The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 850: Plagiarizing the door is the master’s self-superior ten thousand rewards plus more

The web drama that only started to emerge after the broadcast of "Love Apartment" is a new form of artistic expression.

Except for Mai Xiaoyu, the other parties are still in the stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones, and even the General Administration lacks corresponding management provisions, making web dramas temporarily "outside the law."

Not only the requirements for all parties are very low, but there are not too many taboos in the subject matter. Of course, too big a scale will definitely not work.

The scale of "Mao Deception" is acceptable to all online broadcast platforms and can be broadcast on the Internet, but it is completely impossible to broadcast it on TV. In other words, domestic film and television dramas cannot have thieves who escape legal sanctions. Xia lied.

In terms of actors, the threshold is also low, and they are not necessarily professional actors... Due to the low pressure and low investment cost of online dramas, most famous actors will not take online dramas.

For example, the cast of "Mao Deception" does not require members to have so much professional and exquisite acting skills, as long as they are able to stand in front of the camera and be able to perform nearly half of the "life like a play" in life.

Since "Mao Deception" is similar to a unit drama, apart from a few young protagonists, other actors do not have too many roles. In addition, there are two thousand cute members, some of the members’ occupations overlap with the roles of the characters in the play, and they can be played in their true colors, which will help them to play in front of the camera.

The information of each character, including the protagonist, can be regarded as a detailed version of the biographies, which has been announced in the Shidi member group.

For members who are interested in auditioning, please contact Mai Xiaoyu and Miao Ruoyi. They are responsible for statistics, and in the future, they will cooperate with the "Mao Deception" crew, together with the staff of the scout department, to coordinate arrangements for registered members to come to Beijing to audition.

This is a meticulous job.

The number of auditions for the crew a day is limited. If thousands of people come to Yanjing to audition at the same time, it will be a disaster for both Mengren and the crew of "Mao Li".

Don’t talk about anything else, just talk about the accommodation fee. How much does a cute person spend?

In the ten-place member group, Mengren advertises that the audition is fair and open. In fact, the favor is still inevitable. Xue Jiajia is an example and the only exception.

Fortunately, Xue Jiajia knows the severity and doesn't speak nonsense. After receiving the female No.1 script and carefully listening to Mai Xiaoyu's analysis of the character, he and Zhou Rui spent a week in Yanjing and returned to Yangcheng.

As for which of the three art academies of China Opera, Yanying and Dongxi Opera to choose, her parents hope that she can be admitted to Yanying and can ask Mai Xiaoyu to take care of her. However, she insisted on choosing the Eastern Opera, the reason is...Hu Xu graduated from the Eastern Opera, and she wants to be an alumnus with Hu Xu.

The crew of "Mao Deception" began preparations, with a production cost of 5 million, Mengren invested 1 million, and Mai Xiaoyu personally invested 4 million.

This year, five million shots of a 20-episode online drama is considered a "big production." Mai Xiaoyu obviously has high hopes for this drama, but there is still no publicity.

Liang Pei, director of the variety show production department, led his staff into the intense preparations for the "Voice of China" project, and is currently completing the project report.

The propaganda department is busy cooperating with the propaganda work of the crew of "Beauty Scheming" and "Inception".

Moe people up and down, all departments and projects are progressing in an orderly and busy manner.

At the end of March, Sun Yaxing's "Gong Lock Heart Jade" held a launch conference at Hengdian Film and Television.

However, in the early morning of the day before the launch conference, Li Hui Studio, also under the Moeren Group, directly pointed out Sun Yaxing's plagiarism on the studio's official Weibo.

The bombardment of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" actually copied the large-scale Qing palace traversing drama "Step by Step" he was preparing, causing the filming of "Step by Step Alarm" to be postponed, which may cause huge losses.

At the end of the article, he reprimanded Sun Yaxing in a righteous manner. If he does not repent, he does not rule out the possibility of resorting to law!

Don't repent!

Go to law!

This is plagiarism. Is it serious?

As soon as the news came out, the launch conference of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" the next day was not even more lively.

Sun Yaxing and Li Hui were both flying on the Mengren boat.

Sun Yaxing’s studio and Li Hui’s studio are both under the banner of Mengren?

Li Hui bombarded Sun Yaxing for plagiarism...cute infighting!

Big news!

The day of the launch conference.

