The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 851: Who is the favorite!

With the intentional indulgence of cute people and the joint efforts of the media to fear that the world will not be chaotic, the idol drama godfather Li Hui bombarded the famous director Sun Yaxing's "plagiarism" incident, which intensified.

Various versions of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" "plagiarized" and "Step by Step Startling Heart" have also begun to circulate quickly on the Internet.

Version 1: After Ah Zheng finished creating "Scary Step by Step", he was preemptively bought by Li Hui's studio and prepared to shoot. Sun Yaxing was also interested in this script. He took advantage of his relationship with Li Hui, who was a cute person, peeked at the script to find someone to adapt, and then invited a cute artist to star in. Ah Zheng is still a screenwriter, and he pays Ah Zheng's screenwriter remuneration to make the cute person pretend to be deaf. Dumb.

Netizens slapped their faces: Li Hui's position in the director circle is much higher than that of Sun Yaxing, and it is more important to Mengren than Sun Yaxing. It is impossible for Mengren to offend Li Hui for Sun Yaxing.

Version 2: "The Jade Locked in the Palace" is the trial work of Ah Zheng's transformation of the Palace Dou Opera, and "The Heart at Step by Step" is his first official Gong Dou Opera work. According to the position of Sun Yaxing and Li Hui in the industry and the company, the trial work "Gong" was handed over to Sun Yaxing to be directed, and there was nothing wrong with it. Li Hui's bombardment is a cute propaganda strategy for "Step by Step".

Netizens slapped their faces: The upcoming Gong Dou drama "Beauty Scheming" was created by Ah Zheng, so there is no "Gong" is to test the waters.

Version 3: Ah Zheng's character is depraved. He sells two dramas for money. With a little modification, he can make two money. Moreover, he is one of Moeren's biggest reliances, and Moeren is not easy to say anything, so he can only go, and Li Hui bombards Sun Yaxing as a result.

Netizens slapped their faces: Ah is a gold medal screenwriter who straddles the two worlds of film and television. Any film script can be sold at a high price. As for the money, does it ruin your reputation?

Version 4:...

Netizens slapped their faces:...

There are many strange versions of "plagiarism". Each version says that it has a nose and eyes, but it has all been beaten ruthlessly on the face by netizens.

Li Hui's studio didn't buy into Sun Yaxing's explanation, and some media continued to bombard, and public opinion was raging; Sun Yaxing's studio became furious, and also launched a counterattack with some media.

The two sides you come and I will fight each other, tearing and forcing each other to avoid the excitement. A large number of media reports and reprints, the people who eat melons watched with gusto, and many people chose to stand on the sidelines, which intensified the Internet turmoil.

The cast of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" has been determined, and the cast of "Scary Step by Step" currently only finalizes the heroine Liu Shishi, and the heroine of "The Palace" Yang Mi are well-known good girlfriends in the entertainment industry.

Both sides are also involved in this dispute.

The reporter interviewed them about their views on the "plagiarism gate" and whether the "plagiarism gate" would affect the friendship between the two.

Even if the two of them answered very cleverly, it would be useless to avoid these sensitive questions. They picked it up when there was a media. Although Yang Mi and Liu Shishi’s Weibo are mutually related, there has been basically no interaction since this year...

The turmoil is getting bigger and bigger, and the cute person can't sit still anymore.

In addition to Liu Xiaoli publicly stating that there is no "plagiarism" incident and calling on the public to take a calm look at the matter, and that its artists and staff will no longer accept relevant interviews, Mengren's official Weibo also updated Weibo to provide explanations.

""Scary Step by Step" vs "Gong Lock Heart Jade" when orthodox Qing Chuan meets idol crossing."

The article pointed out that in the late Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, the story of Jiulong's seizure of the concubine was widely known, and there were countless TV dramas adapted from it. Azheng created the two-step works "Bubu" and "Gong" continuously around this period because he had been studying the history of that period some time ago.

It is inevitable that the historical structures of the two dramas are similar, and they belong to the same transcendence theme, which will inevitably be misunderstood, but there is absolutely no plagiarism in them. The former takes the orthodox Qingchuan road, while the latter prefers idol crossing. When it is broadcast in the future, the truth will become self-evident.

However, the media and the public do not buy it.

It is clear that "Gong" has been launched and "Bubu" is still in preparation. Why is "Bubu" always placed before "Gong" on Weibo?

Does this mean anything?

Is it to dispel Li Hui's anger?

So as to calm down the chaos inside the cute person?

Why is there no mention of the relationship between Yang Mi and Liu Shishi?


The turmoil continued to expand, and it became the first discordant sound from the inside after the Mengren became bigger, and it was still very serious, and many colleagues liked it.

It's like the Sky Group with upgraded internal fighting.

