The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 848: Don't insult Pan Jinlian

After receiving Wang Bao's call, Mai Xiaoyu knew something was wrong.

Even if Wang Bao said that he was uncomfortable on the phone, he could easily guess the truth.

Putting down his work, Mai Xiaoyu changed into sportswear, picked up two mobile phones, and hurried out. Drove all the way to Wang Bao's house.

Except for Zhao Liying and Tong Liya, the artists of Moeren's subordinate have bought houses in Yanjing. The company’s executives, middle-level managers, and older members who have been employed for a long time also bought their own houses in Yanjing.

In addition to Mengren’s good salary and high credit rating in the bank, he also cannot do without Mai Xiaoyu’s from time to time blowing: Buying a house early is better than buying a house late, and you can invest even if you don’t live by yourself.

Wang Bao's home is located in the same high-end apartment complex as Deng Chao, Huang Bo and others.

Mai Xiaoyu took the elevator up, stood at the door and slammed the doorbell, but no one opened the door. I pressed my ear to the door and listened for a while, but there was no sound inside.

I wiped it, this stupid kid wouldn't want to commit suicide, would he?

He quickly took out his cell phone and dialed Wang Bao's number.

Fortunately, the call is connected.

"I'm at your door, where are you?"

"I'm blowing on the rooftop."

Mai Xiaoyu took the elevator to the top floor again, pushed open the emergency fire door on the top floor, and walked two steps forward. It was easy to see Wang Bao sitting on the edge of the roof.

Wang Bao was buying drunk, and the packaging of the two cans of beer at hand had been unpacked, and the empty cans were scattered on the ground.

Mai Xiaoyu strolled over, picked up a bottle of beer and opened it: "I've got a lot of skills, and I know I'm in a bad mood and come to the rooftop to blow the air?"

"Brother, you are here." Wang Bao turned his head, his eyes red.

"I went and cried?"

"Rongrong broke up with me."

"What then? Do you want to get drunk and commit suicide?" Mai Xiaoyu sipped, "I won't stop you if you want to commit suicide, but you first pay off the more than 200,000 yuan that you owe me."

Wang Bao; "..."

"Nothing to say? Come down when there is nothing to say, I have a fear of heights."

Wang Bao's hand was really vigorous, holding a beer in one hand and supporting it in the other. He turned around easily and landed beside Mai Xiaoyu.

"Brother, I can't bear her."

Wang Bao is true love to Mana, but it is a pity that Lang is sentimental and unintentional.

When Ma determined that the cute Wang Bao would be hidden by the company after he finished the second season and after he was forced to learn cultural knowledge for five years, he would gradually alienate him.

But when she found out, Wang Bao said that a large amount of money was needed to build a house at home, relatives needed urgently, and to repay the mortgage by herself. She could not satisfy her spending on expensive luxury goods, and only gave her a few hundred yuan in change each time. The attitude towards Wang Bao is even worse.

Finally, when Wang Bao clearly refused to terminate the contract with Moe Ren, Ma proposed to break up without hesitation, and there was no room for negotiation.

No matter how Wang Bao begged, he couldn't save Ma's heart. The sweetness and tenderness of the past, after leaving Wang Bao's name and money and other material foundations, completely shattered, and the former eachother was torn to pieces.

Wang Bao finished listening to beer in one breath and looked at McDonnell; "Brother, I think what Rongrong said is correct."

"Oh, what did she say?"

"She said what she needs is a man who can depend on her for life, who can give her the life she wants. But my career is blocked and my finances are tight, she doesn't want to suffer with me..."

It is understandable that men are lustful, women are greedy for money, and the combination of both parties is understandable.

But as a woman, you are greedy for vanity and choose a man you don't love. You can't squander this man's money and hook up with other men again to pursue the so-called love, right?

Bread is bread, love is love, it is still difficult to have both fish and bear paw, let alone love and bread?

In Mai Xiaoyu's view, in today's society, where material desires are rampant, it is not wrong for girls to be willing to worship gold, but gold worshipers also have to have a minimum morality and bottom line, right?

"Do you think that if you tell her that the company does not hide you, and you still have money, she will come back to you?"

Wang Bao said nothing.

Mai Xiaoyu took out the Yali phone from his handbag, called up a video, and handed it to Wang Bao: "Let's see for yourself."

There is more than one video, and there are also high-definition uncoded photos, which are the sweet moments of Ma and Song Jiji.

There are two people walking hand in hand to shopping malls and watching movies; two people eating together and feeding each other; two people laughing and playing intimacy and interacting; two people kissing on the street; and two people going to the hotel late at night to open a room...