On the stage, Sun Yaxing brought Feng Shaofeng, Yang Mi, Tong Liya and other key creative personnel to show up; off the stage, the media gathered from all quarters, reporters geared up, and set up spears like chicken blood.

The reporter has a lot of questions.

At the start-up press conference, as soon as the regular part of the process was over, many reporters couldn't wait to raise their own questions.

Or ask Sun Yaxing, or Feng Shaofeng, or Yang Mi, or other leading actors, what do you think about Li Hui’s shelling and the suspected plagiarism of "Gong Lock Heart Jade".

"Old" actors such as Feng Shaofeng and Yang Mi have dealt with reporters too many times. They are very clear about the various routines in reporters' questions, and there are a hundred ways to make reporters come home. Other cast members will not be involved in the "infighting" of cute people, so that the reporter will succeed. He will not answer.

As a result, the second female Tong Liya, a newcomer with a lot of drama, became the main target of reporters.

Newcomers are easy to say something wrong. As long as Tong Liya is not clear about a sentence, reporters can use methods such as taking out of context and deliberately distorting them to inject tons of gasoline into this torn and forced fire.

It's a pity that this tearing and coercion was done deliberately by the cute people, so how could they not mention money to prevent it?

No matter how the reporter beats the sidelines, Tong Liya always kept a pure smile and answered all reporters in one sentence: "I am just a newcomer actor who just debuted, and my duty is only to act well in every drama I acted in."

Tong Liya replied, changing her posture without a trace from time to time, reflecting her pure beauty in different poses.

These postures, as well as the way of changing without a trace, were all worked hard for many days with the help of Zhao Chupeng and assistants.

The change of posture is not easy to attract the attention of others, but after the shooting, she can reflect the beauty of her demeanor from different angles.

The agent Zhao Chupeng stood by and watched, and kept giving thumbs up.

Calculating that the time is almost the same, it will be easier for others to see the flaw if it is delayed. Zhao Chupeng walked over and found an excuse to take it away and ended the reporter's interview with Tong Liya.

The reporter felt a little sorry.

In their hearts, the newcomer Tong Liya who is most likely to say something wrong is just "odd", and Sun Yaxing, the director, is the "righteous".

Li Hui's studio bombarded him, and it was "Gong Suo Xin Yu" directed by him.

Faced with reporters, Sun Yaxing, an old driver who had been prepared for a long time, talked freely.

"We have invested a lot of effort and money in the TV series "The Jade Palace Lock Heart". In order to make this drama well, we invited famous actors from the three places to join us. Everyone, with great sincerity, filmed this together. TV series."

"Let me give an example ~ In terms of costumes and props, we only spent more than 200 sets of clear clothes, and we spent more than 3 million yuan. And a Su embroidered costume of'De Fei' was as high as 80,000 yuan. Yuan, it takes two years and six months."

"There are very few love scenes in the play. It mainly tells the story of a dreamy and innocent girl who has traveled from modern times to the Qing Dynasty and entered a palace full of struggles, encountered by lovers and betrayed by friends, and then slowly grows up."

"Director Li Hui is one of the directors I respect. He has directed many classic TV series. I don't know what the content of "Scary Step by Step" he prepared this time. But if you want to say something like it, I think "The Palace Lock" "Heart Jade" is more like the ancient costume version of "Dulala's Promotion"."

"As far as I know, both "Step by Step" and "Gong" were made by Mr. Azheng, as well as "Beauty Scheming", which will be premiered soon. The screenwriter is also Mr. Azheng. Could it be that the screenwriter is the same as Mr. Azheng , Is "Beauty Scheming" also suspected of plagiarism?"

"So, I personally think it's a misunderstanding about the Weibo of Li Hui's director's studio last night..."

How could the reporter let him fool around easily.

When he finished speaking, all kinds of sharp questions were thrown out one after another.

"Director Sun and Director Li’s studio said on Weibo that "Gong" was adapted and created on the basis of "Step by Step", so there are many similarities. For example, all modern women traveled through the last years of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. All the male protagonists who participated in the seizure of prostitutes in Kowloon, and the emotional entanglements were also the fourth elder brother and the eighth elder brother... how do you explain this?"

"You and Director Li are both Mengren's contracted directors. If it weren't for plagiarism, why would Director Li's studio bombard you on Weibo?"

"Excuse me, what do you guys think of this matter internally?"

"If Director Li really sued, how would you respond?"

"Director Sun, does Mr. Azheng sell twice in one play..."

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