At first, Ning Zhiyuan and Ning Shirong father and son were worried that Mai Xiaoyu could take advantage of their own internal fighting. However, seeing the fire in the backyard of the Mengren, this level of concern has been reduced a lot, and he has begun to seize time and energy to carry out the "Institution before the outside world" campaign to clear the obstacles for Ning Shirong to take over Qingtian in the future.


It's more than three o'clock in the afternoon, work time.

In the office of Mengren Film and Television Mai Xiaoyu, after talking with Sun Yaxing in Hengdian, Mai Xiaoyu and Li Hui toasted to each other.

The more chaotic public opinion, the more favorable it is for the promotion of the two dramas, and incidentally, the promotion of the upcoming "Beauty Scheming" has been lit. "The Palace", which was filmed in Hengdian Film and Television City, also Received extremely high attention.

The outside world thinks that people are infighting, Li Hui's studio and Sun Yaxing's studio are at odds, but in fact they are all fake. From beginning to end, they are all means of publicity for the two dramas.

There are too many true and false things in the entertainment circle. People who eat melon can only guess and judge the truth of the matter through channels such as TV screens, entertainment news, microblog interactions, and Internet rumors.

Being stupid and confused is the norm.

What the people who eat melons see are deliberately shown to them, and the truth behind it may not be the same as what they see with their eyes.

You think that this group is deeply brotherly, but it may have been at odds with each other; you think that this couple in the circle is more affectionate, but in fact they may have existed in name only and played each other; you think that these two artists have the same siblings, in fact, they may have long been together Fight for fame and fortune in intrigue.

Just like Li Hui and Sun Yaxing.

The outside world generally thinks that the two studios have turned against each other. How many people can think of this is to build momentum for the propaganda of "Gong" and "Step by Step"?

Nowadays, the routines of the era are getting deeper and deeper, let alone the cities, there are also many routines in the countryside. Many things you see with your eyes, hear with your ears, and what you think are true are often different from what you think.

Mai Xiaoyu's move was also a last resort.

First of all, both dramas need to be publicized. This method of publicity works well, and it can also confuse the Ning family and make them feel confident in their bold infighting.

Secondly, the historical background, overall framework, and plot setting of the two dramas do have certain similarities. Even if there is no hype right now, after the broadcast of "Palace", when "Bubu" is broadcast or before the broadcast, there may be audiences who think that "Bubu" is plagiarizing "Palace".

If this is the case, it is likely to have a fatal impact on the late broadcast of "Bubu". It is better to hype "Gong" in advance and copy "Bubu".

"Mr. Mai, how are you thinking about it?" Li Hui held the wine glass, squinted his eyes, and looked at Mai Xiaoyu.

If it weren't for knowing what this guy was asking, Mai Xiaoyu would probably have the urge to beat him violently.

"You haven't given up on it yet?"

"I have repeatedly considered that you are a born actor. Faced with different occasions and different people, you can show a different side, which is called acting. In addition, you have a big heart... Without feeling unfamiliar and nervous, you can give full play to your life acting skills."

"In addition, having you starred can also increase the promotional selling point of the TV series. Otherwise, "Step by Step" will be broadcast half a year later than "Gong", which will be a disadvantage. Besides, you, as the cute boss, will star in yourself. "Step by Step" can make the outside world think that it is the company's compensation to me, and it is also conducive to the current publicity and hype."

Mai Xiaoyu categorically refused: "Don't worry about me, I'm not interested."

"It's okay, I still have time to wait."


Mai Xiaoyu rejected Li Hui's invitation again. The "plagiarism" incident is still fermenting in public opinion. The crew of "The Palace Lock Heart Jade" being filmed at Hengdian Film and Television City can be seen in the entertainment news almost every day.

A Zheng, who tested the water palace drama, has also become one of the focal points of public opinion.

The effect of his first Gongdou drama "Beauty Scheming" will be the basis for testing the level of his Gongdou drama script; it will also verify whether the version involving him among the various versions of the "plagiarism gate" circulating on the Internet is true or not.

The biggest attraction of "Beauty Scheming" is not only Ah Zheng, but also Yang Mi.

Trapped in the "Plaagiarism Gate" "Gong Lock Heart Jade", the heroine Yang Mi plays the female number three in "Beauty Scheming".

This is the first time she starred in a TV series with the theme of "Gong Dou". How she performed in the play will also affect the public's perception of her starring in "Gong".

Of course, Ruby Lin is the biggest highlight of "Beauty Scheming".

Ever since Ruby Lin became popular across the two sides of the strait, came to the mainland to develop, and signed a contract with a mainland film and television company, it can be said that the river is in decline, and there is not even a TV series that can be produced. Because she has been shooting commercials, consuming her popularity and fans, she has hardly filmed TV series.

It was so easy to star in a "Princess of Dali" with Liu Tao, and the broadcast was postponed for various reasons. According to the current news, the broadcast date is far away.

