The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 853: The importance of seizing the commanding heights of public opinion lays a solid founda

"Western University's most beautiful school flower was miserably played and sentimental by star Wang Baoqiang!"

"Uncover the true face of Wang Baoqiang as a scumbag!"

"Your circle is really messy, the simple girl is abandoned by the scum star boyfriend, I want to find a short sight!"

"The female college student who was miserably killed by Wang Baoqiang!"


A few days later, Ma Rong, who was hopeless and unsuccessful in asking for the breakup fee, began to retaliate against Wang Baoqiang with the help of Song Jiji.

In their view, regardless of whether Ma Rong has feelings for Wang Baoqiang, at least slept with him so many times, then the breakup must pay a high breakup fee.

Because Wang Baoqiang is a star, a public figure, and rich.

If you don't give money, I will ruin you.

The source of the revenge came from the official microblog of a well-known studio that broke the news.

Of course, the content of the revelation will definitely not be written like this. Ma Rong still wants to win the sympathy of the public and put pressure on Wang Baoqiang to ask for a break-up fee!

On the official website, the studio stated that it had obtained evidence that the popular star Wang Baoqiang tried to play with girls and abandoned them. And based on the victim’s dictation, a summary was published, revealing the inside story and revealing the truth.

The general content of the article is as follows:

Two years ago, a girl who graduated from the Broadcasting and Hosting Department of West University became acquainted with Wang Baoqiang during her internship at Yanjing TV Station. Later, Wang Baoqiang launched a fierce pursuit of the girl.

The girl was originally a school bachelor of Western University. She was a very beautiful girl and had good family conditions. During her internship at the TV station, she worked hard and worked hard and praised her by the leaders and colleagues in the TV station.

Originally, she didn't like Wang Baoqiang, who was born in the countryside, but under Wang Baoqiang's unremitting pursuit, she was finally moved by Wang Baoqiang's sincerity and simplicity, and finally accepted Wang Baoqiang's feelings.

The two have been together for nearly two years, and their relationship has been very good. Although there have been quarrels, they are more of affection and have entered the stage of talking about marriage. And the girls have been looking forward to the sweet and loving days of loving each other and raising their children after their marriage.

However, unexpected events occurred. A few months ago, the girl became pregnant. She thought happily that she could put on a wedding dress and become the most beautiful girl in history. She married Wang Baoqiang. Who knew that Wang Baoqiang not only didn't want to marry her, but also broke up.

What's even more exaggerated is that Wang Baoqiang did not admit that the child was his own, and at the same time forced her to get rid of the child.

The girl is unwilling to kill the little life in her belly. She explained in every possible way that Wang Baoqiang did not believe it; she pleaded hard, and Wang Baoqiang's heart was like a rock.

Just when the girl was frustrated and planned to raise this little life by herself, she accidentally learned that the reason for Wang Baoqiang's doing this was to have a new love.

The girl was unwilling to let her feelings be done. She went to Wang Baoqiang for the theory, but was beaten violently by Wang Baoqiang.

In this way, the girl had a miscarriage and the child was gone, but Wang Baoqiang didn't even bother to take a look.

Only then did the girl know that in the past, Wang Baoqiang's so-called simplicity and honesty were pretended, but he was actually a scumbag who liked to play with and play with girls' feelings.

In order to prevent more girls from being injured, she decided to stand up bravely and expose Wang Baoqiang's true face...

The article did not mention the girl's real information, and the name was also used a pseudonym. However, the breaking news studio specifically mentioned at the end of the article that there is still a later article on this matter, and they will continue to follow up. When the time is right, the girl chased forward to testify against Wang Baoqiang in front of the camera.

As soon as this article was published, public opinion was immediately fried.

Wang Baoqiang's most popular image is Li's "Xu Sanduo", followed by Li's "Stupid Roots".

Since his debut, he has always been affixed with labels such as "simple" and "sincere", even in phenomenal variety shows, these labels have always accompanied him.

The audience has already adapted to the label on him, but now he is suddenly labeled as "Scumbag", which forms a huge contrast with the original label, which immediately arouses everyone's attention.

The studio that broke the news is also a well-known studio, which often exposes some celebrity scandals and secret stories, which are well-known and have high credibility.

After they broke Wang Baoqiang's "scandal", many people believed it.

As for the media reporters, they don't care if they are true or not.

As long as the news has enough value and explosive power to attract a large number of public attention, they dare to reprint the report. In the future, if it proves that the report is wrong, it will not have much to do with them, because they are reprinting it.

In just two or three days, Wang Baoqiang became the enemy of the people. All subsequent trips were cancelled, and there was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and he was simply scolded as a dog.

"Fortunately, I used to take you as an inspirational role model. It turns out that you are a scumbag!"

"You don't know who you are when you become a star? It's really shameful to the rural people!"

"Don't even want your own children, and beat women. Why didn't your mother beat you when you were born!"

"From now on, as long as Wang Baoqiang is on the show, I will never watch it!"

"Wang Baoqiang get out, don't hurt Brother Chao!"

"Wang Baoqiang get out!"

"Wang Baoqiang get out of the entertainment circle!"


In the past few days, Wang Baoqiang hasn't gone anywhere, so he stayed at home without leaving the house, and even the cost of food and clothing was bought by the assistant.

Can't go out and can't go out, Ma Rong is too ruthless, this time the matter is too big.

Since the news came out, Mai Xiaoyu would come to see him from time to time, fearing that he would not be able to withstand the blow.

This time came by coincidence, just in time for Song Jiji Yaowu to call Wang Baoqiang.

"Wang Baoqiang, I'll give you one last chance, 15 million, know the consequences."

Hanging up the phone, Wang Baoqiang looked down at Mai Xiaoyu opposite and said, "Brother, they are now asking for 15 million."

"From 10 million, to 12 million, to 15 million The appetite of two tuo **** is getting bigger and bigger, so I'm not afraid to die." Mai Xiaoyu mocked and asked: "Phone Has it been recorded?"

This was specially taught by Mai Xiaoyu to Wang Baoqiang, as a sharp weapon to counterattack in the future.

Wang Baoqiang obediently followed suit, but...

"Brother, it's useless, they used a voice changer."

Mai Xiaoyu took it over and listened to it. It seemed that the other party was not stupid, and he was prevented from being recorded.

The phone returned Wang Baoqiang, and Mai Xiaoyu lit a cigarette: "Have you seen the online comments these days?"

"No, I dare not look."

"Oh, this is called seizing the commanding heights of public opinion. Don't manage to be reasonable and unreasonable. Take advantage of the public's preconceived thinking inertia to make it reasonable. These are all practical routines in life. I will learn later."

"Brother, what should I do?"

"Go home and farm, what else can you do? Anyway, if you have money now, you can buy more piglets and go back to set up a pig farm."

"Brother, I feel uncomfortable in my heart."

"What's so uncomfortable, have you ever heard of it?"

"Have heard."

"Have you heard of it?"


"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you understand, is it that after bad things become particularly bad, can they turn into good things?"

"Oh Yo, it seems you really understand."

Wang Baoqiang was rejoiced by Mai Xiaoyu's "Oh Yo": "Brother, I know I read less, and I always read."

"Then what are you worried about? When I am dead?"

In fact, the agent has long told Wang Baoqiang, let him relax and don't worry, because "there is always the wheat." But the public opinion was too harsh and unpleasant, and Wang Baoqiang couldn't help himself.

Mai Xiaoyu threw a cigarette to Wang Baoqiang: "Those friends in your circle, have you contacted you in the past few days?"

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