"Rongrong, is Meng Ren really going to block Wang Baoqiang's frustrated goods?"

"Yes, I heard it with my own ears, and he was particularly depressed in those few days, and he always called me to accompany him. You don't know."

"That's right, I've heard it too, but how come I feel something is wrong."

"Don't mention him annoying, I feel sick when I think of him. If it wasn't for him to be a star, I wouldn't bother to care about him... Tell me the truth, do you care about me having **** with him?"

"Where do you want to go, I think he has recently appeared in a higher rate than before..."

Wang Baoqiang's recent appearance rate is higher than before, and that is because the subsequent announcements have greatly increased.

During this time, he was injured in feelings and devoted himself to his busy work.

His agent learned about him and Ma Rong, and received instructions from Mai Xiaoyu on the phone to help him receive a large number of announcements during this period.

You can pick up everything you can or don't pick up before!

Just to keep him busy with notifications every day, so busy, falling asleep when he has the opportunity, and having no time to think about what he has and not, in order to numb his emotional nerves.

The strategy was very successful. With a lot of busy work, Wang Baoqiang gradually forgot about Ma Rong and slowly walked out of the shadow in his heart.

However, Song Jiji, who is determined to enter the entertainment industry, found that Wang Baoqiang appeared frequently during this period, and his appearance rate was higher than before... Is this like a rhythm to be hidden in the snow?

He told Ma Rong of his findings, the two discussed for a day, and finally came up with two guesses.

One guess is that Moeren originally wanted to Xuezang Wang Baoqiang, but the latter suddenly fell into a depression, Moeren boss Mai Xiaoyu couldn't bear it and changed his mind.

This possibility exists and it is reasonable.

The outside world knows that Mai Xiaoyu's famous "short-term protection" is very good to his artists, employees, and members.

Another guess is that Xuezang Wang Baoqiang is a fake, and the real purpose is to test Ma Rong's feelings for Wang Baoqiang!

This possibility is not low.

First of all, Mai Xiaoyu is too accurate in seeing people. All the artists under Moeren are personally selected by him. Even stars such as Haiqing, Lin Zhiling, Liu Yan, Jin Wei, and Meng Yuxing are not signed by Moeren, but they are equivalent to him. Unearthed.

Whether Mai Xiaoyu knew that Ma Rong had paid for Wang Baoqiang's money long ago, Ma Rong and Song Jiji were not sure about this.

Secondly, looking at the ups and downs encountered by Mengren in the past years, Mai Xiaoyu can easily deal with it every time, which is enough to prove the cunning and methods of this person. If the second guess is the truth, both Ma and Song believe that the mastermind is Mai Xiaoyu.

But so what?

What about Mai Xiaoyu?

We are true love!

Therefore, in mid-April, Wang Baoqiang had just finished his trip to Shimen City and hurried to Jinmen City to participate in a variety show on Jinmen TV. He met Ma Rong who had not seen each other in a month.

At that time, he had just come to the hotel room arranged for him by the program group.

The assistant is packing things up and preparing for tomorrow's variety show. Wang Baoqiang, who is seriously overdrawn, is lying in bed and preparing to sleep.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

The personal assistant opened the door and saw Ma Rong outside the door.

The personal assistants of celebrities are often confidants, because they control too many celebrities. It is difficult to become a personal assistant if it is not trusted by the star himself.

Wang Baoqiang's personal assistant is well aware of Wang Baoqiang's love history, and also knows how much damage Ma Rong's unfeeling breakup has caused Wang Baoqiang.

Therefore, he doesn't have a half-hearted feeling for Ma Rong: "Why are you?"

His expression was cold.

The words are cold.

His eyes were cold.

Ma Rong came here specifically after hearing about Wang Baoqiang's itinerary from a friend in the same circle of the two.

Facing the personal assistant's cold expression, cold eyes, and cold words, she made no secret of her "missing" for Wang Baoqiang.

"Brother Baoqiang, I want to see him." Ma Rong said weakly.

"He doesn't want to see you now, please leave, lest everyone is embarrassed."

"Can I see him? I have something to tell him."

"He is tired and already asleep. And I think he has nothing to say to you, please leave."

With words, the personal assistant is about to close.

Ma Rong was irritated.

"You are just a small personal assistant. You have no right to call the shots for Brother Baoqiang, let alone the affairs of Brother Baoqiang and me!"

The noise at the door alarmed Wang Baoqiang, who was about to sleep.

He opened his eyes to beat his spirits, and got off the bed, because he seemed to hear Ma Rong's voice.

"What's the matter, who is outside?"

"Brother Baoqiang, it's me!"

When Wang Baoqiang walked to the door, he saw Ma Rong with joy and excitement.

He hesitated a little, and said to the personal assistant: "You two should go back to the room first."


"I know what I am doing. Also, don't call Mr. Mai, I don't want to bother him."

When the personal assistant and another life assistant left, Wang Baoqiang glanced at Ma Rong, then turned and walked back: "Come in."

Ma Rong closed the door and walked into the room behind Wang Baoqiang.

Wang Baoqiang asked calmly without looking back, "Why are you here for me?"

"I miss you, I can't bear you!" Ma Rong suddenly walked a few steps, hugged Wang Baoqiang from behind, choked up, "I can't forget you during this period of time. When I close my eyes every night, I think of our previous loving days. ..."

I cried, I really cried!

Without eye drops or tear gas sticks, tears would fall so naturally.

Wang Baoqiang broke off her hand, turned around, and couldn't bear Ma Rong's sadness and tears.

But I think of Mai Xiaoyu's beating and reminder, and Ma Rong's attitude to him some time ago, especially the photos and videos of Ma Rong and Song Jiji that Mai Xiaoyu asked someone to take secretly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This unbearable moment disappeared in an instant!

He is a rural baby!

He hasn't read a few years!

He is short!

He is low-value!

But he is not a silly beep at the mercy of others!

"We, have you ever loved it?" Wang Baoqiang took two steps back, laughing at himself.

Ma Rong's performance continued: "Brother Baoqiang, don't you love me anymore?"

"I used to love you very much, now I also have you in my heart..."

"That's fine, you still have me in your heart, and I can't forget you. Let's make up, okay?"

Ma Rong's eyes blushed from crying, and then she threw herself into Wang Baoqiang's arms.

Wang Baoqiang pushed her away: "Let me finish talking."

"You say, I'm listening."

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I love it! We have been together for two years, don't you still know my feelings for you?"

"This question may be clearer to Song Jiji."

Ma Rong was taken aback: "Jiji...Song Jiji? What does it matter to him? He is a friend I know, and you know him too."

"Do you really think I'm a fool?" Wang Baoqiang closed his eyes, tears filled the corners of his eyes, "Go, go immediately, disappear from my eyes, and never show up in front of me in the future."

"Brother Baoqiang..."

Ma Rong's pleading in every possible way was unsuccessful, and finally determined that Wang Baoqiang had already known his love relationship with Song Jiji and changed his face.

"Kick me away? Yes, break-up fee, mental loss fee, and delay my youth, you don't want to send me without ten million!"

Wang Baoqiang opened his eyes suddenly, and the feeling in his heart completely dissipated: "Hehe, what my brother said is correct. Pan Jinlian is not greedy for Wu Dalang's cooking cakes, I am more pitiful than Wu Dalang..."

"Who are you calling Pan Jinlian! I tell you, 12 million break-up fees, otherwise I will ruin you!"

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