyway."

"This matter has come to an end for the time being. I don't have so much time and energy to spend on this. I will fly to the United States in a few days. I hope my judgment is correct this time. Otherwise, of the two of you, Someone will end badly."

There are only two people left in the dirty work team, and if someone betrays him again, it will be very easy to find out.

Zhang Ruilin pondered for a moment, and said: "Young Master Rong, I heard that some senior executives of the group oppose this acquisition..."

"I know that Ning Zhi and the director have been in touch with each other these days, opposing the plan to buy theaters in the United States, but what?"

Ning Shirong was full of confidence, and Zhang Ruilin stopped talking.

Pei Pengbing warned carefully: "Young Master Rong, since Director Tian was framed by Liu Lei, do you want to find him back?"

"It's not necessary, he has been scrapped..."


On the same night, Mai Xiaoyu, who turned into a copier at home and worked at the desk, received a call from Wang Baoqiang.

"Brother, I'm so uncomfortable..."

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