Wang Bao watched one by one, his body trembling involuntarily, and his trembling became more and more severe.

"I see, they are true love. Think about it, if you are still squatting in front of the Yanying Factory, will the horse fall in love with you? In terms of appearance, you are not as good as Song Jiji; you are not as good as your financial resources. Song Jiji Although the family background is also average, they still have Yanjing registered permanent residence, what about you?"

"If she only loves your name and money, I will not object to you being together, but she is not. She wants your money and the love of other men at the same time. This kind of **** might be praised for her. , But I will never allow... Fuck, dare to throw my phone and I will beat you to death, your uncle."

Before the trembling Wang Bao angrily fell the phone, Mai Xiaoyu regained his phone and kicked Wang Bao at the same time.

Wang Bao got up from the ground, his face was already full of tears.

He walked over, picked up the beer, and poured it into his mouth one by one. I don't know how many listens he took until he vomited with a "wow".

From the beginning to the end, Mai Xiaoyu didn't intervene, stepped back two steps to light up the cigarette, and leisurely leaned against the stone fence to smoke.

When Wang Bao finished vomiting, he threw Wang Bao a can of beer again: "gargle."

Wang Bao did what he said.

"You didn't vomit on yourself, did you?"


"That's fine, come over and chat."

Floating under Wang Bao's feet, he walked over.

Mai Xiaoyu put his arms around his shoulders: "If you call me'brother', I must do my best to be a brother."

"Brother, I know you are good for me, but after watching the videos and photos you gave me, I feel even more uncomfortable."

"I'll ask you again, have you been with her for so long?"

"Yeah." Wang Bao nodded.

"How many times have you been, how often?"

Wang Bao: "..."

Originally very sad, Mai Xiaoyu asked two questions, and couldn't cry at all.

"I don't remember, it should be quite a lot..."

"Doesn't you spend less money on her?"


"That's not over. You think, even if you find those professional ladies to resolve loneliness, you still need to spend money. And you are a star, there are risks in finding a young lady to resolve loneliness, in case you get reported by someone or caught by the police. , Your career prospects are ruined."

"It's not the same."

"What's the difference? It's better for you to look for her than to look for those little sisters? Money is the same as spending. When it is spent on her, it is regarded as a piao prostitute. The safety factor is 100%. You don't have to worry about being caught by the police uncle."

Wang Bao: "..."

"Actually, if she stays with you purely for money, I don’t mind. Even if she receives you more times, makes a lot of money from you, and then breaks up with you, I don’t think there is anything. Anyway, it's the income of labor."

"I'm worried. She uses her body to receive you in exchange for money, and she puts her friend by your side. When you get married in the future, you will have to raise children for them, and when you set up a studio in the future, you will be richer when you become a boss. She will conspire with her friend to kill you and seize your property."

Mai Xiaoyu reorganized the encounter with Wang Bao he had dreamed of in the strange dream, and narrated it in a melodious and frustrating manner.

Wang Bao was dumbfounded.

"People can't behave badly, right? What's the difference from Pan Jinlian?"

"Don't insult Pan Jinlian. When did you see Pan Jinlian stole Wu Dalang's cooking cake?"

Wang Bao: "..."

Whatever Mai Xiaoyu said, Wang Bao thought it was a pervert, but...

"Brother, your way of comforting people is really special."

"Is it effective?"

There must be, at least in Wang Bao's heart, it's not as grief and painful as before.

Wang Bao nodded.

"The effect is good." Mai Xiaoyu patted Wang Bao on the shoulder, "Now what you have to do is to forget the emotions. Through a lot of work, you can numb yourself so that you don't have time to think about the messy things. You do it well. Get ready, tomorrow I will greet your agent and let him madly answer the notice for you. Is there a problem?"

"No problem." Wang Bao nodded hard and suddenly thought of something. He scratched his head and looked at Mai Xiaoyu uncertainly. "Brother, do I think you are trying to make me make more money for the company?"

"Then would you like it?"

"I do."

"This is not over, what's the problem?"

"But I still want to marry a wife. My mother urged me several times. In our village, the children who had a faculty with me all ran away. And brother, why don't you get married?"

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Marriage early in the countryside. It is normal to get married at the age of seventeen or eighteen. In some remote rural areas in the south, there are mothers at the age of sixteen, seventeen or even twelve or thirteen.

Wang Bao's age should have been married in the countryside long ago, while Mai Xiaoyu's age would belong to the old bachelor's class in the countryside.