When the contract expired last year, she brought her team to join Moe Ren in the form of a studio. Moe Ren immediately reprimanded her for creating the ancient costume drama "Beauty Scheming". The director was Li Hui.

Now it's finally going to be broadcast. Whether Moeren can continue the myth of who is going to be popular and whether Ruby Lin can use Moeren's platform "Salted Fish Turn Over" has become the focus of attention both inside and outside the industry.

On Ching Ming Festival in 2009, Mai Xiaoyu and his family paid homage to their late mother, Song Ma and Dong Ping.

On April 7, after the Ching Ming holiday, the Han Palace drama "Beauty Scheming", which was highly anticipated by Ruby Lin's fans, was broadcast with four stars and officially appeared on the screen to meet the audience.

The price of nearly 1.4 million yuan for the premiere rights per episode shows that the four TVs have strong optimism and expectations for this drama, and this drama did not live up to the expectations of the four TVs that grabbed the premiere rights. As soon as it was broadcast, it not only won The eye-popping ratings have also aroused public debate.





This 40-episode Han Palace drama cost more than 40 million to produce, and the investment in a single episode exceeds one million.

The play uses Fenghuaxueyue's construction and static control aesthetics, and the abundant funds also enable the crew to invest more budget in clothing, props, modeling, scenes, etc.

In the eyes of industry insiders, its effect has reached the point of almost luxury.

Responsible for post-production wheat leaf special effects, and participated in the post-production training of Hollywood blockbusters "Wonderland and Wonderland" and "Alice in Wonderland".

The visual effects of the palace reflect the historical scenes of the Han Palace more than 2,000 years ago. In addition, the exquisite Hanfu shape, authentic jewelry and the atmospheric background are integrated, making the whole show a very rich classical atmosphere in its gorgeousness. .

The technical departments of photography, lighting, art, and music are all invited by well-known domestic teams, which is absolutely guaranteed.

Xiao Yuer personally composed the theme song "Falling Flowers", which fully interprets the essence of the story that the theme song can convey.

This song was sung by Ruby Lin himself. The melody of the song is catchy, the tune is catchy, and the melodious flute sound in the song is combined with Ruby Lin's soft voice to complement each other.

Just the theme song "Falling Flowers" sung by Ruby Lin has been enthusiastically sought after by the audience. A few days after the TV series was broadcast, there was a voice in public opinion that Ruby Lin was expected to return to the music scene with "Flower Falling".

As for "Beauty's Scheming" itself, there is nothing to say.

Ruby Lin, who hasn't appeared in the TV series for a long time, appeared in front of the audience in an ancient costume. How could it be described by the word "beauty"?

In the words of netizen Erhei, it is simply "beautiful."

And the beauties in the play are not only Ruby Lin, but Yang Mi and Tong Liya under the Mengren’s banner are all beautiful and charming. There are also beauties from other companies, which can be said to be crowded. There are also many handsome male stars, coming from two sides of the strait, and their costumes are stunning and seductive. .

"This large-scale costume drama with huge investment is a palace spy drama in content, a visual gluttonous drama, and an idol drama with a star lineup..."

The report of a certain media has won the support of many viewers.

The audience is not a fool. Whether a TV series producer has worked hard and how much money is actually used for TV series production instead of on the high salary of the star, the audience can judge through their own eyes.

The plots are intertwined, and the personalities and personalities of many characters are extremely charming. The **** life and death scenes, the strategy of recruiting death and resurrection, all attract many audiences to chase the drama every night, and they can't stop.

At the same time, it is sought after on the Internet, and Internet hits hit new highs every day.

Although there are different voices in word-of-mouth, the top ratings, the high number of online clicks, and the surpassing topical popularity are not a problem for investors, producers, and broadcast platforms!

Drama red!


Ruby Lin is back!

Moe people continue to write miracles!

Ruby Lin's performance in "Beauty's Scheming" is called the new pinnacle of acting skills, and one person plays a triangle, and he drives it like a fire and innocent.

This year, she served as a producer for the first time and starred in the costume drama "The Princess of the World", which was sought after by many satellite TVs. Although the crew is still in preparation and has not yet started, many satellite TVs have already revealed their intention to buy the drama.

The stunning killer "Mo Xueyuan" played by Yang Mi is also deeply loved by the audience. Not only was she rated as "the most touching maid" by netizens, "traveling humiliation during the marriage" is heartbreaking; "friendship and love mixed with being forced to commit suicide" makes people cry.

In "Beauty Scheming", Yang Mi played the sacrifice and loyalty of "Mo Xueyuan", which left a deep impression on the audience, and also made the audience feel the TV series "Gong Lock Heart Jade" starring her and being filmed. full of expectation.

The success of "Beauty's Scheming" continues the lovely harvest movement, but outside this movement, there are some discordant sounds.

Ma Rong is doing something...

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