"I kicked you just now, isn't it? Would you like to chat happily?" Mai Xiaoyu slapped Wang Bao, "You should worry less about my business. Room is fine."

"As for you to marry a wife, someone from me told me before that a man needs two things in his life, career and woman. Career is cigarettes, and women are lighters. If you have cigarettes, you can easily get a lighter; if you only have a lighter , Cigarettes are hard to find, and the lighter may not be kept."

Wang Bao scratched his head, figured out the meaning inside, and asked, "Brother, what kind of cigarette lighter is this, who told you about it?"

"My old classmate."

"old classmate?"

Well, very old classmate, an old "classmate" I met in the 15-day "short-term crash course" in the detention center.

Mai Xiaoyu can't remember the specific issue. He only remembered that the other party was a forty or fifty-year-old farmer who was short and frustrated, but he would pretend to be a big boss outside, cheating wealth and **** by virtue of his short, rich and frustrated identity.

After the incident, he entered the "short-term crash course" to exchange experience. According to him, he has successfully realized the "hundred people cut" and plans to challenge the "thousand people cut" after he left.

At that time, Mai Xiaoyu, who was still a second-b young man, used a righteous iron fist to teach this product a vivid lesson. Now think about it... He felt that he was really too stupid at the time and should not be violently beaten. Instead, you should concentrate on communicating and discussing your experience with the other party.

How good the old saying goes, it is learned everywhere.

If he learns the old peasant's routines, he can completely upgrade to an "enhanced" version. Then find a little liar who has the strength of a duck, teach it to the other party, let the other party harm Qingtian, and add another fire to Qingtian who has begun to fight.

The grievances of the wealthy inside the Ning family who had been "still holding the loquat half-hidden" finally broke out following a shooting scene directed and performed by Mai Xiaoyu. Ning Zhiyuan's concept of "children's inheritance" has met with firm opposition from many Ning family elders represented by Ning Zhihe.

Ning Zhiyuan, Ning Shirong and his sons decided that they must settle down first in order to clear up all obstacles to Ning Shirong's succession to Qingtian. For the time being, there was no time to pay attention to him or make trouble for him. Zhang Ruilin also told Shi Hao. After Shi Hao received the call, he immediately called him.

Of course, Mai Xiaoyu wouldn't take the initiative to provoke Qingtian, he just needs to sit and watch Qingtian squabbling, making arrangements easily while waiting for the opportunity.

Now that Wang Bao's matter has also been resolved, at least there will not be the storm in the strange dream in the future, and Mai Xiaoyu is very satisfied.

In the following days, he began to discuss the casting and shooting work with directors Lin Yiping and Wang Yuqi.

It was a gift he gave to the members of the ten places, so the starring and supporting roles in the play and other actors are all selected from the members!

"The name of the play:."

"Production company: Mengren Film and Television."

"Subject: Web drama."

"Chief Director: Mai Xiaoyu."

"Screenwriter: Ah Zheng, Mai Xiaoyu."

"Executive Director: Lin Yiping, Wang Yuqi."

"brief introduction:……"

When the relevant qualifications are published in the ten-place member group all member groups are fried.

The web drama model has been successfully launched. After more than a year of experimentation by many film and television companies, web dramas have been accepted by more and more young people. Therefore, the members basically have no opinion on making online dramas.

However, Mai Xiaoyu personally took charge, not only as the chief director, but also as one of the screenwriters. The filming is about the story of a little crook who formed a group of little crooks to cheat on the streets in order to get revenge...

"Director Mai himself!"

"The screenwriter also has him."


"This is interesting, I like it."

"Although so many years have passed, the star dream has already cooled down, but I still want to try it and feel the difference on the screen."

"I'll go too, if the audition passes, at least I have an account of my dream."

"Remember my lost youth..."

These are the reactions of the old lambs in the member groups, and some old lambs who have been diving for thousands of years have come out and bubbling.

In fact, when they saw this notice, many people smiled knowingly.

"What else are you talking about?"

"Why don't I understand?"

"Should you not care about the characters? You don't choose them all from the members!"

"The liar theme feels so exciting and cool, I want to play the protagonist! Don't fight with me, come back and I will treat you to a big meal."

"Save the province, do you think the company is just one of our city members? It is listed on the official website. The ten places are members, the competition is fierce!"


Such speeches are all young members who have inherited Moeren membership from their parents. They do not understand their parents' previous lamb status.

The interests of these young members are concentrated on the five protagonists, three men, two women.

The audition requirements are very clear. Between the ages of 17 and 22, those with good conditions can relax

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